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Many formal policies have suggested that officers need a college degree; however, policies forced little change in practices of American police organizations. Six hundred-fifty patrol officers employed in 12 medium-sized police departments in three Midwestern states were surveyed as to their current educational attainment and job performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between educational level and police performance.  相似文献   


This article describes the need for college and university courses teaching proven problem solutions for police patrol officers. It is argued that it is unreasonable and unnecessary to expect patrol officers to routinely develop new problem solutions, and that they should rather be expected to know and use proven solutions. This paper reports findings of a survey of students in a university which offers such a course. The rated importance of specific course subjects and the number of classes needed to cover subjects are also reported. The mean rating, on a 0-to-4 scale, of the value of such a course to students planning to work in patrol was 3.77.  相似文献   


The preliminary results are reported in a national study of police education. All state police agencies, all municipal agencies serving populations greater than 50,000, and all sheriff's departments with more than 100 sworn officers were surveyed to obtain data on the level of higher education in the departments, policies in support of college education, and the effect of higher education on policing. The survey was followed by indepth site visits to San Diego, San Jose, and Sacramento, California; Kansas City, Missouri; New York City; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Largo, Florida. Significant findings showed that the average educational level of police officers has risen steadily over the past two decades; that only a small proportion of police departments formally require college for employment of promotion; that the great majority, however, have educational support policies and an “informal” criterion of college for selection and promotion or officers. The data also show that minorities are being recruited effectively and hired with educational levels competitive with those of whites; that women are being recruited effectively with mean educational levels nearly a year higher than those of males; and that employment of minorities in law enforcement in the study population is proportionately comparable to the proportions of minorities in the general population.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the acquisition of a four‐year college degree impacts police officer attitudes toward abuse of authority. This research also explores whether level of higher education and the timing of degree completion alter this potential attitudinal impact of a bachelor’s degree. Using data from a nationally representative survey sample, the study finds that officers with a pre‐service bachelor’s degree hold attitudes that are less supportive of abuse of authority, although the effect is fairly small in magnitude. These effects remain regardless of when officers receive their degree and across varying levels of higher education (i.e., associate’s degree, attending some college). These findings suggest that higher education has a beneficial impact related to police officer abuse of authority attitudes.  相似文献   

This mixed methods research study aimed to explain and understand user acceptance of an electronic performance support system (EPSS) designed for the Crime Scene Investigation and Identification Units of the Turkish National Police. Quantitative data were collected from 209 police officers through a questionnaire to test relationships hypothesized in the technology acceptance model. At the same time, qualitative data were collected through interviews with 15 police officers to acquire an in‐depth understanding of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the system. This study showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward using were significant determinants of the acceptance of the EPSS. The findings also presented several user personal, system, and organizational characteristics that were considered as influencing factors for usefulness and ease of use of the EPSS.  相似文献   

Despite increasing acceptance of LGBTQ individuals in America, homophobia and homophobic attitudes among police officers are still a concern. Both LGBTQ individuals and LGBTQ officers report harassment and discrimination at the hands of police officers. Empirical evidence suggests that these homophobic attitudes are evident among students preparing for criminal justice careers. A number of studies have found that those who plan on law enforcement careers are significantly more homophobic. The current study sought to explore criminal justice students’ attitudes toward LGBTQ individual and LGBTQ police officers. Pursuant to a survey of criminal justice majors at a large public university, findings suggest that males pursuing a law enforcement track expressed the most homophobia and homophobic attitudes. Further statistical analysis indicated that gender, not the law enforcement track, predicts homophobia and homophobic attitudes.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,作为终端设备的GPS智能手机越来越多地应用于诸如公安、物流、测绘、车队管理等行业.定位精度高,使用方便稳定等优点,使得GPS智能手机成为这些行业进行信息化改造时的首选.GPS手机出警导航系统基于Windows Mobile操作系统,采用了全球卫星定位技术,监控中心通过解读GPS信息定位出巡逻警员当前和出警目标点位置,巡逻警员使用解码函数来解析监控中心发送的出警短信内容,通过GPS手机导航及特设时时通讯和高精度放大/缩小地图功能到达出警目标点.  相似文献   

晚清“巡警军”考析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学界以1901年编练巡警军的上谕为清政府创办警察的起点,实则巡警军并非完全意义上的警察。它源于晚清的兵制变革与治安观念的转换,但清廷对其规制并无明确计划。由于督抚理解不一与地方情形各异,各省编练时,有的军事色彩浓厚,有的将之办成近代意义上的警察。清廷赞同后一方案,从而走上建立近代警察制度之路。  相似文献   


Antagonism towards diversity, an attitude reflecting low egalitarian ethical values, has been a topic within policing that has received increasing attention in the last decade. Using two-wave data and applying self-determination theory, we investigated how autonomy support versus autonomy frustration, ways of being motivated either through encouraging one’s sense of volition, or otherwise, coercing and imposing pressures, can improve diversity attitudes through its relation with ethical values. Study 1 (n= 398 police officers and staff) found that autonomy-supportive communications fostered ethical values, and hence was negatively related to diversity antagonism. Study 2 (n= 859 police officers and staff) indicated that motivation to overcome prejudice mediates the relationship between ethical values and diversity antagonism. Perceptions of workplace culture as lacking in autonomy support acted as a boundary condition for the ethical values and diversity antagonism relationship; no relationship was present when autonomy support was low.  相似文献   

There is no consensus regarding the benefits of a minimum education level of a four-year college degree for law enforcement officers. No state requires this for entry into policing and Minnesota is the only state to require an associate’s degree. This study examines the unique perceptions of a random sample of 627 Minnesota police officers relative to higher education degree requirements and their level of support for increasing the requirement to a four-year degree. Approximately, 30% of officers think the four-year degree should be required and 70% of officers would have still entered the profession if this were the requirement. Multinomial logistic regression analysis reveals factors that shape one or both of these opinions which include age, position in the department, education level, and agency support. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning increasingly demonstrates benefits for student access and success, but evidence is still needed of the impact of these strategies on sustainable development of communities and their infrastructure. This case study examines a university Police and Society course that partners with four police departments to use both experiential learning and service-learning in the form of ride-alongs, simulation trainings, and written and physical examinations, as well as hosting a police–community relations event. Focus groups of students and officers reveal how service-learning and experiential learning build capacity for police–community relations. Orienting students toward officer procedures, requirements, and culture creates a learning opportunity for both students and departments, while police–community relations activities humanize officers and build public understanding and trust.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the perception of higher education among police officers, to determine whether these perceptions vary among county and municipal police officers, and to explore the types of suggestions that officers might have for improving the college curriculum. A survey was administered to police officers from five departments. Data analysis revealed a mixed view of the perceived value of higher education. Officers employed by municipal departments had a more positive general perceived value of higher education compared to officers employed by county sheriff’s offices. This study also found several common suggestions for improvement to the higher education curriculum, including more hands-on experience, instructors with experience as law enforcement officers, and improved writing and interpersonal communication skills.  相似文献   

涉外警务人员,既要熟悉公安业务又要具备一定的外语水平,外事问题处理不慎重,可能引起外交纠纷。掌握外语是涉外警务的基础,如何在民警公安英语培训中提高涉外警务人员对外交往能力,是一个值得我们探讨的问题。警务英语中跨文化交际能力的培养应基于跨文化交际研究的几个方面:词汇研究、语用研究、非语言交际研究、交往习俗研究、价值观念研究和社会心理研究,并以此作为教学方法的依据。  相似文献   


The current study examines the impact of the Ferguson Effect and related public scrutiny on college students’ motivation to become police officers. Using data from 654 students located at two US universities with over 20,000 students, the results indicate that students’ who perceived that officer motivation and dangerousness has been affected by negative media scrutiny had significantly higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that such scrutiny has negatively impacted their trajectory to work in the police profession and had higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that it has made them apprehensive about applying for police positions in comparison to the reference category. The current study highlights how the negative attention directed towards law enforcement is adversely influencing college students’ motivation to enter the police profession. Police departments must make a concerted effort to mitigate such negative scrutiny in order to ensure a strong candidate pool for prospective police officers.  相似文献   

为了提高我国森林公安干警情报信息能力,各地森林公安必须根据实际情况因地制宜地制定科学的培训模式.本研究在对我国森林公安培训客观调查的基础上,科学地总结了适合我国森林公安情报信息能力培训的相关模式.研究得出,现场组织培训模式、电化教育培训模式、远程网络培训模式是适应当前我国森林公安情报信息能力培训的主要模式,通过对比分析为全国各地森林公安情报信息能力培训提供参考.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature concerned with bodily perspectives on professional learning by reporting on a study of Swedish police officers’ sport participation as a form of occupational learning. The study seeks to answer how ideals of work practice and sport participation intersect, how professional learning is channelled through sport participation, and how such bodily practices might have excluding effects on professional participation. Using a practice theory framework, the Schatzkian concept of teleoaffective structure guides the analysis. Sixteen interviews were conducted with police officers who practice police sports. The analysis targeted symbolic manifestations of teleoaffectivity, and the findings indicate five overlapping ideals between sport and police practice. In addition, one police specific ideal was constructed. Based on these findings, we discuss how professionals learn by participation in practices not directly related to the work in question, and how such learning includes and excludes from participation.  相似文献   

This paper describes a fast-growing variety of programs that directly enable adult learners to pursue educational and career plans within their communities. Educational brokering serves an intermediary role between individual clients and the vast array of educational resources in a region. This paper considers the missions of brokering—advisement, assessment, and advocacy—its organizational arrangements, and the sources of its support and development. Specific successes and impacts of brokering are presented, as is the importance of the brokering idea to several larger public policy issues. Efforts currently underway to expand brokering activities on a national level are also discussed.Dr. Heffernan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Higher/Postsecondary Education at Syracuse University and is Coordinator of Research and Editor of theBulletin of the National Center for Educational Brokering. He has been assisted in the preparation of this article by Francis U. Macy and Donn F. Vickers, Director and Associate Director, respectively, of the National Center for Educational Brokering, 405 Oak Street, Syracuse, New York 13203.  相似文献   

战斗状态警察战术心理战在实施巡逻盘查行动中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
警察在战斗状态下执行巡逻盘查行动中实施战术心理战,是警察对已发生武力冲突或可能发生武力冲突并为防止发生武力冲突而实施的巡逻盘查,以达到防范、控制违法犯罪的目的,在不明确、不清楚执法作战对象和目标,或是既定执法作战对象可能扩大发生违法犯罪行为的情况下,指导运用有效的攻心方法和指挥艺术。通过战术心理战的应用,能够积极、主动、及时地依法予以适度控制或予以必要的打击,对提高巡逻、盘查效率和效益具有重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

The impact of an inservice program on practitioners’ gerontological knowledge and attitudes was examined. A nonequivalent control group design was used to conduct the study. The experimental group was made up of geriatric recreational service providers attending the first of two annual one‐week inservice educational programs. An outdoor resource management undergraduate level class served as the control group. The experimental group relative to the control group underwent a significant increase in their gerontological knowledge. Neither group experienced a significant change in their attitudes regarding the social value of the elderly or personal anxiety toward aging. The amount of change experienced in gerontological knowledge by program participants was significantly influenced by the degree of contact the individual had had with elders but not by their educational background. Educational background and degree of contact were not significantly associated with change in gerontological‐related attitudes. Implications for persons involved in designing and developing educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Concerns about youth violence and the radicalisation of pupils have contributed to the deployment of onsite police officers in schools in England. Little is known about the work these officers do. This article firstly outlines the policy background that led to police in schools, and then, with a focus on the schools in London that have onsite officers, data obtained from a Freedom of Information request are combined with school characteristics data to show that officers are more likely to be based in schools with high levels of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. Foucault’s work on surveillance is explored in theorising police presence on school sites. The relevance of Agamben’s State of Exception is examined in relation to the school-to-prison pipeline in the United States. The article highlights the need for more empirical work in schools to research the impact of onsite police.  相似文献   

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