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山西省高校教师工作满意度的调查研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过对山西省七所高校281名教师进行的工作满意度的调查研究表明:女性教师要比男性教师的工作满意度要高,但在工作满意度的各个维度上并无显著差异;不同婚姻状况在上级满意度、工作环境满意度、晋升的满意度上存在差异显著。未婚教师整体上要比已婚教师的工作满意程度高。不同年龄段的高校教师在工作满意度的各个维度上差异均显著,尤以30-39岁、40-49岁年龄段的高校教师工作满意度的得分低;不同学历的高校教师在对上级、对工资的满意度上差异显著;不同职称的高校教师在工作满意度的各个维度上差异均为显著,讲师与副教授工作满意度的得分较低;不同工作时间的高校教师在工作本身满意度、上级满意度以及工作环境满意度的维度上存在显著差异,工作时间为11-20年的高校教师各项工作满意度的指标得分均较低。  相似文献   

高校教师工作满意度调查与分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对高校教师工作满意度进行研究具有重要的现实意义,不但能了解他们对工作的满意程度,分析其心理需求,更能明确学校管理中存在的问题,为改善学校管理提供科学依据。测评结果表明,高校教师对工作的总体满意感处于中度偏上的水平,不同群体教师满意度的差异具有统计学意义,其中行政教师相对高于理论课教师,高学历教师低于低学历教师;在反映工作满意感的各维度上,对人际关系的满意度最高,对高层领导素质及管理方式的满意度最低。  相似文献   

高校教师工作满意度的现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以高校教师为对象,通过问卷法随机抽取了南京五所不同类型高校,对其教师工作满意度进行了调查。结果表明:高校教师对人际关系、环境条件方面相对满意,而对工作报酬、政策措施等相关方面不太满意。通过调查归纳出我国高校教师工作满意度的特点和变化趋势,提出了提高高校教师满意度的对策,以供高校行政管理进行决策和管理参考。  相似文献   

工作满意度是影响工作效率与积极性的重要因素之一,文章通过问卷调查和访谈等方法,随机抽取苏州市300名高校教师,对其工作满意度进行了调查,从中获取高校教师工作满意度的现状以及主要影响因素等信息,进而研究不同条件的教师对工作以及各个因子的满意程度。结果表明:高校教师的工作满意度明显偏低,特别是对薪酬的满意度。在此基础上对形成的原因进行了讨论,并就如何提高高校教师工作满意度提出合理建议,以期提高高校教师的工作效率与积极性。  相似文献   

工作满意度是影响工作效率与积极性的重要因素之一,文章通过问卷调查和访谈等方法,随机抽取苏州市300名高校教师,对其工作满意度进行了调查,从中获取高校教师工作满意度的现状以及主要影响因素等信息,进而研究不同条件的教师对工作以及各个因子的满意程度。结果表明:高校教师的工作满意度明显偏低,特别是对薪酬的满意度。在此基础上对形成的原因进行了讨论,并就如何提高高校教师工作满意度提出合理建议,以期提高高校教师的工作效率与积极性。  相似文献   

采用自编调查问卷对湖南省高校172名教师和辅导员工作满意度进行研究。结果发现:高校教师和辅导员工作满意度在上级、工作环境、晋升三方面差异显著。同教师相比,男性辅导员在上级、工作环境、晋升方面满意度较低,女性辅导员在工作环境和晋升方面满意度较高;初级职称的辅导员在上级、工作环境、晋升上的满意度较低,而中高级职称的辅导员在上级与报酬方面的满意度较高。  相似文献   

高校教师工作满意度的调查与分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
使用一个自行编制的“教师工作满意度问卷”,对湖南省四所高校的200名教师进行测量。调查结果显示:高校教师在人际关系、领导与管理方面满意度较高,而在薪资待遇、工作性质、进修提升和工作环境簪件方面满意度较低;性另4因素对教师工作满意度中的蕲资待遇、进修提升和领导管理维度有显著影响,但年龄、教龄、婚姻状况、学历等因素对工作满意度的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

研究探讨了目前普通高校教师对不同价值观的认同情况以及这些价值观如何影响着其工作满意度。通过调研发现:(1)不同性别、年龄的高校教师的价值观存在着差异;(2)高校教师的终极性核心价值观包括自我取向价值观、成就取向价值观和社会取向价值观,高校教师的认可程度依次降低;(3)高校教师的工具性核心价值观包括开放性、尽责性、进取性和传统性四类价值观,高校教师的认可程度依次降低;(4)核心价值观影响着高校教师的工作满意度。认同自我取向价值观和开放性价值观的教师表现出较低的工作满意度,而认同成就取向价值观和传统性价值观的教师则表现出较高的工作满意度。  相似文献   

对全国范围职业院校1238名任课或兼课教师进行调查,比较职业院校不同教师群体的工作满意度状况.结果发现,职业院校教师工作满意度在婚姻、学历、教龄、学校层次、学校性质和学校区域方面存在显著差异;工作方面的满意度在兼任行政职务、学校性质方面存在显著差异,主管、同事、升迁和薪资方面的满意度除了人口学变量外,主管满意度还在学校层次方面存在显著差异,同事满意度还在学校性质、层次方面存在显著差异;升迁满意度还在学校性质、区域方面存在显著差异,薪资满意度还在学校性质、区域方面存在显著差异.  相似文献   

本文运用大学教师工作满意度量表对武汉、郑州两市228名大学教师进行了测量,结果表明:(1)男教师工作本身的满意度明显高于女教师。(2)不同年龄段教师在工作关系的满意方面存在显著差异。(3)工作的总体满意度随着职称的晋升而提高。(4)不同婚姻状况大学教师工作满意度差异显著。(5)理工科教师对工作关系、工作本身的满意度显著高于文科教师。(6)硕士以上学历的教师在工作总体满意度方面显著高于本科及以下学历教师。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的形式考察了北京市朝阳区596名中小学教师的工作感受和情绪体验状况。研究结果显示:朝阳区中小学教师最常见的工作感受为工作繁重和觉得很累,最不常见的工作感受为工作轻松;最常见的情绪体验为愉快的、有满足感的,最不常见的情绪体验为恐惧的、没兴趣的。班主任相对于非班主任来说,更多的人感到工作是繁重和厌烦的。在性别上,更多的男教师感受到工作繁重,同时有更多的意义和兴趣。在学段上,更多的小学教师感到工作繁重、很累;更多的初中教师在工作中体验到兴趣,同时更多的初中教师体验到厌烦。41岁以上的教师,更多的人觉得工作繁重,感觉很累;31~40岁的教师,更多的人体验到厌烦、失落。  相似文献   

During the last decades numerous studies have been conducted with the aim of finding predictors of an effective school measured in terms of the average level of the students' academic achievement. Few of these studies have examined how the students' perception of their work environment at school influences their academic achievement. The present article applies theory and findings from research on the adult work environment to the daily school life of children and adolescents. The analyses are based on self-reported data from the "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey" (the HBSC study), using data from countries in both Eastern and Western Europe. Data from 11, 13 and 15 year old students in Finland, Latvia, Norway and Slovakia are used. The findings suggest that the most important psychosocial school setting predictors of students' perception of their academic achievement are that they feel satisfied with school, that they feel the teachers do not expect too much of them, and that they have a good relationship with their fellow students. The findings imply that interventions which enhance the students' satisfaction with school are likely to improve their achievement as well.  相似文献   

小学教师工作满意度的调查研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
小学教师工作满意度调查结果显示:(1)小学教师的结构基本趋于合理,对工作基本满意,满意度与教师的年龄、教龄存在着显著差异。(2)刚参加工作的教师在工作报酬满意方面显著高于教龄长的教师。(3)年龄与工作满意的关系是一种“U”形关系,与Herzber(1959)的研究结果相似。  相似文献   

立足于教师文化,从生态取向的角度研究教师成长,采用访谈法和问卷法,随机选取387名中学教师,考察教师文化对教师成长的影响。结果表明:(1)新手型教师能感受到学校领导的关心和支持;对学校的经济条件较满意;有良好的新老教师互动。(2)熟手型教师需要领导对其专业发展给予更多的支持和帮助;考虑到学校经济条件对其成长的支持不足;有了自己比较稳定的人际圈子,同事之间的互动不够。(3)专家型教师得到领导的高度关注和大力支持;对学校的物质支持感到满意;学校的人际关系融洽,与同事实现了积极的互动。(4)总体上看,熟手型教师的教师文化水平低于新手和专家型教师。  相似文献   

通过对300名公、私立幼儿教师工作满意度调查分析,公、私立幼儿教师普遍认为工作繁重;工作环境满意度较为一般、对工作考评满意度较高、工作认同感和工作积极性不高、参与幼儿园管理意愿较高、对幼儿园提供进修机会较少不满、集体荣誉感普遍较高,但对领导干涉工作不满;主要的差异有:公立幼儿教师在福利待遇、人际环境、工作稳定和工作成就感等满意度方面比私立幼儿教师高;私立幼儿教师在工作环境、教师晋升、参与幼儿园管理等满意度方面比公立幼儿教师高。针对这种差异,要有效进行幼儿园管理,应采取以下应对措施:坚持以人为本的激励策略、重视幼儿教师专业发展、提高私立幼儿教师待遇、改革公立幼儿教师晋升制度、改善工作环境等。  相似文献   

Today’s American educational context is characterised by increasing standardisation coupled with heightened accountability. While some view standardisation as a lever for equity, many view it as problematic for the work of teachers. Efforts to improve student achievement by focusing on the activities of teachers have resulted in an over-riding sense that teachers have lost control over their work and that teachers’ professional identities are being worn away by the changes asked of them. Research has demonstrated the ways in which understandings of teachers’ professionalism have changed over time. Here, I argue that not only have views of professionalism changed over time, but that different teachers or here different groups of teachers, experience and understand professionalism differently. In this article, I first look at teachers’ professionalism across two decades using data from a large national database and then focus on how different generations of teachers experience professionalism in a context of standardisation in multiple ways based on qualitative interviews. The findings show that unlike veteran teachers from the Boomer generation (born 1943–1960) who started their careers as idealists but have become increasingly bitter about changes being asked of them, many Generation X (born 1961–1981) teachers are able to accommodate the changes asked of them in a more neutral fashion. While these teachers do not particularly like all aspects of standardisation, they feel that it is just part of the work they do, not who they are. This flexibility is not a function of diminished professionalism but rather a generational difference, as teachers from Generation X tend to be more flexible, less rule-bound than those from the Boomer generation whose mission is who they are. The data presented demonstrate the need to understand professionalism in a new light. Some teachers feel more control in this era of standardisation, and some feel less. Rather than viewing professionalism as a singular phenomenon that everyone experiences in the same way, it is increasingly important to view it as a complex phenomenon that can be experienced in unique ways at the same time by disparate groups of teachers. In this sense, professionalism can morph from more than ‘old’ or ‘new’ to complex, or what I term in this article parallel professionalism.  相似文献   

对甘肃省农村2212名中小学教师调查发现,教师的专业性具有以下特征:教师热心投入教育,但经济社会地位不够理想,职业忠诚度不高 教育理念发生重要转型,体现教育面向未来的精神 学生被动与主动教学方式并存,主动方式更受教师认同 教师具有很大自主权,但仍受到较大规限 教师合作环境较好,但需要提高合作的实效性。总体而言,教师的专业性正从传统向现代转变。  相似文献   

对河南省南阳市67名农村初中体育教师进行问卷和访谈调查,发现其工作满意度和幸福感状况为:得分总体不高;女体育教师得分显著或非常显著低于男体育教师;二者随着年龄增加而提高,但不同年龄段之间差异显著或极其显著;中学二级教师的分值最低;本科学历教师得分极其显著或显著低于大专及以下教师.由此建议同工同酬与倾斜性支持并用,着重提升女体育教师的工作满意度和幸福感;全面关照与特别关注相结合,提升不同年龄段教师的工作满意度和幸福感;专业发展和心理引导相结合,提升初级职称和高学历教师工作满意度和幸福感;营造和谐校园文化,为体育教师工作满意度和幸福感提升搭建平台.  相似文献   

The study examines how parents experience the interaction with teachers and school; do they feel welcome, do they feel that they can influence what goes on in school? And, are there any differences in parents’ experiences in relation to independent variables such as gender and educational background? The empirical analyses are based on a mixed methods approach that includes survey data and qualitative interviews among lower secondary school parents in Norway. The results show that even though parents feel welcome in school and in many ways are satisfied with the home–school cooperation, there are aspects of this relationship that are problematic. The relationship is often experienced as distant and parents feel excluded from the central discussions within the school setting.  相似文献   

This paper explores New Zealand teacher views of multi-level language classes, an increasingly common practice where learners at different curriculum and year levels are combined into a single class due to declining learner numbers. Findings from exploratory qualitative surveys and interviews show that the majority of teachers do not feel supported within their school and have not received professional development for this significant change to their practice which they feel devalues language learning. Teachers feel that multi-level classes are hard work, increase their workload, and negatively impact on their well-being, student learning and assessment grades.  相似文献   

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