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生物技术在花卉产业中应用非常广泛,文章在以下几个方面进行了论述:1,分子标记在花卉产业中的初步应用,其中DNA分子标记的发展是生物技术最显著的变化之一;2,组织培养技术促进了花卉的快速繁殖和生产脱毒苗及其在花卉产业中的应用;3,转基因技术在花卉产业中应用途径;4,生物育种技术及其在花卉产业中的应用,主要介绍了抗性基因工程育种和花卉花色基因工程育种。  相似文献   

中国花卉拍卖制度建立的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了我国花卉流通的现状 ,并根据国外花卉流通的经验探索出花卉拍卖的一般条件。针对这些条件 ,根据我国花卉产业的发展现状进行分析我国花卉拍卖的存在的条件 ,得出结论 :在我国建立花卉拍卖制度完全使可行的 ,关键是选择与花卉产业现状相适应的拍卖形式  相似文献   

有些花卉具有保健作用和药用价值,因此,适当选择种植一些小型花卉有利于老年人养生  相似文献   

有些花卉具有保健作用和药用价值,因此,适当选择种植一些小型花卉有利于老年人养生  相似文献   

测定不同室内环境的光照强度,观察光照的动态变化,为室内花卉的应用提供理论依据。结果表明:居室内光照强度范围为3054-16123 Lx,较适合阴性花卉的应用;实验室内光照强度范围为3944-17420 Lx,较适合阴性花卉和半阴花卉的应用。  相似文献   

陈明 《高教研究》2004,20(1):50-51
花卉学是园林、花卉、园艺专业的专业骨干课。其主要内容包括:花卉资源及其分布;花卉的分类;花卉的生长与发育;花卉与环境因子;花卉栽培的设备;花卉的繁殖;花卉的栽培管理;花卉的应用;花卉的病虫害防治及各论。该门课程应用性极强,教学内容特别是实验  相似文献   

在城市绿化中,通过各种手段和方法,合理利用各种草本花卉,可以创造优美宜人的城市景观,能够美化城市,建设有特色的现代文明都市.通过对黄山市市区栽培的草本花卉种类的调查,确定了黄山地区园林绿化应用的主要草本类花卉种类,对目前草本花卉进行了分析,并对草本花卉在黄山市区园林景观建造中的主要应用形式进行了研究,同时分析了形成此现象的原因,提出对策,为城市建设草本花卉的合理利用提供依据.  相似文献   

报道了海南地区花坛花卉新优物种(含品种)的引种,筛选的技术线路,按照花坛花卉新优种类的选择原则,标准、筛选出8科13种46品种的花坛花卉新优品种,并对优选出重点推广的13个种的花卉进行介绍。  相似文献   

论花卉在旅游中的审美特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
花卉的旅游审美意识产生于游人对花卉的兴趣 ,是游人从形式快感、移情作用和花卉应用三个方面进行体验感受的 ;花卉在旅游中的审美特征 ,包括其自身的形态之美、意境之美、精神之美和生态之美  相似文献   

宿根花卉作为个体栽培在我国已有悠久的历史。但是宿根花卉的大规模群体应用在我国是近几年的事情。根据其生长特性与艺术的要求,全国不少地方兴建了宿根花卉专类园,如芍药园、水生植物园艺、鸢尾园、室内花园等。宿根花卉在与建筑、道路的搭配方面,其应用方式有花坛、  相似文献   

蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》塑造了众多花妖狐魅的形象,其中最为人们熟悉和喜爱的当属婴宁。婴宁爱花成癣癖,敢说敢笑,天真烂漫,亦憨亦黠,具有真性情。非人的花妖狐魅可以不受人间伦理道德的约束从而摆脱了妇道闺范的约束,也写出了道德理性之外的男女爱情,这是对封建理性压迫下的女性形象的颠覆,具十分重要的社会意义。  相似文献   

通过网上问卷调查和数据采集,建立了家庭式较小数量的鲜花在线租赁的数学模型.该模型对于企事业单位大数量租赁同样适用,进而指导网站实际经营.  相似文献   

张媛 《海外英语》2012,(16):203-205
Images of flowers frequently appear in Emily Dickinson’s poems. Through employing these charming images Dickinson re vealed her unique view on a lady’s virtues. She praised the precious virtues of being modest, brave, firm, selfless, and responsible.  相似文献   

The spatial memory abilities of free-ranging rufous hummingbirds were tested in an “open-field” analogue of a radial maze. Eight artificial “flowers” filled with sucrose solution and arranged in a circle were placed within each bird’s feeding territory. The birds were given two types of trial: in “free” trials, birds could choose which four of eight flowers to feed from before leaving the array; in “forced” trials, the experimenter presented birds with four flowers. Memory performance was assessed by observing the ability of the birds to avoid the emptied flowers on the return visit. On both types of trials, hummingbirds were able to avoid visiting the previously emptied flowers for retention intervals ranging from a few minutes to over an hour. Demonstration of good memory performance in free-ranging, nondeprived animals has both ethical and logistical implications for future studies on animal memory. In addition, such studies offer an ideal opportunity to test what and how well animals remember in their natural environment.  相似文献   

古代文献阅读最大的障碍是词义问题,"落英"是指落下的花儿还是初开的花儿,是文学史上的一个公案,训诂学以古汉语词汇为研究对象,以语义为研究核心,通过运用训诂学原理分析"落"的义项,可以推断"落英"是指落下的花儿,这个例子说明训诂学有助于培养古典文学研究者的字词考释能力,解决古代文献中历来歧义纷争的语言问题,提高研究者的文献阅读水平,应重视训诂学在古典文学人才培养中的作用。  相似文献   

"宝玉乞花"的情节似从唐宋诗词以及作者的祖父曹寅《楝亭集》诗词中化出,脂批"此书之妙皆从诗词句中泛出"的评语当不是过誉之词。曹寅的《楝亭集》对曹雪芹的《红楼梦》创作产生了重要的影响,祖孙二人都有爱梅情结,喜爱梅花是他们共同的情趣爱好。  相似文献   

This article focuses on assessment actions in floristry education, addressing how interaction with flowers influences and mediates vocational knowing. Using video recordings from floristry education for adults, the article explores the interaction between teacher and student when assessing on-going work and performance as a way to frame the teacher’s seeing in situ. Influenced by conversation analysis and moment-by-moment methods ─ including talk, gestures, and flowers as resources ─ the findings contribute to a holistic perspective on vocational floristry knowing. Different features of vocational floristry knowing are detected as part of the content in assessment actions: (i) aesthetic standards reflected in suggestions made by the teacher and student, (ii) financial awareness as a way of seeing flowers, and (iii) the use of context and change of perspective to take the customer into account. The findings demonstrate situated floristry knowing in action, which is displayed when the teacher enables the student to visualise and understand professional vision of flowers, traditions, and standards.  相似文献   

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