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立足于实践,对边远山区组织、创缟、训练团体操活动作了较为系统的理论阐述,以期满足山区开展团体操活动的需要,同时,也是对高师体育教育专业相关内容的一个补充。  相似文献   

针对中学生课余时间少、团体操排练费时、费力的情况,作者对中学运动会开幕式团体操的创编、训练和表演进行总结,找出一些适合在中学开展团体操活动的方法,旨在为在中学开展团体操活动提供有益参考。  相似文献   

团体操是一项适合大众参与的团体娱乐项目,近年来发展迅速.我国校园内的小型团体操多见于运动会、校庆活动等表演.目前有很多学校在团体操创编中遇到了很多问题,一定程度上影响了团体操编排的发展.本文运用文献资料法对我国校园团体操的编排现状进行分析,了解校园团体操在编排中存在的问题并提出合理性建议,为团体操编排提供理论支持,促进团体操编排水平的提高.  相似文献   

校园团体操表演在各项活动中的地位越来越明显,是学校体育的重要组成部分,对学校素质教育的提高具有重要的意义.用亮点来成就团体操的价值.不断创新,不断总结,创编出更多、更加优美的团体操.  相似文献   

车艳艳 《考试周刊》2014,(21):111-112
<正>团体操是一项体育与艺术高度结合的综合性集体表演项目。它以体操为主体,包括各种各样的体育、文艺形式。动作造型、队形图案和艺术装饰是其最基本的构成要素。随着素质教育的不断推进,中小学校园的体育竞赛活动越来越受到重视,而团体操表演成为各种体育竞赛活动开幕式或闭幕式中不可或缺的亮点。与此同时,团体操的由于受自身特点和条件的限制,大部分中小学学校并不适合传统的大型团体操排演,因此,中小学学校团体操亟待新的元素的加入,而健美操的融入符合这一趋势。一、校园团体操的现状特点  相似文献   

晋城职业技术学院10年校庆"风华十年"团体操,从筹划初期到最后的表演实践,参编人员经历了多次反复修改,在此期间提出团体操的表演创意,编训经验,同时对创编训练方法和创编的一般规律做了深入探讨,为团体操表演活动提供正确的思路和建设性意见。  相似文献   

团体操是体操运动的一部分,是学校大中型运动会开(闭)幕式及节庆活动表演不可缺少的重要组成部分。近年来,团体操在内容、形式上都有较大的改进和提高,在校大学生作为学校团体操最主要的参与者,如何提高他(她)们在表演过程中的艺术表现力成为很多教师面临的课题。本文从团体操训练中的基本姿态、形体、舞蹈步伐、音乐素养、节奏与力度等因素进行探讨,提出了几点提高艺术表现力的有效训练途径,旨在提高大学生团体操的艺术表现力。  相似文献   

团体操是一项群众性的体育表演活动,它融体育、音乐、美术等艺术形式于一体,通过变换多样的队列队形、矫健柔美的体操动作造型,以及音乐、节奏、旋律和色彩、结构等塑造艺术形象,反映深刻的主题思想,为节日和庆祝活动增加喜庆色彩,使人们在欢乐的气氛中受到生动的教育和得到美的享受。下面介绍我们学校是如何开展团体操的排练与表演的。一、团体操表演方案的设计团体操表演方案的设计与表演效果关系极大,必须精心构思。表演方案要有鲜明的主题思想和时代精神,富有完美的艺术性和民族风格,并能体现  相似文献   

本文通过对团体操队形设计的现状进行研究和分析,从数学角度出发,运用数学方法对团体操队形进行设计,解决了以往团体操队形设计繁琐、复杂的问题,为准确设计团体操队形提供了科学有效的方法.  相似文献   

团体操是开展群体活动的一个重要项目,它以气势、色彩、整齐、变幻等特点引人注目。开幕式上有团体操表演,会给整个运动会增添光彩。我们八十六中对学生的体育工作比较重视,又有大操场,运动会年年搞,有时一年还召开两次。但是,以前在运动会上,只搞队列表演、广播操比赛,从未组织过团体操,因为觉得它难度大,怕搞不好。在一九八二年校运动会前,在学校领导的倡议下,  相似文献   

实施双语教学是教育部为适应时代发展需要培养高素质人才提出的要求,是培养高校学生积极参与国际竞争、交流和合作的有效手段.从目前我国双语教学的实施情况看,大多数院校都处于起步阶段,教学水平也参差不齐.本文从多角度综合考虑,在阐述双语教学的含义和现实意义的基础上,从我院实施双语教学的实际效果出发,对高校实施双语教学的现状进行分析,提出了在目前条件下实施双语教学所面临的问题以及逐步解决上述问题的参考性建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of poverty ideology in determining whether a teacher comes to teach at a poor school (presence) and whether s/he remains at this type of school over time (persistence). A sample of 400 teachers in San Diego California was administered a questionnaire that evaluated respondents’ attitudes toward poverty. Teachers who believed poverty was rooted in social structure were more apt to be present in and to persist at poor schools. It is argued that this presence and persistence in poor schools was because these teachers had developed a “structurally mitigated sense of occupational competence”. This sense of competence made these teachers more likely to understand the problems they encountered in the classroom in structural terms, and thus they were more likely to be both satisfied with and persist at their jobs.  相似文献   

4-month-old infants were specifically selected for patterns of affective and motoric reactivity that were hypothesized to be associated with later inhibited and uninhibited behavior. Infants were classified as high on motor activity and negative affect, high on motor activity and positive affect, or low on motor activity and affect. Brain electrical activity was assessed in these infants at 9 months of age, and behavior toward novelty was observed at 14 months of age. Infants who were high on motor activity and negative affect exhibited greater right frontal EEG activation at 9 months of age and inhibited behavior at 14 months of age. Infants classified as high motor/high positive at 4 months of age exhibited uninhibited behavior at 14 months of age. No relations were found between frontal asymmetry at 9 months of age and inhibited behavior at 14 months of age. However, greater activation in both the left and right frontal hemispheres was associated with higher inhibition scores at 14 months of age. These findings are discussed in terms of the role that affective and physiological reactivity may play in the development of social behavior during toddlerhood.  相似文献   

Girls have recently caught up with boys in the sciences in terms of achievements at GCSE, and continue to out-perform boys at languages at this level. However, there remains a sharp divergence in subject choice according to gender at A level and beyond. This paper seeks to discover whether or not there has been a shift in secondary school students' constructions of gender, school subjects, and subject ability. It examines the responses of secondary school students concerning their favourite, and least favourite, subjects according to gender. It also explores their statements concerning gender and ability at school subjects, analysing the various gender narratives reflected in these. It is argued that there has sometimes been a blurring of the gender dichotomy in terms of students' favourite subjects, although their least favourite subjects were more traditionally gendered. Moreover, the majority of students claimed that the sexes have the same ability at all subjects; and of those who argued there are gender differences in ability, the majority argued that girls have greater ability at various subjects.  相似文献   

陈英士与李平书的结交,为上海商团和资产阶级代表人物转向反清革命提供了前提,对辛亥沪宁光复举足轻重。李平书就任沪军都督府民政总长等要职,与沪督陈英士协力合作,交谊深厚。他们为稳定和建设新政权,进而为攻克南京做出了杰出的贡献。关于陈英士推举李平书等上海资产阶级代表人物参政是陈的"严重妥协"等说法难以成立。上海资产阶级在辛亥沪宁之役中起到了"非常革命的作用",用简单的"阶级分析"法评述陈、李关系和资产阶级,是一种机械的、唯心的思维模式。  相似文献   

Stress Reactivity and Self-Recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined longitudinally whether early differences in reactivity to stress are related to self-recognition at 18 months of age. Adrenocortical and behavioral to Stress responses to routine inoculation at 2, and 4 months and at 6 and 18 months were obtained. Previous finding indicated a development shift in adrenocortical functioning by 6 months of age that included the emergence of stable individual differences in cortisol response from this point in development. Self-recognition was related to greater cortisol response and less rapid quieting at 6 to 18 months, whereas 2- to 4-month cortisol and quieting response did not differentiate self-recognizers and non-self-recognizators. These findings indicate a role for temperament differences in facilitating the emergence of self-recognition.  相似文献   

Children's conflict management in three close relationships was studied longitudinally in 38 second born children, observed at home with their mothers and siblings at 33 months and at 47 months, and with friends at 47 months. Children used significantly more other-oriented argument with friends than with their mothers or siblings. Their use of reasoned argument with their siblings, but not their mothers, was related to their emotional understanding assessed formally at 40 months. The emotional context of conflict interactions was found to be important as an influence on children's use of reasoned argument, with less reasoning shown by children when they were upset at 33 months. The differences in patterns over time and in links with emotional understanding for these different relationships is discussed, and the significance of child-child interaction in the development of social understanding is highlighted.  相似文献   

目的为了探究大学生思想政治素质的特点,以期能进一步引起政府和社会的高度关注和采取更有效改变其现状的对策。方法使用问卷测量法,调查了1200名在校大学生。结果 (1)大学生的思想政治素质总体上说是积极的、健康的、向上的。(2)大学生的思想素质存在学校类型上的差异。理想维度上表现在道德理想因子;道德维度上表现在社会公德因子;在政治观维度上表现在政治认知和政治立场两个因子;在人生观维度上表现在人生态度因子。(3)大学生的思想政治素质存在性别上的差异。理想维度上表现在生活理想因子;道德维度上表现在社会公德和家庭美德两个因子;政治观维度上表现在政治情感因子。(4)大学生的思想政治素质不存在年级和专业科类的差异。  相似文献   

Applying two-level structural equation modelling techniques, the current study examined the dimensionality of socio-economic status (SES) and its relationship with mathematics and science performance at student and school levels. Data were drawn from population 2 (13-year-olds) of 17 countries in the Third International Mathematics and Science study (TIMSS). A set of items about the ownership of household materials was used to measure the dimensions of SES. For most of the countries, a general economic dimension and a cultural dimension were identified at the student level. The cultural dimension had the greatest impact on students' mathematics and science achievement. At the school level, however, only a general economic dimension was found in most countries. This dimension was interpreted to represent community wealth. It was found to be highly related to school mean maths-science achievement, except for the countries where an additional cultural dimension is identified. This cultural dimension can be interpreted as the community cultural resources and atmosphere, and is strongly related to average school mathematics and science achievement. The current study confirmed that the ownership of a set of household materials can be used as SES indicators in exploring its multifaceted feature at both individual and school levels. A similar model structure is found in different countries by applying these indicators, despite the fact that the content of the set of household possessions is different. The findings show that the latent structure of SES at individual level is different from that at the school level, and that SES dimensions have different effects on mathematics and science achievement at individual and school levels.  相似文献   

情绪智力是个体在工作和生活中表现出来的对自我以及他人情绪的感知、控制和调节的综合能力。情绪智力理论主要分为能力情绪智力流派和混合情绪智力流派,其立足点分别在于情绪智力理论的学术性和实用性。情绪智力的培训研究包括对培训的理论核心的探究以及培训项目的制定。  相似文献   

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