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从十七世纪中期直至二十世纪初,大量欧洲犹太人移民至美国。恪守传统的犹太人怀着美好的幢憬来到美国后,经历了很多他们始料未及的文化上,信仰上以及价值观的冲突。一些敏感的犹太作家开始用小说、诗歌等形式来表达犹太人期望在美国找到精神家园的梦想,刻画犹太人移民至美国后面对传统与现代的冲突时内心的矛盾和挣扎,表现犹太移民在美国化道路上举步维艰的两难境地,早期美国犹太文学也就应运而生了。本文阐述了早期美国犹太文学的产生及其代表作家,早期美国犹太作家关注的主题以及他们的共性和个性。  相似文献   

美国的犹太文学在其发展过程中 ,由于社会的原因经历了几次转折和变化 ,但犹太民族牢固的文化传统和强大的精神力量赋予了犹太文学独特的魅力。  相似文献   

审视主要历史文献中的犹太女性形象,我们发现即使在以男性为中心的父权制古代犹太社会,女性也并非只是逆来顺受或在宗教和政治等领域毫无作为和影响.相反,从圣经时代开始,就出现了具有独立和叛逆精神的犹太女性.随着女权运动的发展,一代又一代的美国犹太女作家们也在经历着同样的挣扎与叛逃.  相似文献   

美国犹太作家菲利普·罗斯因其在作品中塑造诸多的反叛人物而在评论界引起广泛争议,长久以来,人们对这位多产的作家褒贬不一:支持者视其为全美最杰出的文学巨擘;反对者指责他是反犹主义的帮凶。本文通过介绍罗斯的成长经历,为读者解析罗斯创造反叛人物的真正目的;同时,结合美国犹太人的生存状况,探究罗斯对传统犹太性逆向书写的原因。  相似文献   

美国犹太文学发展到现在,犹太裔作家已在美国文坛占据了越来越重要的地位。尤其在二战后,美国文坛涌现出了一大批优秀的犹太裔作家,形成了群星璀璨的局面。菲利浦·罗斯是20世纪六七十年代美国犹太文学热潮中崛起的新一代犹太作家的杰出代表。本文以《犹太人的改宗》为例,分析了以菲利浦·罗斯为代表的第三代美国犹太作家对犹太文学传统的继承与发展。  相似文献   

2008年1月乔国强教授所著的《美国犹太文学》一书由北京商务印书馆出版。该书从文化的视角出发研究美国犹太文学,探讨了美国犹太文学的发生、发展情况,并阐述了其与犹太文化、宗教和美国现实的关系。全书紧密结合文本,注重对文学内在规律的揭示,蕴含了作者的文化批判精神。乔国强教授在书中对"犹太性"的界定提出了创新性的见解,具有重大的学术价值。该书的出版在帮助中国读者了解美国犹太文学方面起到了积极的作用,同时它也为中国学者研究美国犹太文学提供了可以借鉴的范本。  相似文献   

美国犹太文化是犹太文化对美国文化接触和适应的结果。犹太文化的渊源机制,自身的流离特征、散存方式、格托生活等为美国犹太文化的发生提供了必要的结构模式、内在规则;而美国文化的多元性结构、与犹太文化的某种契合以及两种文化融合与冲突的接触方式。则为美国犹太文化的发生提供了关系机制。由于特定的发生原理与文化构成,美国犹太文化呈现出复合多维属性,即作为犹太文化的现代流变与支流形态的属性;作为美国多元文化构成之一的亚文化属性;作为既联系又有别干犹太文化和美国文化的新质属性。本文为作者关干犹太学的系列研究之一。  相似文献   

犹太文化与美国文化的融合与冲突是美国犹太小说深刻的文化根源。索尔&;#183;贝娄作为20实际美国杰出的犹太作家之一,其作品在探讨人类的精神危机之外,也深刻地反映了美国主流文化与作为亚文化的犹太文化之间的融合与冲突。本文从文化角度入手,论述了文化融合与冲突在其小说主人公身上的体现。  相似文献   

《就说是睡着了》是亨利·罗斯根据自己的生活经历创作的小说,其中描述了一个美国犹太家庭生存的艰辛。本文将从多语性的角度来分析该小说。  相似文献   

提起美国犹太文学,任何同一或连贯的文化和宗教模式都不能成为衡量它的尺码,因为在美国,社会结构的熔炉性特征、经济的高速发展、思想意识和文化价值观的不断更新,使犹太作家从创作主题到风格上都颇具特色。随着19世纪大量犹太移民离开故乡带着希望与梦想进入美国,描写犹太移民生活的美国犹太文学逐渐兴起,并在美国文学中占据越来越重要的地位。特别是二战以后,在美国文学的各个领域和各种思潮中,涌现出一大批有代表性的犹太裔作家,像贝娄、罗思、  相似文献   

This is the last in a series of articles exploring the history of Jewish Education magazine, later known as the Journal of Jewish Education, with a particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and, more generally, American Jewish life. Major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers are isolated and analyzed as to how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. Particular attention is paid to how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was, at best, only partially realized.  相似文献   

This series of articles explores the history of Jewish Education magazine, later known as the Journal of Jewish Education, with a particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and, more generally, American Jewish life. Major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers are isolated and analyzed as to how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values, and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. Particular attention is paid to how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was, at best, only partially realized.  相似文献   

This paper traces the mainstreaming of American Jewish history and social studies in the American Jewish school curricula, a process which began in the 1920s and picked up momentum in the mid‐late 1930s and 1940s. From the beginning, the raison d'etre for teaching American Jewish history and community studies was articulated in terms of socialization as opposed to content. Thus, the extent to which an educational agency or institution's agenda was driven by a desire to effect students’ social adjustment as opposed to expanding their knowledge base, and the degree to which the educational program itself was shaped by indigenous as opposed to Eastern European Jewish pedagogic paradigms and priorities determined their receptivity to American Jewish history and social studies as legitimate fields of study.  相似文献   

犹太人的困境与自救--论当代美国犹太文学的走向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国犹太文学在五、六十年代达到鼎盛时期,大批犹太裔作家雄居美国文坛,长盛不衰.有的甚至超越了国界,在世界文坛享有盛誉.本文通过解读其中最具代表性的作品,拟就从探索新伊甸园的美国亚当、异化困境、皈依犹太传统与"大屠杀后意识"的崛起等三个主题剖析犹太文学在美国作为一个整体文化运动的成功所在,由此勾勒出其历史性的发展倾向.  相似文献   

This historical study focuses on how John Dewey's theory of education as socialization and Mordecai Kaplan's theory of Judaism as a civilization together served as an ideological base and pedagogical framework for the creation of “progressive,” “reconstructed” American Jewish school programs in the early 20th century (1910s–1930s). In the main, progressive Jewish educators no longer conceived of Jewish education merely as a program of religious education designed to impart the ways and dictates of Judaism. Rather, Jewish education was conceptualized as a total program of socialization designed to prepare children for active and intelligent participation in American Jewish life.  相似文献   

In this series of articles, I explore the history of Jewish Education magazine with particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and American Jewish life more generally. I isolate major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers, and analyze how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values, and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. I am particularly interested in elucidating how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was at best only partially realized.  相似文献   

在诺贝尔文学奖的获得者索尔贝娄的小说中,主人公的犹太身份特征总是处于一种由强到弱的淡化过程中。这种淡化的轨迹有两条:一是以时间为线索,另一条则是以空间为线索。贝娄小说中主人公的犹太身份是贝娄文化身份的重要风向标。循着这两条变化的轨迹,贝娄的文化身份由犹太作家渐变到犹太作家和美国作家直到他所自称的"一个有着犹太(文化)遗产的美国作家"。这种身份的演变使索尔贝娄不断超越了种族的局限,使他在展现和探索人性的过程中有了更丰富和宽泛的选择。  相似文献   

犹裔美籍作家文学作品中对各类女性形象的描写和塑造包含着从性别、种族及历史的变迁等角度探讨女性生存境况的大量内容,其中内容丰富的女性生存意识,表达了历经民族苦难与性别压迫的犹太女性面对移民生活生存状况的融入、抗争和追求,也体现了更有生活自觉和觉醒意识的犹裔美籍作家群体对于犹太女性现实生活的设计。因而,不论是就文学成就还是思想成就而言,这些生存意识的表达都有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

Schools Necessarily reflect the conditions of the society which they represent.1 As Elazar Notes,2 Jewish schools so accurately reflect the ambiguities of American Jewish life that the experience of the schools necessarily creates conflicts within the Jewish community. This paper examines that important relationship between the Jewish school and American Jewish life. In particular, it looks outside the school to the loss of a substantive identity among Jews and to the dissolution of community among Jews. Within the school, it describes a disturbing picture of Jewish education that is reflective of those wider conflicts.  相似文献   

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