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高速铁道车辆风致安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:随着世界高速铁路网的不断扩张,高速列车的风致安全性成为高速铁路系统中的关键科学问题之一。本文利用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论分析方法,确定强横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域,为强风地带高速列车的安全控制提供依据。创新要点:首次提出了考虑多种影响因素和脱轨评价指标的高速列车脱轨安全域分析方法,并运用到了高速铁道车辆风致安全性研究中。研究方法:基于车辆-轨道耦合动态响应及多种安全性评价指标得到横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域和脱轨区域。重要结论:铁道车辆安全性评价指标中,轮重减载率对横风激励最为敏感,其确定了强风作用下高速车辆安全运行区域的边界。  相似文献   

目的:季冻区路基冻胀对高速列车运行的安全性和舒适性以及轨道结构的服役性能具有较大影响。基于实测数据,本文旨在建立轨道-路基冻胀空间耦合静力学模型和车辆-轨道-路基冻胀空间耦合动力学模型,并采用傅里叶级数进行冻胀波形拟合,进一步探究季冻区高速铁路路基冻胀与轨道结构变形映射关系、层间离缝特征及路基冻胀对车辆动力响应的影响,以期为季节性冻土路基冻胀问题的防治及研究提供依据。创新点:1.采用傅立叶级数对实测数据进行拟合,并将其作为有限元模型的输入边界条件;2.提出将静力模型的计算结果作为动力模型初始条件的计算方法,简化计算过程,提高计算效率;3.从时域和频域探讨路基冻胀波长和幅值对车体振动加速度和轮轨力的影响。方法:1.采用傅立叶级数对现场实测数据进行拟合,并将其作为有限元模型的输入边界条件(公式(4));2.通过建立路基冻胀-无砟轨道结构静力与动力模型,分析轨道结构层变形映射关系及车辆动力响应。结论:1.冻胀位置对轨道垂向上拱变形及层间离缝影响较大;2.轨道结构各层最大垂向变形随冻胀幅值的增大而增大,且几乎呈线性变化;3.路基冻胀波长越大,对车体垂直加速度的影响越小;4.当冻胀波长一定时,车...  相似文献   

研究目的:随着世界高速铁路网的不断扩张,高速列车的风致安全性成为高速铁路系统中的关键科学问题之一。本文利用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论分析方法,确定强横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域,为强风地带高速列车的安全控制提供依据。创新要点:首次提出了考虑多种影响因素和脱轨评价指标的高速列车脱轨安全域分析方法,并运用到了高速铁道车辆风致安全性研究中。研究方法:基于车辆-轨道耦合动态响应及多种安全性评价指标得到横风作用下高速铁道车辆的安全运行区域和脱轨区域。重要结论:铁道车辆安全性评价指标中,轮重减载率对横风激励最为敏感,其确定了强风作用下高速车辆安全运行区域的边界。  相似文献   

研究目的:扩展动力学模型的分析频域,建立能考虑轮对柔性的车辆轨道耦合动力学系统模型,为研究轮轨磨耗的形成和发展以及轮轨噪声的来源提供基础。创新要点:利用欧拉梁横向弯曲模型,建立轮轴在垂直于轨道平面和平行于轨道平面内的弯曲振动模型;建立考虑轮轴弯曲的轮对模型与轮轨接触模块之间的耦合关系,进而研究轮轨接触行为受轮轴弯曲变形的影响。研究方法:1.把轮轴模拟为欧拉梁,左右车轮模拟为固结于轮轴上的质量块;2.假设左右车轮始终垂直于轮轴,引入虚拟的两个半边刚性轮对模型,建立轮轨接触模型和柔性轮对耦合的关系;3.基于多刚体车辆.轨道耦合动力学模型,利用以上柔性轮对模型和此耦合关系,建立考虑轮轴柔性的车辆一轨道耦合动力学模型。重要结论:1.建立的刚柔耦合的车辆.轨道耦合动力学模型能够有效地描述轮轴弯曲对轮轨接触行为的影响;2.在0-150Hz的随机不平顺激励下,多刚体模型和考虑轮对柔性的模型受到的轮轨力和轮轨接触点轨迹不同;这主要是由第1阶弯曲模态被激发导致。  相似文献   

目的:基于动力吸振器理论提山一种控制城市轨道交通地面振动的有效措施。创新点:1.确定动力吸振器安装在车辆或轨道上的最优位置和动力学参数;2.采用提出的两步分析法真实模拟布鲁塞尔有轨电车在通过轨道局部缺陷时引起的地面振动;3.探明动力吸振器安装在车辆或轨道上对控制地面振动的有效性。方法:1.通过对列车-轨道耦合动力学系统进行模态分解,得山在不同位置安装动力吸振器的最优动力学参数;2.采用所提出的两步法预测不同工况下城市轨道交通的地面振动:首先建立多体车辆与轨道耦合动力学模型,计算作用在土体上的动力作用,然后建立三维土体有限元模型,模拟动力作用引起的地面波传播及周边的地面振动。结论:将动力吸振器安装在车辆上是降低城市轨道交通地面振动的有效措施。  相似文献   

高速铁路运营过程中的关键问题:轮轨磨耗等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高速铁路运营里程和列车运营速度的不断增长,出现了一些和列车轨道耦合大系统密切相关的关键科学和技术问题。这些问题不仅影响到列车的运行品质,甚至威胁到安全运行,是当前高速铁路运用和发展中急需解决的问题。本文系统描述了高速铁路在运营过程中所出现的一些关键科学和技术问题,并述评了全世界有关这些问题的研究进展、现状和不足之处,提出了今后有利于认识和解决这些问题的发展方向。在长期高速运营的铁路大系统环境中,这些问题的形成的机理、发生、发展过程和预防措施的研究,需要从列车/轨道耦合大系统运营环境(速度、路况、气候和运用维修)、系统的自身参数匹配、材料选用和运营成本等全面系统考虑,并从理论、技术、工艺、监控和维修等方面解决。  相似文献   

列车网络控制技术是高速列车发展的一项关键技术.为了评估多功能车辆总线(Multiple Vehicle Bus,MVB)车辆级网络通信系统的性能,优化网络设计,采用Opnet Modeler搭建车辆级通信网络模型,包括车辆的网络拓扑结构模型、链路模型、节点模型和进程模型.利用所搭建的模型,对车辆级通信网络的时延性、吞吐...  相似文献   

目的:在列车往复动力作用和复杂环境因素耦合作用下,常出现诸如钢弹簧隔振器断裂、基底不均匀沉降诱发吊空等隔振器支承刚度失效的问题。本文提出一种钢弹簧浮置板轨道支承刚度失效的方法,能及时识别失效数量、失效程度、失效位置,以避免刚度失效引起的轨道结构劣化和行车安全威胁。创新点:1.分析隔振器支承刚度失效对浮置板轨道系统各动力指标的影响,并构建一套浮置板轨道钢弹簧失效识别方法;2.结合具有噪声的基于密度的聚类方法(DBSCAN)算法和统计分析构建一套浮置板轨道支承刚度智能监测系统,并应用于中国南部某线路。方法:1.通过动力响应敏感性分析,得出浮置板自振频率、动位移、转角对支承刚度失效的敏感性较高(图5和6);2.通过分析多种刚度失效的情况,得出敏感性指标和支承刚度失效的关系(表3和4,图8);3.基于上述成果,构建智能监测系统并应用到现场,验证方法的有效性(图13和15)。结论:1.动力学模型的敏感性分析表明,列车荷载下的浮置板一阶垂向自振频率、最大垂向动位移、转角有效值易受刚度失效影响。2.浮置板的一阶垂向频率主要跟失效数量有关;浮置板最大垂向动位移与失效高度具有较好的线性关系;浮置板转角之...  相似文献   

列车设计与系统集成课程的内容是列车的关键技术及系统集成,主要关于轨道车辆技术及机械设计理论、材料力学、铁路车辆结构和列车系统动力学、电子电气、通信信号以及控制理论方法在列车设计与集成中的综合应用,是车辆工程专业的专业课,专业性很强。课程结合我国轨道交通发展,特别是近十年来我国已成为轨道车辆制造与应用世界第一大国的背景,在很多章节中都讲述了车辆各系统从引进到消化吸收再到创新的真实案例,处处体现了我国人民努力奋斗、民族自强的精神,提升了青年学生的爱国思想和民族自豪感。  相似文献   

以螺旋槽干气密封的动静环和密封气膜组成的系统为研究对象,在Solidworks中建立密封环三维耦合模型,Fluent中计算获得流场动压微气膜分布,将得到的微气膜数据载入Workbench平台的结构场和温度场,设置相应的刚性约束和边界条件,基于热-流-固耦合变形理论来分析密封环在热-流-固耦合下的应力、变形情况,研究不同压差下应力、变形的遵循规律。结果表明:动静环的应力在密封环外径处较大,热-流-固耦合下变形最大区域在中径处。随着压差的增大,密封环的应力、变形均增大,在一定压差范围内动环的应力大于静环,而静环的变形大于动环。  相似文献   

A high-speed train-track coupling dynamic model is used to investigate the dynamic behavior of a high-speed train operating on a curved track with failed fasteners. The model considers a high-speed train consisting of eight vehicles coupled with a ballasted track. The vehicle is modeled as a multi-body system, and the rail is modeled with a Timoshenko beam resting on the discrete sleepers. The vehicle model considers the effect of the end connections of the neighboring vehicles on the dynamic behavior. The track model takes into account the lateral, vertical, and torsional deformations of the rails and the effect of the discrete sleeper support on the coupling dynamics of the vehicles and the track. The sleepers are assumed to move backward at a constant speed to simulate the vehicle running along the track at the same speed. The train model couples with the track model by using a Hertzian contact model for the wheel/rail normal force calculation, and the nonlinear creep theory by Shen et al. (1984) is used for wheel/rail tangent force calculation. In the analysis, a curved track of 7000-m radius with failed fasteners is selected, and the effects of train operational speed and the number of failed fasteners on the dynamic behaviors of the train and the track are investigated in detail. Furthermore, the wheel/rail forces and derailment coefficient and the wheelset loading reduction are analyzed when the high-speed train passes over the curved track with the different number of continuously failed fasteners at different operational speeds. Through the detailed numerical analysis, it is found that the high-speed train can operate normally on the curved track of 7000-m radius at the speeds of 200 km/h to 350 km/h.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic forces and dynamic performances of railway vehicles are coupled and affected by each other. On the one hand, aerodynamic forces change the displacements of a train. On the other hand, displacements affect aerodynamic forces. Based on vehicle-track coupling dynamics and aerodynamics, a numerical approach to the interaction between airflow and a high-speed train is presented in this paper. Aerodynamic forces and dynamic performances of a high-speed train subjected to crosswind were numerically simulated. Results showed that the interaction between airflow and a high-speed train has a significant influence on displacements and aerodynamic forces of the head coach. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the interaction between airflow and a high-speed train subjected to crosswind.  相似文献   

With the continuous improvement of the train speed, the dynamic environment of trains turns out to be aerodynamic domination. Solving the aerodynamic problems has become one of the key factors of the high-speed train head design. Given that the aerodynamic drag is a significant factor that restrains train speed and energy conservation, reducing the aerodynamic drag is thus an important consideration of the high-speed train head design. However, the reduction of the aerodynamic drag may increase other aerodynamic forces (moments), possibly deteriorating the operational safety of the train. The multi-objective optimization design method of the high-speed train head was proposed in this paper, and the aerodynamic drag and load reduction factor were set to be optimization objectives. The automatic multi-objective optimization design of the high-speed train head can be achieved by integrating a series of procedures into the multi-objective optimization algorithm, such as the establishment of 3D parametric model, the aerodynamic mesh generation, the calculation of the flow field around the train, and the vehicle system dynamics. The correlation between the optimization objectives and optimization variables was analyzed to obtain the most important optimization variables, and a further analysis of the nonlinear relationship between the key optimization variables and the optimization objec- tives was obtained. After optimization, the aerodynamic drag of optimized train was reduced by up to 4.15%, and the load re- duction factor was reduced by up to 1.72%.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究高速列车车轮多边形特征对轮轨噪声和车内噪声的影响规律,讨论目前国内高速列车车轮镟修指标的不足,为高速列车车轮镟修方法的优化改进提供科学依据。创新要点:系统分析高速列车车轮多边形阶次、幅值和相位等参数对车内噪声的影响规律;提出车轮镟修中仅考虑车轮径跳作为限值是不够的。研究方法:1.基于线路试验,初步分析高速列车车轮多边形状态对车内噪声的影响,进而对车轮多边形特征进行剖析;2.基于带通滤波和快速傅里叶变换,使用MATLAB程序生成不同阶次、幅值和相位的车轮多边形粗糙度数据;3.基于TWINS轮轨噪声原理,使用HWTNS预测含有不同车轮多边形特性的轮轨噪声;4.基于混合有限元-统计能量分析(FE—SEA)方法,建立高速列车客室端部车内噪声预测模型,预测车内噪声;5.通过分析车轮多边形参数、车轮径跳和车内噪声之间的相互关系,研究目前的高速列车车轮镟修指标是否合适。重要结论:1.高速列车车轮径跳值相同,但车轮多边形状态不同时,轮轨噪声与车内噪声有明显差异;2.当车轮多边形幅值相同时,高阶多边形可以引起更高的轮轨噪声和车内噪声;3.改变车轮多边形的相位,可以获得不同的车轮径跳值,但是对轮轨噪声和车内噪声几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

不同速度高速列车车外噪声的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究目的:基于声源识别,得出车外噪声分布特性及场点主要噪声源。创新要点:1.研究高速列车噪声源强特性及频谱特性;2.揭示不同速度下不同声源频谱变化规律;3.分析车外声场场点噪声变化规律及主要声源。研究方法:1.利用车外声源识别系统(图2)分析高速列车声源分布规律及频谱特性;2.利用声源的垂向(图10)分布研究不同声源在各频率下垂向分布规律;3.利用场点声源与速度的拟合关系(图16)研究场点主要噪声源。重要结论:1.高速列车车外噪声源主要分布在轮轨区域、受电弓和车间连接区域;2.轮轨区域噪声包括滚动噪声和气动噪声,在各频率均为最显著声源;3.在整个列车高度,轮轨滚动噪声对总噪声贡献率大于气动噪声;4.车外场点噪声主要频率为630-2500Hz,主要来自轮轨滚动噪声。  相似文献   

Dynamic responses of track structure and wave propagation in nearby ground vibration become significant when train operates on high speeds. A train-track-ground dynamic interaction analysis model based on the 2.5D finite element method is developed for the prediction of ground vibrations due to vertical track irregularities. The one-quarter car model is used to represent the train as lumped masses connected by springs. The embankment and the underlying ground are modeled by the 2.5D finite element approach to improve the computation efficiency. The Fourier transform is applied in the direction of train’s movement to express the wave motion with a wave-number. The one-quarter car model is coupled into the global stiffness matrix describing the track-ground dynamic system with the displacement compatibility condition at the wheel-rail interface, including the irregularities on the track surface. Dynamic responses of the track and ground due to train’s moving loads are obtained in the wave-number domain by solving the governing equation, using a conventional finite element procedure. The amplitude and wavelength are identified as two major parameters describing track irregularities. The irregularity amplitude has a direct impact on the vertical response for low-speed trains, both for short wavelength and long wavelength irregularities. Track irregularity with shorter wavelength can generate stronger track vibration both for low-speed and high-speed cases. For low-speed case, vibrations induced by track irregularities dominate far field responses. For high-speed case, the wavelength of track irregularities has very little effect on ground vibration at distances far from track center, and train’s wheel axle weights becomes dominant.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation into the characteristics of interior noise of a Chinese high-speed train under several typical conditions. Interior noises within Vehicle TC01, which can be used as a head car or an end car, and Vehicle TP03, the third car counting from TC01, are measured for the train running at speeds from 260 km/h to 385 km/h, along two types of track including a slab track and a ballast track and either on the ground surface or in a tunnel. Data analyses are performed for sound pressure overall levels, frequency, area contributions, and possible generation mechanisms, showing how they are affected by train speed, running direction, track type, and tunnel. The results show that, whether TC01 is used as head car or end car, the interior noise characteristics in the VIP cabin are mostly related to aerodynamic noise. Differences in interior noise between tracks become smaller as the train speed increases. The effect of a tunnel on the interior noise is more important for the middle coach than that for the head coach. This study can provide a basis for noise control of high-speed trains.  相似文献   

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