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基于文献研究法和访谈法,以湖南农业大学为例研究教育硕士研究生职业胜任力。首先运用文献研究法分析提取教育硕士研究生职业胜任力有关初始特征指标,其次在胜任力相关理论基础上编制访谈提纲。访谈以4名湖南农业大学教育学院教育硕士生导师和5名优秀中小学教师为访谈对象,根据访谈结果分析整合出影响教育硕士研究生职业胜任力的重要职业胜任力指标。然后对访谈指标归类整理,构建了教育硕士研究生职业胜任力初步模型,为后续进一步研究教育硕士研究生职业胜任力模型奠定基础。  相似文献   

中学校长胜任特征模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用关键行为事件访谈技术,通过对34名中学校长访谈材料进行胜任特征分析,构建了中学校长的胜任特征模型。研究表明:(1)胜任特征的频次、平均等级、最高等级都能区分绩效优异和绩效一般的中学校长。(2)中学校长胜任特征模型包括成就导向、影响力、关系建立、培养他人、分析式思考、概念式思考、自信心、灵活性、团队领导、组织承诺10项胜任特征。(3)在团队领导、组织承诺、人际了解、分析式思考、自我控制、自信心等胜任特征上,男女校长之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

目的:为滇西北地区幼儿教师建构胜任力选拔指标模型.方法:对30名幼儿教师进行关键行为事件访谈,并对材料进行编码.结论:(1)运用BEI法建构的幼儿教师胜任力选拔指标模型,胜任力的平均等级、最高等级可以作为判断优异与否的标准;(2)进取心、观察力、积极主动性等13项组成幼儿教师胜任力选拔指标模型;(3)优秀幼儿教师的胜任力选拔指标在性别、民族、学历、职称、单位性质之间均未发现显著差异,说明该胜任力选拔指标模型具有较好的适用性.  相似文献   

探讨新形势下医学计量人员应具备的胜任特征,为医疗机构选拔和培养优秀的计量人员提供参考依据。基于国内对各类专业技术人员胜任特征模型的研究,在文献回顾、专家访谈的基础上,通过分析计量人员的岗位要求与标准,提炼优秀计量人员的内涵,初步形成了医学计量人员胜任特征的评价指标和理论框架。该评价指标对医学计量人员胜任特征具有一定的预测效度。  相似文献   

为了解聋校优秀教师的胜任力特征,本研究采用行为事件访谈技术,对14名聋校教师进行访谈。通过对叙述的关键事件的分析编码以及对不同绩效教师胜任特征的比较,提取出聋校优秀教师鉴别性胜任特征。研究发现优秀组和普通组教师在11项胜任特征的平均分上存在显著差异,聋校教师鉴别性胜任特征包括以生为本导向、人际沟通能力、专业知识与技能、工作主动积极性、自我激励、责任心、自信心、组织管理能力、自我控制力、成就导向、挑战与创新等。根据研究结果提出的聋校教师鉴别性胜任特征,在聋校教师评优、晋级、奖励等过程中有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:构建小学教师胜任特征模型,为小学教师的选聘、绩效考核和优秀教师资格标准的设定及培训工作,提供实证依据.方法:采用BEI关键行为事件访谈法,在文献综述、预访谈和正式访谈的基础上,构建在岗小学教师的胜任特征结构模型.结果:优秀教师和普通教师在应变能力、自我反馈、建立关系、因材施教、情绪管理、职业偏好、教研能力、成就导向、儿童导向、组织管理能力、自信11个项目上有显著差异.结论:小学教师胜任特征模型包括优秀教师和普通教师共有的合格性胜任特征,以及能够区分鉴别优秀教师和普通教师的鉴别性胜任特征.  相似文献   

采用 BEI行为事件访谈法,在查阅文献、预访谈和正式访谈的基础上,构建高职辅导员胜任特征模型,为高职院校选拔和培养辅导员提供实证依据.建模结果显示:高职普通辅导员共有胜任特征为专业知识、适应力、职业定位、外向性格、影响力、亲和力;高职优秀辅导鉴别性特征有知识创新、协调管理、人际沟通、情绪管理、应急能力、学生导向、成就动机、体察力等.  相似文献   

在文献分析基础上,运用行为事件访谈法访谈20名幼儿教师,向100名幼儿教师发放开放式问卷,构建幼儿教师胜任特征模型。根据构建的胜任特征模型,编制《幼儿教师胜任特征自评问卷》初始问卷。运用初始问卷对200名幼儿教师进行预测,用于条目分析和探索性因子分析,形成《幼儿教师胜任特征自评问卷》。用《幼儿教师胜任特征自评问卷》对400名幼儿教师正式施测,用于信度、效度检验和验证性因子分析。研究结果表明:(1)幼儿教师胜任特征模型包括5个因子:专业知识、人际交流、成就感、组织管理和责任心;(2)《幼儿教师胜任特征自评问卷》信度、效度良好,可以作为测量幼儿教师胜任特征水平的有效工具。  相似文献   

中小学教师胜任力模型:一项行为事件访谈研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
运用行为事件访谈(BEI)技术访谈31名中小学教师,并通过对叙述的180个关键事件的主题分析和行为编码以及对不同绩效教师胜任特征的差异比较,构建了中小学教师胜任力模型。模型包括11项鉴别性胜任特征和11项基准性胜任特征前者具有区分能力,可用于制定评优和奖惩标准;后者为教师共有,是教师入职必备品质,可用于教师任职资格标准的制定。经聚类分析,这些特征可分为服务特征、自我特征、成就特征、认知特征、管理特征、个人特质六大胜任特征群。  相似文献   

物流管理专业高素质高学历人才是物流行业持续快速发展的关键力量,提高物流管理专业研究生胜任特征是一个动态的综合体。本文将物流管理专业研究生的现状与国内外对于胜任特征的理论研究进行结合,提出物流管理专业研究生胜任特征模型。胜任特征模型可以作为培养物流管理专业研究生的依据,这对于满足物流行业对高学历高素质人才的需求有重要意义。  相似文献   

Curricula designed in the context of the European Higher Education Area need to be based on both domain-specific and professional competencies. Whereas universities have had extensive experience in developing students’ domain-specific competencies, fostering professional competencies poses a new challenge we need to face. This paper presents a model to globally develop professional competencies in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degree program, and assesses the results of its implementation after 4 years. The model is based on the use of competency maps, in which each competency is defined in terms of competency units. Each competency unit is described by a set of expected learning outcomes at three domain levels. This model allows careful analysis, revision, and iteration for an effective integration of professional competencies in domain-specific subjects. A global competency map is also designed, including all the professional competency learning outcomes to be achieved throughout the degree. This map becomes a useful tool for curriculum designers and coordinators. The results were obtained from four sources: (1) students’ grades (classes graduated from 2013 to 2016, the first 4 years of the new Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering at the Barcelona School of Informatics); (2) students’ surveys (answered by students when they finished the degree); (3) the government employment survey, where former students evaluate their satisfaction of the received training in the light of their work experience; and (4) the Everis Foundation University-Enterprise Ranking, answered by over 2000 employers evaluating their satisfaction regarding their employees’ university training, where the Barcelona School of Informatics scores first in the national ranking. The results show that competency maps are a good tool for developing professional competencies in a STEM degree.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷和访谈的方式对广西高校研究生导师队伍管理现状进行了调查,分析了导师队伍建设现状和管理中凸显的问题,并提出构建基于胜任力的研究生导师队伍管理模式,优化现有的导师管理机制。  相似文献   

造成大学生就业困难的因素很多,但不能有效进行职业生涯规划与管理是其中的重要原因。基于胜任特征的大学生职业生涯管理主要包括基于胜任特征的职业生涯诊断、职业生涯目标确定和职业生涯的策略制定与实施三个步骤。将胜任特征理论引入大学生职业生涯管理领域,能够帮助大学生确定就业目标,将已经确定的就业目标进行分解。  相似文献   

With the rapid expansion of graduate education in China, graduate curriculum evaluation has aroused great concern from the administrators and researchers. Many colleges and universities have developed their graduate curriculum evaluation system based on educational policy, job analysis or discussions of school administrators. To date, very few systemic studies in this field have been done in China, and little is known about students’ view on the evaluation system. In this study, 30 second-year graduate students from a comprehensive university were selected to participate in a semi-structured interview. It was found that graduate students attached more importance to the following 5 aspects: 1) The curriculum objectives should be employment-oriented and in line with students’ need of future employment and long-term development; 2) The curriculum content should be up to date and its breadth and depth of coverage are appropriate; 3) The instructor's teaching approaches should be flexible and varied, emphasizing student participation and teacher-student interaction; 4) The learning evaluation should be conducted fairly and reasonably in various ways; 5) The curriculum should be able to effectively promote students’ mastery of knowledge and capacities. This study will provide the evidence for rethinking and improving graduate curriculum evaluation system.  相似文献   

周瑾  王倩  杨允 《南昌教育学院学报》2010,25(6):139-139,141
本研究通过问卷法和半结构式访谈法对女研究生和本科生婚恋价值观的恋爱观、贞操观和结婚观进行了调查和分析。  相似文献   

本文对研究生的招生、选题、学位论文的指导、研究生创新能力与科学精神的培养和导师个人与研究生的关系处理等研究生培养若干环节中导师工作的方法和经验进行了介绍.  相似文献   

The use and validity of the Graduate Record Examination General Test (GRE) to predict the success of graduate school applicants is heavily debated, especially for its possible impact on the selection of underrepresented minorities into science, technology, engineering, and math fields. To better identify candidates who would succeed in our program with less reliance on the GRE and grade point average (GPA), we developed and tested a composite score (CS) that incorporates additional measurable predictors of success to evaluate incoming applicants. Uniform numerical values were assigned to GPA, GRE, research experience, advanced course work or degrees, presentations, and publications. We compared the CS of our students with their achievement of program goals and graduate school outcomes. The average CS was significantly higher in those students completing the graduate program versus dropouts (p < 0.002) and correlated with success in competing for fellowships and a shorter time to thesis defense. In contrast, these outcomes were not predicted by GPA, science GPA, or GRE. Recent implementation of an impromptu writing assessment during the interview suggests the CS can be improved further. We conclude that the CS provides a broader quantitative measure that better predicts success of students in our program and allows improved evaluation and selection of the most promising candidates.  相似文献   

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