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国际经验已充分证明,私立高等教育的发展态势与政府资助多寡高度正相关.以私立高等教育比较发达的韩国、马来西亚和菲律宾为例,三国政府均以法律的形式确立了私立高等教育财政资助政策,以扶植、规范私立高等教育的发展,而且政府资助已逐渐成为保障私立高等教育质量、实现教育公平的有力工具.反观我国,尽管近些年来民办院校已成为我国高等教育大众化的重要推动力量,但经费筹措问题仍旧是民办院校面临的重大困境之一.因此,为充分发挥民办高等教育的主体作用,我国政府应加大对民办高等教育的资助力度,建立基于质量评估结果的政府资助体系,提高资助效率.  相似文献   

日本私立高等教育的经费来源呈现出多渠道的特点,主要包括政府财政资助、学费、捐款、学校经营创收等。其中,政府的财政资助是日本私立高等教育发展的重要保障,学费是私立高等教育经费的主要构成部分。探寻日本私立高等教育经费的构成及其特点,将对改变我国民办高等教育经费来源单一化的局面有所裨益。  相似文献   

资助私立高校的发展是民国政府的教育政策基调之一。民国政府通过对私立高校的资助,促进了私立高等教育的大发展。民国政府对私立高校的资助政策体现了规范性、详备性、持续性、倾力性与倾斜性的特点,这对完善我国政府对民办高等教育发展的资助政策具有重要的借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

经费问题是私立高等教育的一个根本性问题。美国是私立高等教育最发达的国家之一,私立高校在其国家高等教育体系中占有举足轻重的地位。本文从学费收入、政府资助、社会捐赠及服务收入等方面归纳了美国私立高等教育多元化办学经费来源的主要渠道,深入分析了美国私立高校经费筹措特点,以期对我国民办高等教育的发展和研究提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

经费问题是私立高等教育的一个根本性问题。美国是私立高等教育最发达的国家之一,私立高校在其国家高等教育体系中占有举足轻重的地位。本文从学费收入、政府资助、社会捐赠及服务收入等方面归纳了美国私立高等教育多元化办学经费来源的主要渠道,深入分析了美国私立高校经费筹措特点,以期对我国民办高等教育的发展和研究提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,美、韩、印三国私立高等教育的发展独具特色。研究表明:私立高等教育能在整个教育体系中占据重要地位.与其制定的政策和有效管理是密切关联的。美、韩、印度的经验告诉我们:政府只有确立适当的教育体制.对私立高等教育实行经费资助并依法管理,才能有效推动其发展,这对中国发展民办高等教育有一定的启示。  相似文献   

韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾三国私立高等教育经费政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩国、马来西亚和菲律宾等国的私立高等院校所占比例均在85%以上,在校生数占一半以上,高者达74%。这与所在国的高等教育发展政策、经费政策和管理政策是分不开的,其政府实施的经费资助政策更是私立高等教育发展、稳定与否的"晴雨表"。三国私立高等教育发展变化显示,私立高等教育发展与政府的经费政策,尤其是多元化教育投入有着很强的联系。  相似文献   

高等教育的准公共产品性质和公益性要求政府必须给予扶持,私立高校虽然能得到一定的政府资助,但毕竟远远不能与公立高校相比。目前,大陆民办高校经费扶持政策并不完善,应对大陆与台湾地区民办高校经费扶持政策进行比较研究,为大陆民办高等教育经费扶持政策的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

民国时期私立高等教育政策探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国近代意义上的私立高等教育发轫于清朝末年,但其正式确立和获得发展则是在民国时期,当时的政府对私人兴办高等教育采取鼓励和支持的政策功能不可没。当前我国民办高等教育正处于发展时期,借鉴历史经验教训,制定发展民办高等教育的政策,积极鼓励和大力支持,建立健全各项法规制度,加强宏观管理并给民办高校部分经费资助。  相似文献   

相比于其他国家,美国的私立高等教育处于领先水平,而较完备的政策是其发展的前提条件。因此,研究美国私立高等教育的相关政策,可以为我国民办高等教育的健康有序发展提供有益的借鉴。文章主要从法律法规政策、经费资助政策、学校管理政策、招生考试政策以及师资政策等五个方面对中美私立高等教育进行比较研究,找出我国民办高等教育存在的不足,取长补短,吸收借鉴,从而促进自身的全面进步。  相似文献   

本文利用统计数据对国家财政经费与个人学杂费变化状况、高等教育经费弹性系数和个人负担率进行了计算分析,在此基础上建立自回归模型对2010年的国家财政经费与个人学杂费进行了预测研究,获得的研究结论是:中国的高等教育成本分担政策已经快速实现,国家财政经费比重显著降低,个人学杂费所占比重较快地增加;人均高等教育经费在1999年之前保持增长,1999年之后呈现稳中趋降;个人及其家庭的财政贡献增长速度远远大于政府财政贡献的增长速度,也意味着个人及其家庭对高等教育的经济负担大大加重;今后一段时间内高等教育财政需求面临相当大的压力和隐忧。建议控制高等教育规模的过快扩张,关注生均教育财政指标变化状况,实现高等教育财政来源的更加多样化。  相似文献   

关于民办高等教育经费来源的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本在对我国的民办高等学校的经费来源的现状与美国、日本政府对民办高等教育经费的援助情况作了对比分析的基础上,关于民办高等学校的经费筹措问题向我国政府提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

公立高等教育筹资市场化:国际比较的观点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育筹资市场化是指大学在市场经济条件下,依据市场经济运行的机制和规律,重构其筹资模式、运行机制和控制体系的过程。公立高等教育筹资市场化是当代国际高等教育筹资发展的基本趋势。从国际比较的观点出发,公立高等教育筹资市场化的主要表现形式有国家拨款的市场化倾向、社会力量投资、高校创收、贷款、收取学费等。面对市场化的两难选择,国际高等教育筹资都遵循一个基本的原则,就是兼顾公平与效率、公益与市场之间的合理平衡。  相似文献   

民国私立高校曾获得快速发展,其经费来源多元化是重要保证.在所有经费来源中,学费收入所占比例虽然不高,却是最稳定的经费来源.社会捐资份额最重,是私立高校成功办学的主要经费来源;政府资助经费所占比例较低,但具有重要意义;其他还包括银行借贷、自营收入、办学者私产等经费来源.私立高校多元化的经费来源在吸收社会资源投入教育事业方面发挥了重要作用,但是,经费来源结构直接决定了私立高校地区分布的不平衡性,而且与公立高校相比,私立高校经费水平还存在较大差距.  相似文献   

The reemergence and growth of private higher education institutions (HEIs) represent one of the most significant developments in Chinese higher education over recent decades. Against a macroeconomic background of decentralization, this phenomenon is essentially fuelled by a broad spectrum of political and socioeconomic forces. This study sets out with the primary aim of discussing the current policy environment constraints faced by different types of private HEIs based upon a theoretical framework of property ownership rights. This is undertaken through a comparative analysis with HEIs in the United States, as well as case studies on three different types of private HEIs in China (accredited private universities, independent colleges and Sino-foreign colleges). Recommendations are offered on the key issues aimed at overcoming the difficulties encountered by such institutions; these include transfer rights, income rights, government subsidies, access to bank loans and tax-exempted social donations. The government in China has adopted an incremental approach to the regulation of the private higher education sector, thereby providing ad hoc solutions to problems encountered along the way; however, within a mutually understood framework of action, a system of clear property ownership rights is essential to the practical coordination of the activities of the economic actors.  相似文献   

人口老龄化背景下河北省社区养老研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口老龄化背景下,我国原有养老模式已经无法满足养老需要,社区养老应运而生。目前河北省社区养老在认识、资金、设施和服务方面存在一定的薄弱环节。要使社区养老健康发展,就必须处理好四方面的关系:政府与其他社会力量的关系;不同层次养老需求之间的关系;社区养老与职业教育的关系;社会化养老与传统伦理的关系。  相似文献   

Min Hong 《Higher Education》2018,76(4):717-733
There are several common trends and challenges in the higher education (HE) system around the world, like expansion and diversification of HE, fiscal pressure and orientation to markets, demand for greater accountability and great quality and efficiency (e.g. The financing and management of higher education: a status report on worldwide reforms, 1998; Internationalisation of higher education and global mobility 43-58, 2014; Global policy and policy-making in education, 2014; Higher Education Policy 21:5-27, 2008). These trends and changes have reshaped university governance as well. Public universities are the main institutions to carry out HE in Australia and China. The engagement between Australia and China in HE sector has become closer and closer in recent years. To conduct better and further cooperation and collaboration between Australian and Chinese universities, it is critical to understand and acknowledge the differences in two nations’ university governance. Moreover, by conducting this comparative study of two nations, it also helps us to figure out the changes in university governance over times under the global trends and the interactions between global and local factors. This comparative study focuses on the university level and attempts to identify the differences of university governance in Australian and Chinese public universities in three dimensions, state-university relation, university internal governance and university finance. This paper sketches the university governance in Australia and China and finds that the relationship between government and university is looser in Australia than that in China and Australian universities enjoy more autonomy and power than Chinese universities; as to university internal governance, Australian universities use a more business-oriented management mechanism; funding associated with full-fee paying international students has become very important for Australian HE while Chinese government funding has been decreasing as well but funds from international students play a minimal financial role.  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) systems around the world have experienced profound structural changes, particularly since the late 1960s to early 1970s, essentially driven by the need to expand access to tertiary education. This has resulted in a diversity of HE institutions (HEI) with different roles, missions and statuses, as well as academic staff with diverse perspectives and motivations. The present study is based on a survey undertaken in Portugal by a trade union, which aimed to collect faculty perspectives on a proposed HE reform sent out for public discussion by the government. Questions addressed the reorganization of the HEI network, the internal restructuring of HEI, the funding system and the binary divide of HEI (universities and polytechnics). The survey results showed a disparity of faculty perspectives about the proposed reform, closely related to the diversity of HEI. Respondents from lower academic categories and from smaller HEI were more opposed to reorganizing the HEI network. This reorganization was more widely accepted by university staff, who were also more in favour of a binary system than were polytechnic respondents. Although there was general agreement about the need to change the funding system, polytechnic respondents were strongly against a funding differentiation between universities and polytechnics. Despite an overall reformist trend, the enthusiasm for reforms declined substantially when the questions had a direct reference to the respondent’s region or institution. It is argued that HE expansion has driven the diversification of HEI, leading to a range of perspectives about the HE system and the way it should be changed. These conclusions may contribute to insights into other HE systems around the world where institutional diversification has been sought by public policies.  相似文献   

澳大利亚联邦政府私学公助模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私学公助,即用政府的公共经费以各种形式资助私立学校的发展,是近些年来西方国家普遍兴起的一种做法.在澳大利亚,私学公助已经走过了近30多年的发展历程,在资助模式上几经变迁,显示出了很大的特色.本文试图从其资助模式的发展入手,分析其现行的以社会经济地位为本的资助模式的特征与意义,以期对我国正在处于发展和规范阶段的私立基础教育提供某些借鉴.  相似文献   

Across the British Isles there are common forces encouraging an expansion of higher education (HE) while constraining the ability and willingness of governments to finance it. We examine the nature of these forces and conclude that together they are likely to lead over time to the general taxpayer funding a declining share of HE costs. While there are some potential efficiency and social equity benefits from reforms of student finance motivated by switching more of the costs towards students and their parents, the likely impact of these reforms on widening participation is unclear. We examine the current student finance systems in the British Isles and assess whether or not a system based upon income‐contingent student loans, means‐tested grants and targeted bursaries can deliver both the desired expansion and widening access.  相似文献   

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