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心理咨询师指的是运用心理学以及相关学科的专业知识,遵循心理学原则,通过心理咨询的技术与方法,帮助求助者接触心理问题的专业人员,共分为三个职业等级:高级心理咨询师(国家职业资格一级)、心理咨询师(国家职业资格二级)和心理咨询员(国家职业资格三级)。目前,我省只开展心理咨询员,心理咨询师等级的鉴定。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会各界对学生心理健康问题的广泛重视和关注。越来越多的学校在校内设立了心理咨询室,聘请专职或兼职的心理咨询师或心理辅导教师为学生提供咨询和帮助。广大心理咨询师和心理健康教师作为维护学生心理健康的排头兵,做出了很大的努力和贡献。然而,在心理咨询过程中,许多咨询师常遇到这样的问题和困惑:心理咨询的理论技术何其多,到底应该选择哪种理论技术呢?据统计,到现在为止至少出现了240种不同的心理咨询理论。想同时使用多种理论技术和方法,这样是否可行呢?在混合使用不同的理论时,有什么值得注意和需要避免的吗?咨询师的这些疑问其实反应了当代心理咨询发展的一种趋势:某种咨询理论占主导地位的情况已不复存在。越来越多的治疗师开始根据不同的实际情况和需要,采用多种治疗方法,而不拘于某种固定的理论,出现了一股“折衷主义”的趋势。  相似文献   

阻抗是心理咨询中一种常见的现象。在总结和概括不同理论学派与学者们对阻抗概念的理解和解释的基础上,从咨询关系相互作用的视角出发对阻抗界定为:阻抗是指在来访者与咨询师交互作用的特定情境下,在心理咨询过程中来访者表现出的有意或无意地以公开或隐蔽的方式否定咨询师的分析,拖延或对抗咨询师的要求,从而影响来访者的个人成长与实际咨询效果的一种复杂现象,它可能与咨询情境有关,亦可能与咨询师和来访者的个人特质有关。应从来访者的视角和咨询师的视角重新认识和理解阻抗在心理咨询过程中的价值。要有效地对阻抗问题进行干预,就必须在实践中不断提高心理咨询师的个人素养和业务能力。  相似文献   

心理咨询师的自我意识是指咨询师对整个心理咨询活动的意识,是咨询师对心理咨询过程的认识与评估,对自己是否能有效地驾驭心理咨询过程,以及对作为心理咨询师的自我特征、自我完善等方面的认识与判断。在心理咨询中,心理咨询师能否对自己的工作、工作的状态及工作结果有清醒的意识是十分重要和必要的,它不仅直接影响心理咨询的成效,也与心理咨询师的自我成长密切相关。  相似文献   

随着国内心理咨询行业的逐渐普及,对该领域的跨学科研究也将成为一种趋势.而功能语言学与心理学的跨学科交界十分明显,作为在功能语言学框架下探究语篇人际意义的评价理论来说,将其用于对咨询过程中咨询师的用语中具有一定的实用价值.合理情绪辩论是心理咨询师的咨询技巧的一种,本文以该技巧在咨询过程中的使用为语料,主要从系统功能语言学和其框架中的评价理论为理论点分析此类语篇的人际意义.  相似文献   

由于我国高校心理咨询理论体系的不完善,国内高校心理学工作者多通过移植西方的心理咨询理论与方法来重塑学生的健康心理。中、西方人因受不同文化的塑造而存在个性、心理、行为方式等方面的差异,当代大学生独特的文化背景和人格特征,我国高校心理咨询机构的设置和管理模式的不同,都使得高校心理咨询本土化成为一种必须。谨慎地审视高校心理咨询本土化之必然,通过专职与兼职相结合的咨询师队伍、传统与西方相融合的理论与方法、共情与权威共显的咨访关系、咨询与教育共生的发展性模式等来构建适用于我国高校学生的本土化心理咨询机制,方可真正提高高校心理咨询的有效性。  相似文献   

心理咨询师--颇有发展潜力的新兴职业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、职业定义及前景展望所谓心理咨询师,是运用心理学以及相关学科的专业知识,遵循心理学原则,通过心理咨询的技术与方法,帮助求助者解除心理问题的专业人员。在美国,每千人就有一名心理咨询师,心理医生已成为最好的职业之一。心理学家曾统计出了一个惊人的数字:在人群中,80%的人都在不同的年龄阶段,甚至一生均存在不同程度的心理疾病、人格缺陷。有调查显示,我国至少有1.9亿人在其一生中需要接受专业的心理咨询或心理治疗;在我国3.4亿青少年中,有各类学习、情绪和行为障碍等心理健康问题的人数达3000万人。有关人士表示,心理咨询作为一种提…  相似文献   

师生之间的有效沟通对教育教学成果的取得起着十分重要的作用,但在当前的教育教学实践中,由于诸多因素的影响,导致师生之间产生了沟通障碍。心理咨询是咨询师运用心理学理论和方法,通过特殊的人际关系,帮助来访者提升和改善心理机能的过程。在教育教学过程中,教师借助心理咨询的一些技巧和原则,可以有效建立融洽师生关系,克服师生沟通障碍。  相似文献   

心理咨询是由咨询师帮助来访者挖掘自身潜能,解决心理问题的过程。在心理咨询中,咨询师、来访者和二者之间的关系这三个要素对心理咨询是否能取得效果有极其重要的影响作用。本文将对心理咨询中咨询师、来访者和咨访关系进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

"价值中立"是人本主义心理学的思想,其主要观点是:每一个人都是有价值的,都有向上、向善、自我发展的潜能;心理咨询师在心理咨询过程中,不能掺入个人情感与价值,不能对来访者进行价值评判,也不能强迫来访者服从咨询师的价值观念,要对来访者的情感、观念、行为给予无条件的尊重与接纳.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the current theory and practice of rational-emotive behavioral consultation (REBC). Its purpose is to highlight for psychological and educational consultants the crucial role of consultee extreme, negative emotional reactions to adverse events in the consultation process. It is proposed that unless these emotional reactions are addressed in consultation, the effectiveness of consultation may be minimized. This article discusses the nature of irrational beliefs of consultees and reviews research that supports their relation with consultee emotionality. A variety of REBC techniques that consultants can use to encourage consultees to reduce their extreme emotions are presented. Consultants can teach consultees to identify and dispute irrational beliefs that are hypothesized to underlie extreme levels of anger, anxiety, and self-downing. A review of available research that examines the effects of REBC techniques including their use in staff development and parent education is presented.  相似文献   

高校心理咨询工作对促进学生身心的健康成长具有重要作用。高校心理咨询工作多由教师承担,由于身兼教师和心理咨询师的双重身份,易对心理咨询工作造成干扰。因此从伦理道德素质、专业素质和职业技能要求等方面,对高校心理咨询教师提出了要求,并对如何有效地进行心理危机干预提出了看法。  相似文献   

Children and youth in schools are subject to the effects of the larger culture's attitudes and values related to body size. When negatively biased, these attitudes and values can have detrimental effects and thus emerge as relevant to educational and psychological consultants. Drawing on the nascent field of Fat Studies with its focus on the cultural meanings attached to large bodies, we identify direct implications of fat phobia for school-age children and youth. Via a brief case example, an initial review of literature, and several examples of health-positive programming, we describe the social justice implications of fat phobia for consultants in school and community settings. In this consideration of the role of consultants for addressing fat bias and supporting health, we also suggest the merit of applied interdisciplinarity as a strong ground for consultation research and practice. The academic area of Fat Studies provides illustration of the integration of disciplinary perspectives (e.g., sociology, anthropology, biology, psychology). Educational and psychological consultation is ideally situated for systematically engaging such interdisciplinarity in support of practical outcomes that are healthy, sustainable, and socially just.  相似文献   

魏青 《宜宾学院学报》2006,6(9):103-106
“价值中立”是心理咨询的重要原则,强调尊重与相信人的价值和潜能,在心理咨询中坚持不介入、不评价、不指导的基本指导思想。但事实上,心理咨询是一个人际互动的过程,咨询双方必然发生价值的交互影响,无论咨询者怎样努力,都难免将自己的价值观渗透到咨询过程中,对来访者产生影响。“价值中立”是不现实也无法做到的,只有辩证而理性地看待“价值中立”,才能有效地实现咨询目标。  相似文献   

This article uses the author's 30 years of teaching consultation as a basis for developing suggestions for those providing training in this field. The article addresses questions about what the content of training should be, how consultation training can link theory to practice and how to respond to persistent challenges to training (e.g., freedom versus constraint, multicultural consultation, and when consultation training should be offered within a preservice curriculum for developing school-based consultants). The training suggestions derive from a model of consultation and consultation training that is based in constructivism and seeks to enhance feelings of empowerment and long term implementation of consultation on the part of the trainee. The article proposes a practitioner-researcher model in which practicing consultants view themselves as researchers who collect data and share information about their practice with other school-based consultants. These shared practices are used to inform the knowledge base and are used as a basis for contributing to the scholarly literature. Finally, this article proposes directions for researching the process and outcome of consultation training that cut across all of the issues raised in this article.  相似文献   

张松 《许昌学院学报》2007,26(1):153-156
心理咨询师的个人成长是影响心理咨询效果的核心因素。心理咨询师的个人成长应关注心理咨询师的专业伦理水平、人生哲学观、对重大生活问题的态度、“未处理事件”、自我觉察能力及职业枯竭现象,同时还应关注心理咨询过程中的重大具体问题。心理咨询师要达到个人成长就要不断进行自我探讨和理论研究、开展心理互助,接受专家心理分析和专业培训,还要预防个人职业枯竭。  相似文献   

王效广 《河池学院学报》2012,(2):114-116,128
不同流派的心理咨询都有助于来访者问题的改善,探讨和揭示其中共同的要素成为心理咨询中的重要问题之一。不同研究共同指出来访者获益的期望、咨访关系和咨询师所持有理论等因素在有效咨询中的作用。但该领域的研究累积的成果仍然不多,还需要研究者的进一步努力。  相似文献   

A course in consultation is increasingly becoming part of the required graduate curriculum of counseling psychologists/counselors who are training for employment in mental health and educational settings. It seems that most textbooks on consultation are devoted to theory and practice, and most journal articles on the topic focus on research outcomes. There is also a paucity of literature regarding practices in methods of teaching consultants for mental health and educational settings. This article outlines a practical model for teaching consultation skills that includes didactic presentations, demonstrations, and simulation experiences.  相似文献   


The process of global consultation has received little attention despite its potential for promoting international mutual understanding with marginalized communities. This article details theory, entry, implementation, and evaluation processes for global consultation research, including lessons learned from our refugee teacher intervention. The first half of the article addresses the entry process, culture-specific strengths, and challenges that can be faced in global consultation, including our experience with a lack of formal regulatory oversight of refugee education. The second half of the article details feedback collected from consultants, peer trainers, and peer trainees indicating which training content was most valuable; how some Burmese refugee teachers strive for a more student-centered, “free” classroom for their refugee students; and, finally, the toll that intense refugee teacher consultation took on the consultants.  相似文献   

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