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The set of regional conventions on the recognition of studies, diplomas, and degrees is part of a UNESCO effort to promote academic mobility that is almost as old as the organization itself. Normally, the working of the six regional conventions should lead, eventually, to the adoption of a single universal convention on academic recognition; however, in spite of the Recommendation voted at the General Conference of the Organization in 1993, certain countries of the Europe Region, the region receiving the largest number of international students, is not too keen on the idea. This region, nevertheless, is in the process of unifying its own regional conventions through the adoption of a joint Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Possibly this action will serve as inspiration for a change of attitude toward development of a universal convention.  相似文献   

Although admittedly quality is very hard to define, UNESCO, particularly its European Centre for Higher Education and its Division of Higher Education, have undertaken a number of actions to further quality in higher education. Thus CEPES created EGAA (European Group on Academic Assessment) and the Division of Higher Education stressed the questions of quality in higher education in a recently prepared UNESCO draft policy paper. A strong component of the UNESCO UNITWIN and UNESCO Chairs Programme is directed at improving the quality of universities and university programmes in developing countries. The effort in favour of quality thus dovetails into other policies and actions of UNESCO, such as those in favour of the development of Centres of Excellence in the academic world. Yet quality improvement should not mean the imposition of one university model throughout the world but drawing upon what is best in local customs and indigenous culture.


This paper examines the proposition that the quality of university teaching in the research-intensive university is affected by various compliance demands on academic work that are meant to either enhance or be complementary to teaching. These include holding academics to account for the quality of both research and teaching. Our research aims to contribute to evolving theories about the research-teaching nexus and the relationship between compliance and teaching quality. Twenty five in-depth interviews were undertaken with lecturers at a research-intensive university. It was found that research was valued more than teaching, and teaching quality only needed to be good enough to achieve career goals. Once a certain compliance level had been reached in teaching, lecturers could justify apportioning more time for research. We have described teaching in this context as ‘vanilla’ and argue that vanilla teaching is a rationale choice for university academics.  相似文献   

西方大学的学术责任源自对学术自由边界的规定,20世纪三四十年代开始,学术责任成为西方学术工作的主题。中国受儒家思想的影响,自古以来重视学术的社会责任却忽略了学术自由。通过梳理中西方大学学术责任的发展历史,希望为我国大学学术责任的研究和发展提供一些启示。  相似文献   

大学教师的学术自由在当今社会受到越来越多的制约,除了外部社会对大学教师的学术工作提出各种要求外,大学内部的行政权力也对教师的学术自由限制得越来越多。本研究主要通过美国大学的情况,分析大学行政权力影响教师学术自由的历史、表现以及原因,目的是要从保护学术自由的角度出发,让人们更深刻地认识到当今大学行政权力在学术活动中所扮演的角色和地位,从而进一步改进大学管理及其制度,以利于大学中学术的发展。  相似文献   

学术自由是大学的灵魂,是大学生命的源泉,是学者长期追求的目标。本文通过对学术自由的内涵,自由与政治等问题的分析,探寻从制度上保障学术自由目标得以实现的方法。  相似文献   

学术自由视野下的大学发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大学学术自由的发展体现在大学"自由学术精神"的发展和大学"学术人"的自由发展两个方面。以学术自由来观照大学的发展,就是强调应以学术自由为大学发展的基本原则和最高价值取向,要将学术自由作为一个综合的、全面的价值标准体系,以学术自由为根基来运作和引导大学的改革与实践,统整大学的规模、效益、速度、结构、质量等全面协调发展。  相似文献   

普林斯顿大学从创办以来,始终坚守小而精的办学传统和独特的文化氛围。历经200余年的发展,由一所宗教教育机构演变为世界一流的世俗大学。它以"为国家服务,为社会服务"作为办学宗旨,延续保持着欧式严谨的教育学风。通过创造一种平静和谐的环境,营造了宽容与自由的学术风气。我国在建设世界一流大学的过程中,应当借鉴普林斯顿大学的经验,注重大学精神的挖掘和培育,形成良好的学术品德,酝酿自由民主的大学氛围。  相似文献   

“学术自由”是指大学的学术人员在进行学术活动时争取最小程度地受外来强制的权利。一方面,为了知识与真理的缘故,大学需要学术自由。另一方面,根据自由与责任相对应的原理,享受了学术自由权利的大学,还应该履行自由的责任,包括社会责任及维护学术自由应履行的责任。  相似文献   

学术自由的实现与现代大学制度的建构   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
学术自由的实现既包括“外在自由”的实现又包括“内心自由”的实现 ,故学术自由的实现有内外两种尺度 :外在的尺度主要体现为保障学术自由的政策法规在多大程度上得到完善 ,内在的尺度则表现为学术自由作为一种理念在多大程度上得到认同。学术自由的实现与现代大学制度的建构密切相关。我国建构现代大学制度 ,既要完善旨在保护学术自由的外在制度 ,又要培育以学术自由精神为核心的内在制度  相似文献   

This article, written from the point of view of a French academic, who is a labour union leader, examines and discusses the problem of conflictual situations in higher education. To the traditional problems of conflicts between employees and employers and of students with regard to study and living conditions, the crisis situation in French higher education (and in other European higher education systems as well) has created new areas of conflict. In terms of large categories, these conflicts are related to such questions as the evaluation of qualifications for the recruitment and the promotion of staff, the relative weight given to research versus teaching, the ways in which new institutions and teaching/learning disciplines and groups of disciplines are created, and the general financial crisis besetting the higher education system as a whole. The solutions proposed emphasize the importance of transparency and democracy and the need for international instruments to deal with the conditions of university personnel and with academic freedom.  相似文献   

在美国,学术自由具有一定的法律意义,学术自由保护原则的确立主要来自于法院对学术自由案件判决的逻辑关系。美国大学教师的学术自由权利主要涉及到以下几个方面:学术行为的保护性——维护大学教师公民身份的自由;学术评价的公正性——捍卫大学教师平等对待的权利;学术成果的保密性——保护大学教师科学研究的自由。学术自由保护原则最终通过权衡控诉双方的利益得以实现。  相似文献   

随着大学与象牙塔之外的社会结合越来越紧密,作为高深知识的制度保障的学术自由也不得不面对社会环境对其产生的影响和监督。知识本身的发展和大学组织的变化,在一定程度上改变了大学和学术自由的原始意义,使得大学和学术自由在保留了其本质精华的基础上,又在内涵和外延的边界上不断发生着变化。本文分析了学术职业中的学术自由与社会责任、学术自律、学术规范的关系。认为,高深知识的发展使大学的学术自由与学术责任越来越相互交融。伴随着社会知识化与知识社会化的进程,学术自由越深入,它对学术职业的责任、伦理和自律的要求也就越高。  相似文献   

In the more developed countries, the twin concepts of academic freedom and university autonomy have been the bedrock of university administration and development. These concepts have become the characteristic features of modern universities because of the special functions they are called upon to perform over time. Critical to the specialist function of universities are the three P's, namely: (i) the profession of truth and knowledge through teaching; (ii) the promotion of truth and knowledge through research and (iii) the protection of truth and knowledge. Of immediate relevance to these functions is university autonomy which is an essential element for freedom in the search for truth and knowledge. Thus, the normative framework of academic freedom and university autonomy presupposes that academics are effective once these privileges are guaranteed. Supposedly, the opposite is the case should these factors of university administration be absent; hence, we can equally speak of dependence.

Against this conflicting background, this article examines the situation in Nigeria in the context of autonomy, freedom, and dependence in the administration of higher education in selected countries.  相似文献   

Fred Wilson 《Interchange》1996,27(2):125-159
It has been strongly maintained that speech codes at universities interfere with academic freedom, and also, to the contrary, that such speech codes must be developed to restrain appeals to academic freedom that function to restrain the freedom of marginalized groups to participate fully in the university. This essay argues that forms of speech can in fact constrain the freedom, including legitimate academic freedom, of many persons, not only, but importantly including, marginalized groups; that speech codes have always existed; and that reasonable ones can be developed which do not interfere with freedom of teaching, learning, and research in the university; and in particular that definitions of academic freedom such as that developed by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) are compatible with such speech codes.  相似文献   

How do culturally, politically, and economically different actors define education in the UNESCO 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms? This exploration of the document aims to increase understanding of the work of organizations such as UNESCO, as well as stimulating new attention to the area of education for international understanding, peace, and human rights. The text of the Recommendation is analysed discursively, and five repertoires are identified: instruction, principled, factual, stand-taking, and adjusting, as well as a wider discourse of rationality. Repertoires construct positions for the speaker, here the General Conference of UNESCO, and for those to whom the Recommendation is addressed (member states). The adjusting discourse, in which member states are given opportunities to define alternative modes of implementation, is especially important. Identifying the modes of discourse used in the document helps to explain implicit aspects of the normative texts drafted by UNESCO and by international organizations generally. This analysis also provides a basis for reflection on the interaction between international organizations, education policy makers, and educators in this area.  相似文献   

接受法律的规制是大学组织获得合法性的必要条件.而如何保证大学学术自由的张力和社会控制之间的平衡,则是管理的关键。特许状是欧洲大学最古老的合法性文件,今天仍然是西方一些大学获得合法性的法律文件。欧洲大学特许状是大学与当局长期博弈的结果,体现出契约、理性和宪政的管理理念。特许状的出现使西方社会对大学的管理方式走向了法制化的轨道,并为大学的学术自由和组织自治提供了法律保障,为西方大学的良性发展奠定了法治基础。特许状所体现出的西方社会对大学的管理理念对我们建设现代大学制度具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The various academic recognition instruments in use in Europe are presented and described. These include the oldest ones, the Council of Europe Conventions and then the so‐called Prague Convention, the two UNESCO Conventions concerning Europe, particularly the UNESCO European Convention, and most recently, the General Directives of the European Union for recognition with regard to regulated professions. Because Europe has undergone major political and social changes since the first of these conventions was signed, and higher education itself has undergone great diversification, the time has come to seriously consider the establishment of a joint Council of Europe‐UNESCO Convention. Whereas the Council of Europe Conventions con‐centrated on outcomes and the UNESCO European Convention focussed on recognition processes within the framework of a divided Europe, a combined Convention should be oriented toward acceptance for given purposes. It should include the establishment of a code of conduct and involve the participation of subject‐oriented networks and a system of intermediate classification. It should also rely on a combined system of information networks.  相似文献   

The current review presents both postulated and empirically tested consequences of university unionization and labor strikes on the North American institution’s administration, faculty, and students. The review explores the impact of collective bargaining on employee working conditions including job security, academic freedom, university governance, and due process. More importantly, this review examines the much neglected issue of organizational work relationships in a unionized academic environment. The relationships discussed include those between faculty members, between the faculty and administration, between the faculty and the university as an institution, and between the faculty and their union. The threat of unionization and labor strikes to the professor–student or mentor–mentee relationship has been a central concern of those opposed to graduate student unions, and this issue is also addressed here. The text concludes with the identification of potential areas for future research.  相似文献   

This paper examines the legitimacy of norms as a means of evaluating academic conduct. Section one provides a general overview of some issues involved. In section two the concept of norms is unpacked and, in section three, some problems with an adequate account of norms are identified. In section four the rationality of norms is examined and in the following section, section five, the concept of deviance is discussed. It is argued that deviance from rational academic norms is usually, but not always, unacceptable. However, it also is suggested that dissenting conduct is required of academics since it is a central professional norm, closely connected to the purposes of a university. The concept of academic freedom, whilst not examined in any detail in this paper, provides a general defence of dissenting–but, in general, not of deviant ‐conduct. Given the difficulties associated with the concept of norms, the importance of character over conduct is emphasised. It is concluded that the moral basis for evaluating academic conduct and, hence, attempts to improve university teaching, is seriously problematic.  相似文献   

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