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This article focuses on the idea of entrepreneurial subjectivity and the ways in which it is shaped by the entrepreneurial discourse in adult education. As a result, we argue that educational practices related to adults form a particular kind of ideal subjectivity that we refer to as entrepreneurial. In order to understand how this entrepreneurial discourse in adult education works, we will analyse how the young adults we have interviewed engage in the discourse and what effects this has for the construction of their subjectivities. Our joint empirical analysis is based on discourse-analytic methodology and on our previous empirical studies. Our research results suggest that participants in adult education end up constructing their subjectivities within the limits and possibilities of the entrepreneurial discourse that are made available to them. Embracing the entrepreneurial discourse construed in terms of autonomy and freedom, young people are expected to make a project out of their own subjectivities. As an effect, education as well as young adults’ autonomy is limited to a question of speaking in accordance with what is expected.  相似文献   


Within the EU, answers and responses to detected issues and problems facing young people are regularly searched for within and through education and learning. The EU’s Structured Dialogue on youth is one of the consultation-based policy processes where education is often suggested as a solution and a highly relevant field of action helping to improve youth’s status and life. Using Foucauldian discourse analysis, this paper examines discourse about education present in selected policy texts and statements of various stakeholders and individuals active within the EU’s Structured Dialogue on youth. As an example, the first two phases of the fifth cycle of that dialogue are considered and examined, exploring perceptions of the dialogue and education and their role. The paper aims to explore the underlying political rationalities of education via which the field is governed and programmable realities created, while young people’s specific role and conduct is suggested and framed.  相似文献   

The author traces how discourse functions in the context of a school-based, urban Aboriginal education initiative, with a focus on the construction and organization of teaching subjects. Critical discourse analysis that traces spectres reveals some of the ways that whiteness and Eurocentrism create the possibilities for, and the conditions in which teachers take up, the positions: victim of racism, arbiter of authenticity, and rescuer. Consideration of the multiple, complex, and shifting positions teachers occupy within whiteness in general, and in colonial systems of education in particular, offers unique possibilities when untangling and reconfiguring teachers' constructions of Aboriginality/Indigeneity and responses to Aboriginal/Indigenous education. This theory building also contributes to the larger field of curriculum studies by demonstrating how consideration of ‘unheroic tales’ can aid in theorizing teacher identity and difference, both within and beyond the markers Indigenous/non-Indigenous.  相似文献   

福建省高校大学生创业教育现状调查及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生创业教育是我国高等教育教学改革的新探索,是高等教育改革发展的必然要求,反映了高校的人才培养质量。本文对福建省高校在校大学生及创业教育研究者进行了调研,对福建省高校大学生创业活动、创业教育现状、创业环境进行了深入地剖析。结果显示,大学生创业意识和创业观念日益增强,创业教育以开办讲座和举办创业大赛为主要形式,大学生普...  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a postcolonial lens to analyze the impacts of Aboriginal youth’s participation in Alberta’s Future Leaders Program’s youth leadership retreat. While the retreat appeared to have positive lasting impacts on many of the participants, it seemed to have the greatest impact on those who already displayed Eurocentric leadership skills; it had little effect on those who did not display these skills prior to retreat participation and it focused on North American, Eurocentric approaches to leadership. By becoming more culturally relevant, we argue that the retreat could have broader impacts on a greater number of Aboriginal youth.  相似文献   

日本大学生创业能力培养策略及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国大学生由于创业能力缺乏而导致的自主创业成功率极低,有必要研究并借鉴日本高校大学生创业能力培养的成功经验,构建适合中国大学生创业能力的培养模式。围绕日本创业教育基本框架,总结日本创业能力培养的创业素质培育、企业家精神培育和营造良好的创业外部环境等特点,分析我国大学生创业能力培养过程中暴露出的创业动机不正、创业教育体系和创业环境保障机制缺乏等问题,从社会氛围、教育体系和保障机制3个方面建立我国大学生创业能力的培养策略。通过营造大学生创业能力培养的良好社会氛围;树立完整全面的大学生创业能力培养的教育体系;构建一个政、产、学紧密配合,多元化的创业环境保障机制,有效促进大学生创业能力培养,提升自主创业成功率。  相似文献   

应用技术大学创业教育要立足于区域经济社会发展需要,并应针对当前存在的认知偏差等问题,积极探寻解决路径,既要紧密结合学科专业特点,又要把握工程、生产实践需求,开展对外交流,走出一条以深化理念认知为先导,优化人才培养方案,强化师资培养,完善创业实践平台,为区域经济建设和社会发展培养应用型、复合型、创新型人才的有别于研究型大学的创业教育之路。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校大力推进创业教育是提高应用型本科院校人才培养质量的内在要求,也是完善应用型本科院校创业服务体系的必然要求。当前应用型本科院校创业教育存在着运用专业知识进行创业的独特能力有待进一步加强、融资难成为创业的“拦路虎”、创业服务体系相对不够完善等问题,应实施“创业班导师”制度,充分发挥班导师优势,助力大学生自主创业;不断完善创业孵化基地建设,积极为创业大学生搭建各种平台;大力举办各种创业竞赛,努力夯实“比学帮赶超”的校园创业文化底蕴;推进 “产、学、研”一体化联动,积极推动创业实践平台建设。  相似文献   

In this new era in tertiary education in Australia, the opportunity exists not only to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and thus redress low access and participation rates, but also to build a system that privileges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and ways of learning. To be able to do such a thing would require a shared vision and approach from within the institution and across the academy. In Australia, there is one tertiary education provider with the experience and expertise to be able to develop such an approach – Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE). BIITE has been engaged in the post-secondary education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for over 40 years, evolving from a small vocational programme to become a dual sector provider with over 2700 students from across Australia (BIITE, 2011, p. 21). BIITE's philosophy of adult education is that of both-ways, which has been built from knowledge shared by Aboriginal peoples in the Northern Territory. The methodology presented in this paper extends the both-ways philosophy into a generative framework that has applicability in the many different contexts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tertiary education in Australia. It is our intention to generate a broader discussion about this opportunity in tertiary education and shift the discourse from inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to recognising the knowledges and ways of learning of the first peoples of this land as a strong foundation for the entire nation's learning.  相似文献   

Most Australian universities have among their goals to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at their institutions. In the Australian higher education context, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are seriously under-represented, particularly in business education compared to other disciplines. An understanding of why a larger proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students do not choose to study a discipline that provides promising employment opportunities, is fundamental to improving the status quo. This paper reviews the literature to identify key barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ participation and engagement in business education. Apart from multiple general barriers to participation in higher education, factors specific to business as a profession and as an academic discipline are also considered. The paper then discusses a number of strategies Australian educational institutions could pursue when seeking to increase participation and engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in business. Drawing on the review, the paper concludes with recommendations for higher education institutional policy to further improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student participation and engagement in business studies.  相似文献   

Similar to other European countries, the introduction of non-academic, especially managerial, criteria in higher education has shaped and altered Austrian universities since over a decade. This paper presents the results of a frame analysis of Austrian higher education debates from 1993 until 2010. It outlines how reforms in higher education were prepared and enhanced by a new policy discourse, with a special focus on the way gender equality is framed in reform debates. Our article describes three core frames: ‘from local to global’, ‘from ivory tower to business’ and ‘from civil servant to excellence’. We cluster these three frames around imaginations of space that are embedded in the normative foundations of academia, and discuss how this links up with arguments for gender equality. We furthermore propose to analytically separate two conceptions of the university: the ‘entrepreneurial’ and the ‘managerial’ university.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the current policy assumptions on youth entrepreneurship and their possible implications on entrepreneurial learning in nonformal settings. Based on secondary literature analysis, it interrogates the nonformal learning practices that promote entrepreneurship and calls for entrepreneurial learning to incorporate higher awareness of the social challenges that apply to young entrepreneurs. It is argued that the situation of young entrepreneurs is very much dependent on the local ‘regime’ of youth policy-making and reflects an overall social and political thinking on the role and status of young people.  相似文献   

Recent changes to the Australian Curriculum reinforce the need for all educators to value the cultures and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The disproportionately high levels of educational disadvantage experienced by many of these students has prompted the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership to introduce two teacher standards aimed at improving awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, and enactment of pedagogies that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student learning. We describe a pilot study focussed on one cohort of final year mathematics and science primary/middle pre-service teachers (PSTs) as they navigate these standards. We explore PSTs’ self-reported knowledge and confidence before and after targeted interventions designed to cultivate cultural responsiveness. Although the findings suggest an increase in PSTs’ perceived confidence, further work is needed towards what could be considered culturally responsive pedagogies for early career mathematics and science teachers.  相似文献   

This article analyses how ‘eco-certified children’ are constructed as desirable subjects in teaching materials addressing education for sustainable development. We are interested in how discourses structure this cherished practice and how this practice has become ‘natural’ and obvious for us. A discourse analysis is carried out by looking at the material through the lens of Foucault’s notion of pastoral power. The analysis departs from teaching material addressing issues on sustainable development: (1) textbooks for primary and secondary school; (2) games targeted at preschool and school children; and (3) children’s books about sustainable development. The results show that the discourse of education for sustainable development is characterized by scientific and mathematical objectivity and faith in technological development. It emphasizes the right of the individual and the obligation to make free, however ‘correct’, choices. In the teaching materials, the eco-certified child therefore emerges as knowing, conscious, rational, sacrificing and active. This child is constructed through knitting together personal guilt with global threats, detailed individual activities with rescuing the flock and the planet. In a concluding discussion, we discuss how ESD is framed in a neoliberal ideology. With the help of ESD, an economic discourse becomes dressed in an almost poetic language.  相似文献   

This article analyses the perspectives and experiences of refugee and immigrant secondary school students in the USA who are from the Democratic Republic of Congo to examine the interplay between identity and civic education, and broader socio-political discourses around immigration and inclusion. Data are drawn from a 2-year qualitative study that took place between 2016 and 2018, and included interviews, field notes from classroom observations and recordings of classroom discourse in high school civics classes. Findings are analysed through anthropological framings of citizenship and provide important insight into how marginalisation in one context is experienced in another—how refugee and immigrant youth’s socially conscious identities in resettlement contexts can be borne out of personal and familial histories that transcend geographical borders. In so doing, it showcases how civic learning can involve a dialogic process of self-representation and representation of group memberships. This research emphasises these youth’s inherent agency and resistance to single-story narratives about their lives. It concludes with implications for teachers and learners on incorporating active, critical and participatory transnational citizenship education into the classroom.  相似文献   

目前,我国大学生的创业意识、创业勇气、创业技能还比较薄弱,创业教育的系统性和有效性明显不足。本文总结了创业教育与专业教育中所存在的课程、课堂、实践三方面脱节现象,对两者融合进行了思考,提出要通过构建"专业+创业"教育课程体系、创建"仿真+全真"创业实践平台、创建"校内+校外"创业实践基地等途径,同时通过完善系统管理、师资管理、评价考核保障机制来提升两者的衔接。  相似文献   

"以就业为导向"是各个高职院校在新形势下的教育理念。各个高职院校为了加大就业力度,提高学生的竞争力,纷纷对学生加强创业教育。但在这种百花齐放,良莠不分,参差不齐的创业教育态势下,学生们的创新意识淡薄,创业激情无法点燃,创业成功率低,坚韧性不够。究其原因,是因为没有为学生提供合适的创业教育和构建适合的创业环境。而黄冈职业技术学院从三个方面,即引导激发学生创业激情——构建创业实践体系——选择合适创业项目让学生展开创业,希望能为其他兄弟院校创业教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

多元文化政策和各项土著教育政策的实施促进了加拿大土著教育的良性发展。然而,根据最近统计数据,与非土著学生相比,土著在学习态度,学业成绩、出勤率和稳定学习等诸多方面均表现出极大的差距。根据雅塔.卡努教授对土著学生所做的教育调查报告的结果展开了深度思考,从土著文化与课程的有机融合,到宏观结构政策的积极配合,这两种变量对土著学生取得学业成功至关重要,缺一不可。  相似文献   

Framed by a question around vulnerability in narrative inquiries, we show the multiple ways that vulnerability is evident in narrative inquiry. We take up the concerns around vulnerability to show how, as narrative inquirers, we are searching to find ways to think with vulnerability and with what others have called neglected narratives. Drawing on one study with Aboriginal youth and their families, we make visible how questions of vulnerability need to be considered in framing of research puzzles, selecting participants, and moving from field to field texts to interim and final research texts. In composing final research texts, we struggled with the notions of vulnerability that are placed on Aboriginal youth by labels and single stories. These assigned vulnerabilities lead to interpretations that could create experiences of judgment. We returned again to the importance of making experiences visible, in order to shift understandings of who Aboriginal youth are, and are becoming, in a complex world that will not write over or ‘erase their Indianness’ nor their or our vulnerabilities. We showed the ways questions of vulnerability are inextricably interwoven into narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

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