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目的:探讨江西省儿童青少年生长发育长期趋势的变化特征.方法:采集江西718岁学生2000年、2005年和2010年体质调研的身高、体重、胸围的原始数据,比较分析近10年学生身体形态发育的变化.结果:江西学生身高、体重和胸围符合一般的生长发育规律,随年龄的增长均有不同程度的增长,生长水平表现出明显的长期趋势;前5年(200018岁学生2000年、2005年和2010年体质调研的身高、体重、胸围的原始数据,比较分析近10年学生身体形态发育的变化.结果:江西学生身高、体重和胸围符合一般的生长发育规律,随年龄的增长均有不同程度的增长,生长水平表现出明显的长期趋势;前5年(20002005年)和后5年(20052005年)和后5年(20052010年)相比,身高、体重和胸围增长水平和增长速度呈现不同的特点,即受遗传潜力制约较大的身高生长高峰期在今后可能增幅会放缓,受后天环境因素影响较大的体重和胸围生长高峰期将会继续,但"正向"增长势头正在减弱,逐渐会趋于稳定.结论:江西72010年)相比,身高、体重和胸围增长水平和增长速度呈现不同的特点,即受遗传潜力制约较大的身高生长高峰期在今后可能增幅会放缓,受后天环境因素影响较大的体重和胸围生长高峰期将会继续,但"正向"增长势头正在减弱,逐渐会趋于稳定.结论:江西718岁学生身体形态生长水平继续表现出明显的增长趋势;城乡学生在身体形态发育水平上的总体差异依然存在;乡村学生遗传生长潜力正在全面释放,城乡差异呈逐渐缩小趋势.  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族国家,文化背景具有多元性特征,基础教育正是在这种背景下进行的,这种多元文化趋势给教育带来了新的思维方式.教育不能忽视少数民族学生的文化背景而进行,在教育中存在着如何适应少数民族学生发展的问题,文章试图从实施多元文化教学来解决教学的民族性.  相似文献   

利用贵州、新疆2005年和1985年少数民族学生体质健康调研所获得的数据,对贵州、新疆少数民族学生的体质状况作20年的动态观察、对比和分析.结果:20年间,贵州、新疆少数民族学生的生长发育水平有一定幅度的提高,发育速度,维吾尔族、哈萨克族学生明显快于布依族、侗族学生,身高发育过程出现提前,身体发育的充实度和匀称度只有哈萨克族学生得到一定程度的改善.  相似文献   

池秀梅  林靖 《宜春学院学报》2010,32(1):32-33,45
新时期内地非民族院校就读的少数民族学生面临学业、经济、人际交往等方面压力.非民族院校对少数民族学生培养已采取若干措施,但仍存在瓶颈问题,需进一步健全完善非民族院校的少数民族学生培养体系.  相似文献   

普通高校举办的少数民族班,是党和国家为提高少数民族文化水平.加速发展少数民族地区社会主义现代化建设,更多地培养少数民族各类专门人才而采取的一项特殊措施。少数民族班的学生既有普通高校学生的共性,也有其自身的个性特点。将目标管理应用于高校民族班的管理中,有效地促进了少数民族学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

我国中小学生生长发育加速卫生部近日公布的对我国中小学生生长发育状况调查结果显示,我国中小学生的生长发育水平有了较大提高,体现出显著的加速生长趋势。加速生长的趋势突出表现在体格发育上。近20年来,我国7—17岁的青少年儿童身高平均增长量,男生达到了6.9厘米,女生达到5.5厘米。体重增长更为迅速,体重平均增长量男生达到6.6千克,女生是4.5千克。青春期发育的提前趋势显著,表现为生长幅度猛增,性发育年龄不断提前。这种增长趋势,在速度上超过了各发达国家二战后出现的生长加速水平。这些变化在沿海大城市表…  相似文献   

对少数民族汉语教学的最终目的是培养学生准确、得体地运用汉语的能力,其汉语修辞能力.当前,汉语教学在对少数民族学生汉语修辞能力培养方面存在不重视等问题.对少数民族学生汉语修辞能力的培养应加强正确认识,多接触汉语,选好教材,注重文化背景的教学.  相似文献   

以战略眼光和全局观念指导普通高校少数民族学生工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
少数民族学生工作在各民族高校思想政治工作研究中已经取得了较好的成果,但普通高校中少数民族学生工作的实践总结和理论探讨还不够系统.本文结合东部尤其是上海市普通高校少数民族学生工作存在的问题及相应的特点,以华东理工大学五年来的实践与探索为依托,从战略眼光与全局的观念来指导普通高校的少数民族学生工作,总结成功的经验,探讨了一些较好的工作方法和有效的实践措施,为普通高校的少数民族学生工作提供建设性的意见和建议.  相似文献   

我国少数民族大学生的前途和各民族人民的切身利益和高校的少数民族学生的思想政治教育工作的开展情况息息相关,更是直接关系到少数民族地区的繁荣富强,关系到民族团结、社会和谐稳定和国家的长治久安.这就要求高校思想政治教育工作者发现少数民族学生思想政治教育中存在的问题,设定思想政治教育的目标和内容,努力改进思想政治教育的方式,及时高效地解决问题,从而促进高校少数民族学生思想政治教育工作的全面发展.  相似文献   

本课题组对新疆维吾尔自治区高校的少数民族高年级学生的思想政治现状进行了调查.本文从思想政治、学习生活和就业意愿三个方面对我区少数民族高年级学生的现状进行了分析.从问卷调查和召开座谈会的情况来看,我区高校少数民族高年级学生的思想政治素质的主流是好的,总体上呈现出稳定、健康的发展态势.但在调查中同时也发现少数民族大学生的思想政治素质存在着一些不容忽视的问题.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对民族院校外语专业学生进行了问卷调查,探究少数民族学生学习汉语的动机类型及其对汉语知识掌握的差异性,以期更好地了解少数民族学生学习汉语的目的和思想动态、为丰富少数民族学生的汉语知识提供参考。  相似文献   


The current study examined the case of religious students who opted to study in a secular teacher-training college despite the fact that there are religious colleges that would have suited their needs. This phenomenon is unusual because the education system in Israel is segregated and each educational sector has its own teacher-training colleges. Findings of this qualitative study indicate that the majority of participants did not wish to depart from the religious framework, but rather sought to forge reciprocal relations with the secular society and carve a space for themselves where they could express their identity, which does not entirely conform to the demands of the religious society. These findings highlight an interesting dynamic that developing between students from a minority group and the mainstream secular society in Israel that promotes multiculturalism. An academic campus that adopts a multicultural approach is a safe space for minority students, whose sectorial framework does not fully provide for all their needs.  相似文献   

Little academic attention has been given to the supplementary education experience of immigrant students in the Canadian research literature, especially in a non-English speaking context such as Quebec. Yet these schools are important for understanding the influence of ethnicity as well as religion on the academic preparedness and social integration of immigrant/minority students in the public school system. From a comparative perspective, this study explores the role that secular Chinese language schools and nonsecular, church-affiliated schools play in responding to the educational needs of Chinese youth in the public schools. Data were collected through ethnographical observation in the two school contexts, as well as through in-depth interviews with Chinese immigrant students, their parents, school personnel, and church ministers. Through a Foucauldian analysis of discourse, the author found that attendance at Chinese supplementary schools benefitted these students’ academic preparedness in a variety of ways, such as the reinforcement and development of ethnic identity. In secular Chinese language schools, ethnicity seems to function through the interaction of cultural attributes and social ethnic structures, whereas in church-affiliated, nonsecular schools, the influence of ethnicity seems to shift to the impact of Christian discipleship. Through this process, church schools actually act as socializing agents that facilitate positive interpersonal relationships among peers and families.  相似文献   

Singaporean students generally perform very well in international tests of mathematics and science. Nonetheless, in multi-cultural Singapore, there exist gaps with the Malays, a minority group in Singapore, systematically lagging behind the other ethnic groups of the Chinese and Indians in many educational performance indicators. While there have been previous qualitative assessments of this issue, rigorous statistical analyses are lacking. In this article, I analyse data from 1991 to 2011 of aggregate percentage passes in national examinations for the different ethnic groups in Singapore. Using time series techniques and regression, I uncovered two major findings. First, the Malay trends in percentage passes for the last two decades were strongly correlated with the non-Malay, national trends. Second, despite the correlation, there remained fluctuations around the national trend by Malay cohorts in the past two decades. Malay cohorts tended to perform better during an upward national trend, but also performed worse during a downward national trend, indicating systematic volatility in performance. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of current research on educational gaps and three decades of community self-help to improve the educational achievement of the minority Malays in Singapore.  相似文献   

Secular trends in human growth, maturation, and development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rates of growth during childhood have increased considerably during the past 50-100 years. Because they are associated with increased rates of maturation, these size increases are maximal at ages when recently measured groups are pubescent but those measured in the past had not reached pubescence. Large secular increases in rates of growth and maturation have occurred in all developed countries but not in many other countries. There have been secular increases in recumbent length at birth in Italy and France but little change in the United States. The secular increase in childhood stature is much more obvious, being about 1.5 cm/decade for 12-year-old children, although for young adults the secular increase in stature has been about 0.4 cm/decade in most developed countries. In the United States these trends have been similar for blacks and whites during childhood but greater for black men than white men. Similarly, secular trends in birth weights have been small, but there have been large trends for children (about 1.5 kg/decade for 12-year-olds). These secular changes in size have been associated with an acceleration of maturation that is most evident in the 0.3 years/decade advancement in age at menarche. This advancement has now ceased in Norway and England. The changes in body proportions during recent decades are less marked than those in body size. Leg length, particularly the length of the thigh, seems to have increased more than stature in men but not women; chest circumference has increased more rapidly than stature in each sex. The relationships between stature and weight have changed in different ways in various national groups. Similarly, the relative changes in head length and head breadth vary with the groups studied. Few sets of data allow conclusions about possible secular trends in body composition, but subcutaneous fat thicknesses have increased, especially at the upper percentiles. Also strength, which reflects muscle mass, has increased absolutely, although it has decreased relative to stature.Undoubtedly the secular trend is due to various factors; the identification of causes is necessarily speculative. Changes in nutrition alone could not account for the trends which exceed the original socioeconomic differentials. In the United States, there have been per capita increases in the intake of protein and fat from animal sources, decreases in carbohydrates and fat from vegetable sources, and little change in caloric intake. It is not clear that these changes constitute better nutrition. The secular trends could reflect environmental improvements, specifically changes in health practices and living conditions leading to improvements in mortality rates and life expectancy. These factors are interrelated with those concerning family size. Also genetic factors, especially heterosis, may have played a small role in causing the secular trends...  相似文献   

针对新疆职业院校预科汉语教学部学生的基本情况、学习汉语态度和动机、汉语水平、民族汉考、课外时间安排方面进行了一次深入的调查和分析。发现新疆职业院校少数民族学生学习汉语积极性很高,汉语水平提高很快,但存在"汉语教学"还不能完全顺应"民族汉考"发展趋势等问题,文章就存在问题提出解决方案。  相似文献   

高校作为培养21世纪合格人才的"工厂",对大学生的成长培养和健康教育担负着十分重要的任务。专家对我国高校大学生心理健康状况调查表明,高校少数民族大学生不同程度存在心理健康问题,严重影响着少数民族大学生合格人才的培养。研究发现,通过体育锻炼能够促进高校少数民族大学生心理向健康方向发展。  相似文献   

汉语学习材料在少数民族学生的汉语学习中是一个关键性因素,起着十分重要的作用。为此,我们对目前民族学生使用的汉语学习材料进行了调查。结果显示,民族学生利用汉语学习材料进行自主学习的能力较差。本文对调查结果进行了分析研究,并针对反映出来的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

文章针对新疆少数民族汉语教学中存在的一些问题,立足字本位理论,在语音、汉字、词汇、语法等各个层次作了探讨,认为在新疆的少数民族汉语教学中利用"字本位"这一凸显汉语特点的理论,会方便少数民族学生认识、记忆、掌握汉语,更好地促进新疆的少数民族汉语教学。  相似文献   

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