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Adopting a self-conscious form of co-generative writing and employing a bricolage of visual images and literary genres we draw on a recent critical auto/ethnographic inquiry to engage our readers in pedagogical thoughtfulness about the problem of culturally decontextualised mathematics education in Nepal, a country rich in cultural and linguistic diversity. Combining transformative, critical mathematics and ethnomathematical perspectives we develop a critical cultural perspective on the need for a culturally contextualized mathematics education that enables Nepalese students to develop (rather than abandon) their cultural capital. We illustrate this perspective by means of an ethnodrama which portrays a pre-service teacher’s point of view of the universalist pedagogy of Dr. Euclid, a semi-fictive professor of undergraduate mathematics. We deconstruct the naivety of this conventional Western mathematics pedagogy arguing that it fails to incorporate salient aspects of Nepali culture. Subsequently we employ metaphorical imagining to envision a culturally inclusive mathematics education for enabling Nepalese teachers to (i) excavate multiple mathematical knowledge systems embedded in the daily practices of rural and remote villages across the country, and (ii) develop contextualized pedagogical perspectives to serve the diverse interests and aspirations of Nepali school children.
Peter Charles TaylorEmail:

School and work climate studies of LGBTQ-identified students and educators often reflect challenging environments for those with non-normative sexual and gender identities. Thus, this study sought to understand the experiences of LGBTQ-identified world language (WL) educators in the classroom as well as the intersections of their gender and sexual identities. Drawing upon Butler’s theory of gender performativity and arts-based approaches to research, specifically ethnodrama and performance, this article describes a researcher’s process of working through contradictions in research and representation. Through arts-based approaches to qualitative inquiry, the author maintains how such approaches can provide different mediums for exploring and conveying participants’ lived experiences that are often not possible through traditional qualitative methods of representation.  相似文献   

Presenting research well with regard to persons with disabilities is as important as conducting research well. Disembodied, technical writing does not accurately represent the dramas of athletes, fans, and people who are trying to exist in damaged or violated bodies. Our stories are left incomplete if we omit the metaphoric and symbolic codes we use in narrating our subjective and personal realities. We invite kinesiology scholars to present the fragmented stories that abound in sport and physical activity through narrative research: realist tales, autoethnographies, poetry, fictional representations, and ethnodrama. We present examples and explanations of a variety of narratives that attempt to draw the reader into the subjective experience of others. They conclude that professionals in the sub-disciplines can learn lessons from disabilities researchers. They also posit that narratives provide avenues for multiple realities to be shared, people who would most likely never read social or behavioral research in kinesiology can be introduced to other ways of being in the world, and students who are interested in sport and physical activity can become better professionals.  相似文献   

This article contends that the third generation of cultural–historical activity theory as forwarded in Yrjo Engeström’s version of expansive learning offers the people of South Africa a framework within which to practically realise the objective of a more culturally inclusive and relevant education. By recognising and harnessing the divergent and even opposing principles and values within indigenous and modern western knowledge traditions, the expansive learning framework provides a vehicle for implementing the kind of education which has been conceived of by such policies as the country’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Policy and the Science-IKS curriculum. It is argued that this approach has the potential to take the indigenous knowledge initiatives beyond their current impasse in policies and bureaucratic institutions by generating new forms of cultural activity from the very conflicts inherent in the project. The principles of object orientation, multi-voicedness, historicity, contradictions as a driving force and expansive transformation are outlined at the level of interacting western and IKS, but shown to be operationalised through learning and research activity at a local level in classrooms and communities so that they generate new practices and policies from people’s daily activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to seek to understand the process of privatisation and deregulation of Israel's higher education system which had been until the late 20th century predominantly public. Since 1994, public and governmental agencies became major clients of private universities. Thus the public sector played a major role in the expansion of international universities and in the operation of their academic programmes and became their major financial source. This partnership between the public and the private sector could be explained by the following: the increased demand for higher education by native born Israelis and the large flux of immigrants from the former USSR and Ethiopia on the one side, and the socialist ideology which deeply rooted in the Israeli society, to enable for everyone who wishes to attain higher education to find a place in the undergraduate system (particularly the population of the developmental towns and minority groups) on the other, pushed the Israeli government to expand its boundaries. Israel's public universities have been subjected to relax admissions requirement, which they refused to do. Another reason is the increasing demand from the public service in general and particularly from the education service that having a BA degree would increase the teacher salary and it does not matter whether the degree comes from an Israeli university(with its higher standards) or from a branch of an international university(with its lower standards). That explains the expansion and diversification that occurred in the higher education system in Israel. The 1998 Branches Act stipulating that any overseas institution intending to open an off shore branch must obtain a licence from the Council of Higher Education. The new regime demonstrates the paradox in higher education policy, on one side privatisation by the backdoor, on the other, regulation and control by the Israeli government.  相似文献   

温婷 《中国德育》2008,(2):17-19
幸福是个体在对真善美的追求中所获得的一种体验。人获得幸福体验最有效的途径是教育。幸福教育可视为在知识上科学“求真”、在品德上积极“扬善”,两者完美统一,最终达到“唯美”境界的教育。只有达到真善美和谐统一的幸福教育才能使受教育者实现自由而全面的发展。  相似文献   

我周教育理论界一般认为教育有广义的教育和狭义的教育两种。最广义的教育界定因为不能有效地揭示教育的本质属性而被摈弃。但是最广义的教育界定具有很强的实践意义。以教育意识为核心,最广义的教育过程有四种模式,特点分明。基于教育模式分析,探讨几种有效的教育方法的运用。  相似文献   

第三部门视野中的教育产权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育产权问题是教育经济领域争论比较激烈的问题之一,原因是许多研究者认为它是制约我国教育特别是民办教育发展的根源之一。虽然理论工作者从多维视角进行了许多有益的探索,但从实际情况来看并未对现实情况产生较大影响。试图从另一个全新的视角进行探讨,并希冀从中得到启示,其结论是第三部门视野中的教育不存在产权问题,现实情况也说明并没有因为产权问题而影响我国教育的发展。  相似文献   

The past decades saw a rise in internationalised education in Europe. Based on case studies at Dutch schools, I argue that the introduction of this type of education can be understood by the increased need for schools to adapt to the social reproduction strategies of privileged social classes. School managers regard internationalised streams as a way to counter a decline of pupils or as a strategy to improve an already secure position. In both cases, they resisted protesting staff in their efforts to establish an exclusive image of their internationalised stream. I argue that school managers’ inclination to emphasise the exclusive and ‘high‐quality’ profile of their internationalised streams and their propensity to celebrate the abilities of their pupils stem from their competitive engagement with local education markets.  相似文献   

Contemporary historians of education associate the term ‘social efficiency’ with a group of US educators who, in the 1910s and 1920s, aimed at creating a technocratic school and a conservative society of social stability and harmony. However, an investigation of the origin of the term indicates that ‘social efficiency’ began its career in 1894 in the UK with the writing of Benjamin Kidd. From the outset, Kidd’s social Darwinist position was disputed by sociologists and philosophers who interpreted the term from a humanitarian point of view. It was the broad, liberal approach inspired by John Hobson, Lester Ward, and John Dewey—and not the narrow, utilitarian approach propagated by David Snedden—that educators took up when they employed the term ‘social efficiency’ to define the main aim of education.  相似文献   

本文通过对人文教育主题转换的考察,提出当前我国高校人文教育的主题是要培养人的关心能力、思考问题及辨析问题的能力,使学生逐步树立起合理的世界观、人生观与价值观。  相似文献   

论自由教育向通识教育的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方高等教育素有自由教育、通识教育的传统,而自由教育是通识教育的古典先驱。从公元4世纪亚里士多德提出自由教育思想到19世纪初有识之士倡导通识教育,在长达15个世纪的历史长河中,自由教育因社会政治经济文化的发展变化,其概念内涵发生着演变。19世纪初以来,自由教育开始向通识教育演变,是历史发展的必然,但这并不是对自由教育的全盘否定。自由教育是通识教育的灵魂,是实施通识教育的教育理念。  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years, teacher education in England has been the focus of a stream of ‘reforms’ with the ultimate aim of placing provision into schools, the justification for such a radical policy being that higher education is alleged to be failing to provide good quality teachers thereby compromising the social and economic development of the country. The process whereby these reforms have been introduced is described and then used as a way of comparing and contrasting the way in which similar reforms can be identified in the international teacher education communities represented in this special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching (JET). The paper closes by identifying lessons that can be learned from international comparators.  相似文献   

Using the system in the UK as a case study, this paper begins by examining the relationship between the rise of the ‘new managerialism’ in the public services and the ideological framework that was provided for this by the convergence of key ideas emerging from the new right and new left. It looks then at the growth of the new educational bureaucracies to service this management culture and relates these to changes in the role of concepts of strategic management in the shift from the Cold War era to the present very different international configuration that has followed on from the demise of the Soviet Union and its satellite states. It provides a critique of the pervasive, supervisory, performance management culture that has emerged in the public services by using organization theory to question the applicability of these processes to education. Most critiques of the new managerialism in education have engaged with it on sociological or political grounds without attempting to examine how these particular approaches are accounted for within organization theory. It focuses on the work of one influential theorist in the field, arguing that his work offers rich critical insights which are particularly applicable to the organizational forms of educational management. Finally it evaluates the influence of this management environment on the quality of education arguing that its obsessive focus on quantitative outcomes and the ‘measurable’ has been a key factor in the narrowing of horizons and the impoverishment of educational policy discourse under the present Government and its immediate predecessors.  相似文献   

发达国家如美国、德国、日本等的终身教育各具特色,但其共同特征是:实现了终身教育的法制化,建立了层次多样、结构完备的施教机构,形成了真正意义上的终身教育体系。我国的终身教育经历了从思想理念到社会实践、从学术探讨到国家教育政策吸纳、从教育概念到制度架构的发展历程。依据发达国家的经验,我国应从终身教育理念普及、法律制度完善、服务体系建设、加大经费投入等多方面推进我国的终身教育事业。  相似文献   

贫困农村儿童的能力发展状况及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究利用区慕洁教授设计和编制的儿童能力发展测试问卷,分析了当前贫困农村儿童能力发展的现状及其影响因素。结果表明,贫困农村儿童的能力发展很不乐观,远远落后于城市同年龄段儿童的发展水平,能力发展不足的情况非常普遍,具体体现在认知能力、社会交往能力、自理能力、语言能力和精细运动能力等方面。贫困农村地区儿童能力发展水平和接受正规学前教育存在显著的相关关系。为了促进农村儿童的能力发展,今后需要加大农村学前教育投入,改善农村学前教育服务质量,鼓励儿童家长将孩子送到正规学前教育机构接受学前教育,从而在起点上缩小城乡教育差距,促进农村儿童全面发展。  相似文献   

Jane Courtney 《Compare》2017,47(6):891-907

This research is based on a multi-disciplinary and multi-levelled analysis of evidence to present the case that education reform needs to be contextualised far more widely than is currently practised. It focuses on the voices of Cambodian local teacher trainers through interviews over a five-year period. Interview data is triangulated against academic sources, national policy documents and classroom observations. The research reveals how notions of globalisation and knowledge economy have led to education being driven by measurable outcomes resulting in simplified educational policies that have a negative impact on teacher development. By allowing the Khmer teacher trainers to articulate their opinions on a wide range of themes, the interviews provide evidence to support historical and cultural theories proposed by academics working in the social sciences in Cambodia. This approach identifies that a deeper contextual analysis should enable teacher development programmes to be more closely aligned to national contexts.  相似文献   

根据当前成人高校学生的思想状况和特点,由于部分学生在价值判断和选择上存有“关心与淡漠相容,希望与困惑并存,进取与彷徨相伴,认同与失落交错” 的不稳定心态。因此在新的历史条件下,必需更加重视德育,开展有针对性的有说服力的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

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