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讨论式教学的研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了教学方法改革的重要性,总结了讨论式教学的具体操作程序,认类讨论式教学中应正确处理讲授与讨论、学生讨论与教师引导、教与学、课前与课堂、结论的封闭与开放五个关系,指出讨论式教学要体现主体教育思想,注重学生知识的外化和学生互动。  相似文献   

再谈讨论式教学方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论式教学法是以学生为中心,通过讨论学习达到训练学生自学能力、推理能力、运用所学知识能力目的的一种教学方法.讨论式教学作为一种教学方法,在提倡素质教育和创造教育的今天显得尤为重要,它为发展学生的主体性,培养学生的创新思维提供了更好的条件.本文在教学教学中运用讨论式教学方法,揭示了讨论式教学法的理论依据、运用讨论式教学法的意义、运用讨论式教学法的基本条件、讨论式教学方法的优越性、讨论式教学方法实施中存在的问题及解决对策、实施中教师应注意的问题.  相似文献   

大学数学课程讨论式教学模式可以调动学生大学数学学习的积极性,提高大学生自主学习的能力。本文将讨论式教学模式分为"小讨论"和"大讨论"两种形式,并阐述了这两种讨论模式具体实施的过程。同时,还提出了大学数学教师在讨论式教学中应该注意:选择适合讨论的教学内容,精心组织、编排讨论的内容,设计好讨论时间,讨论过程重视引导,教师要及时汇总并给予评价。  相似文献   

在英语教学中,讨论式教学法需要教师精心设计,引导学生讨论一个问题,学生针对这个问题在课前检索资料,在课堂讨论中,教师引导学生说出自己的见解,学生能够通过讨论建构英语知识。以教师引导学生学习《Colourful life》一课的教学实例为证,说明这种教学方法的应用效率。  相似文献   

中学物理学科的教学,如何使学生打好扎实的知识基础,又使学生具有探讨和获取新知识的能力?不妨试用“讨论式教学法”。这是我们八年来物理教学改革实践证明了的行之有效的教学方法。一、含义所谓“讨论式教学法”是根据教材中的重点、难点、疑点、关键或带有规律性的问题,以及学生在自学或实验中发现的问题,由教师或者学生提出讨论的题目,教师组织讨论的一种教学方法。“讨论式教学法”的课堂形式是:教师  相似文献   

课堂讨论是中学思想政治课教学中最常用的教学方法。教学中以问题为线索去组织教学,在讨论的过程去引导学生自己认识问题和解决问题。是新课程条件下学生自主学习的有效教学手段。一、思想政治课讨论式教学的功效1.课堂讨论可以激发学生的学习主动性。问题是学习的驱动力,思想政治课有很强的社会性和实践性,教学目标的问题性很强,这些问题又具有真实性和开放性。这为  相似文献   

“创业教育”课是对学生进行素质教育的重要内容,也是提高学生综合素质的重要手段。近年来,越来越受到普遍关注。在教学中,我尝试采用了讨论式的教学方法,取得了较好的效果。 讨论式教学是教师指导学生调查研究,获得感性材料,运用所学的知识在讨论与讲解中进行分析、综合等思维活动,从而端正和提高对某一实际问题的认识的教学形式。本人认为,在讨论式教学过程中要做好以下几方面工作。 1、课外精心准备是讨论式教学成功的前提 在讨论课教学之前要选好讨论的题目,同时教师要明确如何指导学生进行讨论。 我选择的讨论题分两大类,一…  相似文献   

课堂设问和讨论式教学方法能够改变传统的土壤学教学乏味和枯燥的状况,激发学生的想象力,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,有利于师生和学生间的互动,使教与学充分结合起来。本文详细介绍了土壤学各章节设问式教学思路和课堂讨论问题及其过程。  相似文献   

物理讨论式教学法是指教师引导和启发学生展开讨论,对物理问题进行思考,最终得出正确结论的方法.这种教学方法以学生为主体,教师引导、组织学生进行积极思考和讨论,并在重难点处进行恰到好处的点拨.它在一定程度上改变了以往"教师滔滔不绝、学生昏昏欲睡"的课堂状况,把学习的主动权还给学生,使"教为学服务",有利于充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性.教学实践证明:在教学条件较差的农村中学,讨论式教学是一种易于操作又行之有效的课堂教学的好方法.  相似文献   

讨论式教学法作为农村区域发展专业课堂教学的一种有效教学方法,对培养学生"勤思考""能沟通""敢作为"的能力有重要价值。管理学课程教学中运用讨论式教学法必须遵循转变教学理念,因教学内容调整教学方法,讨论形式多元化三原则,良好的规则、充分的准备、适度的规模、适时地引导以及配套的激励机制都是实施讨论式教学法中的重要条件。  相似文献   

讨论式教学法是一种教师引导下以学生间的讨论交流为主的教学方法。从教学方法选择的六个依据出发,结合现代教育理论课程的特点,讨论法在教师培训中具有可应用性。  相似文献   

Contrary to classical problem-based learning, in guided problem-based learning, the learning goals are predetermined by the instructor—on the basis of a detailed decomposition of the subject matter to be studied—to activate prior knowledge and to structure self-study and subsequent group discussion. This study investigated the effects of classical problem-based learning and guided problem-based learning, for different prior knowledge levels, on perceived value and usefulness of the learning activity and on conceptual understanding of statistics. Participants randomly assigned 110 students to 10 problem-based learning groups, and subsequently, the 10 groups were allocated randomly to classical problem-based learning or guided problem-based learning. The results indicate that guided problem-based learning tends to enhance conceptual understanding of statistics more thanbreak; classical problem-based learning once students have some prior knowledge of the subject. Furthermore, guided problem-based learning tends to increase students’ awareness of the value and usefulness of the learning activity.  相似文献   

高效率数学教学方法能够促进数学学习者始终保持浓厚的数学学习兴趣、数学认知成绩好并维持在稳定状态.认为:其教学模式是以多元化、多层面为指导思想,全面实施人性化的民主讨论方法.具体表现为:数学课堂教学的师生积极互动与共同发展,它既能保持学生创造性思维的独立性和自主性,又能平等协商与合作交流,从而感悟数学是做出来的.只有这样,才能让数学学习者感受和体验数学问题的产生、发现、应用过程,并从亲身经历中,再次体悟到数学学习是一个艰辛的再创造再发现的过程.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have shown benefits of problem-solving prior to instruction (cf. Productive Failure, Invention) in comparison to direct instruction. However, students’ solutions prior to instruction are usually erroneous or incomplete. In analogy to guided discovery learning, it might therefore be fruitful to lead students towards the discovery of the canonical solution. In two quasi-experimental studies with 104 students and 175 students, respectively, we compared three conditions: problem-solving prior to instruction, guided problem-solving prior to instruction in which students were led towards the discovery of relevant solution components, and direct instruction. We replicated the beneficial effects of problem-solving prior to instruction in comparison to direct instruction on posttest items testing for conceptual knowledge. Our process analysis further revealed that guidance helped students to invent better solutions. However, the solution quality did not correlate with the posttest results in the guided condition, indicating that leading students towards the solution does not additionally promote learning. This interpretation is supported by the finding that the two conditions with problem-solving prior to instruction did not differ significantly at posttest. The second study replicated these findings with a greater sample size. The results indicate that different mechanisms underlie guided discovery learning and problem-solving prior to instruction: In guided discovery learning, the discovery of an underlying model is inherent to the method. In contrast, the effectiveness of problem-solving prior to instruction does not depend on students’ discovery of the canonical solution, but on the cognitive processes related to problem-solving, which prepare students for a deeper understanding during subsequent instruction.  相似文献   

Law education at the University of Limburg (Maastricht, The Netherlands) features small-group tutorials alternating with periods of independent study. Every group of 10 students was tutored by a staff member or an undergraduate student from the third or fourth year. Students guided by a staff member scored significantly higher on a test designed to measure higher order cognitive skills than students guided by a student tutor. Student tutors were rated no differently from staff tutors with respect to the way they stimulated learning processes, directed the discussion content and monitored the discussion process. It seems that in a quantitative way, staff tutors and student tutors behave more or less the same. Qualitatively, however, there may be differences in their behavior which the tutor functioning questionnaire is unable to tap. Interventions of staff tutors may be more to the point than those of student tutors due to the fact that they are experts in their fields.  相似文献   

实现高职院校思想政治理论课教学与主体问性转向的融合,要处理好师生关系、教学方式选择等问题。在明确在主体间性转向维度下,教师在教学过程中,要抓好教师问、师生间、学生间交往的三个环节;践行学生主体、互动教学、共同发展等理念;通过采用课堂讨论法和情景教学法等教学方式,真正增强思想政治理论课教学的实效性。  相似文献   

笔者采用问卷调查、访谈等方式,对少数民族院校学生在英语学习中的不可控因素、可控因素、民族学生的语言特性、文化因素等进行了调研,并依据抽查结果分析了民族院校学生英语认知能力的特征及这种能力形成、发展的规律。  相似文献   

In teaching inquiry to high school students, educators differ on which method of teaching inquiry is more effective: Guided or open inquiry? This paper examines the influence of these two different inquiry learning approaches on the attitudes of Israeli high school biology students toward their inquiry project. The results showed significant differences between the two groups: Open inquiry students were more satisfied and felt they gained benefits from implementing the project to a greater extent than guided inquiry students. On the other hand, regarding documentation throughout the project, guided inquiry students believed that they conducted more documentation, as compared to their open inquiry peers. No significant differences were found regarding ??the investment of time??, but significant differences were found in the time invested and difficulties which arose concerning the different stages of the inquiry process: Open inquiry students believed they spent more time in the first stages of the project, while guided inquiry students believed they spent more time in writing the final paper. In addition, other differences were found: Open inquiry students felt more involved in their project, and felt a greater sense of cooperation with others, in comparison to guided inquiry students. These findings may help teachers who hesitate to teach open inquiry to implement this method of inquiry; or at least provide their students with the opportunity to be more involved in inquiry projects, and ultimately provide their students with more autonomy, high-order thinking, and a deeper understanding in performing science.  相似文献   

本文结合肇庆电大"现袋远程开放环境下电大生学习心理研究"课题组所进行的问卷调查数据分析的情况.对在网络环境下的电大教学问题进行心理学方面的思考,提出运用心理学的动机强化理论和目标设置理论.设置课程目标和制作教学资源。达到强化学生学习动机,实现课程目标的目的。  相似文献   

This study seeks to develop and evaluate a modified lab inquiry approach to teaching about nature of science (NOS) to secondary students. Different from the extended, open-ended inquiry, this approach makes use of shorter lab inquiry activities in which one or several specific NOS aspects are manipulated deliberately so that students are compelled to experience and then reflect on these NOS aspects. In this study, to let students experience theory-laden observation, they were provided with different “theories” in order to bias their observations in the lab inquiry. Then, in the post-lab discussion, the teacher guided students to reflect on their own experience and explicitly taught about theory-ladenness. This study employs a quasi-experimental pretest–posttest design using the historical approach as the control group. The results show that the manipulated lab inquiry approach was much more effective than the historical approach in fostering students’ theory-laden views, and it was even more effective when the two approaches were combined. Besides, the study also sought to examine the practical epistemological beliefs of students concerning theory-ladenness, but limited evidence could be found.  相似文献   

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