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This study examined (1) differences in background, integrative/instrumental motivation, learning approach, leaning strategy and proficiency in second language (L2) and (2) the determinants of learning outcomes between Hong Kong and Mainland (Chinese) students. To achieve this, a questionnaire survey was distributed to 773 s language learners across four universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China to students in Bachelor of Education (English Language) programmes. The results showed that L2 proficiency was the strongest predictor of learning outcomes for Hong Kong and Mainland students, while integrative motivation was also a significant predictor of learning outcomes in both sample groups. In addition, instrumental motivation, deep approaches, and learning strategies were found to be significant predictors of learning outcomes for Mainland students. Mainland students demonstrated lower levels of motivation, learning approaches, learning strategies, L2 proficiency, as well as learning outcomes relative to Hong Kong students. Implications for curriculum design, classroom teaching and assessment, and future research are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

作为一种教学和测试手段,听写能够较好地反映语言学习者总体语言能力,这在英语教学界已得到较为广泛的认同。在汉语二语教学研究领域,将听写用于诊断外国留学生学习状况的研究尚未引起足够重视。留学生在学习汉语的过程中对某些偏误采取回避策略,使教师难以监测语言学习过程。本文报道一项在留学生中开展的听写实证研究,发现听写在汉语二语教学中不仅能够评估学习者的综合汉语水平,而且还有着快捷有效的诊断功能,包括诊断学习者的辨音能力、词汇理解能力、汉字书写能力以及学习者所回避使用的教学内容。  相似文献   

This exploratory study focused on the factors that constitute second language (L2) learners’ resilience, and how these factors are related to L2 learning by investigating what relation resilience may have to motivated behaviour and proficiency in English learning. A total of 1620 secondary school learners of English participated in a questionnaire survey. By analysing the quantitative data, five resilience factors were extracted: perceived happiness, empathy, sociability, persistence, and self-regulation. Confirmative factor analysis using AMOS proved that these five factors are distinctive constructs. Among the factors, persistence was identified to play the most influential role in L2 learning. Persistence showed the highest correlations with, and the strongest explanatory power for, motivated behaviour and English proficiency. It is suggested that resilience can be further explored as an individual differences factor in L2 learning, which is involved in L2 learning process and outcomes.  相似文献   

甘晓莉 《海外英语》2012,(3):27-28,30
我国二语写作教学中"教师一次性评定"的传统评改模式制约着学生二语写作能力的发展。同伴互助交流并共同探讨写作任务,是将输出假设理论应用于二语写作的积极尝试。在二语写作过程中,通过学习者的互助互评,并反思同伴的意见反馈,对中国学生二语写作能力的构建和发展有积极的意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether orthographic consistency and individual learner differences including working memory (WM), first language (L1) background, and second language (L2) proficiency affect Chinese L2 learners’ literacy acquisition. Seventy American college students in beginning or intermediate Chinese classes participated in a character learning-and-reading experiment, and completed WM tasks and an L2 proficiency test. In the learning phase of the experiment, participants were asked to master 18 unfamiliar Chinese characters of three levels of consistency—consistent, semi-consistent, and inconsistent. Then in the transfer test of the experiment, participants read 60 novel, artificial characters analogous to the learned characters. Significant consistency effects for learning and reading new characters were found, with no effects of WM and L1. In particular, an interaction effect between consistency and L2 proficiency found in the learning phase indicated that participants with higher L2 proficiency learned the fully consistent characters better and faster than those with lower proficiency. These results suggest that L2 proficiency facilitates awareness of consistency, enabling learners to learn novel characters faster and more accurately. The findings of this study are compared with the character acquisition of beginning L1 Chinese readers and with L2 learners’ acquisition of other types of characters.  相似文献   

This retrospective study examined L1 achievement, intelligence, L2 aptitude, and L2 proficiency profiles of 208 students completing two years of high school L2 courses. A cluster analysis was performed to determine whether distinct cognitive and achievement profiles of more and less successful L2 learners would emerge. The results of nonhierarchical (k — means clustering) revealed three distinct cognitive and achievement profiles. Participants in the high-achieving cluster scored above average range generally on all L1 and L2 measures; students in the average-achieving cluster scored average range generally on all L1 and L2 measures; and those in the low-achieving cluster scored low to below average range generally on all measures except IQ. Findings suggest that students' level of achievement in L1 skills developed prior to L2 exposure is strongly related to and consistent with their L2 aptitude and proficiency, level of attainment in L2 is moderated by level of attainment in L1, and L2 learning runs along a continuum of learners with stronger to weaker language skills.  相似文献   

Second language (L2) reading research suggests that there is a complex interplay between L2 proficiency, first language (L1) reading and L2 reading. However, not much is known about the effect of L1 proficiency on L1 reading, and of L1 reading on L2 reading, or vice versa, in bilingual settings when readers have few opportunities for extensive reading in their L1. The relationships between L1 (Northern Sotho) and L2 (English) proficiency and L1 and L2 reading were examined in Grade 7 learners attending a high‐poverty primary school in South Africa, during the course of a year when a reading intervention programme was implemented. The effect that attention to reading and accessibility of books had on the learners' reading proficiency in both languages was examined, and the factors that predicted academic performance were analysed. When the learners were engaged in more reading, L2 reading contributed more variance to L1 reading than L1 proficiency. Reading in both languages also contributed significantly to academic performance. The study highlights the need for more cross‐linguistic reading research in different educational settings.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify underlying factors that motivate language learners to read in a foreign language (L2) context. It also examined the relationships between L1 and L2 reading motivation and any differences in reading motivation based on the learners?? academic majors and L2 reading proficiency. 259 Korean EFL college students participated in this study. Participants?? L1 and L2 reading motivation was measured using a Likert scale questionnaire and their L2 proficiency was estimated by test scores in their reading classes. This study yielded a four-factor solution for L2 reading motivation: learning goal-oriented motivation, intrinsic motivation, avoidance of reading, and utility value of L2 reading. The results indicated that learning goal-oriented motivation and utility value of L2 reading were the two primary indicators for the participants?? desire to read in English. The study also demonstrated that the factor-based L2 reading motivation scales correlated with some of the L1 reading motivation scales in the relatively low range but statements about the connection or transfer issue of reading motivation between the two languages must be tentative. All L2 reading motivation scales revealed significant differences between English and non-English majors except in utility value of L2 reading. Furthermore intrinsic and avoidance scales also differed significantly depending on the participants?? L2 reading proficiency.  相似文献   

在研究考察二语熟练程度与双语句法表征的关系中,借鉴国外句法启动的经典实验范式,设计针对不同水平英语学习者的跨语言句法启动实验,结果我们发现,汉英存在不平衡的启动效应:L1-L2的效应大于L2-L1,高水平英语学习者的效应大于低水平,且随着英语熟练程度的提高汉英双语句法表征融合度更高、共享的层面更显著。  相似文献   

本研究以贵州省雷山县陶尧小学苗族学生为个案,从“三语习得”角度探讨学习者英语辅音习得过程中的迁移特征。研究发现,苗-汉-英三语辅音的客观语言距离有利于苗族学生习得英语的辅音;苗族学生母语(L1)和二语(L2)的能力对习得者习得英语辅音至关重要。习得者年龄因素同样影响着习得英语辅音时的迁移。  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that learning to read in a second language (L2) is similar, in many ways, to learning to read in a first language (L1). Nevertheless, reading development also relies upon oral language proficiency and is greatly influenced by orthographic consistency. This longitudinal study aimed to analyze the role of linguistic predictors (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, pseudoword repetition, morphosyntactic comprehension, lexical knowledge and rapid naming) in reading outcomes (fluency, accuracy and comprehension) in a group of bilingual children (n = 30) reading Italian as an L2, compared to a group of monolingual children (n = 56). We ran a multi-group structural equation model. Our findings showed that rapid automatized naming was a significant predictor of reading speed in both groups. However, the study revealed different patterns of predictors for reading accuracy, predictors for monolinguals being LK, phonological awareness and lexical knowledge, while pseudoword repetition was a predictor for bilinguals. Morphosyntactic comprehension was the most significant predictor of comprehension skills in bilingual children. Implications for clinical and educational settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent second/foreign language (L2) research has witnessed the application of sociocultural tenets to L2 classrooms. This study aimed to probe whether Iranian L2 learners’ engagement in ZPD-activated collaborative dialogue, or ‘languaging’, mediates their learning process and, specifically, their appropriate use of metadiscourse to address content, organisation and audience issues in writing. English-as-a-foreign-language-writing classes at two universities were assigned to four different instructional conditions, namely, ZPD-activated collaborative, ZPD-free collaborative, fine-tuned L2-input provision and prevalent teacher-fronted approaches. The data comprised metadiscourse-oriented writing test scores, weekly writings and audio-recorded in-class collaborative dialogues of the ZPD groups. The results demonstrated the ZPD-activated collaborative writing approach significantly facilitated the learners’ appropriate use of metadiscourse. Complementary interpretative analysis of the ZPD participants’ metadiscourse-related episodes showed that the initially-other-regulated (undistributed) writing tasks became progressively reciprocal with less-skilled peers displaying microgenetic use of L2 metadiscourse resources and dynamically assuming more participatory roles in regulating the writing tasks. The findings suggest engagement in ZPD-activated ‘languaging’ is crucial to shaping opportunities for L2 learners’ microgenetic learning and to their longer term cognitive development. In sum, the application of sociocultural tenets and notions has shown to be highly fruitful in explaining the social genesis of L2 development as a higher order psychological functioning.  相似文献   

The present study tests the effect of ability pairing in two instructional methods in L2 collaborative revision. Two continuous indices determine a pair: individual proficiency level, distance in proficiency between pair members (heterogeneity), and the interaction between both indices. Instructional methods tested are modelling and practising. Results show that the effect of pair composition depends on instructional strategies. In the Practising condition less proficient learners profit most from a heterogeneous ability pair, whereas more proficient learners are best paired homogeneously. In the Modelling condition no effect of pair composition factors was observed. This result illustrates that Modelling is a powerful instructional method for complex learning tasks like collaborative revision in L2 as it overrides some of the grouping effects which can be found in more traditional learning conditions.  相似文献   

在二语习得研究领域,交际教学法被很多学者证明可以有效提高英语学习者的口语水平。近年来,语块研究受到广泛关注,语块教学法也因此备受瞩目。以非英语专业本科生为研究对象,进行为期16周的结合语块的交际教学实验,重点考察结合语块的交际教学法是否对学习者口语的流利度和准确度有更积极的影响,结果显示,在交互环境下进行语决教学可以使学生的口语表现(流利度和准确度)有明显提高。  相似文献   

The study investigated the role of word-level and verbal skills in writing quality of learners who spoke English as a first (L1) and second (L2) language. One hundred and sixty-eight L1 and L2 learners (M = 115.38 months, SD = 3.57 months) participated in the study. All testing was conducted in English. There was a statistically significant L1 advantage on the measures of writing quality and verbal skills (i.e., vocabulary, verbal working memory, and semantic fluency) but not on word-level skills (i.e., spelling and word reading). Results from the multi-sample structural equation modeling analysis showed that the word-level and verbal skills made independent contributions to writing quality of L1 and L2 learners and the strength of these relationships was invariant (equivalent) across the two samples. The educational implications of research on L2 learners who are learning to write in a majority language were discussed.  相似文献   

L3(英语)学习会引起学习者语言系统质量的改进,促进学习者语言学习技能、语言管理技能以及语言维持技能的发展。通过对新疆三所高校214名少数民族大学生英语词汇学习策略使用情况的实证分析表明,L2(汉语)水平对学习者L3(英语)词汇学习策略的使用倾向有明显的影响,L3(英语)学习者作为有经验的学习者,更注重在L2(汉语)学习中提炼有效的学习经验。  相似文献   

词块是指可预置的、形式相对固定的且能作为整体记忆储存的多词单位或组合。口语学习者可以从记忆中整体提取词块以帮助生成口语。本研究的目的是为了检验在交际法条件下使用词块教学法是否能改善提高成人口语学习者的英语口语流利性。由成人学员组成的口语学习班完成了十周100课时的英语口语教学任务,其中实验班使用的是交际法条件下的词块教学法,控制班则使用无词块教学辅助的交际教学法。本研究实验手段为独立样本T检验以及配对样本T检验,实验分三个步骤完成。实验结果表明实验班学员比控制班学员在英语口语流利性方面学习效果显著。笔者希望本研究结论有助于提高成人英语口语教学。  相似文献   

张耿 《海外英语》2012,(5):125-127
Implications of second language reading learning are often aroused by the insights of reading experience in first language.Chi nese learners’ performance concerning English reading comprehension may influenced by Chinese language or English language.This pa per attempts to explore the influence of first language(Chinese) knowledge on second language(English) reading comprehension for Chi nese students in middle school.This investigation concerns over three aspects of L1 knowledge:genre knowledge,reading skills,and cultur al knowledge.It firstly demonstrates the research question.Then,based on schema theory,it introduces the research method and partici pants in this study.Furthermore,this paper presents the data of the investigation along with the data analysis.It finally concludes that the positive effects of L1 knowledge on L2 reading comprehension overweigh its negative effects.  相似文献   

基于阅读组合模式的理论框架、Nation提出的词汇广度测试构念和结构语言学家对于句法知识的界定,考察词汇广度和句法知识对二语阅读理解测试成绩的预测,以了解此预测是否受二语水平的调节作用。实验结果表明:受试的词汇广度和句法知识都与其阅读理解测试成绩存在线性相关关系;无论对于高水平受试还是低水平受试,句法知识对阅读理解测试成绩的预测能力都大于词汇广度对其的预测。  相似文献   

In order to examine the effect of the home language on the spelling development in English in children who are learning English as a second language (ESL learners), it is best to directly compare groups of ESL learners from various home language backgrounds. This study compared the oral language, phonological awareness, reading, and spelling performance of Tagalog–English bilingual, Cantonese–English bilingual, and monolingual English-speaking children in Grade 1. The bilingual children had lower scores than the monolinguals on measures of oral proficiency, but demonstrated similar or better performance on most phonological awareness, reading, and spelling tasks after controlling for vocabulary size in English. A series of moderated regression analysis revealed that although phonological awareness was associated with English spelling performance regardless of language background, the associations between specific spelling tasks and related underlying skills seemed to differ across language groups.  相似文献   

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