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在远程教育文献中,相关研究普遍认为社交临场对于在线远程教育特别重要,然而社交临场的作用却一直备存争议。本文旨在探讨在线社交临场与学习效果的相关程度,因此,如何正确定义社交临场这个概念是讨论的重点。社交临场这个术语在文献中使用过度,约有二十多种表述方式都含有临场这个概念。目前,在线教育模式呈多样化状态,但是,其中最为看好的是反映学习的线性叙事过程的交互距离模型。这一模型是建立在现在广为接受的远程教育理论基础上的,如交互距离理论、对话理论以及当前最为流行的建构主义范式等。在交互距离模型中,社交临场在远程学习的初期阶段很重要,它有助于使学习者在在线学习社区中从局外人变为局内人。另外,社交临场可以评估。本文把社交临场重新定义为涵括教师临场(而非教学临场)、学习者临场和某种程度的认知临场等的集合体。从根本上来说,社交临场指的是"面孔"而非理念或思维过程。本文讨论社交临场与学习效果的相关性,并给在线辅导教师和学生提出一些建议。  相似文献   

异步交互中远程学习者教学交互水平的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
远程教育领域的许多研究发现,在各种同步或异步的教学交互过程中,存在着大量的观望者,他们并没有积极参与教师组织的教学交互活动,只是”旁观”其他学习者的教学交互。研究者和实践者开始关心是否所有的远程学习者都能够通过精心设计的教学交互活动,实现有效的学习。本文以远程学习中的教学交互模型为理论基础,分别利用Bales的交互过程分析法和及Gunawardena的基于建构主义的线索解析模型,对比研究了异步交互活动中的“参与者”和“观望者”在异步交互中教学交互水平。同时,作者结合异步教学交互中学习者的交互形式以及活动特点,分析了造成这两类学习者教学交互水平差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于探究社区理论,探讨影响在线学习认知形成的各种临场感因素,构建结构关系模型,并对各临场感的结构关系进行相关、多重中介、调节分析。采用调查问卷的方式,对利用Sakai网络虚拟教学平台进行在线学习的614名大二本科生进行调查。分析结果表明:在线学习中教学行为与学习认知具有间接显著正相关,教学通过社交临场和学习者临场间接影响学习认知,自我调节学习对学习认知具有调节作用。研究揭示了在线学习中教学活动通过学习交互和自我效能对学习认知产生影响的内在机制以及自我调节学习的调节作用对学习认知形成带来的个体差异。  相似文献   

论远程学习者的交互学习策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交互是一种广泛而重要的学习方式,基于教学交互视角的学习交互只是远程学习者交互学习的一种特例。远程学习者的交互学习不仅发生在有教师、有课程的教学交互之中,也发生在无教师、有课程的自主学习之中,还发生在无教师、无课程的泛学习情境之中。本文从学习策略的角度,对远程学习者的交互学习进行了研究,构建了"基于心理意义的远程学习交互层次塔",提出并探讨了适应性交互、理解性交互、操作性交互和反思性交互,从交互的深度、宽度、对象、方式和持续时间等方面,探讨了提高交互学习效果的技巧。  相似文献   

远程教育中学习者与界面交互的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习者与界面的交互是远程学习者学习的一个首要前提。本文首先阐述了学习者与界面交互的内涵和远程教育中学习者与界面交互应具备的特点,然后对当前远程学习者与界面交互的障碍进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了远程学习者与界面交互水平提高的几点策略与方法。  相似文献   

为探究泛在学习环境下的教学如何能够达到最优效果,针对泛在学习环境下的学习交互进行实验研究。利用社会网络分析软件UCINET、NetMiner,通过点度、核心度、网络密度、关系距离等指标的考查,对师生交互为主、学习者交互为主和师生混合交互为主的教学实验进行分析,发现教师对学习交互的引导作用比较大,在学习者为主体的教学活动中学习者交互仍然需要教师有效引导。  相似文献   

开放与远程教育将来自不同国家或地区的学习者联系起来,通过Internet和学习管理系统(Learning Management System,简称LMS)的支持,学习者可以方便地进行网上交互和学习.学习者网上交互是学习者对所学知识的理解和深化的过程,因此交互成为提高学习质量的重要方式.然而,学习者网上交互受到多个因素的影响.本文以上海电视大学(Shanghai TV University,简称SHTVU)和马来西亚宏愿大学(Wawasan Open University,简称WOU)的学习者为研究对象,并对他们的网上交互进行了比较研究.研究发现了两国学习者网上交互行为的差异,并从国家文化差异、LMS的支持作用和教学模式的设计三个方面分析了差异产生的原因.针对这些原因,我们给出一些建议以帮助提高学习者网上学习的质量.  相似文献   

孙振华 《现代教育》2014,(2):107-107
交互原本是一个计算机术语,指系统接收来自终端的输入,进行处理,并把结果返回到终端的过程,也即人机对话。“交互”被用于描述各种相互作用的事件,是指某种情境中环境、个人、行为方式之间的相互作用。从教育学的角度看,交互是教学活动最基本的特征之一。交互学习是学习者为学习、  相似文献   

大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)吸引了众多学习者参与课程学习,在课程讨论区学习者进行课程内容交流讨论,共享资源。参与课程学习的人数规模庞大,学习者之间的交互比较复杂。对MOOCs讨论区中学习者交互频度和交互结构进行分析,能够探究学习者在MOOCs平台上学习时是否引发大规模交互、是否提高交互效果的情况。本文选取Coursera平台上某门课程的学习者交互活动为案例,使用内容分析法和社会网络分析法进行分析、讨论。研究结果发现,从参与人数和发言看,MOOCs学习交互属于大规模交互;学习者在交互中更注重交互内容的共享和分析;部分学习者在交互中能够达到深度交互,而大部分学习者的交互程度属于浅层交互;在学习交互过程中学习者的主体地位强于教师的主体地位;教师在引导边缘位置的学习者参与交互方面的作用有待加强。  相似文献   

沉浸感是虚拟交互中经常呈现的一种状态.本文在研究和揭示虚拟交互、沉浸感学习其内在动力的基础上,论述了沉浸感、沉浸式交互与成人学习者"学习内存"的关系,并对成人学习者"学习内存"的构成、功能与拓展作了一定的阐述,分析探讨了虚拟交互与学习过程中,构建成人学习者沉浸感学习的依据、要素与实施策略.  相似文献   

社会存在感是影响网络学习的关键性的情感因素。网络社会存在感通常被用来指人与人通过网络通信所产生的理解、感觉及反应的程度。旨在通过对网络教育中学生社会存在感的培养现状进行分析,针对影响学生社会存在感的因素提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

There still appears to be a gap between what online learning promises and what it can deliver in terms of student learning. Developments in online pedagogies and professional learning appear to lag behind the developments in technology and the promised benefits of technological transformation may not be realised. In this paper, we bring together perspectives that highlight vital aspects of online group-learning by reviewing the group-facilitation literature and the latest online learning literature to interrogate the pedagogical theories and practices currently used in online group-learning in higher education. We specifically focus on the interpersonal interactions between teachers and students, which are described in the online learning literature using the terms instructor immediacy, teaching presence, and social presence. We note differences in the literature regarding how teacher presence is interpreted and enacted and we expound the importance of the personal characteristics of the online teacher. Finally, we provide some signposts that might help course designers and teachers to improve online group learning: the intentional use of effective online learning pedagogies; a deeper understanding of what constitutes teacher presence; and strategies to enact that teacher presence with online groups. Recommendations for further research in online group facilitation are provided.  相似文献   

Technology integration has become an ever-present phenomenon in institutions of higher education. This has led to an increase in online learning experiences that make higher education accessible to those who previously experienced barriers, such as having full-time jobs. One issue that affects online education is the challenge of engaging the learner in meaningful learning experiences that they subsequently use once they are in their careers. This article uses the Community of Inquiry (CoI) theoretical model to explain how instructors can increase student engagement in online kinesiology courses. By focusing on the CoI constructs of teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence, instructors can design engaging online classes that can help to positively influence each student’s experience with online education.  相似文献   

田野研究时空是一个"场域",田野研究过程是这一场域系统运行过程,其运行效果取决于系统各要素之间的有效整合。从教育传播学的角度来看,传播活动﹑传播媒介﹑传播者﹑受传者和研究者的同时"在场"是衡量田野研究质量的基本尺度。  相似文献   

The article investigates a system of academic education called tutoring implemented in a blended format. It looks at this teaching and learning experience based on the results of a student satisfaction survey (N = 9) as well as the analysis of the discourse between the tutor and six tutees recorded during four meetings: two traditional and two cloud tutorials. It is argued here that the blended format is a good solution which enables the two modes to reinforce each other and compensate for each other’s deficiencies. By offering more interaction and establishing good rapport, the face-to-face meetings develop social presence. In turn, cognitive presence is stronger in the online tutorials, in which the students appear to have reached higher levels of critical thinking. What is more, these two types of tutorials appear to pave the way for each other.  相似文献   


Education in democratic South Africa has been saddled with the extraordinary task of sanitising a once dehumanising and splintered education system into a singular narrative of social justice and creative, problem-solving individuals. This extraordinary effort has witnessed a pendulum swing from the openness of outcomes-based education, to a less flexible National Curriculum Statement, and recently, to what has been criticised as a too restrictive Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). In its narrow focus on ‘assessment for learning’, CAPS appears to be trapped in a particular understanding of teaching and learning that can be understood only in terms of measurement, thereby discounting education as happening outside that which can be measured. In this article, I contend, firstly, that while education is not averse to measurement, it cannot be allowed to dominate the educative process. Instead, it is possible to reconcile measurement, as expressed through a ‘language of needs’ with a language of ‘coming into presence’, which recognises that learners enter the education arena with their own ideas of what is known and yet to be known. Secondly, I argue, that if a post-apartheid education system hopes to re-humanise its citizens and society, then this will only be possible through cultivating a curriculum, which is understood as a process of socially just encounters—one which is always in becoming, and therefore not necessarily measurable.  相似文献   

Social networks have become popular communication and interaction environments recently. As digital environments, so as ecosystems, they have potential in terms of networked learning as they fulfill some roles such as mediating an environment for digital identity formation and providing social and emotional presence. Based on this phenomenon, the importance of identity formation as a sociological and psychological process was explained throughout this study. Following that, social networks as digital social ecosystems and learning environments in which self-actualization, self-presentation, and self-disclosure of the individuals were discussed and their necessity as well as their potential for social and emotional presence was explained to better understand social networks. Besides, social networks and “Facebook” as a case were examined. Within this perspective, the purpose of this study was to explore online social networks with an emphasis on learning; to put forward its educational premises; and to analyze digital identity formation, social presence, and emotional presence in social networks.  相似文献   

随着通信技术的发展与教育现代化进程的推进,在线教育得到了广泛的应用。以存在论视角对在线教育进行分析可以发现,在线教育虽然为教育提供了远程在场与知识延展的手段支撑,但同时也面临学生存在空间收缩的危机。远程在场使知识得以延展的同时易出现知识内化片面且断裂的现象;界面化与符号化使知识跨地域传输的同时易导致学生学习成为一种脱节于真实经验与应用的存储。溯其原因在于远程在场存在收缩而导致的学生认知局限,身体缺席而导致的学生主体冲突,技术呈现中的情境残缺而导致的学生片面发展。因此,在线教育应重述“在场”的意义,区分现实与虚拟的课堂,明确虚拟是现实教学的辅助,以真实经验引领虚拟感知。  相似文献   

This article reports on the multi-institutional development and validation of an instrument that attempts to operationalize Garrison, Anderson and Archer's Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework (2000). The results of the study suggest that the instrument is a valid, reliable, and efficient measure of the dimensions of social presence and cognitive presence, thereby providing additional support for the validity of the CoI as a framework for constructing effective online learning environments. While factor analysis supported the idea of teaching presence as a construct, it also suggested that the construct consisted of two factors—one related to course design and organization and the other related to instructor behavior during the course. The article concludes with a discussion of potential implications of further refinement of the CoI measures for researchers, designers, administrators, and instructors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the class distribution of young people, aged 16–17 years, in colleges of further education (FE) using data from the Youth Cohort Study. It finds that, contrary to popular perceptions of FE colleges as being for ‘other people’s children’, middle‐class students as well as working‐class students are well represented. However, this does not imply that FE colleges are institutions of choice; middle‐class representation is often related to lower achievement and, for low‐achieving working‐class students, leaving education entirely is more likely than entry to FE. These findings are explored using notions of habitus and field. Their relationship with studies of the education of middle‐class children is also discussed, and the paper suggests that research on class in FE colleges must come to terms with middle‐class presence.  相似文献   

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