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基于分析现代教育技术促进小学德育的开展的实践策略。首先分析出现代教育技术促进小学德育开展的实践意义,以及现代教育技术在小学德育中的作用。其次分析出现代教育技术促进小学德育开展的实践有效策略,通过改变模式,丰富教育内容;构建平台,实现信息传递;开展活动,宣传德育重点等实践途径。最后分析出现代教育技术为小学德育工作注入新的活力,增强教学的趣味性和科技性,帮助学生树立正确的价值观念和思想观念,提高德育工作的实效性,更好地促进小学德育工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

通过对中国现代散文创新理论的考察和海峡两岸散文创作的分析,认为“五四”新文化运动之后,海峡两岸现代散文的创作表现出两种不同的风格样式,大陆现代散文创作较突出地体现了“载道”的文学精神,台湾现代散文则较多地表现出“言志”散文的特点。  相似文献   

福克纳的小说与现代悲剧精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福克纳小说中生活在历史变革时期的美国南方人集中体现出现代悲剧精神。现代悲剧精神的核心之一是现代个人在多重生存困境中,对可望而不可及的自由生存和理想人性的苦苦追求。其二是对现代人所理解的人的生存的真正的、真实性的、无尽的苦苦追求。从小说中悲剧人物身上体现出的现代悲剧精神,我们看到了南方的未来和希望。  相似文献   

标志在各个领域、各个阶层的广泛传播,成为沟通现代企业和大众的桥梁,在现代市场经济社会充当了相当重要的角色。如柯把中国传统文化运用于现代标志设计中,同时也能体现出现代的设计理念和企业理念。是设计出既具中国特色同时更具有时代感、生命力标志的关键,也是标志设计更趋国际化的关键。  相似文献   

文章主要通过设计关于中小学教师的现代教育技术实践能力的调查问卷,对中小学教师进行走访和问卷调研,了解中小学教师的现代教育技术实践能力的现状和需求,在此基础上,总结出师范生应具备的现代教育技术实践能力,并且针对这些现代教育技术实践能力,制定出相应的考核标准,为师范生现代教育技术实践能力的培养提供有力的依据.  相似文献   

本文以发表于20世纪20年代至50年代的朝鲜评论等资料为基本依据,考察了现代朝鲜对于郭沫若的前期浪漫主义倾向,创造精神和反抗精神的接受情况。现代朝鲜评论家认为,郭沫若受西方浪漫主义影响,表现出积极的浪漫主义思想倾向,并且郭沫若创作中表现出的创造精神和反抗精神是现代朝鲜人打破旧制度、旧传统,建立新世界的过程中所必须的精神力量,符合了现代朝鲜人的期待视野,因此被现代朝鲜所广泛接受。  相似文献   

李波 《教育教学论坛》2014,(13):194-195
现代职业教育体系是随着社会主义市场经济体制的发展而发展起来的。现代职业教育的培养目标和意义,就是为了满足人民群众对现代职业技术教育的各种需求,能为社会培养出更多的技能型人才。现代职业教育不仅对学生的文化基础知识和素质教育有一定的要求,更重要的是要培养出更具社会实践能力和动手能力为一体的合格毕业生。而工学结合的现代职教体系应该能满足现代职业教育的发展方向,因而很适合在现代职业教育中大力推广。本文首先介绍了工学结合的教学模式,然后阐述了工学结合的重要性,最后讲述了构建工学结合的现代职教体系的具体创新性举措。  相似文献   

现代艺术设计是一种文化的设计。文化造就了设计,设计又影响了文化的继续延伸。自身的民族文化特征设计出的作品是具有鲜活的生命力的,能跨越时空和国界,感染影响着人们。本文就找到民族文化和现代设计的最佳切入点为主,论述两者如何巧妙结合,得出在传统文化厚实的基础上继续构架我们现代的民族文化方法,继而造就出具有中国特色的优秀现代设计作品。  相似文献   

孙丽华 《成人教育》2011,31(5):121-122
构成艺术是现代任何艺术设计的重要基础理论,也是培养现代艺术设计人才的基础课程。将构成艺术结合到现代标志的设计教学之中,是引导学生设计出具有主张性、时代性和国际性的现代标志的关键。  相似文献   

郁达夫小说的女性形象大致可分为两类:其一是圣女型,其二为妖妇型。这两类女性形象表现出郁达夫小说复杂的性别文化意识,从文本和理性的显在层面看,这两类女性的书写既是对传统礼教的一种反叛,又对性的进一步解禁起着推波助澜的作用,表现出一个现代启蒙者对女性的关注和尊重。从潜隐的层面看,作品夹杂了许多男权社会的意识和观念,呈现出男性视角和立场,透露出现代知识分子在传统和现代夹缝中的焦虑。  相似文献   

陈迁 《幼儿教育》2012,(15):12-15
游戏是幼儿最喜爱的活动。游戏与艺术有着天然的联系,两者相互包含对方的因素。游戏与艺术的天然联系使得通过游戏化的艺术教育活动来促进幼儿艺术能力发展成为幼儿艺术教育的应然追求。游戏化的幼儿艺术教育活动是指教师通过设置或营造特定的氛围与情境。使幼儿能自愿依照一定的规则,在轻松愉快的游戏氛围中体验与表现艺术,从而形成一定艺术能力的艺术教育活动。依据幼儿的审美心理发展特点,在幼儿园艺术教育活动中,教师可以运用联觉、体验、情境和形式转换等游戏化的艺术教育活动策略。  相似文献   

This paper analyses and examines Deleuze’s Foucault as a means of investigating intellectual resources for a new sociology – one that, in Foucault’s name, is neither foundationalist nor representationalist but genuinely other than the modernist discourse with which the discipline began and grew up. The paper begins with a brief historiography of sociology in order to broach the relationship between Deleuze and Foucault, and then focuses on Deleuze’s book on Foucault as a means of moving ‘from the archive to the diagram’ and to a topology of ‘thinking otherwise’. Finally, the paper moves to reformulate a new vocabulary no longer anchored in modernist categories to a non-dialectical reconfiguration of explanation and comprehension.  相似文献   

The relationship between the different mediational means for supporting students’ learning with digital tools in science group work in a Norwegian lower-secondary school is examined. Analyses of teacher-student and student-student interactions are located in cultural-historical theory and draw on Galperin’s conceptualisation of learning processes. Findings show that digital tools, task design, peer collaboration, and teacher’s interventions dialectically interplay to shape how learners use mediational means: (1) digital tools are the resources that enable students to explicate their (mis)understandings; (2) compare-and-contrast tasks promote analytical thinking; (3) peers present themselves as resources who promote development of conceptual understanding; (4) the teacher guides learners’ attention towards the potential of the mediational resources, elicits, organises, and structures students’ knowledge. The dialectical interplay of these mediational means creates a system that supports and guides students’ learning.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in new modes of social control and regulation through pedagogic means have increasingly drawn on Bernstein’s theories of social control through pedagogic means and the emergence of a totally pedagogised society. This article explores this aspect of the Bernsteinian theoretical project by extrapolating and contrasting Foucault’s and Bernstein’s theories of power knowledge relations, pedagogic discourse and different types of knowledge structures. It elaborates on Bernstein’s theory of the complex division of labour within the field of symbolic control, consisting of agents from different class factions engaged in conflicts and struggles over the production and recontextualisation of different types of scientific knowledge. The article provides two case studies of empirical research to illustrate how Bernstein’s concepts can be used to theorise different modes of pedagogic governance. It demonstrates the possibilities of Bernstein’s later theoretical oeuvre to studies of social reproduction, interruption and change in and through pedagogic relations.  相似文献   

现代社会保障制度的价值基础是公民权利的理念,它所直接对应和满足的是公民的社会权利。社会保障制度是实现公民社会权利的主要手段,同时公民社会权利的实现在改善民生和建设和谐社会的过程中发挥着重要的作用。要通过不断完善我国的社会保障制度来实现公民的社会权利。  相似文献   

In 2002 Parlo Singh outlined Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogic device, elaborating the potential in Bernstein’s complex theoretical framework for empirical research. In particular, Singh suggests that Bernstein’s concepts provide the means of making explicit the macro and micro structuring of knowledge into pedagogic communication. More recently, Power has noted that use of Bernstein’s ideas remains relatively unrepresented in the literature. This paper makes a case for the use of Bernstein’s ideas as a particularly rich resource for educational researchers. It provides illustrations of a number of concepts as part of a methodological procedure in a research project examining the approaches to curriculum and pedagogy of six secondary school music teachers within the dialectic of western art music and popular music. Through utilisation of Bernstein’s concepts of knowledge discourses, recontextualisation, and regionalisation, the study is able to identify, describe, and shed light on a key problem for music education and education generally: developing the pedagogical means for the utilisation of informal knowledge as a pedagogic resource within the secondary school curriculum. In turn, the music context suggests a number of extensions to Bernstein’s concepts.  相似文献   

俗语是一个国家的文化在语言中的结晶,俗语的翻译研究十分重要。通过审视近期国家领导人发言中俗语的翻译,发现国内译文与国外报刊中的翻译都存在或大或小的问题。从文化视角剖析俗语,用异化与归化两大翻译策略进行指导,期望俗语翻译达到理想的效果。  相似文献   

叔本华的悲观主义哲学认为:人生是痛苦的,人是永远处在痛苦中的个体,但人也可以借助解脱之法祛除痛苦,通往幸福之路。陶渊明的一生磨难重重,有诸多深刻的痛苦体验,可喜的是,他为自己修筑了一方精神家园,使其远离世俗之悲苦,实现了内心的宁静和愉悦。借助叔本华的悲观主义哲学分析陶渊明的痛苦和幸福,对于解读陶渊明的归耕田园与价值追求,深入探究他的作品,理解他成为后世文人精神楷模等有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   


This theoretical inquiry applies threads of Sylvia Wynter’s intellectual project to scholarship in curriculum studies to consider how Wynter’s insights might urge new potential in educational theorising and practice. The central concern driving Wynter’s intellectual project is that our present understanding about what it means to be human is entrenched in epistemological legacies of colonialism that preserve a Western bourgeois genre of Man. This essay begins by detailing Sylvia Wynter’s rigorous and innovative intellectual project that reworks the category of the human. We argue that contemporary curriculum is based upon this Western genre of the human and explore the limits of multicultural curricula. Synthesising Wynter’s interrelated lines of thought – how the notion of being hybridly human calls forth a conceptualisation of humanness as a collective act – we argue that her revised category of the human is a necessary means to radically reimagine and decolonise curriculum.  相似文献   

利用2012—2013赛季WCBA官网的技术数据统计,将WCBA常规赛的11个技术统计数据进行了逐步回归分析,得出了数学模型.研究表明2分球命中率、3分球命中率、盖帽、被侵是影响女篮得分能力的主要因素;对WCBA各队的训练提供建议,提高球队的竞技能力.  相似文献   

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