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逻辑推理在科学发现中的作用自然功不可设,但科学想旬在科学发现中的作用似乎更大,本文从数学发展史上罗巴切夫斯基创立非欧几何,柯西建立常微分方程定性理论,以及希尔伯特包“果尔丹问题”等几个著名事例出发,论述了科学想旬在科学发现,科学进展的重要作用,得出了从科学发现的角度讲,科学想象比逻辑推理和科学知识更重要的结论。  相似文献   

科学和精神是一对孪生姐妹。科学是发现,精神就是发展;科学是发现真理,精神就是传播真理。科学、精神、科学精神,这些为人熟知的词汇,构成了我们这个社会的时代风貌。国家要有国家精神,企业要有企业精神,科学家要有科学精神,甚或我们每个人要有科学精神。科学精神是发展的支柱、腾飞的动力和不竭的源泉。  相似文献   

本从科学问题出发,探讨了科学问题发现的条件,着重分析了直觉在科学问题发现中的作用。由于直觉思维的局限,在科学问题的发现中,需要科学地对待直觉。  相似文献   

许多教育家、心理学家都认为,儿童学科学的过程比获得科学内容和事实更为重要,儿童去发现事物比知道它们的道理更为重要。这说明幼儿在活动中自主探索过程的重要性。自20世纪80年代末期以来,我国已有很多的学者对幼儿从小学科学进行了不少有益的探讨,并取得了许多有启发性的研究成果,但这些研究更多的是关于如何组织幼儿科学活动,以及幼儿科学教育的理论指导,较少涉及到科学发现室的有关实际问题。我在任我园科学发现室专职教师期间对下面两个问题进行了探索研究:一是怎样才能让幼儿在充分的操作摆弄中,通过亲身的体验和与材料的相…  相似文献   

波普的科学哲学被称为批判理性主义,而其主要目的是为了批判逻辑经验主义的经验科学哲学,并对整个现代自然科学做出理性主义的回答。在波普看来,科学哲学、科学发现的逻辑、科学发现论和认识论都是一回事、认识论或科学发现的逻辑应当等同于科学方法论,而他的科学方法论正是证伪主义的方法论、或者叫做猜想与反驳。  相似文献   

观察是科学探究的起点,也是学生进行科学探究活动时一个不可缺少的环节,有了观察,才会有更多的发现。  相似文献   

新课标明确提出:“倡导探究性学习”,“科学探究作为发现科学事实、揭示科学规律的过程和方法,在科学教育中有重要的意义”。“在教学中,教师应该让学生亲历思考和探究的过程,领悟科学探究的方法。”  相似文献   

科学美学信念随科学美学思想的历史发展经历了这三个阶段。而在现当代,许多科学家已经把追求科学美的信念发展成为一种深厚的哲学信仰,科学美学信念成为他们自然观的一个重要组成部分。科学美学信念有其客观基础和主体依据,因为科学中蕴含着内在的理性美,具有审美价值,能够成为审美的对象;科学美学信念是建立在“科学具有审美价值”这个基础上。科学美学信念不仅具有科学意义,而且有一定的现实教育意义:它是科学发现的重要动因,是科学研究的指导原则之一和科学理论的主要评价标准之一;此外还是科学教育的重要主旨。  相似文献   

赵岭 《幼儿教育》2004,(11):20-21
在“做中学”科学活动中,实验是最为基本和核心的环节,儿童是通过实验来体验科学、发现科学、学习科学的。受思维水平和经验水平所限,在实验中儿童更易发现的是自己能亲身感知,特别是自己能亲眼看到的、与自己生活经验密切相关的科学,而较难发现或认同那些需要通过间接推理或离自己生活经验较远的科学。从儿童的特点出发,“做中学”科学活动为儿童(特别是低龄儿童)所设计、  相似文献   

卞莉 《中小学电教》2012,(12):135-135
《纲要》指出:“幼儿的科学教育是科学启蒙教育,重在激发幼儿的认识兴趣和探究欲望.要尽量创造条件让幼儿实际参加探究活动,使他们感觉科学探究的过程和方法,体验发现兴趣。”科学世界,奇妙无穷,尤其对充满好奇心和求知欲的幼儿更具有吸引力。但由于幼儿的年龄小,知识面窄,对很多充满奇幻的科学现象和自然变化不易理解。网络资源教学以其...  相似文献   


This study explores teacher educators’ (TEs’) activity as they support mathematics and science teacher collaboration in co-designing and jointly implementing tasks. We view TEs’ activity through the lens of Activity Theory and expansive learning and draw evidence from data generated within the mascil project that linked mathematics and science teaching with workplace situations through inquiry-based teaching. We focus on five TEs’ actions and goals, use data from their professional development sessions with teachers and from the TEs’ interactions during their own meetings, and highlight the illuminating case of one teacher educator. We trace evidence indicating paths of actions followed by each Teacher Educator and look for indications of their professional learning. Our analysis reveals generic and content-focused actions. All TEs faced different kinds of contradictions and had difficulties handling them. In terms of professional learning, all TEs adapted their prior teacher education practices and appreciated the critical role of epistemological differences between the two disciplines.


Arthur Stinner 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):19-30
This article traces the development of a contextual approach to the teaching of science (physics) subsequently called the Large Context Problem (LCP) approach. This approach is based on the general observation that learning could be well motivated by a context with one unifying central idea capable of capturing the imagination of the students. The design and the placing of the LCP is followed by a detailed discussion of the contexts of inquiry (as we find it in Newtonian physics) that attempts to give the contextual activities found in the LCP a sound theoretical backing. However, the contextual base must also be informed by the findings of constructivist learning theories as well as the history of science. Moreover, thought experiments (TEs) are considered an important aspect of science (physics) teaching and three kinds of TEs are discussed. All these ideas are summarized for a quick overview in a table called “Levels of investigation for scientific inquiry.”  相似文献   

Thought Experiments (TEs) are reasoning processes that are based on 'results' of an experiment carried out in thought. What is the validity of an experiment- that has not been actually executed- for knowledge about the physical world? What are the features that make it distinctive and how do we integrate it into learning environments to support such thought processes? This study suggests that a thought experiment draws on three epistemological resources: conceptual-logical inferences, visual imagery and bodily-motor experience. We start by stating how students' TEs are related to recent research on learning science and then proceed to describe the nature of TEs. The central part of the paper deals with cognitive theories and empirical examples of visual imagery and bodily imagery. It also deals with how these enable implicit knowledge about the world to be retrieved. Students may have, but are not aware of, such knowledge for it is hidden when learning is only based on formal representations. We show that imagination is structured, goal-oriented, based on prior experiential imagery and internally coherent. Students can, for example, mentally rotate objects at constant velocity. Students can 'zoom in and out' to inspect imaginary situations, transfer objects, predict paths of imaginary moving objects and imagine the impact of forces on mechanical systems. We show that the TEs are powerful because of these capabilities. We further claim that these are not exploited by school learning environments and offer a first step towards understanding imagery in science learning.  相似文献   

Reiner  Miriam  Burko  Lior M. 《Science & Education》2003,12(4):365-385
Thought experiments (TEs) play a central role in physics. Wesuggest that erroneous TEs may be as important as correct TEs,and that both have a special role in an ongoing process ofconceptual refinement for physicists and for naive physicslearners. We analyze TEs related to stellar evolution andgeneral relativity made by Schwarzschild, Eddington, Landau,and Einstein. We identify the stages at which crucial errorsare done in these TEs, and the cognitive processes which leadto these errors. We argue that necessary conditions for asuccessful TE (i.e., a TE which leads to correct conclusions)are self-consistency and comprehensiveness of the relevantpicture of the world. We show that the TEs by expert physicistsand TEs by students are similar on a metacognitive level, butdifferent in details. Students' erroneous reasoning occur inall stages of a TE, whereas physicists usually make errors inthe first two stages of TEs. Then we bring evidence that Tesare more prone to errors than laboratory experiments. Next wediscuss the implications for naive physics learners, and makesuggestion for using TEs in physics education.  相似文献   

当代西方综合理科课程的基本理念及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合理科课程在西方国家已经经历了大的约半个世纪的历程,并将得到越来越多人士的广泛赞同。它在理论和实践上都基本形成了完整的体系,对我国实现素质教育有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

从科学救国到科教兴国思想演变的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学救国与科教兴国虽一字之差,但其内涵不同。这是由两所处的历史时代特点不同造成的,剖析从科学救国到科教兴国的演变,对于振兴中华民族,实现中华民族的再度辉煌,具有重大意义。  相似文献   

试论邓小平"科学技术是第一生产力"的思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓小平“科学技术是第一生产力”的思想对我们对科学技术的认识产生了重大影响。它发展了马克思主义关于“科学技术是生产力”的思想,揭示了科学技术对当代生产力发展和经济社会进步的第一位变革作用,为中国科技、经济的发展奠定了坚实的理论基础,指出了一条正确的道路。  相似文献   

拉卡托斯作为科学哲学历史主义学派的重要代表人物,他的科学编史学研究纲领的提出对促进科学哲学与科学史的关系的研究具有重大贡献。把认识论解释学与拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领之间的内在关联进行对比分析,有助于进一步加深对这两种理论特别是对后者的理解。  相似文献   

新科技革命给人类带来了巨大的福祉,促进了人类文明的全面进步,但同时其负效应也造成了一系列全球问题。时代的需要凸显了全球伦理课题,也为全球伦理的建构提供了可能性,全球伦理关怀下的新科技革命将指引人类开创一个光辉的未来。  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期欧洲大学的变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文艺复兴时期是欧洲中世纪大学向近现代大学的过渡时期,在人文主义思想的影响下,欧洲传统大学在数量、地域分布、管理体制、课程结构和科学研究等方面都有了较大的发展,这种进步为欧洲高等教育的近现代化奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

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