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元分析及其在社会科学研究中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
元分析是一种新的将定性分析与定量分析相结合的文献综合方法,与传统的文献综述相比,其具有诸多优势。元分析在国外的社会科学研究中已经得到广泛应用,但在我国的社会科学研究中还很难见到有人使用该方法,不少学者对其还缺乏了解,因此亟需对元分析的方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

浅析高校人文社科研究存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校人文社会科学研究事业得到了长足发展 ,但也存在诸如经费匮乏、面向经济建设和社会发展的观念还未被普遍接受等问题 ,通过对该问题的分析 ,提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

强调经典文献与大学生素质教育之间的关系在当前非常必要。经典文献既指我国传统的儒家经典,也包括以马克思主义为代表的西方哲学社会科学文献以及在人类历史上有重大影响的自然科学著作。经典文献具有内容的深刻性、历史的传承性、价值的恒定性、读者的广泛性等特点。鉴于我国素质教育的现状存在诸多问题,所以,在强调专业教育之外,还必须强调通过经典文献的教育,以提高大学生和全民族的文化科学素质。事实证明,经典文献对全人类的文明与进步有着不可磨灭的重大意义,对提高大学生的精神素质亦有着极其重要的作用,是提高大学生素质教育的重要途径。在学习、研究经典文献时,要注意有选择、有分析的方法,取其精华,去其糟粕,古为今用,洋为中用,并通过多种渠道、多种方式和方法来学习。  相似文献   

通过综合以往文献分析来综述在自由浏览下出现知觉不对称性的原因,从浏览方向、前运动激活和注意偏向三个方面来进行分析。通过元分析发现注意偏向是导致知觉不对称出现最重要的原因,但浏览方向和前运动也在一定程序上影响知觉的不对称。  相似文献   

所谓文献计量学,主要是以学科的研究文献为基础,运用数理统计的方法,寻求研究文献的规律,对学科发展,队伍建设等进行研究的一门科学。我国从80年代才开始运用文献计量学对研究学科进行分析评价,并进一步对学科的发展进行预测,大都用于自然科学领域内的诸多学科,而社会科学领域内的试验则不多——也许是由于社会科学与数学、计算机等尚存距离的缘故。  相似文献   

由于社会科学复杂、对文化政治社会等环境依赖性强的特点,造成对社会科学文献翻译区别于其他学科领域的翻译。社会科学术语的翻译又在社会科学文献翻译中占据重要地位,因此着重分析了社会科学术语翻译的特征及其背景环境影响,比较了归化、异化策略在社会科学术语翻译中的优缺点和适用性。  相似文献   

由中国社会科学院文献信息中心和中国社会科学文献计量评价研究中心最新编制的《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》(2000年1月出版,以下简称《要览》),将《河北师范大学学报·哲学社会科学版》选入。《要览》共收入核心期刊506种,河北省有3种人文社会科学期刊入选,另两家刊物是《河北学刊》和《河北法学》。这是我校合并后文科学报首次进入核心期刊,也是河北省进入该核心期刊的唯一一家高校学报。 为了促进文献计量学在我国人文社会科学计量评价等方面的应用研究,推动我国人文社会科学研究和人文社会科学成果评价及文献管理…  相似文献   

在科学教育中,辩论干预作为一种教学策略,在科学素养的培养中具有很大潜力,因而自上世纪80年代末逐渐引起科学教育实践者和研究者的关注。为此,通过依据一定的筛选标准,从关注科学素养培养的核心期刊上选择了31篇文献,从辩论干预在科学教育中应用的过程和结果两个维度,对相关研究进行了元分析。研究发现,尽管辩论干预在科学素养培养的过程和结果两个维度呈现多样性,但其在科学素养培养中的应用模式主要呈现三种形式:浸入式、结构式和社会科学式。此外,还对研究中涉及的其他问题以及未来研究方向等也进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

为了促进文献计量学在我国人文社会科学计量评价等方面的应用研究,推动我国人文社会科学研究和人文社会科学成果评价及文献管理的科学化和规范化,使人文社会科学研究成果的评价更具客观性、科学性和公正性,中国社会科学文献计量评价研究中心、中国社会科学院文献信息中心,从1996年开始建立中国社会科学论文统计分析数据库,并着手进行该课题的研究。他们根据几年来的研究成果和对大量数据的统计分析,确定了1999年度中国人文社会科学核心期刊的范围,并编制出了《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》。此《要览》共收入高校学报84家,其中河南省5家,…  相似文献   

近几年,计量分析理念与方法逐渐应用于基础教育文献研究中,创新了文献研究范式,促使该领域研究朝着更深、更广的方向前进。但随着研究逐渐深入,以CiteSpace为代表的计量软件在使用过程中存在的问题开始涌现:界面功能认识不准确、节点的解读与处理存在分歧、图谱分析简单片面化等。此外,基础教育文献计量分析在应然逻辑上的精确性难以实现,在实际应用中的程序不规范现象也需引起重视。为继续推动该领域的学术繁荣,未来应合理选择计量分析的应用范围,重视基础教育文献计量的元研究,最重要是始终坚持问题为导向的研究态度。  相似文献   

The law of inertia is a problem in teaching due to the impossibility of showing the proposition experimentally. As we cannot do an experiment to verify the law, we cannot know if it is correct. On the other hand, we know that the science based upon it is successful. A study in the history of mechanics has shown that there are different foundations for the law but also that the law plays the same role in the science since Newton. To avoid a statement of which we cannot be sure, the present paper proposes to understand the law through its function in the theory. In this case, we do not have to say how a free body moves, but rather that the rectilinear and uniform motion is the motion of reference in Newtonian mechanics.  相似文献   

科学课程的性质与科学课程研究、科学教育活动、教育进步等关系密切,所以探讨科学课程的性质问题,既有重要的教育价值,又有深刻的社会意义。科学课程是由社会建构的,科学课程具有“社会性”、“价值性”、“角度性”或“偏见性”。认识科学课程的社会建构具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

很多人认为考研数学所要复习的内容较多,难度很大,不知从何下手复习。如何取得高等数学考试高分数,除了基础知识要扎实、深入以外,还要了解复习的方法。本文根据历年考题特点给出考研数学复习方法的总结,对于理工类的同学复习高等数学有指导性作用。  相似文献   

Through exploration of public mask/private face, the authors trouble violence and its role in science education through three media: schools, masculinity, and science acknowledging a violence of hate, but dwelling on a violence of caring. In schools, there is the poisonous ??for your own good?? pedagogy that becomes a ??for your own good?? curriculum or a coercive curriculum for science teaching and learning; however, the antithetical curriculum of I??m here entails violence??the shedding of the public mask and the exposing of the private face. Violence, likewise, becomes social and political capital for masculinity that is a pubic mask for private face. Lastly, science, in its self-identified cultural, political and educational form of a superhero, creates permanent harm most often as palatable violence in order to save and to redeem not the private face, but the public mask. The authors conclude that they do not know what violence to say one should not do, but they know the much of the violence has been and is being committed. All for which we can hope is not that we cease all violence or better yet not hate, but that we violently love.  相似文献   

We all know that they do it, but what do students laugh about when learning science together? Although research has shown that students do use humor when they learn science, the role of humor in science education has received little attention. In this study, undergraduate students’ laughter during collaborative work in physics has been investigated. In order to do this, a framework inspired by conversation analysis has been used. Empirical data was drawn from two video-recorded sessions in which first-year engineering students solved physics problems together. The analysis revealed that the students’ use of humor was almost exclusively related to physics. Five themes identified summarize the role of humor in the group discussions: Something is obvious, Something is difficult, Something said might be wrong, Something is absurd, and Something said is not within informal norms.This study shows that humor may contribute not only to a good working atmosphere and thereby to the students’ learning but also how humor interrelates with both disciplinary culture of physics and its epistemology. The students do not only create and re-create humor that facilitates their social interactions, but through humor they constitute local norms of science and engage with the disciplinary discourse.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of why counting has figured so prominently in feminist social science studies of children's literature. It documents the quantitative approach to children's books used by both liberal and radical feminists, gives an account of why this approach has been so popular among feminist social scientists, and outlines some of the achievements and limitations of this approach. The article also indicates some reasons why recent, multicultural feminist, social science studies have used a more qualitative approach to children's literature, as well as some reasons to expect that one might count on a greater balance of qualitative and quantitative studies in the future.  相似文献   

社会价值是由社会主体与客体在一定的实践关系和认识关系中形成的。一旦形成后它就具有一定的反作用。这种反作用表现为普遍性、大众性和规定性等特征。但是 ,凡科学合理的社会价值 ,必须体现社会上大多数人的需要和利益 ,即具有整体性特征之后 ,才可能真实地体现普遍性、社会性和人民性等特性。西方哲学史上的一些哲学家对它的研究探索 ,并没有解决整体性内容的客观体现问题 ,是马克思主义从理论的基础性方面 ,做了较好的工作。所以 ,社会价值只有既肯定形而上的精神价值 ,又不否定形而下的物质价值 ,社会价值的规范性才会真正体现普遍性和社会性 ,从而所产生的反作用才能促进人类社会的全面发展。  相似文献   

Not understanding is central to scientific work: what scientists do is learn about the natural world, which involves seeking out what they do not know. In classrooms, however, the position of not‐understanding is generally a liability; confusion is an unfortunate condition to resolve as quickly as possible, or to conceal. In this article, we argue that students' public displays of uncertainty or confusion can be pivotal contributions to the classroom dynamics in initiating and sustaining a class's science inquiry. We present this as a central finding from a cross‐case analysis of eight episodes of students' scientific engagement, drawing on literature on framing to show how participants positioned themselves as not‐understanding and how that was consequential for the class's scientific engagement. We show how participants enacted this positioning by asking questions or expressing uncertainty around a phenomenon or model. We then analyze how participants' displays of not‐understanding shaped the conceptual, epistemic, and social aspects of classroom activity. We present two cases in detail: one in which a student's positioning helped initiate the class's scientific engagement and another in which it helped sustain it. We argue that this work motivates considering how to help students learn to embrace and value the role of expressing one's confusion in science.  相似文献   

Teachers of science and the history of science may wish to enliven and contextualise their subject matter by citing literary references to scientific ideas; similarly, teachers of literature may wish to examine the impact of science on their own field. Both groups of scholars may wish to examine how science and literature inform each other in their common social and cultural context. The question that arises is whether or not the relationship between science and literature has stable features that can give structure to such studies? There are various possibilities: the study of ‘science and literature’ could chart the impact of science on literature, or the impact of literature on science, or both; or look at how both science and literature have historically responded in similar or different ways to a common historical context. Amid this melee of options, the primary purpose of this paper is to sketch a conceptual framework to assist the science educator to explore the literary response to scientific ideas. For the sake of brevity, science will be taken to include the natural sciences (including the pseudo sciences of alchemy and astrology since they were once regarded as authentic) but not technology or medicine. Literature will be taken to mean fictive writing – poems, plays, novels – but will not include here science fiction. These exclusions are partly for reasons of space, but also because science fiction has its own literature of critical analysis within literary scholarship.  相似文献   

Maybe it is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose it, but it is also true that we do not know what we have been missing until it arrives.  相似文献   

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