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本又以知识经济和知识社会为背景,以马克思的劳动力学说、人力资本理论和知识产业理论为教育产业化的三大理论基础,对于高等教育产业化的内涵、特点、意义进行了深入研究,其结论是:“教育是知识产业”,进而提出了高等教育产业化的四种实现形式和发展中国高等教育产业的七点建议。  相似文献   

我国自从进入高等教育大众化阶段后,大学差异化发展,地方本科院校向应用型教育转型,就成为构建现代高等教育体系的重要议题。那么,什么是地方本科院校转型、为何要转型、转型发展的为何主要是地方本科院校等问题就成为教育理论界必须研究和回答的问题。文章从概念上厘清了地方本科院校转型发展是"型"的变化,而非"类"的变化。因为转型后的教育仍是本科层次的高等教育,仍具有高等教育专业性、高等性等特征,但同时还具有了职业教育实践性的特征。从世界高等教育功能演变的历史,推证了高等教育面向区域和地方、针对行业和企业,进行应用型人才培养和直接为社会服务的必然性。从高等教育分类理论出发,分析并认为地方本科院校转向应用型教育是大学差异化发展的需要。  相似文献   

二战以后至20世纪70年代末,是美国高等教育发展的黄金时期。在这30年间,美国实现了高等教育从大众化向普及化的过渡,并且形成了世界上最完备的高等教育体系。然而,上世纪80年代以后,由于人口出生率下降、财政紧缩以及院校间竞争的不断加剧,大学面临着严重的生存危机。对此,美国著名教育战略家乔治.凯勒提出了著名的大学战略规划理论,指出:大学要想立于不败之地,必须制定切合自己发展的战略规划。本文将对该理论作一介绍和评析。  相似文献   

我国正处在由高等教育大国向高等教育强国转变的关键时期,创建一流大学作为国家的政策要求和提升高等教育质量的途径,需要切实重视战略规划工作。大学战略规划的本质属性决定了规划机构的综合性职能和规划程序的民主化、科学化。不同的历史传统、发展阶段和学校性质是形成中外大学战略规划客观差异的原因。通过对中外大学战略规划编制程序及文本...  相似文献   

大学战略规划工作:美国的经验及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着经济发展、社会转型和高等教育规模的迅速扩大,我国大学生存和发展的外部发展环境发生了巨大变化。教育行政部门和大学越来越认识到传统管理方式的弊端,开始尝试采用战略规划来设计学校的发展。美国是率先将战略规划工作引入大学管理的国家,已经形成了显著的特色,积累了丰富的经验。研究分析美国大学发展战略规划工作,可以为当前我国大学的战略规划工作提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

新建本科院校是高等教育大众化阶段的产物,已历经了十数年的发展历程。常熟理工学院的转型与变革划分为联合办学、战略规划、品牌培育三个历史阶段。常熟理工学院控制稀缺资源,把握关键资源,创造组织环境,顺利地完成组织转型,为深化改革背景下的大学转型做出了独特的阐释和提出了新的启示。  相似文献   

近年来,计算机通讯技术的迅速发展极大地促进了知识的生产和传播,极大地促进了高新技术产业和高等教育等知识密集型产业的发展,提高了知识在经济增长中的贡献。知识产业组织发展历经个人才能、机构多样化、垂直一体化、技术合作到专业化的知识生产企业或机构几个发展阶段,其发展演变和相互结合对知识生产具有重要的作用。随着知识经济的发展,知识产业组织发展对教育改革与发展的影响已经引起教育界的普遍关注,对进一步推动高等教育改革与发展具有重要的现实作用。  相似文献   

从经济社会结构和高等教育发展阶段转型的角度来看,地方院校不仅只有通过学科、专业的内涵、特色发展以求升格这一条道路可走,还应承担起后大众化进程中时代赋予的作为高等教育规模继续扩大的“容器”与非适龄人口的中学后教育和培训的双重使命.地方院校可以通过特色发展、文化活动、教育内容实用化以及模块化课程等战略达到多样化、分层化发展,而地方院校成功实现多样化、分层化发展是形成高等教育规模持续扩大的结构框架的关键.  相似文献   

创新是推动高等教育跨越式发展和可持续发展的强大动力,也是新建本科院校发展的动力源泉。作为我国高等教育重要组成部分的新建本科院校,在高等教育大众化发展阶段发挥重要作用的同时,也面临着一系列影响其可持续发展的问题,其中资金短缺是一个突出问题。本文从新建本科院校筹资机制创新角度对这一问题作了初步探讨。1、国内外高等教育发展的历程及现状,是新建本科院校筹资机制创新的环境基础。新建本科院校制定发展战略规划时,不能就教育论教育,而要把规划学校发展置于社会经济这一大系统之下加以考量。新建本科院校的发展不能脱离其所处的…  相似文献   

区域高等教育发展战略研究的产生及动向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、我国高等教育发展研究向“战略规划”的转向建国以来 ,我国高等教育发展研究经历了“计划———规划———战略规划”三个阶段。所谓“计划”阶段是指80年代以前 ,高等教育发展研究主要是由中央规划部门和各级教育主管部门进行的高等教育计划工作 ,是计划体制内国家自上而下颁发计划控制数字的宏观规划。其基本指导思想是 ,高等教育发展受供给约束 ,即国家财政和高校容量的约束。 1 952年至 1 980年共编制了 5次高等教育规划 ,是当时高等教育发展研究的成果。所谓“规划”阶段是指80年代上半期 ,随着教育理论界对教育本质与功能的讨论 ,…  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate three recently established entrepreneurial organisations created to deliver education and training to new audiences of learners at a distance. Each of the organisations -- the University of Michigan's Academic Outreach Program, the University Center at Northwestern Michigan College, and the Michigan Virtual Automotive College -- is involved in multiple complex partnerships with internal and external entities, including government, industry, and education. Paying particular attention to the structures, strategies, and processes of these organisations, we argue that their emergence signals the evolution of a postsecondary knowledge industry in which permeable boundaries, new competitors, and market sensibilities are converging to challenge the fundamental nature of postsecondary education.  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate three recently established entrepreneurial organisations created to deliver education and training to new audiences of learners at a distance. Each of the organisations ‐ the University of Michigan's Academic Outreach Program, the University Center at Northwestern Michigan College, and the Michigan Virtual Automotive College — is involved in multiple complex partnerships with internal and external entities, including government, industry, and education. Paying particular attention to the structures, strategies, and processes of these organisations, we argue that their emergence signals the evolution of a postsecondary knowledge industry in which permeable boundaries, new competitors, and market sensibilities are converging to challenge the fundamental nature of postsecondary education.  相似文献   

美国的第三级教育与法律的关系历经了一个从分离到密切相关的变化过程.从美国现行高等教育法制来看,现代第三级教育法具有诸多表现形式,大范围、深层次地影响着第三级教育的发展.目前,我国高等教育法已纳入修改议程,研究和了解美国第三级教育法的变化与发展,分析和借鉴美国第三级教育法的有益因素,无疑有助于我国高等教育法制走向完善.  相似文献   

Data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 were used to examine the effect of academic and career or technical education course-taking in high school on deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) youth’s postsecondary enrollment in 2-year, 4-year, and career or technical education institutions. We examined the proportion of academic and career or technical education courses taken, completion of algebra, and completion of an occupationally specific course of study. Propensity model analyses indicated that academic course taking significantly increased the odds that DHH students would enroll in postsecondary school. Completion of a higher proportion of career or technical education courses was not related to enrollment in postsecondary education, including career and technical education schools. Implications for practice and future research are discussed, including the importance of secondary transition planning staff both encouraging DHH students who have a goal of future postsecondary attendance to take a rigorous, academically focused high school curriculum, and providing students with the support to complete these courses.  相似文献   

One of the most significant barriers facing postsecondary students with reading and written expression disorders who are eligible to receive specific accommodations is the lack of professional knowledge pertaining to issues surrounding accommodations. Though guided by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the process by which accommodation decisions are made varies considerably across institutions of higher education. Given the recent rise in litigation surrounding the practice of how accommodations are determined as well as the increasing number of postsecondary students with reading and writing disabilities who are requesting accommodations, it is imperative that accommodation decisions be defensible and supported by empirical research. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of current research on the effectiveness of accommodations for postsecondary students with language‐based learning disabilities, discuss important considerations in the accommodation selection process, and offer recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to know and understand the patterns of minority high school students' choices regarding postsecondary education. The literature contains very limited information on current high school students. The information from the study discussed in this article will help guide community colleges' recruitment of traditional college-age students. An immediate outcome of participation for students in this study was heightened awareness concerning postsecondary education. Schools participating in the study included 5 magnet schools housed in one complex and 15 traditional highschools located in a major urban metropolitan area in the southwest. Study results indicated that higher education was not a tradition in students' families but was strongly encouraged. Financial aid was an important consideration for many students. A small percentage reported planning on attending a 2-year institution. Several reported planning to attend both a 2-year institution and a 4-year institution. A smaller percentage did not respond to the question, possibly indicating that they were unsure of what they planned to do after high school.  相似文献   

A vast majority of colleges and universities have provisions for admitting high school students to special college programs (Robinson & Noble, 1992). These postsecondary enrollment options programs are vital because they link local higher education to the community by actively involving high school personnel, students, and parents in planning for college. Establishing and maintaining this link presents unique challenges to educators because it must meet the needs of a diverse population. The purpose of this study was to assess how students and parents perceived a suburban community colleges’ postsecondary enrollment options program. Basing marketing strategies on these perceptions provides colleges and universities an effective means to maintain the established community link.  相似文献   


Teaching students with learning disabilities to be self-determining during postsecondary transition planning is considered beneficial for students. Few self-determination studies, however, have focused on the impact students' cultural identities may have on the practice of self-determination during transition planning. A review of self-determination literature is presented and includes concept definition, characteristics, and example components of model programs. Additionally, multicultural special education literature helps frame the need to consider the interplay between programs that promote self-determination and culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Qualitative research methods, used with student participants, have the potential to inform preferred practices as well as research gaps in special education by capturing how diverse students respond to self-determination during postsecondary transition planning.  相似文献   

Higher education today is faced with a perplexing array of often conflicting demands and pressures. There is continuing debate over a range of important concepts including educational quality, academic freedom, accountability, equity, affirmative action, and accessibility. These concepts reflect fundamental principles which form the basis for policy directions by governments and postsecondary education institutions. Yet, are we clear on what these principles mean and on how they interact? This discussion examines the various facets of the concept of entrepreneurship and the implications of entrepreneurial activities for higher education institutions. It is argued that basic differences exist in culture and values between higher education and the private sector, and that more attention to a clear understanding of the concepts and activities involved in entrepreneurship will reap benefits for higher education in future policy development and strategic planning.  相似文献   

美国职业教育在20世纪60年代大体形成了由中等职业教育、高中后职业教育和高等职业教育构成的全国职业教育体系。其显著特点有:贯通初级教育,与普通教育融合衔接;课程设置灵活多样,应用性强;教师资格要求高,重视工作经验;政府主办,工商界参与;实行分级管理,以地方为主;重视产教结合,有效地为社会发展服务。  相似文献   

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