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正中国传统文化中蕴含着中华民族的传统美德,以儒家思想为主干的中国传统文化,是中华民族几千年得以延续的命脉。在当前社会追求经济增长的状态下,学生道德建设缺失,道德水准下滑,令人堪忧。实现中华民族的伟大复兴,仅有经济与科技的发展是不够的,在学校中开展传统文化教育,是提升学生道德水准的重要手段,是复兴路上的重要历程。为了加强传统文化的学习,我校采取了一系列切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

实践活动课程特有的活动方式对传统文化学习来说具有独特的价值——"用中学"与"系统学"各得其所,深度学习与体验学习相得益彰。因此,学校开设了"箸"文化实践活动课程,让学生经历文化符号"感知—理解—认同"的过程,将传承中华优秀传统文化落在实处。  相似文献   

一、活动缘起。 笔者所在的学校是一所朝鲜族完全中学,学生都是朝鲜族,他们从幼儿园开始就一直在朝鲜族学校就读.虽然学习了多年的民族语言和文字,但是对本民族的传统文化了解甚少。设计本次活动课是为了唤起学生对本民族的热爱.继承和弘扬民族传统文化。  相似文献   

面对当下传统文化教育内容零碎、形式单一,无法激发学生学习热情的问题,学校可以基于STEM教育理念和儿童立场,设计和开展传统节日活动,进而实现传统文化的传承和学生实践创新能力的发展。  相似文献   

个性化教学主要是指教师在教学过程中基于学生个性差异和自身个性特点,采取灵活的教学形式,让学生主动参与到学习中去,以培养学生交流与沟通的能力、合作学习的能力以及个性化学习为目标,推进个性化的"教"与"学"的活动。个性化教学视域下的教师文化呈现出创造性、合作性、开放性、对话性、差异共享性等特点。适应个性化教学的教师文化的形成主要受到教育文化传统、学校、教师、教育评价等因素的影响。为此,要建构适应个性化教学的教师文化,形成开放式教育文化理念是前提,建设个性化学校文化是重点,促成小班化教学是条件,教师文化自觉是关键,扬弃教育文化传统是支撑。  相似文献   

前不久,南昌市徐坊学校举行了“传统经典文化活动开放日”活动,学生表演了合唱、朗诵、舞蹈、少年拳等节目,以此向与会人员汇报自己的学习成果;学校的三位骨干教师也在开放日中精彩亮相,向大家作教学成果展示。这是该校弘扬传统文化,培养学生健康人格的一个重大举措。  相似文献   

国内关于学生反学校文化的理论与实证研究都处在萌芽状态,研究者运用质的研究方法,对初中学生反学校文化的成因进行了微观研究,论证了学生反学校文化的条件。学生反学校文化与教学内容、教师的教学态度、组织形式、教学时机、学生的学习兴趣、教室的物理环境等都有密切关系。只要教师正面引导,可以缓解学生的反文化现象。  相似文献   

寺庙教育是西双版纳傣族的传统教育形态之一.寺庙不仅是宗教活动的中心,更是文化传播和民族教育的固定场所.现代学校教育介入后,寺庙教育与学校教育始终处于对立冲突的状态之中,主要体现在生源、时间、教学内容、学生人生观、和尚生身份等方面.这是由经济优势带来的文化自信和对他文化的排斥;学校教育传承傣族文化功能的有限性;学校教育的内容脱离当地生活,致使"读书无用论"流行;寺庙教育的世俗化倾向和管理上的松散状态;相关政策向学校"一边倒"的倾向等诸多因素共同作用产生的结果.  相似文献   

传统文化的教学需要有效的载体,这个载体就应当是中华诗词。结合对中华诗词进校园活动开展的实质与形式的思考,可以得出的基本认识是:中华诗词进校园活动是对课堂学习的有益补充,是深化学生传统文化理解的最佳选择。中华诗词进校园活动实施的策略,具体可以概括为:结合学校发展特色,立足初中生的可持续发展制定活动目标;将中华诗词与学校文化、学校建筑等有机结合,让中华诗词在校园中有一个能够为学生所关注、驻足、学习和理解的场所与空间;将课堂教学与课外教学相结合,形成良好的教学引导策略,并科学评价中华诗词进校园活动的开展效果。  相似文献   

对全国十五个省、市、自治区3—8年级学生20804人的问卷调查表明:总体上小学生学校生存状态优于初中生,声誉较高的学校学生生存状态优于普通学校和乡镇学校;学习内在动机弱,功利性取向强;教育氛围呈现文化转型特点:权威型教师亲和性强,简单化的教育方式较强;班集体文化建设与学生学习状态、学习概念、师生关系等显著相关,但普遍薄弱。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among Taiwanese high school students’ scientific epistemic beliefs, conceptions of learning science, and self-efficacy of learning science. The questionnaire responses gathered from 377 high school students in Taiwan were utilized to elicit such relationships. The analysis of the structural equation model revealed that students’ absolutist scientific epistemic beliefs led to lower-level conceptions of learning science (i.e. learning science as memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating, and practicing) while sophisticated scientific epistemic beliefs might trigger higher-level conceptions of learning science (i.e. learning science as increase of knowledge, applying, and attaining understanding). The students’ lower-level conceptions of learning science were also found to negatively associate with their self-efficacy of learning science, while the higher-level conceptions of learning science fostered students’ self-efficacy. However, this study found that students who viewed scientific knowledge as uncertain (advanced epistemic belief) tended to possess lower self-efficacy toward learning science.  相似文献   

Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we distinguished between two forms of cultural capital, one that is static, representing the highbrow activities and practices of parents, and one that is relational, representing cultural interactions and communication between children and their parents. We used data for 28 countries from the 2000 Programme for International Student Assessment to examine whether these two types of cultural capital were associated with students’ reading literacy, sense of belonging at school, and occupational aspirations, after controlling for traditional measures of socioeconomic status. We examined whether one type of cultural capital had stronger effects than the other and whether their effects differed across outcomes and across countries. The results provide compelling evidence that dynamic cultural capital has strong effects on students’ schooling outcomes, while static cultural capital has more modest effects.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of dominant school discourses in structuring how students position themselves and others relative to a community centered on science. The study was conducted in a diverse, eighth grade classroom in an urban magnet school. I argue that dominant discourses portray a limited view of available subject positions, in that the purpose of learning science is associated with a dichotomous view of people as being either college-bound or not. I explore how these limited subject positions can pose contradictions with some students’ interests, constrain students’ visions of possibilities, exacerbate disadvantages based on race and class, and interfere with students acquiring identities as science learners. However, there are also possibilities for resistance, agency and self-definition through students’ talk. Stacy Olitskycurrently works as a researcher for the Math and Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia and is a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania. She has a doctoral degree in Education and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. She has spent the past several years working on a longitudinal, ethnographic study of science education in an urban magnet school. Her research interests include the relationship of identity and science learning, interaction rituals in classrooms, in-field and out-of-field science teaching, the influence of social capital and cultural capital on science learning, activity theory and classroom change, and students’ experiences with school choice.  相似文献   

This study explored the differences in high school students’ scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs), motivation in learning science (MLS), and the different relationships between them in Taiwan and China. 310 Taiwanese and 302 Chinese high school students’ SEBs and MLS were assessed quantitatively. Taiwanese students generally were more prone to believe that scientific reality is invented, the development of scientific knowledge is culture-dependent, and scientific knowledge is always changing and its status is tentative than the Chinese students were. Yet, the Taiwanese students perceived higher test anxiety in science than the Chinese students did. Moreover, Chinese students who have a stronger belief that science knowledge is changing and tentative are more likely to perceive themselves as having higher test anxiety in science. The results suggest that the role of culture might have an impact on students’ SEBs and their MLS.  相似文献   

Previous research on science education has described various factors influencing students’ participation and produced categorizations of students based on e.g. cultural background. In this article it is argued, theoretically and empirically, that an understanding of students’ participation in science education needs to begin with an analysis of what activity students are engaged in. The aim is to explore how altering conditions of classroom work may open up opportunities for students mainly participating in an activity of education or schooling to engage in an activity of science learning. Activity is conceptualized in a Cultural-Historical Activity Theory perspective as object-oriented and transformative. Drawing on an ethnographic study in a Swedish compulsory school, a critical incident of the participation in science education of a 7th grade girl called Helena is analyzed. The results show that altered conditions of classroom practice may produce new possibilities for student participation, and point to the impossibility of determining students as ‘different kinds of students’ based on a priori categories e.g. sex, ethnicity, socio-economic background.  相似文献   

The present research addresses processes involved in academic value transmission within family. Drawing on expectancy x value and social learning theory, a two-wave longitudinal study based on data from 1014 students, 878 mothers, and 748 fathers was conducted to examine the mechanisms of parental influence. Structural equation modeling provided evidence for a multi-step mediation process. Predictions of the parents’ academic values on students’ values were shown to be mediated through parents’ actual and student-perceived parental school involvement. Students’ perceptions of the parents’ academic values, inferred from the perceived involvement, in turn, predicted students’ own values. In the discussion, the central role of students’ perceptions in these processes is emphasized.  相似文献   

The current research examined whether instructional activities centering on contrasting cases promoted secondary school students’ evaluations of source features present in a multiple-documents inquiry context. Two hypothetical students’ document evaluation strategy protocols were designed: One featured more sophisticated strategies commonly enacted by experts and better college students and a second featured less sophisticated strategies commonly enacted by secondary school students. A series of classroom-based activities required that students compare/contrast the two protocols to decide which were the best strategies when analyzing multiple scientific documents and why. The findings demonstrated that students who previously participated in the intervention activities included more scientific concepts from more useful documents when generating essay responses from memory, displayed better rankings of the usefulness of the set of multiple documents, and offered more principled justifications based on source feature evaluations of trustworthiness compared to students who instead received typical classroom instruction. We discuss the instructional implications of a contrasting-cases approach in facilitating secondary school students’ usage of source features within multiple-documents inquiry contexts.  相似文献   

While a consensus has emerged to characterize student engagement during learning activities as a three-component construct featuring behavioral, emotional, and cognitive aspects, we propose adding agentic engagement as an important new aspect, which we define as students’ constructive contribution into the flow of the instruction they receive. High school students (237 females, 128 males) from Taiwan completed surveys of their classroom motivation and the four hypothesized aspects of engagement while grades were obtained at the end of the semester. Structural equation modeling analyses showed that agentic engagement was both a distinct and an important construct, one that was associated with students’ constructive motivation, related to each of the other three aspects of engagement, and predicted independent variance in achievement. The discussion highlights the important, though currently neglected, ways that students contribute constructively into the flow of the instruction they receive, as by personalizing it and by enhancing both the lesson and the conditions under which they learn.  相似文献   

This study was a mixed quantitative–qualitative research to evaluate the efficacy of a designed student-centred instructional (DSCI) program for teaching about acids and bases. The teaching innovation was designed based on constructivist, hands-on inquiry and context-based approaches and implemented in seven 45-min lessons with a class of 36 grade 11 students (experimental group) from a public senior high school in Indonesia. Another class of 38 students (comparison group) from the same school was instructed using a traditional teacher-centred approach. Data were obtained using a (1) 12-item achievement test on acids and bases that was administered to both groups as a pretest and a posttest, (2) self-evaluation 13-item questionnaire on students’ perceptions of their competence and confidence in carrying out the inquiry activities that was administered to the experimental group and (3) 3-item open-ended questionnaire on students’ perceptions of the instructional process using the DSCI that was administered to the experimental group. The results of the study showed that the teaching innovation was effective in improving students’ understanding of acid–base concepts with significant difference between the two groups on the posttest mean scores. Moreover, the effectiveness of the innovation was supported by an increase in students’ interest in learning science as indicated by their (1) positive perceptions of their engagement and competence in doing inquiry activities, (2) positive perceptions of the learning environment and (3) positive outcome expectations. The findings have implications for chemistry teaching in any institution with similar achieving students as well as for the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

Portuguese schools in urban areas became multicultural during the 90s. Some students are quite distanced from the school culture. Many repeat grades. The curriculum emerges as a means of (re)organizing school practice, so that it is designed to foster inclusion. It is a tool for social mediation between the culture and knowledge of teenagers, and academic ones. It shapes the interactions between participants, cultural tools and knowledge. The principles of inclusive schooling promote the respect for diversity, underlining the need to listen to all voices of a learning community. According to the sociocultural approach appropriating knowledge and developing competencies is a complex process. Interactive practices shape students’ academic performances. Collaborative project work has been used to promote students’ engagement. This action-research project developed an alternative curriculum in a class (grades 5 and 6) from a poor and multicultural school in Lisbon. A follow-up investigated the impact of the educational changes on the learners’ participation in school and in social practices, and on their future life. We aim at analyzing this alternative curriculum process by focussing on students’ narratives. Results highlight improvements in students’ academic and social competencies. Changing practices during compulsory education facilitated achievement and resulted in a better socialization.  相似文献   

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