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探讨熟悉主题的说明文阅读过程中维持整体连贯的因果推理的产生问题.两个实验分别采用了不同的实验材料,实验1采用一般文本考察前提信息与结论信息的文本距离对检测目标句中矛盾信息的影响,实验2的材料设置了问题焦点引导读者关注因果信息.总的结果表明,熟悉主题的说明文阅读过程中,当文本提供的前提信息被推进长时记忆后,读者无法恢复相关信息以即时进行实现文本整体因果连贯的推理;在问题焦点引导下,读者关注前提信息,在加工相关结论信息时能够即时搜索不在工作记忆中的前提信息,实现整体连贯因果推理.  相似文献   

本文以2个实验研究探讨了在阅读课文过程中读者检测矛盾句子的心理过程。实验1的结果表明,在阅读过程中读者可以发现矛盾句子;实验2的结果表明,位置序列效应对于检测故事矛盾的影响并不大,主要的影响因素是矛盾句子的类型,这种类型是一种由谓语构成的、具有逻辑意义的句子,它可以在工作记忆中保持较长的时间。最后,在建构整合的理论框架中讨论了本研究的结果。  相似文献   

课文是语文教学的主要材料。课文教学的主要目的是使学生对课文达到理解与记忆。那么,有哪些因素影响学生对课文的理解与记忆呢?现代认知心理学关于课文理解与记忆的研究为我们提供了有益的启示。现代认知心理学认为,课文是一种特殊的语言材料。它具有下述特征:(1)它是书面的,尽管它既可以听,也可以读;(2)它通过语言的句法,语义和修辞传达一定的意义;(3)它一般是由主题上相互连接的句子组成。理解一篇课文意味着在读者头脑中建立起关于课文的内部表征。因此,理解与不理解的差异是读者所建构的表征的性质上的差异。尽管不同…  相似文献   

一、本单元教学目标1.继续练习抓住课文的主要内容,在读懂课文的同时,受到无私奉献、知错就改、助人为乐的高尚品德的熏陶,并从中学习看待问题的方法。2.学会本单元25个生字,通过查字典,结合句子理解新词,结合上下文理解句子,进行语文基本功训练。3.从读学写,观察人物,选择材料,学习以事写人的方法。4.有感情地朗读课文,背诵(寻隐者不遇)、(题西林壁)两首古诗。二、本单元过学构想1.在教学中,要注意围绕重点训练项目“抓住课文的主要内容”,指导学生在读懂每个自然段,给课文分段,归纳段落大意的基础上日理解课文主…  相似文献   

文章通过ERP技术研究二语习得过程中句子阅读能力的心理现实性问题通过实验以及对P2、N400、LPC等成分的讨论可以看出,在阅读时,L2学习者的阅读能力表现在单词识别上识别程度低于L1单词; 在阅读理解上相比较于L1句子的理解L2学习者可能会更多地把脑资源放在单个词的理解上,而没有也不能)像阅读L1句子时把更多的脑资源放在对整个句子的整合理解上,因而,整合理解的水平明显低于 L1句子。通过P2、N400、LPC等成分我们可以很好地观察到阅读能力在大脑中的表现,阅读能力具有显著的心理现实性。  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动实验技术以中国英语培训广告为实验材料,研究其中图画与文字之间语义连贯对读者加工理解的影响。结果发现,图文之间的语义连贯强度与视线转换次数呈显著负相关,与文字区的平均注视时间也呈显著负相关。这说明:1)多模态语篇理解具有整体性,不同模态的符号的理解有赖于整体的理解;2)语篇连贯是动态的,是读者在阅读过程中构建起来的。  相似文献   

赵晓雅 《陕西教育》2007,(10):42-42
一、初读课文、读准字音 在初读课文时,让学生在文中圈出生字,反复读准宇音,从而为读通课文扫清文字障碍。并把带有生字的句子作上记号,为下一步结合句子理解字义做好准备。然后再去认真通读课文。这个方法好懂好记好操作,学生很快就能掌握。[第一段]  相似文献   

本文以不同英语水平的中国英语学习者为研究对象, 采用命名实验和关键句阅读实验的在线研究方法, 着重考察了语篇因果制约度和读者的二语水平对语篇理解中预期推理的激活和编码的影响。 研究结果表明:1)在二语语篇阅读过程中, 语篇的因果制约度影响预期推理的即时激活, 当语篇因果制约度高时, 读者易做出预期推理;2) 在二语语篇阅读过程中, 预期推理概念的激活受读者语言水平的影响, 高级英语水平 读者能够在较低水平上即时激活预期推理概念, 而中级语言水平读者预期推理概念不能即时激活;3) 对于高 级英语水平读者 ,预期推理能够在激活后保存于读者工作记忆并编码于语篇短时记忆表征, 但这种编码只是 一种部分编码 。  相似文献   

一、本单元教学目标1,能运用工具书学会本单元的生字,结合课文理解词语,联系上下文理解句子,能按要求有感情地朗读课文,背诵课文及有关段落。2.在读懂课文的基础上,继续进行给课文分段,归纳段落大意等方面的练习。同时,紧紧抓住课文内容,进一步体会文章所表达的中心,从而加深对课文的理解。3.在进行语文训练的同时,结合课文的内容特点,教育学生学习董存瑞为了人民的解放事业,不惜牺牲自己的献身精神;激发学生对周总理无限崇敬和深切怀念。二、本单元教学构想1.在本单元教学我要注意围绕重点训练项目“从内容中体会思想”,…  相似文献   

英语教学中我们常发现这种情况:学生对语篇中的句子结构、语法规则已经相当熟悉了,但在理解词语、句子乃至全篇课文时仍有困难,更谈不上能灵活运用课文中学到的知识了。如果在讲解语篇的过程中,教师注意结合上下文知识教学,以上情形就会大为改观。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that sentence processing is an essential mediatory skill between word recognition and text comprehension in reading. In Experiment 1, a semantic similarity judgement task was used with children from Grade 2 to Grade 9. They had to say whether two written sentences had the same (or very similar) meanings or whether the meanings of the two sentences were very different. As expected, performance improved with age both on the high‐frequency words and with increasingly complex sentences. In Experiment 2 with children in Grade 3, scores in written sentence comprehension and vocabulary made the most important unique contribution to the reading comprehension of an expository text. The results are discussed first, in the light of a general framework in which sentence‐level skill is at the core of reading comprehension and second, with reference to the issue of reading assessment.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of studying a causal diagram on comprehension of causal relationships from an expository science text. A causal diagram is a type of visual display that explicitly represents cause-effect relationships. In Experiment 1, readers between conditions did not differ with respect to memory for main ideas, but the readers who studied the causal diagram while reading the text understood better the five causal sequences in the text even when study time was controlled. Participants in Experiment 2 studied only the causal diagram or only the text. There were no differences in memory for main ideas or the causal sequences between these groups. Results indicate that causal diagrams are not merely redundant with text and that causal diagrams affect understanding of causal relationships in the absence of a text. These findings supported the causal explication hypothesis, which states that causal diagrams improve comprehension by explicitly representing the implicit causal structure of the text in a visual format.  相似文献   

According to recent psychological theories of situation model construction, readers routinely and quickly construct inferences that elaborate causal antecedents of explicit events in the text, but not inferences about causal consequences. The process of forecasting lengthy causal chains into the future is taxing on working memory, so these inferences are either not constructed or their construction consumes a comparatively large amount of reading time. This study collected self-paced sentence reading times from younger and older adults who read expository texts on scientific and technological mechanisms. Readers were also measured on working memory span, general world knowledge, reasoning ability, and reading frequency. Multiple regression analyses on the reading times revealed that (a) causal consequence inferences were more time consuming than causal antecedent inferences and (b) noncausal elaborative inferences were not constructed. The pattern of beta weights for inference variables was remarkably similar for younger and older adults and was unaffected by other measures of individual differences. The process of constructing causal inferences is therefore stable and predictable across different groups of readers.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether relevance instructions compensate for differences in verbal ability on measures of reading time, text recall, and sentence recognition. College students (n = 81) with higher and lower verbal ability were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 relevance-instruction conditions before reading a text. They asked participants in each condition to focus on different categories of information within the same text. Relevant information took longer to read and was recalled and recognized better than nonrelevant information. Readers with higher verbal ability read faster and recalled and recognized more information correctly than did those readers with lower verbal ability. Results support the noncompensatory hypothesis, which states that relevance instructions and verbal ability make independent contributions to resource allocation and learning. Readers with lower verbal ability may need additional support even when given prereading relevance instructions.  相似文献   

认知语言学认为句式是由概念决定的,要分析英语致使句式就要分析致使概念.而致使概念的核心是致使力,它是致使概念的决定因素,对概念的其他部分起着制约作用.因此要分析英语致使句的生成,关键是分析致使力的性质和特征.通过分析致使力的根本性质,把握语言层面上的各种句式的差异.典型的致使力决定了原型致使句的生成.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of text topicalization conditions (initial position, final position, or no topic sentence) on the comprehension of main ideas and specific passage information for middle school readers. Also of interest were interactions of topic familiarity and readers’ cognitive styles (degree of field independence) with text topicalization. One hundred and seven subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three topicalization conditions and read three familiar and three less‐familiar multipleparagraph expository texts. Main idea comprehension was assessed with both a sentencesummary (generation) and best‐title (recognition) task. Comprehension of specific passage information was evaluated with multiple‐choice items. Text topicalization effects were observed for main idea comprehension (with initial position best, followed by final position), while topic familiarity resulted in higher comprehension scores for specific passage information. Moreover, a cognitive style‐text topicalization interaction was found on the best‐title task; in this case, relatively field dependent readers were assisted by a final topic sentence placement. Implications are drawn for future research concerning the complex interplay of texts, tasks and readers in prose‐processing.  相似文献   

The present article provides a review of numerous studies that measured response times for cognitive tasks related to six components of the reading process. The component processes were single-letter recognition, multi-letter unit identification, word and pseudoword identification, semantic access/concept activation, phrase and sentence comprehension, and text comprehension. The response time data are presented in tables and summarized in the text. The data provide support for a componential view of reading.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to compare the effect of two types of textual semantic coherence — causal and teleological — on the organization of the mental representation elaborated after reading by learners with different levels of prior knowledge. Beginners, Intermediates and Advanced in computer domain read either the causal or the teleological version of a text describing three functions of a text editor, then performed a cued recall and a recognition task. We assumed that Advanced learners build a mental representation of the domain organized in a hierarchical goal/sub-goals structure, whereas Beginners and Intermediates have a mental representation organized in a causal path. If this is so, the results should indicate a significant interaction between prior knowledge and the semantic coherence of the texts: for the Advanced learners, recall and recognition of the teleological text should be better, whereas for the Beginners and Intermediates, the reverse was expected. As we assumed, results indicated that a teleological organization of textual information facilitated the comprehension of Advanced participants while a temporal-causal organization facilitated the comprehension of Beginner and Intermediate participants. The Construction-Integration model of Kintsch (1988, 1998) was used to, simulate the recall results and to reproduce the effect of prior knowledge on the retrieval of textual information.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between syntactic comprehension at the sentence level and text-level comprehension. The study isolated the specific contribution of syntax by asking whether sentence comprehension efficiency of difficult syntactic constructions explained variance in text comprehension after controlling for sentence comprehension efficiency of basic constructions with similar semantic complexity. Seventy-three Grade 5 students completed assessments of text comprehension; basic and difficult written sentence comprehension efficiency; and control measures of decoding fluency, vocabulary, and verbal memory. Efficiency measures were used to assess individual differences in basic sentence comprehension with accuracy near ceiling. Difficult sentence comprehension efficiency explained 6% unique variance in text comprehension after controlling for basic sentence comprehension efficiency and other controls. Thus, the results show that individual differences in the ability to establish sentence meaning from syntactic information are related to text comprehension.  相似文献   

The focus of the present study was on the mediation and moderation effects of reading processes as evidenced from eye movements on the relation between cognitive and linguistic student characteristics (word decoding, vocabulary, comprehension skill, short-term memory, working memory, and nonverbal intelligence) and text comprehension. Forty 4th graders read 4 explanatory texts and afterward answered text comprehension questions. During their reading, eye-movements of gaze, look back, and second pass duration were examined for the heading, first sentence, and final sentence. The result show differential effects of reader and text characteristics on skipping probability, driven by decoding and nonverbal intelligence. Regression probability and regression path duration are also influenced by decoding. Concluding, this study shows reading behaviour to be related to both students’ skills and text comprehension measures.  相似文献   

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