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本文作者根据现代心理学,语言学研究成果,对学习第二语言的个体差异和教学对策,进行了具体分析和推理论证,认为造成差异的原因是多方面的,其中年龄差异、动机差异,态度因素、环境因素、个性因素、认知方式的差异、素质差异、学习时间差异、母语差异等九种因素则是直接影响学习效果的基本因素。作者针对这种情况,结合自己的教学实践经验,提出了扬长避短,发挥优势,变消极因素为积极因素的某些切实可行的教学对策。  相似文献   

长期以来,高等教育个人收益率存在着国别差异、学历水平差异、地区差异、性别差异等问题,本文对此进行了理论分析,提出了解决上述差异问题、提高我国个人高等教育收益率的政策建议。  相似文献   

高春红 《海外英语》2012,(3):168-169
汉英两种语言在词序排列上具有一定的差异,该文从四个方面探讨了汉英词序差异及其表现:时间、空间排列差异,重心差异,状语位置差异和定语位置差异。并针对这些差异如何进行英汉互译提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

由于学生在学习经验、兴趣、方法、能力上都存在着差异,所以要求教师应使用差异教学去调节学生的学习差异。本文结合教学实际谈论了在VFP程序设计课程中的差异教学设计,包括学生差异情况分析,差异教学活动表格的设计,学生学习效果的评价等。  相似文献   

本文主要研究七五时期以来安徽省区域差异发展特征及其变化趋势。在明确了研究思路和方法后,文章从三个方面,即全省区域差异的总体状况:省内县市之间、地市之间及地理区之间有差异;四个地理区内部的差异,分析了全省近十年来区域差异的发展变化。结果表明安徽省经济发展差异特征明显;相对区域差异趋缓,绝对区域差异进一步扩大;全省表现出南北的发展差异,各地理区内表现出明显的东西差异。最后,文章在探讨了区域差异产生原因的基础上,提出了安徽省今后区域发展的基本思路。  相似文献   

采用以人口为权重的泰尔L指数,对2001-2018年中部6省区域经济差异进行分析,结果表明:中部地区区域经济差异呈上升趋势,各省份内部经济差异是中部地区经济差异的主要组成部分;安徽省经济差异较大,河南省、湖北省、湖南省省内经济差异呈明显上升趋势,山西省和江西省省内经济差异较小,且变化幅度不大。在此基础上,从组间差异和组内差异两个角度进行了原因分析,并为缩小中部地区经济差异提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文从学生的个性差异分析入手,探讨了差异教学思想、差异教学中的课程改革、差异教学中的分层次教学形式、差异教学环节的管理、差异教学的常用方法、创设人性化的教学环境等问题,旨在为教育教学提供一些借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文从英语介词运用中的关系意义差异、搭配用法差异、静态与动态用法差异、感情色彩用法差异、字面与比喻用法差异、语境用法差异等几个方面 ,探讨了英语介词用法中的一些规律和特点。  相似文献   

张明芳 《考试周刊》2008,(53):101-102
英汉两族人民因地理位置、气候等生存条件的差异导致了思维方式的差异,而这种差异会对英语学习者造成影响,且在写作方面的影响尤为突出。本文从探索差异入手,分析差异造成的影响,并探索了应对策略。  相似文献   

父母与子女往往会报告出对家庭教养方式的感知差异,整体来看,父母感知相对于子女更"积极"。研究者认为这主要是因为父母和子女注意到了相同教养行为的不同细节,给出了不同的归因解释;性别、年龄等个人水平因素,沟通、依恋等互动水平因素,家庭结构与功能、家庭背景等整体水平因素也会影响亲子感知差异。在测量分析亲子感知差异的过程中,研究者经历了关注差异模式、关注差异值、同时关注差异与个体感知三类方法的更新迭代,并以这些方法为基础,探索了亲子感知差异对孩子自主性发展、情绪与行为问题、社会适应、学业成就等发展结果的影响。  相似文献   

Research Findings: We examined relations of effortful control with parent emotion socialization practices and child social behavior using a person-centered approach in children ages 18 months to 5 years. A total of 76 parents (66 mothers, 10 fathers) completed questionnaires at screening and 6-month follow-up. There were no age differences in change in effortful control. K-means cluster analysis identified 2 clusters for parent emotion socialization: low-involvement parents (lower levels on emotion coaching/dismissing and positive/negative expressivity) and high-involvement parents (higher levels on all such practices). Parent socialization profile was indirectly associated with children's positive social behaviors through children's change in effortful control. These associations did not extend to aggressive behavior. Children with parents who actively engage in a variety of emotion socialization practices may increase more in regulatory capacities and engage in more positive social behavior. Practice or Policy: The present study suggests the importance of using a variety of socialization strategies with young children to foster adaptive regulatory and social behaviors.  相似文献   

While interest in holding administrators accountable for school effectiveness has increased over the past decade, the quality of evaluation systems and corresponding assessments of their performance has not. Few empirical studies have focused on evaluating the performance of new administrators as they carry out important functions of their role, so little is known about the process of socialization and how it may affect the beginning administrator's job performance. The purpose of this study was to propose and test a model of socialization factors that may be related to the evaluation of new elementary and secondary assistant principals' job performance. These factors were grouped into three major sets: individual demographics, professional socialization (i.e., type of administrative preparation), and organizational socialization (e.g., school context). Results of the LISREL covariance structure analysis supported the proposed theoretical model, indicating that organizational socialization directly affected administrative performance. In contrast, the effect of professional socialization on performance was mostly indirect. Moreover, independent of socialization, women in the study were rated as more effective than men. While most of the variation in performance observed was very likely due to individual differences, the findings suggest the importance of considering how an individual is socialized into the profession and the specific school when appraising performance.  相似文献   

This study examined mentoring and organizational socialization among law faculty at American Bar Association (ABA) approved law schools. Data obtained from respondents (n = 298) captured the types of mentoring (formal or informal) occurring in law schools and faculty perceptions of the effectiveness of each type of mentoring. Comparative analysis was used to examine mentoring as an antecedent of organizational socialization by comparing senior mentored faculty to senior non‐mentored faculty, junior formally mentored faculty to junior faculty with more informal types of mentoring, male to female faculty, and majority to non‐majority faculty. Results indicated that senior mentored faculty had higher mean scores than senior non‐mentored faculty on two of the six organizational socialization subscales. However, organizational socialization differences were not significant for other comparisons. The findings regarding mentoring are discussed within the context of diversity and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

人的社会化是人从“自然人”到“社会人”的转变,人的现代化是人从“传统人”到“现代人”的转变,人的社会化与人的现代化既有共性也有差别,既有联系又有区别。人的社会化是人的现代化的前提和基础,人的现代化是人的社会化的深化和发展。人的现代化的理论研究和实践研究中引入人的社会化概念,对自身的学科发展和人的现代化目的的实现都具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

It is argued that, while research on conscience development has emphasized the contribution of parental socialization, the influence of children's temperament has been largely neglected. Two developmental processes that result in the formation of two respective components of conscience are proposed: (1) development of the tendency to experience affective discomfort, guilt, and anxiety associated with wrongdoing; and (2) development of behavioral control—the ability to inhibit a prohibited action, to suppress an antisocial or destructive impulse, and to perform a more prosocial/desirable behavior. Individual differences among children and qualities of parental socialization in relation to both processes are considered as they contribute to conscience development. Relevant evidence from neopsychoanalytic, attributional, social-learning, and temperament models is reviewed. New avenues of research that integrate socialization and temperament perspectives in a developmental framework are proposed. The importance of the study of early developmental periods is emphasized.  相似文献   


This study follows up on recent research exploring the differences in teaching within more or less effective schools. Results verify that teachers in more effective schools score consistently higher on indices of effective teaching than those in typical or less effective schools. Furthermore, teachers in more effective schools demonstrate less variance in teaching behaviors, indicating more formal or informal socialization at the school level. Additional differences in mean and deviation scores were noted between elementary and junior high schools, suggesting differential school processes at operation in those two levels.  相似文献   

J H Block 《Child development》1983,54(6):1335-1354
The sex-differentiated socialization emphases of parents and other representatives of societal institutions are considered as they influence the personality development and behavioral orientations of males and females. Specifically, sex-differentiated socialization emphases, "shaping" behaviors, and teaching styles are evaluated with regard to the nature of the "meta-messages" conveyed to boys and girls during their early, formative years. These messages are assumed to differentially influence the self-concepts evolved, ego structures, personal goals, and the cognitive-adaptational heuristics of boys and of girls. Differences in the socialization environments experienced by the 2 sexes can be seen as related to gender differences in personality characteristics. To integrate the empirical findings surrounding gender differences in personality and socialization experience, some conjectures are offered regarding the different self- and world views our current culture may be creating and fostering in males and in females. The potential and even likely influence of biological factors conjoined with the bidirectional effects of child and parent interaction are recognized as confounded with an interpretation in terms of differential socialization. But also, it is noted that until the effects of differential socialization are specifically evaluated by cultural, subcultural, or individual family changes, the role of biological and bidirectional factors cannot be assessed.  相似文献   

Recently there has been concern over the need for developmental research within ethnic minority populations and interest in socialization and family variables within, and variability across, ethnic groups. This study reports analyses designed to: compare several socialization, family, and mental health variables among Hispanic and Anglo American 8–14-year-old children and mothers; examine the regression equations predicting mental health indicators with the socialization and family variables; and evaluate the cross-ethnic scalar equivalence of these socialization and family measures. The findings indicate that there are ethnic differences in several socialization and family variables; several of the socialization and family variables are related to the mental health variables, and these relations are very similar across ethnic groups; and the socialization and family measures appear to have sufficient cross-ethnic scalar equivalence for English-speaking, largely Mexican American Hispanic samples. Further, these findings suggest some caution regarding the use of the Child Depression Inventory in Hispanic samples.  相似文献   

Subject content is always studied within an educational context. This context is constituted by the socialization content, which can be regarded as an educational content beyond the subject content. This is the third article of three studies (this article; Sund and Wickman 2011; Sund 2008) that together form a triangulation of possible socialization content of environmental education. A common purpose for these three combined studies is to embrace and visualize the important value-laden content, which is often forgotten in discussions about the development of education for sustainable development. It is not sufficient to merely integrate more subject content matter – it may also be necessary to adapt to a changed teaching approach, which also develops content in the teaching process. Teachers’ changed approaches convey qualitatively different clusters of ‘meta-messages’ to students. The first study from authors in 2008 developed an analytical tool consisting of five important educational aspects and the second, also published in Environmental Education Research used the aspects to study teachers’ socialization content expressed in the interviews. The present study examines whether the qualitative differences in upper secondary teachers’ communicated socialization content in three selective traditions are apprehended by their students.  相似文献   

Mothers' and fathers' cultural socialization and bias preparation with older (M=13.9 years) and younger (M=10.31 years) siblings were studied in 162 two-parent, African American families. Analyses examined whether parental warmth and offspring age and gender were linked to parental practices and whether parents' warmth, spouses' racial socialization, or youth age or gender moderated links between racial socialization and youth outcomes. Parental warmth was linked to parents' socialization. Mothers engaged in more socialization with older offspring, and fathers more with sons. Mothers' cultural socialization was positively related to youth ethnic identity and fathers' was negatively related to youth depression symptoms. Youth exhibited a lower locus of control when mothers were high but fathers were low in racial socialization.  相似文献   

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