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周小文 《现代语文》2014,(3):142-145
通过实验激发说汉语者创造名词动用,发现汉语名词动用对来自英语处所类动词与移位类动词的两类致使-移动情境敏感。在致使-移动情境?中,被试强烈地倾向于选择表示位移终点的名词作为动词;在致使-移动情境Ⅱ中,被试强烈地倾向于选择表示位移物体的名词作为动词。这种选择表现出与英语的高度一致。实验结果表明,对可能转化为动词的名词的选择不是任意的,而是由主体的认知模式与概念结构所决定的。  相似文献   

词类活用在古汉语中极为普遍,是语法部分要讲的重要内容。尤其是使动用法和意动用法更为重要。我们姑且把词类活用分为普通活用与特殊活用两类。名词和形容词在作活用时,一般就是作为动词来用,这是非常普通的用法。特殊的用法是名词和形容词的使动用法和意动用法。它们与名词、形容词活用作动词以及动词的使动用法、意动用法是不一样的。名词和形容词在使动用法和意动用法中不仅具有了动词的语法作用而且还具有动词的使动、意动的语法作用。所以我们在古代汉语学习中这是一个重点也是一个难点,我们要极为重视。  相似文献   

“为动用法”是古汉语中一种词类活用现象。它是由“为动词”和一些名同、一般动词等非“为动词”活用,以表示为动的意义,非为动词活用作为动词称之为“为动用法”,为动用法一般包括动词为动用法和名词为动用法两种情况。  相似文献   

从认知语言学角度分析名词、名动转用中的隐喻思维过程,并以名词、名词动用的具体实例探讨其隐喻特点和语义理据,分析其习得过程中的心理活动和认知过程,指出这是一种以词义的隐喻派生为中心的、有效的词汇加工习得模式。  相似文献   

现代汉语里,宾语一般由谓语动词来支配,其他非谓语动词则不能支配,但在古代汉语里,除了动词能支配宾语外,一些名词、代词、形容词、数词、量词、副词等都可临时改变词性充当谓语动词来支配宾语,我们称之为“词性活用”。在众多的词性活用中,名词、动词、形容词的使动用法和名词、形容词的意动用法最为常见,因而成为中学语文教学的重点和难点,广大师生无不高度重视。遗憾的是,另外几种特殊的、古文阅读经常使用的动宾关系一直未能引起广大师生的足够重视,给当前的文言文教学和课外阅读带来了相当程度的理解障碍,它们就是:为动用法、对动用法…  相似文献   

全国统编中学语文教材,几经修订,多次更易,对文言文中“词类活用”的情形概括为如下几种:名词活用为动词;形容词活用为动词;名词作状语;动词、形容词活用为名词;数词活用为动词;名词、动词、形容词的意动、使动、为动用法等。其中,除了“名词作状语”一说之外,其它诸说都指明了词性的变换。  相似文献   

何谓词类活用?它主要有几种情况? 词类活用是指古汉语中某些词按照一定的语言习惯灵活的运用,在句子中临时改变它的基本功能。 古代汉语中词类活用现象主要是名词、动词、形容词的活用问题。词类活用现象中尤其要注意的是所谓使动用法、意动用法和名词的用如动词与用作状语的现象。  相似文献   

动词名词化是动作逐步转化为动作状态、动作概念直至参与动作的人或物的过程。本文首先从词法和句法方面阐释了动词名词化的语言表征。然后通过Langacker认知语法识解操作理论来探寻动词名词化的认知理据,并分析出动名词和动词派生名词在详略度上的差异。  相似文献   

隐喻转喻理论是认知语言学的重要研究理论。在认知语言学看来,转喻和隐喻是种思维方式,反映在语言的表达上。名词动用是一种语言表达的创新。用认知语言学关于言语行为转喻的观点研究名词动用现象,可以得出名词动用实质是言语行为转喻。  相似文献   

和使动用法、意动用法、为动用法一样,“对动”用法也是古汉语中词类活用的一种。所谓对动用法,是指不及物动词(或名词、形容词活用作动词)跟上宾语,其动宾关系不是一般的动宾关系,而是动词对宾语  相似文献   

Two-year-olds use the sentence structures verbs appear in--subcategorization frames--to guide verb learning. This is syntactic bootstrapping. This study probed the developmental origins of this ability. The structure-mapping account proposes that children begin with a bias toward one-to-one mapping between nouns in sentences and participant roles in events. This account predicts that subcategorization frames should guide very early verb learning, if the number of nouns in the sentences is informative. In 3 experiments, one hundred and thirty-six 21- and 19-month-olds assigned appropriately different interpretations to novel verbs in transitive ("He's gorping him!") versus intransitive sentences ("He's gorping!") differing in their number of nouns. Thus, subcategorization frames guide verb interpretation in very young children. These findings constrain theoretical proposals about mechanisms for syntactic bootstrapping.  相似文献   

"转指"是指名词或动词语义发生变化,转而指称与其相关的另一个名词或与该动作相关的各种对象。本文考察《周易》中名、动词的转指,由于名、动词转指内涵相包含,我们将名、动词的兼类也看作用名词的一种广义的转指。动词的转指分为动词后附加助词的转指和不加助词的转指,二者转指性质不变。  相似文献   

Attention to novel objects during verb learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three experiments provided evidence that 3.5- to 4-year-old English-speaking children (N = 72) attend to the appearances of novel objects, not only when they hear a novel noun, but also when they hear a novel verb. Children learning nouns in the context of novel, moving objects attended exclusively to the appearances of objects, even though nouns were also related to the motions of those objects. Children learning verbs attended equally to the appearances of objects and their motions. The latter result contrasted with the results from adults (N = 20), who focused more strongly on motions than on the appearances of objects when learning verbs. When familiar objects were instead employed, child verb learners attended more to motions than to the appearances of objects. Children may attend to novel objects during verb learning because knowledge of an object may be prerequisite to understanding what a verb means in the context of that object.  相似文献   

When can children speaking Japanese, English, or Chinese map and extend novel nouns and verbs? Across 6 studies, 3‐ and 5‐year‐old children in all 3 languages map and extend novel nouns more readily than novel verbs. This finding prevails even in languages like Chinese and Japanese that are assumed to be verb‐friendly languages (e.g., T. Tardif, 1996 ). The results also suggest that the input language uniquely shapes verb learning such that English‐speaking children require grammatical support to learn verbs, whereas Chinese children require pragmatic as well as grammatical support. This research bears on how universally shared cognitive factors and language‐specific linguistic factors interact in lexical development.  相似文献   

本文利用Wordsmith和SPSS对比分析英语专业一至四年级大学生和英美大学生写作中have的使用情况。目的在于揭示中国学习者和本族语者之间及不同水平英语学习者之间在have使用上的异同,以期对英语教学有所启示。研究发现,中国英语专业学生的问题主要在have作助动词构成完成时、作情态动词构成虚拟语气以及have后接名词表行为、活动或所属关系的用法上,存在使用不足、误用、甚至回避使用的现象。  相似文献   

Imai M  Haryu E  Okada H 《Child development》2005,76(2):340-355
The present research examined how 3- and 5-year-old Japanese children map novel nouns and verbs onto dynamic action events and generalize them to new instances. Studies 1 to 3 demonstrated that although both 3- and 5-year-olds were able to map novel nouns onto novel objects, only 5-year-olds could generalize verbs solely on the basis of the sameness of the action. Study 4 showed that the difficulty young children experience in learning verbs lies mainly in mapping the appropriate element to a verb rather than in encoding and remembering an action itself. The results of this research are related to a long-debated issue of whether noun learning is privileged over verb learning.  相似文献   

在词类问题上,汉语和印欧语存在根本区别。本研究目的是探索汉语婴幼儿早期句法范畴的习得机制,通过分析母亲的输入语言,揭示汉语婴幼儿习得名词和动词范畴过程中,是否有可能利用某些语音韵律特征来区分名词和动词。我们采用无意义的同音异形动词和名词对,嵌入母亲使用的高频动词和名词短句中,分析了20位普通话母亲的输入语音中的动词和名词的韵律特征,发现孤立单念的名词和动词的韵律特征没有差异,而在设计的动词和名词短语中,母亲的输入语音在韵律特征上有差异,首先显著地表现为第二音节的平均音高差异,其次为第一音节与第二音节的时长比。用韵律参数进行区分实验,我们得到60—70%的动词和名词可以得到正确区分。我们推测这些韵律特征差异可以帮助婴幼儿获得连续话语中词类的区分信息,即韵律特征是婴幼儿习得连续话语中的不同词类范畴的有效信息之一。  相似文献   

《金瓶梅词话》表方向的方位名词有4个:东、西、南、北。它们都能修饰名词或受名词修饰,有的还能与动词、形容词、教词、量词、代词、副词、介词、名词词缀结合为不同结构,表现出极强的组合能力,体现出近代汉语的特点。这为现代汉语的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Several studies on children and adults with and without linguistic impairment have reported differences between verb and noun processing. The present study assessed whether noun and verb bases affect differently children’s reading of derived words. Thirty-six Italian good readers and 18 poor readers, all 4th or 5th graders, were asked to read aloud nouns derived from either a noun base (e.g., artista, artist) or a verb base (e.g., punizione, punishment). Word and base frequency affected latencies only for deverbal nouns, while an effect of word length emerged for denominal nouns and an inhibitory effect of suffix length was found for both types of stimuli. A high base frequency and a high whole-word frequency both led to higher levels of accuracy. Verb bases led to higher error rates than noun bases. Poor readers, although slower and less accurate than good readers, showed a pattern of results similar to that of typically developing readers. Data confirm that in 4th and 5th graders morphological decomposition may affect reading aloud of long complex words, and that the grammatical class of the base can modulate this effect.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察非熟练汉英双语者动词产出过程的重复启动效应。研究采用重复启动范式,以60个汉、英对等翻译名词为实验材料。31名非英语专业本科生产出由呈现的名词刺激联想到的相关动词。研究结果表明:1)被试已学名词刺激引发的动词产出平均反应时显著短于其未学名词刺激,表明动词产出过程中存在重复启动效应;2)被试一语汉语动词产出的反应时和重复启动效应均显著小于其二语英语动词产出,这表明语言熟练程度影响非熟练汉英双语者动词产出过程的重复启动效应。研究结果支持迁移适当加工观和修正等级模型。  相似文献   

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