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This study considers how institutional histories of admitting women are associated with present college experiences, and uses data from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education to compare the experiences of women at women’s colleges or former women’s colleges to those of women at former men’s colleges and colleges that have always been coeducational. Results indicate that women attending former men’s colleges and colleges that have always been coeducational seem to experience similar or greater frequency and quality of student–faculty interaction and exposure to good teaching practices, compared to women attending women’s or former women’s colleges. Results also suggest that considering the gender enrollment histories of colleges and universities may provide valuable context for evaluating the experiences of women at women’s colleges and coeducational institutions.  相似文献   

牛津大学本科生导师制教学模式探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
导师制是牛津大学本科生教学的基础,也是其始终保持卓越教育质量的关键所在。导师制作为牛津大学的教学传统和核心特征是以其学院制为基础的。牛津导师制重在培养学生独立思考的能力,强调学生积极性的发挥,强调教师对学生的个别辅导以及师生合作。牛津导师制蕴含丰富的大学教学理念,也是牛津大学理想的完整体现。  相似文献   

随着我国高校的连年扩招,高校学生越来越多,男女比例也日渐平衡。在过往的高校中,男多女少的情况非常显著,但是现在这种现象越来越不显著。由于男女身体素质上的差异,以及受到传统思想的影响,高校在体育课程的安排上并没有充分考虑到男女的差异性,或者说是以男生为主要对象,对于女生的考虑则较少。基于这种情况,现代高校体育教学需要重新思考,加入对女子体育事项的思考与探讨。现在正值改革推行之际,高校女子体育教学也应该借着这股改革之风,进行深入的教学改革,针对高校教学中女子体育事项进行探讨。  相似文献   


The academic efficiency and social justice of entry procedures at Oxford and Cambridge Universities are examined over the past quarter of a century. For each major subject the mean A‐level scores of males and females entering from state and independent schools are compared with mean final examination scores in the major subjects. In any comparison of state and independent cohorts of the same gender, within the bounds of normal statistical fluctuation, the difference in A‐level score is a good predictor of the difference in finals score. For example, when between state men and independent men the difference in A‐level score is zero, the difference between mean finals score is zero also. The origin of female under‐achievement is examined. In most subjects there is pronounced gender inequality due to the following chain of circumstances: (1) to break‐even in finals women require at entry better grades at Advanced Level than men; (2) women used to have much the better A‐levels and so, in finals a quarter of a century ago, they matched and even — in some subjects — surpassed the men; (3) the A‐levels of women entering Oxford and Cambridge Universities fell off during the 1970s; (4) today female A‐level scores are slightly worse than male A‐level scores, and so female finals scores are much worse, in most subjects, than male finals scores. The concept of an ideal subject is defined; this is a subject in which zero difference in A‐level score between male and female yields zero difference in finals score. Law at Cambridge and chemistry at Oxford are ideal subjects. Ideal subjects are rare at Oxbridge: most subjects exhibit a significant male lead in finals when male and female have equal A‐level scores. The most non‐ideal subject at Oxford is mathematics, in which zero difference in A‐level score between males and females yields a male lead in finals score of 13%: at Oxford the other non‐ideal subjects are physics (male lead at equal A‐levels 11%), philosophy, politics and economics (9%), history (8%), modem languages (8%) and English (5%). An ideal subject is a paradigm which requires even‐handedness between male and female cohorts in the following parameters: (1) efficiency of course selection from school; (2) efficiency of teaching; (3) efficiency of finals assessment; (4) latent ability. A pronounced relative decline in the A‐level scores of girls educated in state maintained schools entering English and Welsh universities occurred in the 1970s; it is attributed to the reform of the state school system, particularly the growth in mixed‐sex comprehensive schools and the decline in the number of female single‐sex grammar schools. A peculiar aspect of the admissions filters at both Oxford and Cambridge ensures that state‐school educated men gaining entry do so with A‐level scores markedly superior to those of the other three cohorts.  相似文献   

The emerging female advantage in education has received considerable attention in the popular media and recent research. We examine a persistent exception to this trend: women’s underrepresentation in America’s most competitive colleges and universities. Using nationally generalizable data spanning four decades, we evaluate evidence for three possible explanations. First, we analyze whether men’s academic profiles more closely match the admissions preferences of elite institutions. Next, we consider organizational preferences for male applicants. Finally, we test whether women self-select out of elite institutions through their application choices. Using Blinder–Oaxaca non-linear decomposition techniques and multinomial logistic regression, we find that men’s advantage in standardized test scores best explains the enrollment gap. Our analyses thus suggest that the gender enrollment gap in elite colleges and universities is a matter of access, not student choice. We discuss the implications of these results for educational equity and college admissions.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of male and female extension agents in reaching farmers, especially women, with extension services in Nigeria. Specially the study determined the levels of awareness of and participation in extension activities, adoption of and technical knowledge of recommended agricultural technologies/practices, satisfaction with the quality of extension services provided and agents' credibility of men and women farmers under male and female extension agents supervision. Data gathered from 141 men and 72 women farmers supervised by male agents and 22 men and 93 women farmers supervised by female agents in Oyo, Kaduna and Rivers State Agricultural Development Projects in Nigeria form the empirical basis for the study. Even though men farmers are more aware of and participated more in the extension activities organised by agents than women farmers, the study shows that women farmers, who are supervised by female agents have more access to extension services than women farmers who work with male agents. Specifically, women farmers, who had females for extension agents had relatively higher levels of awareness and participation of the extension activities organised, adoption of and technical knowledge of recommended technologies/practices and satisfaction with the quality of agents' services and credibility. These differential effects of female and male agents on women's access to extension are significant for the delivery of extension services to women farmers, especially. Extension organisations must encourage and recruit more females for extension work done at the same time evolve strategies that will help male agents to work better with women farmers.  相似文献   

In the 1970s, the proportion of male college freshmen who planned to become teachers dropped from 15% to 3%, and that of female freshman from 45% to 12%. In this paper, I use nationally representative survey data on the career plans of college freshmen to look at the roles played by increased access to fertility controls and the unionization of the teaching sector, in the decline in the popularity of the teaching sector during this period. I find that the overall impact of these factors on men was small and insignificant, whereas early legal access to contraceptives increased women’s likelihood of planning to become teachers. Looking at the actual career outcomes of the same cohorts in the census data, I find that access to the pill had a negative impact on the share of men in teaching and positive impact on the share of women. I use information on high school grades and college selectivity in the freshmen surveys to separate students by academic ability in the analysis. I find that unionization had a negative impact on plans to become teachers among high-ability men and low-ability women. Increased access to the pill had a negative impact on the share of low-ability men who planned to teach and a positive impact on the share among low- and medium-ability women.  相似文献   

本文利用2008年首都高校学生发展状况调查的数据,使用路径分析方法对普通本科院校本科学生和高职高专院校专科学生能力的自我评价作了比较分析。研究发现:后者在职业和心理素质方面相对优势显著,而前者在公民素质方面自我评价较高。此外还发现,学习参与、社会活动参与和集体活动参与的积极与否对个人能力发展有着显著影响。  相似文献   

Using data from 13 liberal arts colleges, we test for a preference for men in the college admissions process. We find that gender does matter, but in a complex way. Men do appear to be given preference as college applicant pools become more female. Consistent with this pattern, we find clear evidence of a preference for men in historically female colleges—which have the highest percent female applicant pools. Being a male applicant raises the probability of acceptance at these schools by between 6.5 and 9 percentage points. We find no significant male preference in historically co-educational or historically male colleges despite the fact that their applicant pools are more than 50% female. We also find that the bottom quartile of both the applicant and acceptance pools, as measured by high school academic record, is disproportionately male. As a result, even with a gender-blind admissions policy, the lower tail of college classrooms is likely to be dominated by men.  相似文献   

男女大学生心理健康差异研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用SCL90量表,对一年级大学生进行心理健康调查,结果显示,男生的心理健康状况普遍好于女生,男女生在抑郁、焦虑、恐怖等因子上呈现显著差异。指出生理差异、传统观念、家庭教育是造成男女大学生心理健康差异的主要原因,建议高校对大学生加强引导和教育,提高其心理健康水平。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the work of three British Women Education Officers (WEOs) in Nigeria as the colony was preparing for independence. Well-qualified and progressive women teachers, Kathleen Player, Evelyn Clark (née Hyde), and Mary Hargrave (née Robinson), were appointed as WEOs in 1945, 1949, and 1950 respectively. I argue that the three WEOs endeavoured to reconcile their British cultural values, progressive education, English language instruction, and the intricacies of Nigerian cultures in order to prepare students for life and work in an independent Nigeria. Their roles were diverse, encompassing administration and teaching, teacher education, and leadership of girls’ boarding schools and residential training colleges where English was the language of instruction. Following an outline of the WEOs’ prior experiences, I compare and contrast their approaches to progressive education, beginning with Clark’s endeavours to make girls’ education “a graft that would grow onto and into their own way of life” at the Women’s Training College, Sokoto, in far Northern Nigeria. Then I discuss Robinson’s work in a men’s elementary training college at Bauchi where she dispensed a “down-to-earth practical” progressive education to prospective primary school teachers. Finally, Player gave girls “as complete an education as possible for life as a worker, wife and mother” at Queen Elizabeth School, the first government secondary school for girls in Northern Nigeria. Each situation illustrates the complex social relations involved in realising WEOs’ commitments to progressive education as an emancipatory project.  相似文献   

近年来,随着高职院校体育教学改革的深入,在体育课中引入新的国外的体育项目已经成为新趋势。合球运动是一种男女同场竞技综合球类项目。运动负荷相对较小,十分适合学生健身。国内有人专门写文章探讨在高校本科学生和研究生中开展合球运动的可行性,但是没有专门针对高职院校开展合球运动的研究报道。根据合球运动的技术特点与高职院校学生的特点,研究阐述在高职院校开展合球运动的条件和意义,并得出相应结论和建议。  相似文献   

牛津大学的学生事务管理工作在学校的“学院制”、“导师制”及自由教育、培养精英人才、科学与人文教育融合、国际化的教育理念影响下,形成具有其自身特点的学生事务管理工作理念与做法,并随着时代的变化不断创新与发展。以学生为中心的工作理念、独具特色的综合化与专业化学生服务体系、重视学生会在学生事务中的参与作用的学生事务管理工作的实施,对我国高校的学生管理工作有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Women students are one of the fastest growing populations on today's community college campuses and universities. Because of the number of female undergraduates over 25 continues to grow it is important for community colleges to become aware of the various reasons women participate in various stages of their lives. It is imperative that educators address the characteristics of women learners who participate and what programs and/or courses will best meet the needs of the women learners. By recognizing the appropriate programs for adult women students the community college will continue to be the leader of meeting and assisting women in their educational goals.  相似文献   

我国高职高专院校开设口译课程主要以英语专业,并以二、三年级学生为授课对象,高职高专的学生在英语基础知识和综合运用能力上和本科生相比起来,存在着一定的欠缺。此外,高职高专的学生大多数从事外贸、涉外文秘等方面的工作。因此,对于高职高专的口译课程应针对学生的适用性来选用教材。笔者拟以所任教的福建华南女子职业学院开设的口译课程为例,对高职高专院校开设口译课程教材的选择和使用提出一些意见和建议。  相似文献   

高职教育在我国发展至今,素质教育越来越引起各方的重视。本文基于以"就业为导向,能力为本位"的理念和指导思想,结合笔者所在高职学院的改革实际,创造性地提出高职素质教育体系建构的思路,并认为应从管理构架、课程模式、师资队伍、实训教学、校园文化等方面进行深入改革,最终实现学生综合素质的提升。  相似文献   

大学文化是体现学校特色的办学理念、学校精神以及行为规范、物质文化载体的重要内容,对全面提高高等教育质量、促进高等教育可持续发展意义重大。针对高职院校文化建设的路径和机制,从高职院校的教育规律和校本属性切入,通过文献分析和案例研究,重点讨论了基于学校个性的高职院校文化育人机制,提出三维文化育人体系,并对其提升文化内涵、丰富文化层次、体现文化效益的功能进行深入分析。  相似文献   

Diversity and the underrepresentation of women, African-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians in the nation’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields are the subjects of the XV: A View from the Gatekeepers—STEM Department Chairs at America’s Top 200 Research Universities on Female and Underrepresented Minority Undergraduate STEM Students. Annual public opinion research project commissioned by Bayer Corporation, the Bayer Facts surveys examine science education and science literacy issues. The 15th in the series and the fifth to explore diversity and underrepresentation, this research is a direct outgrowth of last year’s results which found 40 percent of the country’s female and underrepresented minority (URM) chemists and chemical engineers working today were discouraged from pursuing their STEM career at some point in their lives. US colleges were cited as places where this discouragement most often happened and college professors as the individuals most likely responsible. Does such discouragement still occur in American colleges today? To answer this and other questions about the undergraduate environment in which today’s students make their career decisions, the survey polls 413 STEM department chairs at the nation’s 200 top research universities and those that produce the highest proportion of female and URM STEM graduates. The survey also asks the chairs about their institutions track record recruiting and retaining female and URM STEM undergraduates, preparedness of these students to study STEM, the impact of traditional introductory STEM courses on female and URM students and barriers these students face pursuing their STEM degrees.  相似文献   

江西省高职招生录取时间排在重点本科和普通本科之后,以国家统一高考成绩作为标准录取考生。这造成高职院校生源质量差、不可持续发展等问题。本文通过分析三年来九江职业大学实施自主招生改革的效果,总结了江西高职院校自主招生的积极意义与相应的问题。  相似文献   


This article explores an approach to initial teacher education which emphasises the process of ‘practical theorising’ as the context in which educational theory can contribute to this professional education. The practical theorising approach is exemplified by reference to the Oxford Internship Scheme, and the article focusses especially on arguments against a practical theorising approach presented by Paul Hirst in a commentary on the Oxford scheme. These arguments are concerned with: the need for a public rationally defended consensual body of professional knowledge; the unreasonable demands which a practical theorising approach makes of student‐teachers; and the perceived failure of a practical theorising approach, at least in the Oxford context, to differentiate adequately among different kinds of theory and their place in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

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