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The aim of this article is to gain knowledge about what it means to be a learner using social media in an educational setting. The article presents an ethnographic study of students in a multiethnic community in Oslo who participate in a social networking site called Space2cre8 (S28). In this article, we set out to explore the kind of space for learning that can be created in a lower secondary classroom by a social networking site. The article provides a detailed study of how two students made use of this social networking site as part of school activities, and it outlines two specific ways in which to be a learner using social media in school. The findings suggest that a social networking site such as S28 can provide different resources for different students with different learner identities, and might represent a space in which everyday knowledge and school knowledge merge to offer a hybrid space for learning.  相似文献   

社交网站(SNS)是Web2.0时代一个标志性的网络服务新模式。它以人为核心,以社会关系链为基础,利用诸如网络聊天(IM),交友,开博客、记日志,建相册,参与群组,玩SNS游戏,分享日记等活动在人与人之间传播信息,创造内容,维系关系,培育感情。这不仅改变了人们的社交方式,同时也改变了人们的学习方式。基于关联主义的理论观点,从技术维度、社会维度、知识维度三个方面探讨了学习型社交网站的创建应该遵循和坚守的创建理念和原则,其研究结果对促进社交网站在教育教学中的有效应用具有理论指导价值。  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners have suggested that the use of social networking sites in formal education may be a worthwhile endeavor. Toward this goal, emerging learning platforms have included social networking features. Nevertheless, empirical literature examining user experiences, and more specifically instructor experiences, with these tools is limited. In this qualitative study, we address this gap in the literature by reporting the experiences of five instructors who used a social networking platform in their courses. We find that instructors (a) had expectations of Elgg that stemmed from numerous sources, (b) used Elgg in heterogeneous ways and for varied purposes, (c) compartmentalized Elgg and used it in familiar ways, and (d) faced frustrations stemming from numerous sources. We note that the ways Elgg came to be used “on the ground” is contested and contrasts starkly with the narrative of how social software might contribute benefits to educational practice. In addition, we note that learning management systems may frame the ways through which other tools, such as social media and Elgg, are understood, used, and experienced.  相似文献   

Building interpersonal connections in asynchronous online learning is important, but it is harder to achieve compared to face-to-face learning experiences due to its mostly text-based nature. Facebook is a popular social media platform and has been used as an outside-class communication space in formal learning contexts to supplement cognitive and affective aspects of learning. In this study, we used Facebook groups as supplemental social spaces in two asynchronous online master’s-level courses to understand if it impacted students’ perceptions of social presence (i.e., copresence, immediacy, and intimacy), learning interaction with faculty and peers, as well as sociability of the online learning environment. The results indicated that students felt more positively about social presence and learning interactions with other classmates and their instructor and perceived the course as having more sociability after they joined the class Facebook group. Findings have implications for supporting social impression formation in online learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how hybrid learning instruction affects undergraduate students' learning outcome, satisfaction and sense of community. The other aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between students' learning style and learning conditions in mixed online and face-to-face courses. A quasi-experimental design was used and 140 sophomores were recruited in this study. Students' learning outcomes, satisfaction, sense of community and learning styles were measured. Results showed that students in a hybrid course had significantly higher learning scores and satisfaction than did students of the face-to-face courses. The result also indicated that students of hybrid learning classrooms felt a stronger sense of community than did students in a traditional classroom setting. Analysis of learning style indicated that learning style had significant effect on learning outcome in the study group. Accommodator learners had higher e-learning effectiveness than other style learners. Possible reasons of results were discussed.  相似文献   

Social presence is a popular construct used to describe how people socially interact in online courses. Online educators continue to try different ways to establish and maintain social presence in online courses. However, research to date has not identified which strategies, or types of strategies, are best for establishing social presence. We investigated student perceptions of various strategies of establishing and maintaining social presence using a mixed methods case study approach in two different fully online courses. Results suggest that students are more interested in connecting with their instructor than their peers; different students like different social presence strategies; and students have different overall social presence needs. Various strategies and implications for practice are addressed throughout.  相似文献   

Learners’ feelings of social connectedness may be a key factor in predicting online course success. However, students attempting to perceive and process the social context in online courses often find themselves engaging in unfamiliar, technology-mediated communication channels. While there have been several empirically based strategies published for creating and maintaining social connectedness online, presently there are no validated instruments available to evaluate the success or failure of the pedagogical methods employed. This article reports on the development and initial technical validation of the Social Perceptions in Learning Contexts Instrument (SPLCI), a research tool for measuring students’ perception of social connectedness with participants in online courses. Findings demonstrated strong validity and reliability evidence that collectively supports continued development of the SPLCI.  相似文献   

网络已经融入到大学生生活和学习的方方面面,成为影响当代大学生生活方式的最重要因素。大学生利用网络开展社交既拓展了他的交往空间和社交行为,同样,也改变了他的学习方式。通过采用文献分析法,在梳理归纳已有研究成果的基础上,构建出大学生网络社交方式及社交行为特征分析的研究框架。以扬州大学的学生为调查对象,从社交网站访问情况、好友特征、社交基本属性、社交行为、态度与感受五个维度调查大学生网络社交方式及社交行为特征,归纳总结当代大学生基于社交进行学习的行为特征。旨在指导大学生能正确、积极地使用网络社交进行有效学习。  相似文献   

高校体育由于对人的成长具有独特的多元化促进功能。尤其对大学生社会综合能力培养方面有着其它学科无法替代的优势.在高校体育教育中,大学生通过参与体育活动,在增进相互间复杂情感交流、加深了解与友谊的同时,既能够不断优化大学生的情感、培养意志力、增强社会适应性,更能够丰富其精神生活,不断提高社会交往能力.  相似文献   

在新时代背景下,如何利用思政课堂对大学生价值观塑造、职业发展规划、社会适应能力产生积极影响;如何利用思政课培养学生的家国情怀、文化自信、职业操守和创新思维。以“课堂思政三分钟”为抓手,充分挖掘各门专业课程所蕴藏的思想政治元素,将做人做事道理、社会主义核心价值观、实现民族伟大复兴的理想和责任渗透到专业课程教学实践中。经过一年的实践,“思政三分钟”成了学生喜欢的课前“课”。  相似文献   

配偶面称语类型多与地域、性格、年龄、教育背景、性别等个人因素有关,而较少与社会交际地位的关系相关。配偶面称语的第一位功能是传达情绪和情感,交际手段只是辅助功能;配偶面称语的主功用是“以言取效”,同时亦可“以言行事”。  相似文献   

Utilizing the conceptual framework of Garrison, Anderson, and Archer for critical inquiry, this paper outlines the importance of the community of inquiry (COI) model and how it may inform online social work education. Integrating the COI model, we discuss how online learning in the classroom with a hybrid approach has been used to facilitate critical reflection and discourse. To illustrate this approach, we provide two case examples from clinical courses taught in an MSW program.  相似文献   

The enactment of learning to become a science teacher in online mode is an emotionally charged experience. We attend to the formation, maintenance and disruption of social bonds experienced by online preservice science teachers as they shared their emotional online learning experiences through blogs, or e-motion diaries, in reaction to videos of face-to-face lessons. A multi-theoretic framework drawing on microsociological perspectives of emotion informed our hermeneutic interpretations of students’ first-person accounts reported through an e-motion diary. These accounts were analyzed through our own database of emotion labels constructed from the synthesis of existing literature on emotion across a range of fields of inquiry. Preservice science teachers felt included in the face-to-face group as they watched videos of classroom transactions. The strength of these feelings of social solidarity were dependent on the quality of the video recording. E-motion diaries provided a resource for interactions focused on shared emotional experiences leading to formation of social bonds and the alleviation of feelings of fear, trepidation and anxiety about becoming science teachers. We offer implications to inform practitioners who wish to improve feelings of inclusion amongst their online learners in science education.  相似文献   

社会工作在我国属于新兴学科,自开始招生至今仅20余年。这期间,社会工作教育者们从未停止对社会工作实务教学的探索,但至今依然是教学难点,社会工作的教师身兼督导和教学双重任务往往会顾此失彼。基于此,找到一个适合于目前社会工作实务教学的场所和模式便十分重要。本文将高校作为社会工作实务教学的场所,社会工作专业学生的实务课程在教师的指导下展开,提供适当的社会工作服务以解决学生群体中存在的诸多问题,同时实现实务教学的要求。在高校实施社会工作实务教学,"网格化"是一种比较理想的模式。  相似文献   

The social networking use of university and college counseling center (UCCC) mental health providers has not been widely researched. Most of the 20 providers surveyed in this preliminary study reported engaging in social networking despite identifying pros and cons to its use. Participants’ reported use of social media may indicate that social networking sites are used primarily to glean information. Risks associated with social networking for UCCC practitioners are discussed and implications for training and social media use are provided.  相似文献   

The research reported on in this article explores the use of social media for work-related or professional purposes. In particular, it focuses on the perceptions and use of social media by academics in the UK. The purpose of the research was to explore the potential social media has to facilitate the changing landscape of higher education and support the individual academic in their role. Of particular interest is how specific social media tools are being used to enhance networking opportunities and contribute to career progression. The use of social media was explored in detail through interviews and a survey. Typical activities that are currently being undertaken were identified and user group profiles developed that articulate different levels of engagement with these tools and the motivations that each group of users have for using social media. The study found that, with increasing levels of activity, the number of motivations for using social media increase, as does the perceived number of successful outcomes, including contributions towards career progression. The main barriers to using social media were identified as a lack of time and skills to undertake these activities, as well as a negative perception of social media. Recommendations for increasing participation are to provide practical training, including the sharing of good practice, and to initiate dialogues within institutions regarding the potential career progression opportunities that social media may afford.  相似文献   

随着动态仿真技术的发展,高校思想政治理论课社会实践教学面临一种新的挑战——网络虚拟实践。文章通过对地方院校的抽样调查,总结高校思想政治理论课社会实践教学的现状;解析社会实践教学所面临的困境;通过对虚拟实践理论认同和实践认同的分析,罗列虚拟实践的优点,建议开发虚拟网络载体,丰富教学形式,增强高校思想政治理论课社会实践教学的实效性;同时也要处理好现实社会实践与虚拟实践之间的关系。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课的社会实践环节是大学生将理论和实践相结合的重要途径。CDIO是西方发达国家普遍应用的工程教育的一种经典模式。基于CDIO理念指导下的工科高校思想政治理论课社会实践模式,可以为我国高等工科院校的思想政治理论课社会实践模式的创新提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

课堂教学有其社会功能。相应于学生个体,课堂教学具有传递知识、形成社会适应性、发展个性天赋和养成某些人格特质等社会功能;相应于学生群体,课堂教学又具有区别和分化、整合和趋同、以及情感归属等社会功能。探讨分析课堂教学的社会功能可丰富和深化对现代教学理论的认识。  相似文献   

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