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又是一年春节到,欢欢喜喜抢红包。每到过年的时候,红包满天飞,在微信群里抢红包已变成了全民娱乐项目,虽然红包的金额最大只有200元,然而抢红包真正的乐趣在于抢到的金额不可预测。那同学们知道,微信是用什么机制来分配红包金额的吗?数学看点抢红包的策略微信发红包的方式共有两种,一种是普通的等额红包,可以一对一或者一对多发送,无论先抢还是后抢,红包金额是一样的。  相似文献   

微信红包的特性决定了其属于刑法上的财物。而依据微信红包用户协议及运行机制,则可以认为"盗抢"前的微信红包由发红包者占有及所有,财付通公司扮演占有辅助人身份,"盗抢"后的微信红包由"盗抢"者占有及所有,且案件被害人应当是发红包者。案件中单纯潜伏入群"盗抢"微信红包行为符合秘密窃取他人财物,且数额较大,应当构成盗窃罪。但若行为人冒充他人身份"盗抢"微信红包,可能构成诈骗罪。  相似文献   

抢红包是春节期间最热门的互动活动,许多年青人为了抢到红包,一直盯着手机,抢到为止. 在我家,姐姐抢红包是最厉害的,她为了得到更多的钱,早早地就来到外婆家,拿着手机耐心地等待,一向好奇的我也想得到红包,便叫姐姐教我怎么抢红包.时间一点点过去了,我的心脏跳得越来越快,生怕红包来时我抢不到,倒计时结束,只见手机页面上出现了各种红包,在页面上不停地跑动,我手忙脚乱地点个不停,终于点中了一个红包,我兴奋地点击打开,竟然中了五元.  相似文献   

微信红包赌博作为一种新型的网络赌博方式,因其犯罪成本低,操作使用便捷,人员流动性大等特点严重破坏了社会秩序以及社会稳定。为打击微信红包赌博,本文在对微信红包赌博特点以及原因进行分析的基础上,提出了相应解决问题的对策,以期能够为遏制微信红包赌博提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查和专家访谈等方法对互联网红包对中小学生的影响进行了研究,发现互联网红包在中小学生中使用非常普遍,对中小学生身心健康既有积极影响也有消极影响,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

<正>"老妈,来红包了,快来抢红包呀,一会儿被别人抢没了!"话音刚落,我翻了个身,又呼呼地与周公约会去了。这段时间,我把电脑、电视都抛在了脑后,你肯定以为我在学习吧!不不不,本小姐迷上了手机,更准确地说是迷上了手机微信,你一定以为我在聊天吧!那就大错特错了,我是对微信里的抢红包着了迷,而且不是一般的着迷。老妈最近不知迷上了什么,原先整天守着电脑不放的她,现在改成抱着手机不撒手  相似文献   

不知从什么时候起,网络红包火了起来,每逢节假日,总会看到QQ群里红包满天飞的场景。尽管有时候我也抢红包,但从理性角度分析,我是不支持网络红包的。我第一次意识到网络红包的强大诱惑力,是在一个群里。一个和我年纪相仿的学生,正逼一个人发红包,那人开玩笑地来了一句:“你叫我一声‘爹’我就发。”  相似文献   

随着社会经济和科学技术的快速发展,我国电子产业得到了迅猛发展,越来越多新型的通讯工具应运而生,对现代大学生日常学习和生活产生了很大的影响。据相关资料显示,现阶段应用最广泛的通讯软件是微信,截止到2014年年底,微信活跃用户已经达到了五亿人,同比增长了41%[1]。微信是利用现代信息网络系统设置的一种通讯软件,其中包含着广泛的信息数据,现代大学生不仅利用微信进行日常交流,还在其中开展相应的学习。本文主要从社交行为和德育素质教育两方面来探讨微信对大学生的影响,分析其中的有利和不利因素,促进大学生全面学习和发展。  相似文献   

过年啦,收压岁钱啦!你知道为什么压岁钱要放在红包里吗?因为红包是红色的,在中国,红色代表好运、喜庆和快乐。长辈们发红包是希望把好运和祝愿带给我们。所以,压岁钱不是重要的,最有意义的是代表好运和祝福的红包。新年到了,你也可以自己亲手制作红包,里面写上祝福的话送给长辈们。下面,小兔牙就教大家做一个千纸鹤红包。千纸鹤代表思念和关怀,也是很贴心的哟。快快来学习一下吧!  相似文献   

颜雅婉  刘超 《考试周刊》2014,(55):162-163
随着社交网络的广泛使用,微信被越来越多的人使用。当代大学生作为走在时代潮流前沿的群体,无疑是微信的应用主体。本文对微信对生活产生的影响进行深刻剖析,并在此基础上提出当代大学生辩证运用微信的措施。  相似文献   

We studied patterns of mothers' and fathers' differential treatment of firstborn (average age 10.5 years) and secondborn (average age 8 years) school-age siblings, and we examined the links between parents' differential treatment and children's well-being and dyadic family relationships. Mothers, fathers, and both siblings in 110 families were interviewed in their homes. For each dimension of parental behavior that we assessed (i.e., differential affection and discipline) we created groups of families that reflected mothers' and fathers' levels of differential treatment (e.g., discipline the firstborn more, equal treatment, discipline the secondborn more). Although we detected substantial correspondence between the 2 parents' differential treatment, we found a sizable group of families in which parents' reports were incongruent (i.e., 1 parent reported equal and the other differential treatment). Parental patterns were linked to differences between the siblings' well-being and both sibling and parent-child relationships, with younger siblings exhibiting greater vulnerability to differential treatment. Incongruence in differential warmth was associated with marital distress.  相似文献   

Do young boys and girls understand what leads to academic success (e.g., talent, effort, good teaching, luck) in the same way? Do young girls and boys have equivalent perceptions of their academic competence? Are these beliefs engendered in the same way across sociocultural contexts? In a cross-cultural study of over 3,000 children in grades 2 to 6, ages 7.2 to 13.6, we discovered that boys and girls around the world have very similar ideas about what generally leads to academic success. Moreover, in the few contexts where boys' and girls' academic performances were equal, their beliefs were also equal. However, when girls outperformed boys, their beliefs in their own talent were no greater than boys' beliefs, even though they did have stronger beliefs than boys in other facets of their achievement potential (e.g., putting forth effort, being lucky, getting their teacher's help). Our findings support the generally close correspondence between children's achievement and their competence-related beliefs, with the exception that young girls appear to specifically discount their talent. The effects held regardless of the children's achievement, intelligence, or age (approximately 8 to 13 years). Girls were more biased in some contexts than in others, however, suggesting that competence-related biases are rooted in culture-specific aspects of school settings.  相似文献   

浅谈"厌胜钱"与择吉文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厌胜钱是古钱币中的一个重要组成部分。其中那些带有吉语、咒语和吉祥图案纹饰的厌胜钱,它们与择吉文化有着较为密切的关联,表达了人们趋吉避凶、向往和谐及美好生活的愿望。  相似文献   

哈耶克的货币理论包括早年的中性货币学说和晚期的货币非国有化学说。中性货币学说强调货币数量的变化无论是否引起一般物价水平的变动,只要相对价格发生变动,就会影响生产的数量和方向,这一理论对我国在保持物价水平基本稳定的条件下,进行产业结构调整具有指导作用。哈耶克提出货币非国有化的主张,目的是要维护市场自由竞争秩序。  相似文献   

古往今来,中华民族一直是个尚红的民族,红色是具有中国特色的吉祥色,被冠之以"中国红"的美称。红色以其热情、喜庆、吉祥、温暖、忠诚的文化内涵一直深受中国人民尤其是汉族人民的喜爱,多数中国人民有着强烈的红色情结。相应的,红色物品在生活中的许多方面都得到了充分的应用。中国人的红色情结本身既是一种重要的文化现象,又对中国的文化、政治、经济等领域产生了重要的影响。文章从红的概念、红与白的比较、中国人形成红色情结的原因以及红色在古今生活中诸领域的应用等方面进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

传统的遗传算法有2个严重的缺点,即不能有效地消除过早收敛现象以及在进化后期搜索效率较低。模拟退火算法是基于金属退火的机理而建立起来的1种全局最优化方法,它能够以随机搜索技术从概率的意义上找到目标函数的全局最小点。将遗传算法与模拟退火算法相结合,提出模拟退火遗传算法。实验结果表明,该算法在性能上有较大的改善。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on two independent tasks. One involved red and yellow hues, the other involved blue and green hues. For half of the birds, the two tasks were the same (i.e., both tasks were either matching-to-sample, or oddity-from-sample). For the remaining birds, the two tasks were different (i.e., one task was matching-to-sample; the other task was oddity-from-sample). Following acquisition, the pigeons were exposed to test trials on which either the correct or the incorrect comparison hue was replaced with one of the hues from the other task. On yellow-sample trials and on green-sample trials, the pigeons performed as if they had a common code for yellow and green. When there was one comparison available that was appropriate to the “yellow/green” code, performance remained high; but when either both comparisons or neither comparison was appropriate to the “yellow/green” code, performance dropped. The pigeons also tended to code red samples as green and to code blue samples as yellow. The results indicate that pigeons can categorically code colors under conditions that rule out a failure to discriminate among the colors.  相似文献   

In this Norwegian study, bidirectional relations between children's behavior problems and child–teacher conflict and closeness were examined, and the possibility of moderation of these associations by child‐care group size was tested. Eight hundred and nineteen 4‐year‐old children were followed up in first grade. Results revealed reciprocal effects linking child–teacher conflict and behavior problems. Effects of child–teacher closeness on later behavior problems were moderated by group size: For children in small groups only (i.e., ≤ 15 children), greater closeness predicted reduced behavior problems in first grade. In consequence, stability of behavior problems was greater in larger than in smaller groups. Results are discussed in light of regulatory mechanisms and social learning theory, with possible implications for organization of child care.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether tertiary education of different types, i.e., academic or vocational tertiary education, leads to more or less favourable labour market outcomes. We study the problem for Switzerland, where more than two thirds of the workforce gain vocational secondary degrees and a substantial number go on to a vocational tertiary degree but only a small share gain an academic tertiary degree. As outcome variables, we examine the risk of being unemployed, monthly earnings, and variation in earnings (reflecting financial risk). We study these outcomes at career entry and later stages. Our empirical results reveal that the type of tertiary education has various effects on these outcomes. At career entry, we observe equal unemployment risk but higher average wages and lower financial risk for vocational graduates. At later career stages, we find that these higher average wages disappear and risk of unemployment becomes lower for vocational graduates. Thus, by differentiating the tertiary system into vocational and academic institutions graduates face a variety of valuable options allowing them to self-select into an educational type that best matches their individual preferences.  相似文献   

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