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目的:对安徽省皖北地区新生代农民工进行心理健康干预.方法:采用症状自评量表SCL-90,对方便取样的30名被试进行了基线调查,然后进行了“独一无二”和“知己知彼”两次心理干预活动并与全国常模比较.结果:基线调查结果显示新生代农民工SCL-90的9个因子得分显著高于全国常模(t=8.56,8.30,9.21,10.06,11.20,8.32,7.64,8.71,8.04,P<0.05);进行了“独一无二”和“知己知彼”两次心理干预活动之后,结果显示新生代农民工在躯体化等8个指标上的得分均低于基线调查所得分数,但仍高于全国常模得分.结论:相对于基线调查,进行的关于“独一无二”和“知己知彼”心理干预活动的效果非常显著,但是这些新生代农民仍然存在着一定的心理问题,需要进一步指导与干预.  相似文献   

【活动背景】由于社会发展带来的竞争加剧和多元文化的冲击,近年来,心理问题低龄化趋势明显,青少年极端危机事件时有发生,彰显生命教育的重要性和迫切性。新冠肺炎疫情给人们的生活、工作造成巨大影响,中小学生旺盛的精力无处释放,导致压力感剧增,抑郁、焦虑、失落等负面情绪明显,容易陷入塞里格曼所说的“习得性无助”困境,而积极的心理干预正是解决问题的有效策略。所谓积极的心理干预,是指应用个人、环境的资源和优势,以增加积极情绪,培育其积极的认知方式及亲社会的行为意愿,不但减少伤害性影响,更要关注和激活潜能的发展。本课旨在引导学生理解“不确定性”的意义,促进学生以积极态度接纳“不确定性”,以积极方式应对“不确定性”。  相似文献   

大学生心理危机干预是一个需要多方面支持系统共同参与的庞大工程,因此,应树立积极的、预防性与反应性相结合的心理危机“大干预”理念。要实现大学生心理危机的“大干预”,必须建立学校为主、家庭配合、社会参与的干预系统;加强心理危机前的预防和预警;采取多渠道、全方位的干预措施;加强心理危机干预后的跟踪和反馈。  相似文献   

为探讨心理韧性团体辅导对于流动儿童的心理韧性水平的改善以及对心理适应的提高作用,以北京市东城区某打工子弟学校两个平行的四年级班级为研究对象,采用2*2混合设计,对实验组班级的流动儿童实施七次心理韧性团体干预活动,对照组班级不做任何干预.结果发现:(1)心理韧性干预活动对于心理韧性总分和情绪控制维度的干预效果显著;(2)心理韧性干预活动对低分组的流动儿童的心理韧性总分、积极认知、目标专注、情绪控制、人际协助干预效果显著;仅对高分组与中间组的心理韧性总分干预效果显著;(3)实验组心理韧性的变化状况可以预测心理适应的变化.结论:心理韧性团体干预有利于提升流动儿童的心理韧性水平,有助于提高流动儿童的心理适应.建议从学校、家庭、社会等多途径联合开展流动儿童的心理韧性干预项目.  相似文献   

情绪心理学家认为:情绪占据着人的整个心理生活和实际生活,它既推动人的本能,又干预社会学习和创造活动,是整个人活动的动力.在英语学习中,情绪这一非智力因素的动力作用尤其不可忽视.在教学实践中,我体会到通过设计新颖、有趣的活动,以活动为载体激发学生的积极学习情感,符合小学生的认知规律和情感规律特点.紧扣教学内容设计相关的活动,能够起到事半功倍的效果,真正是“工欲善其事,必先利其器”.  相似文献   

心理活动课的主要环节是“活动一体验一分享”,即通过各种游戏、活动等,引发学生的体验、互动、反思和分享,从而对其心理状态产生积极的影响,提高其心理健康水平.这其中的活动仅仅是介质和手段,活动后的分享才是最重要的。分享能够增加活动的价值,将活动的意义引向深入。  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理干预对围手术期膀胱癌患者生活质量的影响.方法:选择70例膀胱癌患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组采用积极的心理干预措施,对照组采用常规护理干预,采用生活质量量表对两组患者心理干预前后的生活质量进行评分.结果:两组比较对照组的生活质量评分要显著低于观察组的评分,差异有统计学意义(P0.01).结论:积极心理干预对于膀胱癌患者生活质量有显著的改善作用,有利于患者预后.  相似文献   

本文介绍了心理危机干预和灾难性危机事件的概念,并从积极心理学的角度说明了积极心理干预的意义,详细阐述了积极心理干预在汶川大地震中的应用,最后展望了未来积极心理干预的发展前景。  相似文献   

随着5·12汶川地震抢救生命救援工作的结束,灾后心理救援及康复工作日益受到重视.作为人民教师应抓紧时间,学习心理救援知识,掌握心理援助技能,为学生提供有效的心理援助.教师需正确看待灾后儿童可能出现的身心反应,对儿童进行观察评估,采用适当的心理干预方法,积极组织有意义的活动.帮助学生抚平心理创伤,以积极的态度踏入正常的生活轨道.  相似文献   

为探讨积极心理学取向的团体心理辅导对初中生积极心理品质的影响,以团体辅导的形式对50名初中生进行心理干预,得出结论:积极心理学取向的团体心理辅导能够有效提升学生的积极心理品质。根据该结论提出相关建议:学校可以根据学生的年龄特征和实际需要,安排有针对性的年级活动;常规心理健康课可以采用班级团体心理辅导的形式;其他文化课也可以借鉴团体心理辅导的上课模式,培养学生各项积极心理品质。  相似文献   

An introduction to the special issue addressing positive psychology and its “place” in and implications for schools is provided. The articles contained within the issue are described within the context of our perspective regarding positive psychology in schools. As the study of positive psychology continues to evolve, it is likely that its application within other fields (including school psychology) will be more clearly expressed. We contend that the “success” of introducing, implementing, and sustaining positive psychology within schools may be dependent on its early yet also sustained integration across multiple contexts. And, a “positive” school psychology will require attention to the convergence of multiple, diverse areas of literature. The articles within this special issue begin this movement toward finding either a place for positive psychology within school psychology or a place for school psychology within positive psychology. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 1–5, 2004.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindful yoga and positive psychology interventions and identified common psychotherapeutic elements that exert critical treatment effects on Hong Kong Chinese students with special educational needs (SENs). Forty-seven participants received CBT intervention while 42 and 41 participants received mindful yoga and positive psychology interventions, respectively (N = 130). Mixed ANOVAs revealed no significant interaction effect between time and intervention condition on any outcome variables. However, within-subjects ANOVA revealed significant improvements in some dimensions within each intervention, including areas of behavioural problems, positive feelings and positive relationships. Changes in negative automatic thoughts were also found to lessen negative emotions in all three interventions. This study ascertained the differential effects of the selected approaches in ameliorating negative emotion, reducing behavioural problems and enhancing positive relationships among students with SENs in various treatment approaches. In addition, this study highlighted several common psychotherapeutic elements, which could potentially serve as important factors and constitute the formulation of an integrative psychotherapeutic framework for enhancing the well-being of students with SENs in Hong Kong. Finally, implications for practice and the possible development of an integrative intervention model were discussed.  相似文献   

Anders Gustavsson, Anna Kittelsaa and Jan Tøssebro describe an important dilemma: most published research shows positive outcomes for the intervention being studied, thus making it difficult to determine which of the interventions would be best suited for any given situation. The author’s discuss this within the context of the Dodo Bird effect, that “all are winners and all should get prizes” and call for a new research paradigm; challenging us to go beyond a surface look at interventions to identify the common factors across interventions that may act as the deeper anchors of success. This response, to the paper, explores why publications tend to focus on positive outcomes, briefly addresses a broader conceptualization of an evidence base, and discusses the possible use of a “root causes” approach to identify common factors that lead to success across interventions.  相似文献   

Theories of psychology and mathematics education recommend two instructional approaches to develop students’ mental representations of number: The “exact” approach focuses on the development of exact representations of organized dot patterns; the “approximate” approach focuses on the approximate representation of analogue magnitudes. This study provides for the first time empirical evidence for the specific effects of these approaches by implementing them in a highly controlled learning environment. 147 first-graders were randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups that used an “exact”, an “approximate”, or both versions of the same computer game, or to a control group. Performance on tasks requiring exact or approximate number processing as well as achievement in arithmetic were measured before and after the intervention. Results show that performance improved on tasks related to the exact or approximate number aspect trained, but there was no crossover effect. Achievement in arithmetic increased for the experimental groups and tended to be higher after only exact or only approximate training. Implications for teaching and learning in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

The recently fashionable theories of positive psychology have educational ramifications at virtually every level of engagement, culminating in the model of positive education. In this critical review, I scrutinize positive education as a potential theory in educational psychology. Special attention is given to conceptual controversies and suggested educational interventions. Positive psychologists have yet to explore in detail the school as a positive institution. They have written at length, however, about such positive personal traits as moral virtue and resiliency, and about positive emotions both as embodied in experiences of classroom “flow” and as facilitators of students’ personal resources. Because the empirical evidence concerning these positive factors remains partly mixed or tentative, and because most of them had a home in other theoretical frameworks before the advent of positive psychology, searching questions remain about the effectiveness and originality of positive education. This article addresses some of those questions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on two years of a multiyear consultation/professional development project based on socioconstructivist principles (situated cognition, social context, and scaffolded instruction) that are consistent with key elements of positive psychology. The consultation model used a case analysis framework to engage 12 elementary school teachers in workshops, demonstration lessons, ad hoc inquiry groups, and coaching. Interview, questionnaire, and field note data from the participants identified “control and choice,” “focus on student needs,” “applicability to classroom practices,” “direct instruction of skills,” and “consultant feedback” as key elements of the model. Changes in classroom practices were reported by 78% of the participants with changes in confidence noted from pre‐ to posttests. Better learning for students was mentioned by 89% of the teachers. Discussion focuses on critical theoretical elements associated with positive psychology. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 51–65, 2004.  相似文献   

At a time when much attention is being paid to teachers’ effectiveness, there is little regard for the effectiveness of their professional support. Although professional development facilitators are frequently involved in school improvement projects, little is known about the interventions they should carry out and the effectiveness of these interventions. In this study, five facilitators’ interventions are operationalised. Multilevel regression analyses show, that the intervention “guiding the process” explains a significant part of variance in teachers’ knowledge, attitude and concerns with respect to an innovation and the degree of implementation. The interventions “team training and coaching”, “creating conditions for innovation at school level” and “individual coaching” explain a significant part of variance in teachers’ knowledge with respect to an innovation. In general, it appears that professional development facilitators have considerable influence on teachers’ knowledge and concerns and reasonable influence on teachers’ attitude and the degree of implementation.  相似文献   

Mindfulness has been gaining momentum in the field of school psychology, however compared to other applied psychology fields, less research on mindfulness interventions has been conducted. This study systematically reviewed mindfulness literature and empirical studies in nine school psychology journals from 2006–2016. The prevalence of mindfulness articles and research specifically focused on mindfulness intervention were examined. Additionally, the type of intervention implemented, tier of intervention, and targets of intervention were examined. Results indicated that .57% of articles during the ten‐year time frame were related to mindfulness (n = 17). Eight of the 17 articles investigated mindfulness interventions, with interventions ranging from informal practices (e.g., Mandala coloring) to specific intervention programs (e.g., Compassion and Attention in the Schools). Majority of interventions were implemented at the universal level for students. Future directions for mindfulness research and the importance of mindfulness in school psychology are discussed.  相似文献   

Medical research is held as a field for education to emulate. Education researchers have been urged to adopt randomized controlled trials, a more “scientific” research method believed to have resulted in the advances in medicine. But a much more important lesson education needs to borrow from medicine has been ignored. That is the study of side effects. Medical research is required to investigate both the intended effects of any medical interventions and their unintended adverse effects, or side effects. In contrast, educational research tends to focus only on proving the effectiveness of practices and policies in pursuit of “what works.” It has generally ignored the potential harms that can result from what works. This article presents evidence that shows side effects are inseparable from effects. Both are the outcomes of the same intervention. This article further argues that studying and reporting side effects as part of studying effects will help advance education by settling long fought battles over practices and policies and move beyond the vicious cycle of pendulum swings in education.  相似文献   

There has recently been a growing movement within psychology toward placing a greater emphasis on building strengths and competencies rather than merely treating deficits and disorders. This movement, known as positive psychology, focuses on the scientific study of optimal human functioning and the variables that promote positive human emotions, traits, and institutions. The purpose of this article is to discuss selected topics of research in positive psychology and how they might contribute to the development of “authentically happy” school psychologists. Implications for how school psychologists may use findings from research to enhance their level of professional satisfaction and fulfillment are provided. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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