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在欧洲和美国,伴随着大学与城市之间关系的历史发展,大学文化与城市文化之间的互动关系也经历了联结与冲突、融合与共生等多个阶段,通过学习和借鉴他们文化发展道路中的经验,可对我国大学文化与城市文化关系发展作出展望,并据此为寻找我国建设文化强国之路提供参考。  相似文献   

大学是城市重要的构成要素,对于推动城市发展具有积极意义。文章分析了大学与城市的动态关系,提出城市规划作为城市和大学共同发展的桥梁,不能仅关注大学对于城市经济的促进,而应着眼长远,从大学本身的需求出发,以期实现大学与城市发展的良性互动。  相似文献   

作为一种生命存在,大学或城市是一种独特的生态系统。大学与城市之间存在特殊的生态关系,集中表征为系统与环境、整体与局部、合作与竞争、哺育与反哺等几种范型。这些生态关系范型既是分析大学与城市互动发展的理论框架,也是统筹推进大学与城市互动发展的实践逻辑。  相似文献   

城市型大学在我国高等教育"大众化"背景下应运而生。从城市型大学与城市发展的关系来说,一方面,城市型大学的办学水平和服务能力高低影响着地方城市经济社会的发展进度,另一方面,城市的发展程度在很大程度上决定着城市型大学的办学水平和服务能力。研究两者的互动发展关系,旨在更好地促进城市与城市型大学融合发展。  相似文献   

城市因大学而兴,大学因城市而盛,学校与城市文化建设之间的关系愈发的紧密,如何以大学文化作为基点促进城市文化的发展,如何借力城市文化的发展,促进大学竞争力的提高,使二者和谐互动发展,成为社会关注的热点问题。本文从高等学校与文化城市的互动关系着手,分析了二者之间的相互影响与作用。  相似文献   

大学与城市之间的关系是一种互动发展的关系。大学是城市创新的源泉,大学为城市发展注入新的活力,大学是硬实力和软实力的发源地,大学是知识创新和地区经济发展的动力和引擎,大学是城市连接全国乃至世界的桥梁。所以,“伟大城市要有伟大大学”。  相似文献   

大学与城市是人类文明史上两大标志性事物。在不同发展阶段,大学与城市的关系既有适应共进,也有冲突对立,但总的趋势是日益紧密、融合发展。本文基于大学与城市各阶段互动发展的视角,分析了校城融合机制形成的必然性。  相似文献   

城市和大学是人类文明的绚丽之花,城市与大学的联姻或互动是人类文明的伟大杰作;大学与城市互动贯穿高等教育发展的各个历史阶段,一部高等教育史可谓是一部伴随着大学与城市互动的历史;大学与城市互动不是一种偶然现象,二者的互动具有内在必然性;大学与城市的关系在本质上反映和折射的是大学与社会的关系。  相似文献   

大学与城市之间的关系是一种互动发展的关系。大学是城市创新的源泉,大学为城市发展注入新的活力,大学是硬实力和软实力的发源地,大学是知识创新和地区经济发展的动力和引擎,大学是城市连接全国乃至世界的桥梁。所以,“伟大城市要有伟大大学”。  相似文献   

本文归纳了美国大学与城市关系的主要特点,即早期的反城市倾向、在空间选择上重小城镇而轻大城市、大学与城市关系的后天性以及大学与城市关系的多样性.在此基础上,本文进一步分析了形成这些特点的地理、经济和文化根源,并对我国的大学与城市关系进行了初步思考.  相似文献   

In cities across the United States higher education institutions exist in tandem with a range of other socio-cultural and economic organizations, such as businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies. The role of colleges and universities in city development is important, and empirical examination of universities’ role in and relationship with cities provides an avenue for higher education researchers to explore interactions that are potentially key to a thriving knowledge economy. Using data collected from a case study of a large American city and a university within that city, we sought to better understand the university’s role in and relationship with its surrounding city.  相似文献   

大学与城市的关系可以追溯到中世纪的欧洲。深受欧洲和美国影响的日本大学与其所在城市也有着千丝万缕的联系。本文从经济发展、环境构建这两个层面对日本研究型大学与其所在城市互动关系进行尝试性探讨与分析,以期对我国当下的高等教育改革有所助益。  相似文献   

大学城在我国是一种新的教育发展形式,构建和谐大学城对促进大学城全面协调健康发展、增强大学城的创造活力、实现大学城的安定有序具有重大的现实意义。根据知识信息时代科技、人文与自然的和谐、大学城外部环境的和谐、大学与城市、社会的和谐、大学城内部机制的和谐、教育与产业的和谐等和谐大学城的时代特征,只有努力实现主管部门与各教育主体、独立与共享、办学层次与办学类型、硬件设施与软件条件、自然科学与人文科学、教育与产业、发展与稳定的和谐统一,才能真正构建具有中国特色、符合时代特征的和谐大学城。  相似文献   

地方大学区与城市互动关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着时代的不断发展和进步,各地大学由过去的单所构建,逐渐发展为多所聚集在一起,从而形成大学区或大学城。在这些大学区的不断发展过程中带来了这样或那样的问题,如何处理大学与城市之间的关系问题日渐凸显。通过对古今中外历史事实及众多有关大学和城市发展理论研究的文献进行分析、总结,我们提出了实现新兴大学区与城市之间的良性互动应注意在政治、经济、文化各领域施行的一系列有效策略。  相似文献   

In this study, I examine university and college participation rates, as well as graduate outcomes, following the establishment of a university in cities where there were previously none. The creation of a local university is associated with a large increase in university attendance among local youth in each affected city. However, the increase in university participation came at the expense of college participation in most cities. Furthermore, not everyone benefited equally from new universities in terms of university enrolment. In the short run, the creation of a local university is associated with a substantial increase in the probability of moving out of one city for men and women. For men, employment rates rise, while for women, there is an increase in business services and public sector employment.  相似文献   


Australian higher educational history illustrates the tensions that exist between the city and the country over the provision of university education. While for many non-Australians the nation appears as the land of the outback the reality is that Australia is dominated by the city where the majority of the population live and where governments and their policy advisers are located. This article compares the attempts of two of Australia's historic rural cities to establish universities. These cities are Armidale, New South Wales and Bendigo, Victoria. Their attempts illustrate a persistent theme in Australia's educational history - namely conflict over equitable educational provision for Australia's rural residents. The proposal to establish a university at Armidale represented a major departure from the traditional Australian policy of universities in capital cities only as it was the first time that an Australian rural city was chosen as the site of a university. However, the establishment of Australia's first rural university was later used to thwart the establishment of additional country universities. In 1938 when it succeeded in establishing its university Armidale was a small inland city of 10,000 inhabitants economically reliant on agriculture. Armidale depended on the efforts of a former farmer and now influential member of state parliament, Drummond, who faced opposition from capital city based state governments, to establish a university. The Armidale campaign for a local university was driven by powerful rural discontent, which stressed the economic and social importance of Australia's primary industries and their associated country towns while simultaneously arguing that metropolitan cities dominated Australian life and politics. Armidale's university campaign was based on the typical Australian philosophy of a "fair go" for country people. Drummond relied on the support of the citizens of Armidale and their defensive loyalty to the country. Many of their beliefs irrationally extolled the virtues of the country, the wickedness of the city, and the conspiracy of governments against the country. Drummond fully realized that the majority of Australia's population lived in the capital cities and the commercial, financial and cultural affairs of the state originated there. However, he realized that this also led to an attitude that assumed that nothing good could come out of the country. Bendigo with a population of 46,000 made its attempts to secure a university in 1970. Located in country Victoria the city originally derived its wealth from gold mining but now depended on its role as an administrative and service center for an agricultural community. Bendigo leaders were influenced by state government policies of the time, which aimed to create towns and cities throughout the state where living conditions would be similar to those in the capital city. Just as at Armidale previously, Bendigo leaders realized that to secure decentralization of services in the state attractive educational facilities, including a university, were essential. Bendigo leaders used arguments reminiscent of those previously used in Armidale in their efforts to establish a local university. They spoke of the quality of life in smaller communities, the social advantages of decentralization, the necessity of equitable educational provision for all Australians, the lack of university facilities outside the Melbourne metropolitan area and the loss of country population to the city because of a lack of educational facilities in the country. However, their campaign also met with strong and almost hysterical resistance from the state's university leaders who noted that the concept of a country university was educationally undesirable. Very importantly the citizens of Bendigo confronted a much different educational system to that of their earlier Armidale counterparts. Of most importance the who now had full responsibility for funding of university education would not support the establishment of a university in Bendigo. Reasons for this reluctance included the lack of potential students in the Bendigo area and fear that the establishment of country universities would lead to a reduction in funding for city based universities because small campuses were seen as more expensive to establish and operate than large city ones. There were also fears that establishing a university in Bendigo would lead to the destruction of the Australian binary system of higher education. In any case it was argued that it was simply unfeasible to provide the same degree of access to university facilities for country students as was available to their city counterparts as it was not economically and educationally possible. It is likely that governments used the university at Armidale to argue against the establishment of a country-based university at Bendigo. They reasoned that the University of New England illustrated that country universities were small, second rate, had difficulties in attracting staff (who were diffident about going to country locations) and were especially expensive.  相似文献   

中小城市开放大学是基层电大为适应学习型社会的需求转型发展而来的,社区教育是开放大学构建学习型社会的平台和重要抓手。当前,我国的社区教育虽然从全国范围内来看有了很大发展,但与建设学习型社会的要求还有相当大的差距。尤其是中小城市开放大学与社区教育的发展,还有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   

近年来,蚌埠市经济增长速度明显落后于芜湖,而导致两市经济差距扩大的因素有很多,人力资本是其中一个重要因素。在此背景下,通过构建回归模型,运用Eviews软件对蚌埠市和芜湖市2000-2009年的人力资本与经济增长之间的关系进行实证研究。研究表明人力资本对于经济增长具有较大的促进作用,且人力资本外部性作用在经济发展较快的芜湖市开始显现,因而蚌埠市应加大教育投入,提高人力资本存量和人力资本水平,促进经济快速发展。  相似文献   

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