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眼动追踪技术能够帮助自闭症谱系障碍领域的研究者可以“透过自闭症个体的眼睛”进行观察。通过回顾该领域的现有研究成果,发现眼动追踪技术主要集中于:(1)通过眼动跟踪范式测量已有的构念;(2)基于不同目的的使用,如解决基础科学问题,促进诊断,以及测量干预机制和结果。  相似文献   

自1943年Kanner首次提出“自闭症”一词时起便发现该群体存在注意障碍.随着认知信息加工取向研究的盛行,研究者更倾向于从领域一般性角度来研究自闭症谱系障碍患者的注意问题.选择性注意作为注意的一个重要方面,成为自闭症谱系障碍领域的研究热点.文章在对文献资料进行梳理的基础上,介绍了一些关于自闭症谱系障碍患者选择注意的研究,并重点介绍了知觉负载理论框架下的新成果.最后,对自闭症谱系障碍患者选择性注意的研究进行了小结,并对新框架下的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

自闭症是一种神经发育障碍.自闭症者的非社会性信息加工表现出非典型特征,其社会性功能存在严重缺陷,使得自闭症者的社会适应能力减弱.本文从自闭症者的认知能力、社会性发展及神经机制的角度进行整体综述,总结自闭症者对社会性与非社会性刺激加工的特点与规律,最后指出该研究领域尚存在的或未涉及的问题.  相似文献   

以37名自闭症谱系障碍儿童为被试,采用颜色图片视觉搜索任务的形式,要求儿童迅速判断由红绿方块所组合成的矩阵图片刺激界面的异同,并借助Tobii X120眼动系统采集和分析被试的眼动数据,探讨自闭症谱系障碍儿童颜色视觉突显的眼动特征。结果发现:在目标呈现的刺激界面的任务中,被试的注视时间和注视点数显著增加;被试对2×2矩阵刺激界面的注视时间显著长于对3×3矩阵刺激界面的注视时间;被试对刺激界面进行任务搜索过程中,目标呈现方式与矩阵大小交互效应显著。因此,研究认为自闭症谱系障碍儿童存在颜色视觉突显,且这种突显在不同程度上受刺激材料的目标呈现方式及干扰项数目的影响。  相似文献   

在普通儿童语言发展的早期阶段就具有将新异词语与所指事物进行“快速映射”的词语习得能力,但有明显语言发展障碍的自闭症谱系障碍儿童是否也存在这种“快速映射”能力呢?本文回顾并评析过去15年间国外关于自闭症谱系障碍儿童在基本映射条件下、社会性映射条件下和非社会性映射条件下词语习得能力的相关研究,发现自闭症谱系障碍儿童不能像普通儿童一样灵活自如地运用各种线索、技能或策略来学习词语.  相似文献   

家长参与教育是提高自闭症谱系障碍儿童教育成效的关键因素,而教育参与程度是多种因素综合作用的结果。文章根据已有研究分析了自闭症谱系障碍儿童自身的特征、家庭因素、学校和其他社会支持因素对家长参与教育的影响。基于对影响因素的综合分析,提炼了有助于提升自闭症儿童家长教育参与度的因素。  相似文献   

重复刻板行为是自闭症谱系障碍的核心缺陷之一,也是自闭症谱系障碍的诊断标准之一。其类型复杂、表现形式多样,对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的社会融合和社会技能的掌握有消极影响。通过对研究重复刻板行为的文献进行梳理,具体整理了重复刻板行为的分类、表现以及成因解释,并对现有研究进行反思,为以后研究提供参考。  相似文献   

通过家长问卷筛查自闭症谱系障碍儿童是为常见,然运用问卷来区分功能则,本研究欲探索其可能性.结合我国社会文化编制了用于甄别自闭症谱系障碍儿童和区分其功能的家长访谈问卷,并运用该问卷对全国11个城市的2901名1-6岁普通儿童和119名自闭症谱系障碍儿童家长进行了实际调查.调查结果表明,运用该问卷既可甄别又可有效地区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童不同功能.说明运用家长问卷甄别与区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童的功能具有可行性.  相似文献   

由于前瞻记忆与自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)人士的社会交流障碍存在较大的关联,近十几年来,研究者对前瞻记忆的能力和特点进行了初步的探索。研究发现,自闭症个体前瞻性记忆中,基于时间和基于事件任务的记忆能力是分离的。这不仅进一步说明自闭症谱系障碍人士的前瞻记忆与其执行功能关系密切,同时,也在一定程度上预示了ASD人士生态性前瞻记忆研究前景,根据ASD人士记忆特点进行现实和模拟相结合的行为干预的可行性。  相似文献   

自我刺激行为是自闭症谱系障碍儿童典型发展的问题行为之一,常常表现为啃咬自己、撞击物品或他人、反复摇晃身体等。这些问题行为不仅有可能威胁到他们自身或者其他人的身体安全,同时也会影响他们与其他人保持良好的社会交往关系,阻碍他们学习新的知识和技能,因此,对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行干预十分必要。目前常用的自我刺激行为的干预方法主要有:感觉消退、匹配性刺激替代法、过度矫正、积极行为支持、强化、感觉统合训练和早期预防7种。对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的自我刺激行为进行有效干预,可以帮助自闭症谱系障碍儿童学会用恰当的行为方式表达需求,从而更好地适应学习和生活。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童对社会刺激的注意行为存在缺陷,主要表现在对眼睛注视的定向注意和联合注意受损。回溯研究发现,孤独症儿童在婴儿期就表现出对社会刺激如面孔、名字等的注意损伤。然而采用空间注意线索化范式,发现既有证据表明他们能对眼睛注视线索发出注意定向行为,也有相反的证据。孤独症儿童联合注意的缺损主要表现在,不能对他人的社会指向做出反应,也不能主动发出注意分享行为。文章回顾了孤独症儿童对眼睛注视线索引起的注意定向的研究,分析了结果存在矛盾的可能原因,列举了他们在联合注意缺损上的主要表现,并总结了与其社会性注意相关神经基础的异常。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated attention of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to faces and objects. In both experiments, children (7- to 15-year-olds) detected the difference between 2 visual scenes. Results in Experiment 1 revealed that typically developing children ( n  = 16) detected the change in faces faster than in objects, whereas children with ASD ( n  = 16) were equally fast in detecting changes in faces and objects. These results were replicated in Experiment 2 ( n  = 16 in children with ASD and 22 in typically developing children), which does not require face recognition skill. Results suggest that children with ASD lack an attentional bias toward others' faces, which could contribute to their atypical social orienting.  相似文献   

Retrospective studies indicate 2 major classes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) onset: early and later, after a period of relatively healthy development. This prospective, longitudinal study examined social, language, and motor trajectories in 235 children with and without a sibling with autism, ages 6–36 months. Children were grouped as: ASD identified by 14 months, ASD identified after 14 months, and no ASD. Despite groups' initial similar developmental level at 6 months, ASD groups exhibited atypical trajectories thereafter. Impairment from 14 to 24 months was greater in the Early‐ASD than the Later‐ASD group, but comparable at 36 months. Developmental plateau and regression occurred in some children with ASD, regardless of timing of ASD diagnosis. Findings indicate a preclinical phase of varying duration for ASD.  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种以社会交往障碍为主要特征的神经发育障碍,ASD的社会交往障碍与社会动机的缺乏有关,主要表现为社会奖赏加工缺陷。已有的神经影像学、脑电成分和神经化学成分的研究从神经机制上揭示了ASD个体的社会奖赏加工存在缺陷,并且该缺陷发生在奖赏预期阶段,但其非社会奖赏加工能力和奖赏加工阶段是否也存在缺陷没有获得一致的结论。研究者未来可结合fNIRS和其它神经科学技术进行多模态研究,进一步探究ASD个体的奖赏加工缺陷是否特定于社会刺激,并探究其奖赏加工缺陷发生的阶段,以期对ASD个体的社会动机展开更为全面和深入的研究。  相似文献   

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show differences in face processing abilities from early in development. To examine whether these differences reflect an atypical versus delayed developmental trajectory, neural responses to familiar and unfamiliar faces in twenty-four 18- to 47-month-old children with ASD were compared with responses of thirty-two 12- to 30-month-old typically developing children. Results of 2 experiments revealed that neural responses to faces in children with ASD resembled those observed in younger typically developing children, suggesting delayed development. Electrophysiological responses to faces were also related to parent report of adaptive social behaviors for both children with ASD and typical development. Slower development of the face processing system in ASD may be related to reduced self-directed "expected" experience with faces in early development.  相似文献   

Research Findings: To date, studies comparing the mathematical abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing children are scarce, and results remain inconclusive. In general, studies on this topic focus on mathematical abilities learned from elementary school onward, with little attention for possible precursors at younger ages. The current exploratory study focused on the important developmental period of preschool age, investigating 5 early numerical competencies in 30 high-functioning children with ASD and 30 age-matched control children: verbal subitizing, counting, magnitude comparison, estimation, and arithmetic operations. Children were examined at 5 or 6 years of age, attending the 3rd and final year of preschool. Overall, rather similar early number processing was found in children with and without ASD, although marginally significant results indicated a weaker performance of children with ASD on verbal subitizing and conceptual counting. Practice or Policy: Given the pervasiveness and impact of ASD on other domains of functioning, it is important to know that no general deficits in early numerical competencies were found in this study. However, some downward trends in mathematics performance were identified in children with ASD, which can serve as the basis for additional research in this field.  相似文献   

This study investigated the attitudes of parents in Jordan towards the inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in public schools and what the parents believed to be the most important prerequisite of child-based skills for successful inclusion. A total of 148 parents were selected to complete the survey. The researchers explored whether variable demographic characteristics such as age, student's gender, parent's gender, education levels, monthly income, and high- or low-function ASD correlated with the attitudes of parents towards inclusion of students with ASD in public schools. The analyses revealed that the variables that correlated with parents' attitudes towards inclusion were education levels and high- or low-function ASD. The themes behind the parents' attitude for inclusion are discussed. With regard to the prerequisite skills for successful inclusion, the results indicated that parents recommended independent skills, playing skills, behavioural skills, imitation skills, routine skills, social skills, paying attention skills, language skills, and pre-academic and academic skills in that order.  相似文献   

Infant vocalizations are early-emerging communicative markers shown to be atypical in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but few longitudinal, prospective studies exist. In this study, 23,850 infant vocalizations from infants at low (LR)- and high (HR)-risk for ASD (HR-ASD = 23, female = 3; HR-Neg = 35, female = 13; LR = 32, female = 10; 80% White; collected from 2007 to 2017 near Philadelphia) were analyzed at 6, 12, and 24 months. At 12 months, HR-ASD infants produced fewer vocalizations than HR-Neg infants. From 6 to 24 months, HR-Neg infants demonstrated steeper vocalization growth compared to HR-ASD and LR infants. Finally, among HR infants, vocalizing at 12 months was associated with language, social phenotype, and diagnosis at age 2. Infant vocalizing is an objective behavioral marker that could facilitate earlier detection of ASD.  相似文献   

This study used the Theory of Planned Behaviour to explore the attitudes, behavioural intentions and behaviour of 318 mainstream primary school children in an urban East London borough towards peers with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Pupils were presented with a vignette about a hypothetical peer with ASD then completed self-report questionnaires and peer socio-metric measures. The results showed that children’s attitudes, the social pressure they felt from others and the amount of control they felt they had over their own behaviour, significantly predicted their behavioural intentions to befriend a peer with ASD. The strongest association was between perceived behavioural control and behavioural intentions. A significant association was also found between children’s behavioural intentions and actual behaviour towards an included peer. Support was therefore found for the use of the Theory of Planned Behaviour as a valuable tool by which to explore the social inclusion of children with ASD.  相似文献   

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