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学籍管理是高校教育管理中不可或缺的一项重要组成部分,是对学生在校期间学习全过程的管理,随着招生专业和人数的不断扩大,目前的高校学籍管理暴露出来的问题越来越多,高职教育的深入改革对高职院校的学籍管理工作提出了新的要求,针对高校教务管理中学籍管理存在的问题进行分析并提出改进策略。  相似文献   

一、高校教务学籍档案的特点 高校教务学籍档案记载了每个学生在校学习的基本情况,客观地反映了每个学生在学校期间德、智、体、美等方面发展状况,也是一个人接受某种教育程度的经历和他所达到学识水平的凭证。学籍档案主要包括:学生学籍记录表;新生入学登记表及各年级学生花名册;学生在籍注册表;学生学习成绩表;学生转学、转专业、休学、复学、留级、退学等学籍变动情况登记表;  相似文献   

对招生工作中数据管理的几点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究在远程开放教育招生过程中改变工作流程、采用技术手段来确保招生数据的准确规范的方法。提出了利用业务规则进行招生数据校验的方法,并设计开发了相应的招生、学籍数据校验信息系统,从而保证学生学籍数据的准确无误,是努力实现教务管理中“零错漏”运行机制的重要环节。  相似文献   

一、高校教务学籍档案的特点高校教务学籍档案记载了每个学生在校学习的基本情况,客观地反映了每个学生在学校期间德、智、体、美等方面发展状况,也是一个人接受某种教育程度的经历和他所达到学识水平的凭证。学籍档案主要包括:学生学籍记录表;新生入学登记表及各年级学生花名册;学生在籍注册表;学生学习成绩表;学生转学、  相似文献   

随着我国高校管理信息化水平的不断提高,利用先进的计算机管理技术来完善学生管理工作已经成为高校日常管理的重要组成部分。2005年施行的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》第八条规定"新生入学后,学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。凡属弄虚作假、徇私舞弊取得学籍者,一经查实,学校应当取消其学籍。情节恶劣的,应当请有关部门查究"。新生人学学籍复查需要核对入学学生的身份信息是否和招生录取信息一致,以往只能通过学籍管理人员逐一核对,工作量大,难以保证不出现疏漏。核对后的信息在进行学籍电子注册时经常发现学生身份证号、姓名、民族等主要信息与招生录取信息不一致。主要原因还是出现在入学复查环节。对于冒名顶替、弄虚作假的学生只从身份证和档案信息上是不易发现的。为解决以上所述问题,开发一套高校新生入学学籍复核系统十分必要。  相似文献   

2009年开始,重庆市开始实行指标到校。重庆市市级重点中学根据教委统招计划人数,根据初中学校班级、规格等,以一定比例招生计划分配录取名额到对应的区县辖区内初中学校,指标生名额统一公示。因各地政策不同,分配方式可能略有差异,在校初中校毕业生均可填报指标生志愿。对于参加指标分配学生的基本条件,重庆市教委做了明确的规定:具有重庆市正式户口和推荐学校两年以上学籍的应届初中毕业生。学生初中三年德智体全面发展,学业成绩优秀,  相似文献   

在高等教育逐渐普及和高校扩招的大背景下,学生人数增多和学籍变动情况复杂给学籍管理带来较大压力。本文分析了目前高校学籍管理的现状,认为高校学籍管理需要在规范的基础上实现精细化,同时借助信息手段协助教务工作者,实现高校学生学籍的智能化管理。  相似文献   

成教学院教务管理系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、成教学院教务管理模式在成教学院传统教务管理中由于学习类型不同,学习层次不同,专业学制不同,因而班级类型较多,涉及到需要管理的学生信息较多;同时成教学院的学生在校期间学习安排弹性较大,并允许学生转校和转专业,从而学籍管理的内容较多。成教学院教务管理系统的研制就是采用计算机化管理来减少管理工作量,简化管理内容;同时保证数据的准确性、规范性、一致性和可靠性。本系统按照浙江工业大学成教学院的教务管理模式为背景设计编制的。浙江工业大学成教学院的教务管理是分层次进行管理的,层次结构如图一所示。学习形式包…  相似文献   

正教育部办公厅日前下发《关于做好2014年普通高等学校录取新生复查和学籍电子注册工作的通知》,要求各地、各高校严格按照国家招生政策规定和学籍管理规定,认真开展新生入学资格审查,及时进行学籍电子注册。教育部表示:对新生报到所需录取通知书、身份证、户口迁移证、高考加分资格证明等材料与考生纸质档案、录取考生名册、电子档案逐一比对,严格核查。对艺术、体育专业或艺术、体育特长生等特殊类型录取新生要开展入学专业测试复核。对于通过弄虚作假、徇私舞弊方式骗取高考加分资格、录取资格或企图冒名顶替入学的新生、未按规定公示有关资格身份的新生、未经核准  相似文献   

一、目前学江管理的现状分析陕西电大学籍管理是教务管理的一个中心环节,是确保管理的规范化、制度化的重要工作。学籍管理主要内容包括:新生入学注册。考核成绩记载、学籍变动、奖励处分、毕业审核等工作。其中注册、成绩记载、学籍变动、毕业资格审查等工作主要由省电大学籍部门负责。近十几年来,随着电大学生人数、专业的增加,学籍管理越来越繁难,从成绩的登录,证书、表格的填写,通知单的发放,数据的统计到毕业资格的审核等大量的数据信息处理工作,基本上一直采用人工管理的方法,或由人工重复输入微机而且功能单一。各级部门尽…  相似文献   

Graduation and time to degree are paramount concerns in higher education today and have caught the attention of policy makers, educators and researchers in recent years. However, our understanding is limited regarding the factors related to graduation and time to degree beyond students’ pre-college characteristics (demographics and academic preparation), especially how student decision and performance in college affect their graduation. This study employs longitudinal data and applies event history analysis to track 12,096 first-time freshmen in a large public university from 2002 to 2014. Students’ academic progress is conceptualized into eight time-dependent variables whose values change over time, including major status (major change, double majors/minors and major declaration), enrollment intensity (enrolled term units and extra enrollment), and academic performance (term GPA, cumulative units and cumulative GPA). Discrete-time hazard models were used to answer the following question: beyond pre-college characteristics, what aspects of students’ decisions on majors and enrollment and their performance affect graduation and time to degree? The findings reveal that academic performance is the most important factor, followed by students’ decisions on majors (such as having double majors/minors). Pre-college characteristics only accounted for a very small proportion of the total variance after students’ performance and decisions are controlled. The study goes further in investigating how the effects of these factors change over time by enrolled terms.  相似文献   

Although used frequently in related fields such as K-12 education research, educational psychology, sociology, and social survey research, latent class analysis (LCA) has been infrequently used in higher education. This article provides higher education researchers with a pedagogical application of LCA to classify entering freshmen based on their pluralistic orientation. This study utilized data on entering freshmen at a racially diverse institution on the West coast. LCA was used to estimate latent profile probabilities, classify freshmen into latent classes, and relate latent class probabilities to covariates. The findings indicated that a four-class model was the best fitting model: high pluralistic orientation; high-disposition, low-skill; low-disposition, high-skill; and low pluralistic orientation. Similar to previous research, the findings indicated that the probability of being classified into one group versus the other was dependent upon a student’s race/ethnicity and intended major. This approach can aid college administrators in their program planning and targeted interventions around issues of diversity.  相似文献   

新生入学教育是高校有关部门根据大学新生特点,为帮助学生尽快实现从中学生到大学生的角色转换,促进学生健康成长和全面发展,在新生入学后集中一段时期开展的思想、学习、生活等诸多方面的综合性教育.在分析医学院校新生入学不适应的主要表现及其成因的基础上,探讨新生入学教育的内容,提出了新生入学教育的一些做法,以期促进大学新生尽快适...  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in student perceptions of the institutional climate associated with sex, year of enrollment, and the interaction between these two variables. Consistent with previous research, freshmen at both institutions sampled had significantly higher ratings of the climate on an intellectualism/scholarship factor than seniors. On two factors, identified as responsiveness and openness, a significant interaction effect was indicated between sex and class. No significant differences were noted between freshmen men and women; however, senior women were found to have significantly lower mean ratings on these two dimensions than senior men. Thus as length of exposure to the institution increased (comparing freshmen with seniors) assessments of the environmental press by male and female students tended to diverge.  相似文献   

目的:了解高职护理新生的心理健康状况,为高职护理新生的心理健康教育提供依据。方法:用症状自评量表(SCL-90)为评价工具,对本院296名高职护理新生的心理健康状况进行调查,将SCL-90测查值与普通大学生常模进行比较,并对不同生源学生的测量值进行比较。结果:与大学生常模相比,高职护理新生的九个影响因子均低于普通大学生常模,且有极显著意义(P〈0.01);普高生源高职护理新生的心理健康状况除敌对因子外,其它因子均高于中职生源高职护理新生。结论:高职护理新生总体心理健康状况较好,中职生源学生的心理健康状况优于普高生源学生。  相似文献   

Research on inequality in higher education (HE) is often dominated by class-based assumptions about traditional and non-traditional students. This binary distinction emphasising students’ socio-economic status tends to oversimply the complexity of educational inequality, neglecting crucial factors which affect the perception of social position. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the understanding of inequalities in HE with new data on the meaning of locality, using evidence from comparative studies of institutions. Locality is interpreted as an inclusive concept capturing place identity as well as local attachments based on language, culture and the natural environment. The qualitative and quantitative data were collected from 192 participants in three distinctly different HE institutions, which were deliberately selected according to their socio-economic, cultural, and institutional status. This mixed methods research confirms the importance of different types of belonging at institutional, local and national levels, and their different effects on student groups. The study captures to what extent geographical mobility is associated with social class, by examining students’ sense of belonging and their interpretation of locality in universities across Wales. It challenges the notion of disadvantaged background, and poses a critical question about cultural and geographical familiarity. This study therefore enriches the current debates about the impact of social inequality alongside social class on students’ belonging, success and retention in HE.  相似文献   

高校扩招以来,许多学校在校生从原来几千人扩展到上万人,甚至数万人,庞大的学生队伍对传统手工注册方式提出了全新的挑战.通过对学生注册流程的调研分析,在学校现有数字校园框架下,设计开发了一套高校的学生注册系统.分析学生注册系统实现功能和系统架构;讨论数据库表设计,如何整合财务、教务、一卡通等现有业务系统中的数据,注册流程及其结果处理;阐述学生注册模块的设计与实现.  相似文献   

学生的法律地位是教育法学研究的基本理论问题,也是我国教育法治进程中的重大实践问题。学生的权利与义务是学生法律地位的体现。基于现行教育法律关于学生权利义务的规定,可将学生的法律地位归纳概括为民法上的特殊民事主体和行政法上的特殊行政相对人。但当前学生受教育权的可诉性、程序性、公正性不足,有必要将受教育权的救济纳入行政司法审查的范围,对学生权利进行全面救济,并兼顾实体权利与程序权利,依法保障学生受教育权的实现。  相似文献   

This study illustrates how to conduct a panel data study of the initial student interest or demand for specific sets of colleges and universities. There are 3 major distinguishing features of this study. First, time-series data for the 6 states are combined into a panel dataset, and fixed-effects and random-effects models are used to estimate how selected factors affect the demand for public, land-grant universities (PLGUs) in the region. Second, rather than focusing on enrollment behavior, this study utilizes data on the proportion of seniors in each state who have taken the SAT and had their test scores sent to particular PLGUs within the region as a measure of demand. This formulation also has the benefit of avoiding the supply constraint problem that could possibly affect enrollment figures. Finally, student demand models are estimated for their own in-state PLGU, and for one particular institution (the University of New Hampshire) among non-New Hampshire seniors in the region who have taken the SAT. The results show that most of the decline in student interest in attending PGLUs in the region during the 1990s is attributed to the rising educational aspirations of college-bound seniors, falling (real) family incomes, and falling private-to-public tuition rates.  相似文献   

Many universities are pursuing increases in on‐line course offerings as a means of offsetting the rising costs of providing high‐quality educational opportunities and of better serving their student populations. However, enrollments in online courses are not always sufficient to cover their costs. One possible way of improving enrollments is through marketing campaigns targeted to specific demographic groups. In this study, we take a first look into how students’ perceptions of e‐learning systems, prior to their enrollment in an online course, vary across socioeconomic status and gender. Findings suggest that prior to taking an online course, working‐class students perceive e‐learning systems more positively than their middle‐class peers but that little difference exists between genders. Armed with this knowledge, universities may improve online course enrollments by marketing online courses specifically to working‐class students or through campaigns aimed at improving middle‐class students’ perceptions of e‐learning systems.  相似文献   

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