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Based on a recently completed alumni study of 522 graduates at a private college in the northeastern Unites States, this paper presents a model for designing alumni research to assess higher education's effectiveness in preparing graduates for work and life. Results revealed substantial variation in alumni evaluation of their education. While alumni reported a high level of satisfaction with the academic programme and career preparation, their feedback suggests they seek more from their college experience. Results reveal that students who feel a sense of community are more satisfied with their overall college experience and those who are satisfied with their social life are more likely to recommend the college to prospective students.  相似文献   

Using national data, this study examined out-migration behavior of college graduates who attended in-state institutions in the United States. Unlike previous studies on the issue of student migration, in which researchers used a single equation approach, the present study employed a multi-level technique to assess the effects of factors from individual, institutional, and state levels on post-graduation migration. The study findings suggest that grant recipients, students who applied to multiple institutions, and college graduates from highly selective institutions are more likely to leave their native states, while Hispanics, college graduates from doctoral institutions, and students who reside in states with higher gross domestic product are more likely to remain in their native states.  相似文献   

大学生毕业性失业问题剖析及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业是民生之本,没有就业就没有生存权和发展权。当前,大学生的就业压力越来越大,许多大学生毕业即失业;大学生掌握先进的技术和知识,是国家的栋梁之材,大学生失业对于人才是一种极大的浪费,也带来了社会问题。如何稳妥地解决大学生就业问题是关系到国家兴衰和社会安定的大问题。  相似文献   

The results of this study indicate wide variation in the effect of occupational sex segregation on the job satisfaction of women college graduates employed in public and private organizations. Women employed in sex-balanced and male- and female-dominated occupations in the public sector have comparable levels of job satisfaction. In private firms, however, women college graduates employed in sex-balanced careers are more satisfied with theintrinsic andoverall nature of their jobs than those employed in female-dominated occupations, and those in female-dominated jobs are more satisfied with theextrinsic nature of their careers than women in male-dominated jobs. The implications of these findings for those who conduct research on the career consequences of women employed in sex-dominated career fields and for college officials responsible for the educational and professional development of women college students are discussed.  相似文献   

论高职毕业生在求职中如何进行表达能力的合理运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学毕业生的求职是一个展现自身综合素质和进行推销自我的过程,如今,高职生的就业形势相当严峻,用人单位对求职者的要求也越来越高,目前许多高职院校加大了学生的就业指导,增强了服务意识。但大多数学生未意识到表达能力在求职中的重要性。笔者从大学生表达能力的现状进行剖析,并提出有效对策。  相似文献   

Based on a 2009 national survey on college graduate employment in China, this article analyzes the relationship of college graduates’ place of work to their birthplace and where they attend college, using a conditional logit model. The findings indicate that graduates tend to stay to work in their birthplaces or places of study, controlling for economic, higher education, and personal characteristics. Graduates from Project 211 key universities and those with graduate degrees are more likely than non-211 graduates or bachelor or associate graduates to leave their birthplaces but stay to work in their places of study. To balance the distribution of college graduates and improve the efficiency of human resources, existing labor market segmentation should be broken down and more emphasis placed on the distribution of higher education.  相似文献   

弱势大学生群体在就业过程中因遭遇到歧视和不公而产生的认识偏差及心理问题等,影响了社会的和谐稳定,践踏了社会民主和法治,加大了大学生就业难度。本文着重分析了女大学生、贫困生、有生理疾患的学生、残疾生和容貌不佳的学生等弱势群体的就业难现状及其危害,并建议从制定政策、完善法律、加强心理辅导等方面消除就业歧视,推进大学生无障碍就业。  相似文献   

专科毕业生到基层就业是社会主义新农村建设及和谐社会建设的需要,也是实现其自身价值的需要。专科毕业生在基层就业主要以从教、从商为主,在基层就业的人数较少,在城市临时就业的人数较多。专科毕业生基层就业的观念滞后,基层就业的岗位适应能力较差。树立多行业就业及和谐的就业观、增加基层就业岗位的设置、提高专科毕业生基层就业的科技创新能力、构建基层就业的软环境以及树立基层就业服务意识,对促进专科毕业生到基层就业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

陈炼  陶珞 《培训与研究》2004,21(4):95-97
随着我国加入WTO和改革开放的不断深入,社会需要大学毕业生熟练掌握英语,尤其是英语口语。但我国大学生的口语能力发展比较缓慢,与他们较强的阅读能力形成了较大的反差。如何提高我国的大学口语教学水平,是一个值得我们探讨的问题。  相似文献   

论述了大学生农村创业的意义,分析了创业过程中遇到的问题,并依据这些问题常识性地提出了解决的策略。  相似文献   

莫柠源 《成人教育》2022,44(3):44-47
乡村振兴战略目标实现的关键是乡村人才振兴,到乡村创业的大学毕业生是乡村人才振兴的一支重要方面军。大学毕业生接受创业继续教育是可行的,也是必要的。目前,大学毕业生创业继续教育存在布局不平衡、为乡村人才振兴服务意识不强等问题,高校应履职责,承担起为大学毕业生提供创业继续教育的职能。  相似文献   

Upon graduation from 2-year college occupational programs, most individuals either obtain employment or transfer to a 4-year college. This article examines the labor market implications of such a decision. To this end, the labor market experiences of two groups of 2-year college graduates (one subsample was characterized by terminal 2-year college degrees while the other was composed of 2-year college graduates who continued their educations at the 4-year college level) were compared. The data suggest that in both the short and longer run, the 4-year college graduates have more favorable labor market experiences than the 2-year college graduates. The data also indicate 2-year college graduates confront credential barriers which place serious constraints on their career potential.  相似文献   

高职毕业生在就业的过程中面临更多困惑,其就业心理也面临着更多的问题,通过对这些问题心理成因的探析,对高职毕业生“失范”就业观念的心理进行调适,将有助于高职毕业生的就业.  相似文献   

毕业生违约是目前全国高校毕业生就业过程中出现的普遍现象。毕业生违约有多方面原因,违约现象的出现,对用人单位、毕业学校、其他毕业生以及毕业生本人都造成了负面影响。针对目前大学毕业生日益增多的违约现象,分析违约的现状、影响、原因,并寻求相应的对策与建议,对大学生就业工作的健康发展有很重要的现实意义。  相似文献   


Two groups of high school seniors were selected for study. One group had mothers who were college graduates and fathers who had not finished high school. The second group had fathers who were college graduates and mothers who had not finished high school. The Incidence of these patterns of parental education In urban and non-urban populations was noted. Several hypotheses regarding the relationship between ability and school achievement for these groups were tested. Expected differences between these groups of students and their peers were not found. Results suggested that family educational status is more related to plans to attend college than is family economic status. No evidence was found to support the picture of the all-powerful maternal Influence In the American family.  相似文献   

通过对2006~2011年全国大学毕业生人数、就业期望值、再就业情况等统计图表的分析可知,由于毕业生人数越来越多、就业期望值过高等原因,大学生就业工作的难度明显加大。这需要高校乃至全社会进一步明确就业工作指导思想,更有效地加强就业指导与服务,以推动大学生就业工作的科学发展。  相似文献   

Using data from a nationally representative, longitudinal survey of college graduates, this study examines student transition from college to their chosen career paths and identifies factors influencing college graduates’ choosing an occupation related to ones’ undergraduate major. Within the context of expanded econometric framework a wide range of variables are considered, including monetary and nonmonetary costs and benefits as well as cultural and social capital measures. Using multinomial logit regression analyses, the results suggest positive career outcomes associated with individuals who have an occupation closely related to their college major, such as a better income profile and greater job satisfaction. Major-based differences are also examined between STEM and non-STEM graduates, and patterns of changes are documented for 10 years after graduation. An important perspective offered by this study is to consider career outcome as an extended definition of institutional effectiveness and student success. Based on the empirical findings, policy implications are discussed with the hope of bringing attention and improvement to the relationship between the higher educational system and the labor market.  相似文献   

近几年来,随着高校培养规模的扩大,高校毕业生数量逐年递增,大学生就业形势越来越严峻。如何在当前形势下,拓展就业空间,拓宽就业渠道,确保高职毕业生充分就业,这不仅关系到他们的切身利益,也是高职院校十分关注并下大力气要抓好的一项重要工作。开展校企合作、建设校外实训中心、挖掘校友资源、搭建就业网络平台、开展创业教育等措施能有效拓宽高职毕业生就业渠道。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业的营销分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丽萍 《高教论坛》2004,(6):170-172
针对高校毕业生面对就业的压力和困惑,本文从营销的角度分析了如何让毕业生体现出自身的水平,获得用人单位的认同,进一步在大学学习中该怎样树立学习目标和踏实实践,增强就业时的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

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