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深部半煤岩回采巷道底臌机理分析与防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合新矿集团良庄煤矿深部半煤岩回采巷道底臌机理的分析,对深井巷道底臌形式及原因进行分析,提出了防治和治理的措施。  相似文献   

顾桥煤矿(南区)-796m南二11-2胶带机大巷为高应力软岩巷道,通过底板打锚索注浆技术对破碎底板进行加固,有效控制了围岩底臌,保持了深部高应力软岩巷道的稳定,而且提高了施工速度,节约了支护成本,技术经济效益十分显著,具有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

根据煤层巷道顶板的不同岩性,采用几种不同的锚梁网支护方案,经生产实践和设点观测,运用合理的支护方案及有效的施工措施,有利于提高顶板支护的整体性和完整性,加强了巷道围岩的控制,巷道变形量明显减小,取得了良好的支护效果。  相似文献   

根据爆破卸压的原理,在巷道底板通过爆破进行局部松动破坏形成一个松动圈,从而达到减缓或消除底臌,并研究单面卸压技术参数,对施工关键环节加以论述,为现场应用提供指导。  相似文献   

煤矿井工开采的深部矿井巷道矿压随延深而逐步加大,巷道破坏现象日益严重,巷道破坏的状况及其破坏程度与巷道所处的位置、巷道所采用的支护方式和支护材料关系密切;根据巷道的断面大小及形状、巷道的用途、巷道的使用年限要求等巷道属性,选择合适的位置以避开应力集中区,选择合理的支护方式及材料以提高支承能力,对深部巷道进行综合优化设计,可以减轻巷道破坏程度,保证巷道正常使用。  相似文献   

通过在同家梁矿14#层311盘区51013巷与311-1巷交汇处架设20#工字钢钢架做交叉点对顶板进行加强支护,保证了上覆煤柱下巷道支护的稳定性,促进了矿井的安全生产,对类似顶板条件的巷道支护技术具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

软岩开拓巷道过煤层断层时联合支护的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决杨柳煤矿软岩开拓巷道过煤层和断层地段支护难的问题,提出了锚、架、注联合支护方案,实践证明这种支护方式很好的控制了巷道围岩的变形,保证了巷道的稳定性,满足了矿井的生产要求,且经济效益显著,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为了探索福建地方煤矿回采巷道的有效支护方式,结合龙潭煤矿回采巷道的支护实践和具体的生产技术条件,提出在煤巷中采用树脂锚杆的支护方式.通过现场试验,锚杆的拉拔力符合支护要求,巷道表面变形量较管缝式锚杆支护明显减小,支护状态良好.实践表明,煤巷中采用树脂锚杆支护较之其他支护方式,具有初锚力大支护及时有效、综合支护成本低、避免或减少巷道的返修率等优点,对同类煤矿的回采巷道支护有较好的指导作用.  相似文献   

淮南潘一矿东二13槽岩石轨道下山属典型的软岩层巷道,采用单一高强度U型棚支护存在巷道变形快,不能有效地维护巷道;采用架、锚注联合支护方式替代原有单一的架U型棚支护的方式,增强巷道支护强度,降低了巷道返修率,保证了采区的正常生产接替和通风运输安全。  相似文献   

锚网支护作为一种科学的先进的支护方式,在新庄孜矿得以广泛应用,但在实际工作中也遇封较为特殊的个例,影响了此工艺的推广,其中以B8煤层大断面支护巷道最为突出。该煤层瓦斯赋存量大,因回采的需要,掘进时巷道设计净断面必需加大,而断面的扩大导至需破至少1.35m以上的中粒砂岩硬底,由于采用炮掘,上帮上抽现象普遍,造成上帮无法采用锚网支护,尽管采帮了煤体部分不放炮、底板部分滞后放炮、顶部加密锚杆等多种措施,仍不能维持上帮锚网支护。为了不倒退回架棚支护,经过大量的实践,改为锚网腿辅助支护。  相似文献   

不连沟煤业公司不连沟煤矿F6103工作面辅运巷受F6103工作面回采影响后,矿压显现更明显,煤柱帮侧围岩破碎严重,出现大面积网兜。针对围岩已破碎段巷道,采取锚杆补强和注浆加固围岩的方式实现围岩自稳,通过理论研究和数值模拟对锚杆(索)补强进行合理的设计研究,取得了较好的效果,使破碎围岩得到有效的控制。  相似文献   

Aiming at the large deformation and support problems of high-stress and broken-expansion surrounding rock, and taking 1 000 m level roadway of Mine II in Jinchuan as the research object, an investigation on the deformation and damage of roadway surrounding rock and an analysis of its mechanism were carried out. The gray correlation theory was used in support scheme optimization design. First, causes and mechanism of deformation of the 1 000 m horizontal transport channel were analyzed through field investigation, laboratory test and data processing methods. We arguued that poor engineering geological conditions and deep pressure increases were the main factors, and the deformation mechanism was mainly the ground deformation pressure. Second, the gray correlation theory was used to construct supporting optimization decision method in the deep roadway. This method more comprehensively considers various factors, including construction, costs, and supporting material functions. The combined support with pre-stressed anchor cables, shotcrete layer, bolt and metal net was put forward according to the actual roadway engineering characteristics. Finally, 4 support schemes were put forward for new roadways. The gray relational theory was applied to optimizing the supporting method, undertaking technical and economic comparison to obtain the correlation degree, and accordingly the schemes were evaluated. It was concluded as follows: the best was the flexible retaining scheme using the steel strand anchor; the second best was the one using plate anchors on the top and rigid common screw steel bolt on the two sides; the ttiird was; the rigid common screw steel bolt in full section of roadway; and the worst is the planished steel rigid support. The optimized scheme was applied to the 1000 m level of new excavation roadway. The results show that the roadway surrounding rock can reach a stable state after 5 to 6 months monitoring, with a convergence rate less than 1 mm/d.  相似文献   

以袁店煤矿为例,从煤层底板岩石力学性质、底板隔水特征及底板岩性组合三个方面对煤层底板裂隙特征进行分析,同时采用突水系数法和板模型理论两种方法对煤层底板裂隙突水进行预测。两种预测结果均显示,在开采条件下煤层底板存在突水的可能性,开采该煤层时要制定合理的防水措施。  相似文献   

用三维有限差分法数值计算程序FLAC3D,模拟了锚网喷、架棚等多种支护条件下巷道的变形和破坏。分析表明,大巷发生的严重变形破坏是由于多种因素所致,其中采动压力是引起巷道变形破坏的主因。数值模拟结果对选用合理大巷支护方式具有一定参考意义,FLAC3D数值模拟软件能较好地应用于现场。  相似文献   

A macroscopic frost heave model with more clear parameters was established. Based on a porosity rate frost heave model and segregation potential theory, a porosity rate function was deduced and introduced into the stress-strain relationship. Numerical simulation was conducted and verified by frost heave tests. Results show that the porosity rate within the frozen fringe is proportional to the square of temperature gradient and current porosity, and is also proportional to the exponential function of applied pressure. The relative errors between the calculated and measured results of frost depth and frost heave are within 3% and 15% respectively, demonstrating that the temperature gradient, applied pressure and current porosity are the main influencing factors, while temperature is just the constraint of frozen fringe. The improved model have meaningful and accessible parameters, which can be used in engineering with good accuracy.  相似文献   

屯兰矿12501工作面位于屯兰矿南五盘区,工作面采用倾斜长壁后退式一次采全高全部垮落综合机械化采煤方法。工作面走向长度为1751 m,倾斜长度为199 m,煤层平均厚度3.69 m,煤层倾角为1°-7°。煤层硬度低,稳定程度为较稳定。工作面平均采高4.25米,跟2#煤顶板和3#煤底板向前推进,两端头与巷道平缓过渡。回采工序为双滚筒采煤机割煤、装煤→可弯曲刮板输送机运煤→移架→推移刮板输送机。工作面采用快速沿空留巷"Y"型通风方式,即:胶带顺槽、轨道顺槽进风,沿空留巷、南翼边界巷回风。工作面采用"风排和抽采"综合瓦斯治理措施,以及"四位一体"方法防治煤与瓦斯突出。  相似文献   

植筋在建筑工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锚杆在矿建工程中已被广泛使用,但是将锚杆用于对旧建筑物进行加固补强及改扩建工程中具有一定的特殊性,近年来,在抗震加固、改建、修建等工程中应用越来越广泛;对旧建筑物进行加固补强及改扩建的方法多种多样,实践表明,植筋它连接可靠、施工方便、费用较低,是一种比较理想的施工方法;介绍的是锚杆在房屋改扩建工程中的成功实例。  相似文献   

通过对三个采区水文、地质等情况的分析,对三个采区巷道布置方案进行优化,确定了采用联合布置。  相似文献   

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