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牛顿第二定律和第三定律是中学物理的重要内容,很多学生在应用牛顿第二定律和第三定律时感到困难,常常会出现一些错误作法,一是混淆研究对象,二是分不清适用范围,在教学中注意培养学生使用定律的基本思路,让学生从概念上深入理解牛顿第二定律和第三定律,可以避免这些问题的出现。  相似文献   

在力学教学中需要分析牛顿第一定律的“逻辑循环”性质并不影响它的科学性,指出牛顿三定律各自具有独特的本质意义,说明经典力学(即牛顿力学)是建立在时空均匀观念的基础上的。  相似文献   

一、知识要点  二、考点分析牛顿运动定律这一章的高考考点有 :牛顿第一运动定律 ,惯性 ;牛顿第二定律 ,质量 ;牛顿第三定律 ;牛顿定律的应用 ;超重和失重 .牛顿运动定律是力学乃至整个物理学的基本规律 ,是动力学的基础 .正确地理解 ,并熟练地运用牛顿运动定律特别是牛顿第二定律 ,将为进一步复习掌握力学部分的其它知识和电磁学部分带电粒子在电场或磁场中的运动等内容奠定坚实的基础 .本章中还涉及到许多重要的研究方法 ,如 :在牛顿第一定律的研究中采用的理想实验法 ;在牛顿第二定律研究中的控制变量法 ;运用牛顿第二定律处理问题常用…  相似文献   

探究性学习就是学生在学科领域或现实生活的情境中 ,进行发现问题、调查研究、动手操作、表达与交流等探究性活动 ,从而获得知识、技能和态度的一种学习方式或学习过程。那么 ,具体到物理教学和物理学习中如何进行呢 ?针对此问题 ,笔者以高一物理“超重和失重”一节予以回答和分析。一、作为教师首先要分析教材教法 ,给学生创设物理情境和探究学习的机会。本章《牛顿运动定律》有牛顿第一定律、牛顿第二定律、牛顿第三定律、超重和失重等内容 ,其中 B层次要求是第二定律和第三定律 ,超重和失重是属A层次要求 ,但实质上是牛顿第二定律和牛顿…  相似文献   

1教材分析牛顿的三个定律是经典力学的基础,也是整个力学的核心内容。牛顿第一、二定律的研究对象是单个的受力物体,只能解决一个物体的受力与运动之间的关系。而自然界中的物体都是相互联系、相互影响、相互作用的。反映物体间相互作用规律的“牛顿第三定律”,是把一个物体受到的力与其它物体受到的力联系起来的桥梁,它独立地反映了力学规律的另一侧面。因此它是对牛顿第一、二定律最有效的补充,学好这部分知识是学生能正确对物体进行受力分析的基础。2教学目标2.1知识目标(1)了解物体之间的作用总是相互的。(2)掌握牛顿第三定律的内容及其…  相似文献   

牛顿第一定律用讨论法讲解效果好王瑞青牛顿第一定律,是大量的直观经验和无数实验事实的抽象概括,不像牛顿第二、第三定律以及电学和电磁学中的欧姆定律和楞次定律等可直接用实验来定量和定性证明,它不能用实验来一下子直接证明,学生易记不易懂,用来解决实际问题更加...  相似文献   

通过应用"力的概念测试"(FCI)对高一学生进行了测试和访谈,发现学生在运动学、牛顿第一定律、牛顿第二定律、牛顿第三定律、叠加原理和力的种类这六个维度的理解存在不少问题,绝大部分学生未能达到基本掌握牛顿力学概念的水平;对学生存在的主要问题进行了具体分析及教学反思,提出了以探究性教学为主要方式的概念教学建议。  相似文献   

在《力学》以及《普通物理学》的“力学”部分教学中,常常遇到有人提出的这样一些问题:“牛顿第一定律是牛顿第二定律的特例”;“牛顿第一定律没有独立存在的必要”;“有了牛顿第二定律,牛顿第一定律就是可有可无的了”等等。有的“高等学校试用教材”认为“第一定律是作为一个特殊情况而包括在第二定律中的”,有的“物理学教程”上认为“第一定律的内容是否已经全部包含在第二定律中”,是一种“哲学讨论”,不作论述。笔者认为,在学习牛顿力学的过程中,应该而且必须搞清牛顿第一  相似文献   

张宁 《理科爱好者》2004,(7):i028-i029
牛顿三个运动定律是动力学基础,本单元考查的重点是牛顿第二定律,而牛顿第一定律和牛顿第三定律在牛顿第二定律的应用中得到了综合体现.从近几年高考来看,本单元知识的试题每年均有,单独命题多以选择题为主.多为综合性题目,经常与电场、磁场、热学、原子物理等联系.考查的重点是牛顿第二定律的正交分解应用,用整体法和隔离法求解动力学问题以及牛顿第二定律与运动学知识相结合等.  相似文献   

机器人学三定律第一定律——机器人不得伤害人,也不得见人受到伤害而袖手旁观第二定律——机器人应服从人的一切命令,但不得违反第一定律第三定律——机器人应保护自身的安全,但不得违反第一、第二定律引自《机器人学指南》第56版2058年  相似文献   

Galileo’s discovery of the properties of pendulum motion depended on his adoption of the novel methodology of idealisation. Galileo’s laws of pendulum motion could not be accepted until the empiricist methodological constraints placed on science by Aristotle, and by common sense, were overturned. As long as scientific claims were judged by how the world was immediately seen to behave, and as long as mathematics and physics were kept separate, then Galileo’s pendulum claims could not be substantiated; the evidence was against them. Proof of the laws required not just a new science, but a new way of doing science, a new way of handling evidence, a new methodology of science. This was Galileo’s method of idealisatioin. It was the foundation of the Galilean–Newtonian Paradigm which characterised the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, and the subsequent centuries of modern science. As the pendulum was central to Galileo’s and Newton’s physics, appreciating the role of idealisation in their work is an instructive way to learn about the nature of science.  相似文献   

An ontological causal relation is a quantified relation between certain interactions and changes in corresponding properties. Key ideas in physics, such as Newton’s second law and the first law of thermodynamics, are representative examples of these relations. In connection with the teaching and learning of these relations, this study investigated three issues: the appropriate view concerning ontological category, the role and status of ontological causal relations, and university students’ understanding of the role and status of these relations. Concerning the issue of proper ontology, this study suggests an alternative view that distinguishes between interaction and property at the macroscopic level, in contrast to Chi and colleagues’ influential view. Concerning the role and status of the relations, we conclude that fundamental ontological causal relations should be regarded as knowledge at the core of relevant physics theories. However, upon analysis of participants’ responses, this study finds that university students’ views on the status of the heat capacity relation and Newton’s second law are quite different. Several possible educational implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

伟大的逻辑学家亚里士多德提出了逻辑的三个基本规律:同一律、矛盾律和排中律,然而逻辑基本规律的现有表述并不科学。史天治提出了广义矛盾律,同时对逻辑基本规律进行了新的表述。新表述由三个部分组成:一是公式,二是客观规律,三是思维法则。同一律适用于词和命题,矛盾律和排中律仅适用于矛盾命题,广义矛盾律适用于互斥性命题。表达逻辑基本规律应以客观的语言形式(词和命题)为基础,而不是以主观的思想事物(概念、判断、推理)为基础。论文利用逻辑基本规律解决了说谎者悖论和罗素悖论。  相似文献   



This paper describes how the three Newtonian laws of dynamics are introduced in the higher grades of secondary schools in the Soviet Union. Particular attention is given to the treatment of the second Newtonian law.

The authors reject the widely used method of introducing this law as an equation defining mass from which it is presented as a constant of proportionality between a statically measured force and acceleration.

As an alternative, a method is described showing how the concept of mass can be introduced independently of the second Newtonian law. The accelerations resulting from the interaction of two bodies are considered as being a property of the bodies (inertia)‐‐quantified in the concept of mass. The second Newtonian law follows from experiments showing that for bodies of different masses submitted to the same force the products of their masses by their accelerations (ma) are equal and may serve as the measure of the force.  相似文献   

从物理学方法论的角度对物理学的发展作了回顾和考察,由此得出二点有益的启示:无论在牛顿力学、统计物理还是在量子力学中,决定性描述和概率性描述二者并存;物理学可能面临着第三次大综合.  相似文献   

牛顿摆是一种常见的物理实验演示设备,可以演示多种碰撞实验。利用3DsMax软件来设计牛顿摆模型,经过渲染生成的牛顿摆动画可用于多媒体教学。利用Reactor动力学系统可以对牛顿摆模型进行不同条件下的仿真模拟过程,并由仿真结果验证了碰撞过程符合动量守恒定律。  相似文献   

Force in modern classical mechanics is unique, both in terms of its logical character and the conceptual difficulties it causes. Force is well defined by a set of axioms that not only structures mechanics but science in general. Force is also the dominant theme in the ‘misconceptions’ literature and many philosophers and physicists alike have expressed puzzlement as to its nature. The central point of this article is that if we taught mechanics as the forum to discuss the nature of mechanics itself, then we would serve to better secure a learner’s understanding and appreciation of both science and mathematics. We will attempt to show that mechanics can provide the opportunity for students to enter this meta-discourse by engaging in Socratic discussion, entertaining thought experiments, comparisons made between force as defined within mechanics as a modern axiomatic system with Newton’s quantitative definition of force, how the concepts of force prior to Galileo and Newton can be used as a teaching aid with respect to student intuitive ideas and how mathematics was brought to bear on what is given empirically. Mechanics provides this opportunity and pedagogically may require it due to its axiomatic nature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a research-based teaching-learning sequence (TLS) that focuses on the notion of interaction in teaching Newton’s third law (N3 law) which is, as earlier studies have shown, a challenging topic for students to learn. The TLS made systematic use of a visual representation tool—an interaction diagram (ID)—highlighting interactions between objects and addressing the learning demand related to N3 law. This approach had been successful in enhancing students’ understanding of N3 law in pilot studies conducted by teacher-researchers. However, it was unclear whether teachers, who have neither been involved with the research nor received intensive tutoring, could replicate the positive results in ordinary school settings. To address this question, we present an empirical study conducted in 10 Finnish upper secondary schools with students (n?=?261, aged 16) taking their mandatory physics course. The study design involved three groups: the heavy ID group (the TLS with seven to eight exercises on IDs), the light ID group (two to three exercises on IDs) and the no ID group (no exercises on IDs). The heavy and light ID groups answered eight ID questions, and all the students answered four questions on N3 law after teaching the force concept. The findings clearly suggest that systematic use of the IDs in teaching the force concept significantly fostered students’ understanding of N3 law even with teachers who have no intensive tutoring or research background.  相似文献   

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