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In this article, I will argue that the implementation of deliberative democracy needs to be supplemented by a specific political morality in order to cultivate free and equal citizens in exercising public reason for achieving a cooperative and inclusive liberal society. This cultivation of personality is literally an educational project with a robust ethical ambition, and hence, it reminds us the orthodox liberal problem concerning the relation between the state and its citizenship education. Following Callan’s reformulation of the political conception of the person, I will argue that Rawls’s political liberalism can accommodate the ethical demand of deliberative citizenship education. Liberal civic education should legitimately specify its own ethical endowments for active citizenship and need not shy away from making proposals on the cultivation of liberal character that might result in influencing individual’s conception of the good. Rawls’s theory thus redefines the state neutrality problem on education and paves the way for a framework of deliberative citizenship education.  相似文献   

Rawls' Theory of Justice and Citizenship Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Political liberalism purports to be independent from any controversial philosophical presuppositions, and its basic principles and features are often presented as the most accommodating of difference and heterogeneity, so long as the latter is not illiberal, oppressive and fanatic. Educational theory welcomes this assumption and attempts to utilise it in citizenship curriculum debates, often in a receptive and arguably uncritical way. I shall critique the above by unveiling the contestable epistemological and anthropological theses underlying Rawls' difference principle and by discussing the conception of education that they ground. I shall draw especially on sociology of education and its questioning of the 'racism of intelligence' in order to show that political liberalism mistakes its self- and world-understanding as a reflection of general and undisputed facts. Further, I shall explain how a more critical perspective would give educational theory a more active role by challenging the so-called 'reproductive' conception of education. I shall conclude by assessing the significance of such a critique for teaching citizenship, putting forward some suggestions for a reorientation of political education.  相似文献   

"课程思政"是针对目前高等学校思想政治教育课程已经不能满足社会发展的现实所提出来的新型教育模式.为了实现思政教育和英语教学的隐形融合,教育工作者可以从教育活动基本要素入手,拓展个人工作风格,展现人格魅力,充分了解受教育者的心理,创新教育内容,改变教育手段,保证英语专业课程思政改革的顺利进行.  相似文献   

比较《英语课程标准》的2001、2003与2010年三个版本的差异,解读我国建国以来政治、经济发展与英语教育定位的变化,探究从"工具性语言"修订为"公民素质的重要组成部分"、"公民"修订为"国民"、"素质"修订为"素养"及《课标》修订所蕴含的内涵,思考英语教育定位变化一些启示。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the conception of citizenship embodied in political liberalism as the core ingredient of a national syllabus designed to provide an uncontroversial yet substantial education in moral and political values in a liberal democratic state system. I argue ( pace recent work by Stephen Macedo) that Rawls's paradigmatic version of political liberalism fails to avoid begging the political question against those who do not share liberal values. I contend in particular that Rawls's defence of the distinction between comprehensive and political values and his assignment of priority to the latter, invokes an idea of what is politically reasonable that involves a comprehensive and therefore controversial liberal conception of the person.  相似文献   

Educating for citizenship is most often associated with a discourse of liberalism in which knowledge, skills and values of equality, rights, justice and national identity are taught. A competing neoliberal discourse with values of self-improvement, responsibility and entrepreneurialism is now quite pervasive in educational policies and practices, shifting goals and processes of education for citizenship. In Tanzania, neoliberalism's influence is evident in the private provision of schooling and pedagogy and curriculum oriented toward skills development. Neoliberal policies have created an opening for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to fill a need by providing secondary education as well as technical and entrepreneurial skills in efforts to make graduates more employable. This paper examines how an NGO entrepreneurship education programme integrated into formal secondary education in Tanzania articulates new goals and values of citizenship. In this model, learning is tied to markets; becoming a successful citizen includes acquiring business skills; and citizenship values include economic sustainability and self-reliance. This model of entrepreneurship education produces a paradox in educational goals for citizenship in that it aims to secure rights to education and provide for material needs while it also subjects young people and schools to economic and social risks tied to flexible and unstable markets.  相似文献   

赵明玉 《外国教育研究》2007,34(3):25-27,37
传统自由主义公民教育以一种消极的、普遍的公民资格为基础,不提倡由学校等公共机构开展公民教育,而主张一种“私人化的”公民教育,并渗透政治中立的原则。新自由主义的公民资格观注重公民认同、公民参与、公共理性的公民德行,提出由学校开展公民教育的必要性与必然性,并致力于培养学生的平等、自由、尊重、宽容等公民德行。  相似文献   

The following essay is an answer to the question of how the problem of defining American ‘nationality’ or citizenship has affected schooling and education since colonial times. Three traditions of American citizenship are identified: the ‘Atlantic’ inheritance of civic humanism which emphasizes public duties and responsibilities; the history of pluralism in the United States, which emphasizes the opposite, that is to say, group differences; and liberalism, which stresses individual rights, privileges, freedoms and merits. These three traditions of citizenship have produced innumerable dilemmas and conflicts in the provision for public education and are currently unreconciled, especially because of the politics of ethnicity and gender which characterize ‘fin de siècle’ America. One lesson is the difficulty educational systems have in maintaining ideals and goals separate from the wider political culture of which they are part.  相似文献   


Feminist theorists critiqued classical liberalism for the gender binaries embedded in social, political and economic theory and everyday social relations. Neoliberalism economises the social and political based on autonomous individualism, equating equity with choice, naturalising the market as the mechanism to allocate social goods and education while disregarding constraining discursive and material contexts. Neoliberalism also co-opts the feminist desire for agency through notions of choice. The paper tracks the historical conditions in Anglophile states that nurtured neoliberalism’s uptake with its focus on human capital theory, rethinking the dominant educational discourse of twenty-first-century skills using Yeatman’s democratic framing of social liberalism and Nussbaum’s capability approach. Feminists argue for a just and civil democratic society that dissolves binary thinking and focuses on relationality, rights and responsibility.  相似文献   

论公民教育   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
培养公民是一切教育目标表述的基础 ,也是国家对教育的基本要求。公民教育已成为当代西方政治哲学、教育理论关注的热点问题 ,其具有代表性的理论主要有自由主义公民教育、社群主义公民教育和多元文化主义公民教育。社会主义政治文明建设不仅是社会主义民主制度的设计和完善问题 ,更重要的是培养一代认同、积极参与并具有实践能力的公民。因此公民教育的目标一定要明确地包含在基础教育的目标中 ,公民教育的内容也一定要渗透在相关的课程之中 ,并通过公民教育目标整合基础教育中的道德教育、思想政治教育和社会教育以及相关的教育活动。  相似文献   

The failure of the Association for Education in Citizenship to gain official support for the secular and pedagogically progressive forms of education for citizenship that its founder members endorsed has previously been explained by the political impotence of the association's founder members and the professional conservatism of the educational establishment. However, this paper proposes that, as part of a wider cultural conservatism in England between 1935 and 1949, citizenship was recast in a Christian mould in response to foreign ‘secular’ political ideologies and that this enabled religious education to gain official endorsement as an essential form of education for citizenship.  相似文献   

文学是医学人文教育的重要组成部分,文章从教育理念和培养目标、课程设置和教学内容、教学方法和考核方式、师资队伍和校园人文环境等五个方面,并结合遵义医学院珠海校区的调研,对中美医学院校的英语文学教育现状进行对比分析,为我国医学院校的英语文学教育改革提供一些启示。  相似文献   

English literacy competence in the Central Pacific Republic of Kiribati is considered important for employment, overseas study and general engagement with a globalizing world. It is also considered as a key factor in the current government's response to climate change and sea level rise, enabling skilled relocation of I-Kiribati to other countries if necessary. This article synthesizes a range of literature sources based on Kiribati literacy education to highlight: a general perception that English literacy standards are in decline; the role of the teacher in addressing that decline; pedagogical approaches to teaching literacy, particularly the historic swing from a highly structured and socially conservative teacher-centred approach to that of a very liberal student-centred approach; and the reliance on Australian and NZ educational aid and consultancy in literacy education. These issues require further debate and investigation in light of unique development problems in Kiribati marked by: rural to urban drift; an increasingly youthful population; limited employment possibilities, and eventual possible large-scale repatriation due to sea level rise. The article tentatively suggests an approach to literacy education based on a four resources model that balances teacher and learner-centredness with socio-cultural and political aspects of literacy.  相似文献   

In this essay Duck‐Joo Kwak explores a moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, which is distinct from liberal and communitarian models. One of educational challenges to this approach is how to cultivate our students' sense of membership, which is shaped by a thick sense of the good life, while being not merely compatible with but open to the pluralist perspective. Kwak maintains that what is required for this form of membership to society or community is our future citizens' ability to engage in highly self‐reflexive philosophical reflection on the human condition; such reflection gives them the skills necessary to live up to the tension between different selves of diverse origins or within a divided self. Examining Stanley Cavell's view of political education as an exemplar of the moral perfectionist approach to citizenship education, Kwak shows how the practice of his ordinary language philosophy can be a good way to cultivate this ability by teaching us how to “speak for others” by way of “speaking for oneself.”  相似文献   

In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Dan Mamlok consider the arguments for agonist political education in light of a case study based in the events of the 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and the subsequent activism of its survivors. We use this case to examine agonist expressions of citizenship, and to present an argument for framing agonist politics through the lens of Deweyan transactional communication combined with the critical concept of articulation. A major lesson in this case is the significance of citizenship learning that prioritizes challenging the political status quo along with working to reestablish new political relations on grounds that are more just. The authors argue that the endgame of agonist-informed political education should be that which helps students, as present and future citizens, reconstruct existing political conditions. Knight Abowitz and Mamlok conclude with suggestions for four domains of knowledge and capacities that can productively shape agonist citizenship education efforts: political education, lived citizenship, critical political literacies, and critical digital literacies.  相似文献   

We discuss the ways in which English and Catalan students perceive themselves as members of communities and as citizens and the role of schools in these perceptions. Questionnaire and interview data were collected and analysed from 583 secondary school students in a total of 9 schools that were known for their commitment to citizenship education in England and Catalonia. The research took place when issues of national and other identities were prominently discussed in the media and elsewhere and when significant changes were being introduced in both locations regarding citizenship education as a specific curriculum subject and also in the wider context of education and schooling. Our results suggest that while the English students in our sample understand citizenship in terms of a subjective identification, our Catalan students perceive citizenship as a legal and externally assigned status. We did not intend to obtain nationally representative samples but rather to gain in-depth knowledge of the data and to discuss the implications of these results for the differing purposes of citizenship education. We make recommendations for how school-based citizenship education may contribute to current challenges related to citizenship and identities.  相似文献   

在当今经济全球化时代,我国英语文学教育因其无功利和反功利性而遭遇严峻挑战,其学科地位处于缺失状态,而其课程教学举步维艰。从后殖民主义课程观角度,作为半殖民产物的英语文学教育的历史发展过程显示,英语文学作为学科和课程一直被误解、误表、误述。我国英语文学教育工作者在充满政治张力和权力关系的历史过程中,表现出了学科意识淡薄、课程理念阙如、课程责任感匮乏、对英语文学理解偏差等问题。要从英语文学教育的特殊性出发,借鉴后殖民主义的文化批判态度、反话语霸权的立场等,促成英语文学课程范式的实质性改革。  相似文献   


Policy elites use rhetoric in speeches and press releases to provide framing that is intended to influence public opinion. These rhetorical events can be treated as instances in which speech usefully promotes particular discourses. Indeed, elected officials are able to influence how individuals think about problems and solutions through speeches and press releases. Two important rhetorical events in which political elites advance frames for social issues are annual state of the state addresses (SoSA) given by U.S. governors and gubernatorial press releases that inform media reporting about state policy. This study employed policy discourse and rhetorical analyses to examine SoSAs and press releases as rhetorical events within the context of educational policy. Our findings show that governors framed the roles of state government, governors, and educational stakeholders within a discourse that perpetuates a neoliberal version of education. In this framing, governors situated education’s purpose as being workforce and economic development, ignoring its role in addressing social issues and preparing informed, engaged participants for democratic society. Given that individuals make decisions about how to address social issues and understand public institutions based on framing provided by political elites, these findings raise implications for state educational policies and the public purposes of education.  相似文献   

The aim of the author is to estimate the heuristic value of Meyer's (et al., 1985) social theory on citizenship, education and the nation‐state, in relation to F. Ringer's three dimensions of educational systems (i.e. ‘inclusiveness’, ‘segmentation’, and ‘progressiveness'). Rupp's thesis is that the inclusiveness and expansion of educational systems is related to the processes of the formation of nation‐state and citizenship institutions; their progressiveness and segmentation, however, to other socio‐political developments. It is suggested that national differences correspond to differences in centralized or decentralized polities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to gain a deeper understanding of Arendt’s educational philosophy, her perspective of political involvement as a kind of political education, and natality as the fundamental nature of education. The current study has extended past research by elucidating Arendt’s view of participatory democratic politics, her analysis of citizenship education programs, and her assessment of the crisis of education. The findings of this study have implications for Arendt’s idea of pedagogical authority, the specific character of Arendt’s contribution to political theory, and her grasp on the link between citizenship and education.  相似文献   

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