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从家庭教育角度探析<诗经>的民歌部分,也是其精华部分的<国风>,其内容主要有自然、生活常识,生产、生活技能,德行、修身之道和崇拜、祭祀之理等几个方面.由于<诗经>诞生的特定社会背景以及作为教育内容的经典性,从这些内容中可大致看出西周时期民间家庭教育内容的基本面貌,也可以此为起点,静观奴隶社会和封建社会民间家庭教育内容的演变和发展,为现代家庭教育的内容选择提供有益的借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

<诗经>的比兴手法是我国诗歌及其他文学艺术创作的传统方法之一."比兴”之法被视为"诗学之正源,法度之准则”,五千年来,得到了不断的发展和完善,极大地影响着后世的文学作品的创作."比兴”是意境美的载体,没有"比兴”就形成不了诗歌的意境美.意境美的体现,滥觞于<诗经>.<诗经>中"比兴”之法的运用使其以有限的文字表达了丰富的社会历史内容,创造了诗歌"意”与"境”的完美统一.随着文学创作的发展,意境美已成为衡量文学作品高下的美学标准之一.学习研究和继承发展<诗经>中那些亘古常新的创作方法,更好地为我们今天的文学创作服务,同时从一个新的高度来认识<诗经>的美学价值.  相似文献   

明代晚期,延续了千年之久的<诗经>经学研究,突然出现危机,而<诗经>之文学研究随之兴起,并出现高潮.这是<诗经>学史上的一次巨变.本文旨在探讨这次巨变出现的历史过程,探寻<诗经>文学研究的轨迹.并对朱熹、谢枋得、徐常吉等人在其中的贡献作了分析和评价.  相似文献   

20世纪《诗经》研究史略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
檀作文 《天中学刊》2000,15(1):52-56
20世纪的<诗经>研究可分为四大时期解放前以"<古史辨>派"的出现为界,分为前后两期.解放后,文革之前是一个时期,拨乱反正之后又是一个时期.第一期可视为清代<诗经>学的延续.第二期,现代<诗经>学的基本研究方法大体建立.第三期的<诗经>研究,以阶级分析法和唯物史观为理论支柱.第四期是一个多元化取向的时期,文化人类学的研究取向成为潮流.  相似文献   

佛教经典<金刚经>是一部蕴含着异常丰富的思想精华的文化瑰宝."法会因由"是<金刚经>的开篇部分,述及释迦牟尼的起居、行乞生活,但其中隐含着整部经义理诞生的信息,本文集中就此方面内容给予阐释和探讨.  相似文献   

通过分析<左传>"赋诗"、"引诗"的<诗>用状况,结合<论语>"论诗"和孟子、荀子的"引诗证理",利用上博<诗论>所传递的评诗信息,可再现先秦时期的两大<诗>学系统--"赋诗"系统和"评诗"系统,补充载籍之缺,有助于我们深入认识<诗经>早期的流播.  相似文献   

温柔敦厚是一种富于东方美学特质的诗论,也是儒家诗教的核心.但主张"温柔敦厚",提倡美刺讽谏<诗序>的精神,却不是<诗经>的传统,它并不能涵盖<诗经>的全部.  相似文献   

<诗集传>是朱熹对<诗经>的注释,其中贯穿着他的"劝善惩恶"的诗教观.特别是在婚恋诗的评注中,朱熹阐明了他的爱情婚姻观生有定偶而不相乱;夫妻之间,德重于貌;夫妻之间不能留于宴昵之私;对自由恋爱的反对;要求女性贞静.这些爱情婚姻观与他节欲主义的理欲观及对持敬的修养方法的提倡密切相关.  相似文献   

<扬之水>在<诗经>中有三首.分别是<王风·扬之水>、<郑风·扬之水>和<唐风·扬之水>.<孔子诗论>第十七简"<扬之水>其爱妇悡"句中的<扬之水>应是总括这三首<扬之水>,而非其中的某一首.  相似文献   

<诗经>是中国梦幻文学的源头之一.<诗经>的梦幻描写多与现实生活密切相关,呈现出鲜明的功利性;<诗经>开创了中国梦幻文学的创作传统,奠定了梦幻文学的坚实基础.  相似文献   

汉字的六书,《说文》对“转注”一类,语焉不详。后世学者提及转注,也仅限于许慎所举出的例字。《汉字例说》一文,作者从转注的角度综合考虑,对部分现代常用字作了分析,跟传统的解释有所不同。希望能抛砖引玉,互相切磋,以推进学术研究。  相似文献   

我们绝大部分人都同意一件事情——我们喜欢金钱。但是你对金钱的喜欢之情足够到让你创立一份事业么?.财富通常被人忽视,主要在于人们不能真正了  相似文献   

The problem on the geometrc inequalities involving an n-dimensional simplex and its inscribed simplex is studied. Aninequality is established, which reveals that the difference between the squared circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex andthe squared distance between its circumcenter and barycenter times the squared circumradius of its inscribed simplex is not lessthan the 2(n-1)th power of n times its squared inradius, and is equal to when the simplex is regular and its inscribed siplex is atangent point one. Deduction from this inequality reaches a generalization of n-dimensional Euler inequality indicating that thecircumradius of the simplex is not less than the n-fold inradius. Another inequality is derived to present the relationship betweenthe circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex and the circumradius and inradius of its pedal simplex.  相似文献   

现在,我们可以没有面包,没有钱,没有房子,没有车子……但我们唯独不能丢失的是高尚的情操,笃定的信念,还有,满满的希望!  相似文献   

Using virtual reality for interactive design gives a designer an intuitive vision of a design and allows the designer to achieve a viable, optimal solution in a timely manner. The article discusses the process of making the Virtual Reality System of the Humble Administrator's Garden. Translating building data to the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) is by far unsatisfactory. This creates a challenge for computer designers to do optimization to meet requirements. Five different approaches to optimize models have been presented in this paper. The other methods are to optimize VRML and to reduce the file size. This is done by keeping polygon counts to a minimum and by applying such techniques as object culling and level-ofdetail switching.  相似文献   

钱微 《华章》2007,(3):124-124
The awareness of individualism can be traced back to the period of American Revolution when the Declaration of Independence was produced.It expressed basic beliefs concerning freedom,equality,democracy,privacy and the relationship between people and government,which were exactly what the philosophy of individualism mostly dealt with at that time.This paper is to exploit the essence of individualism by analyzing the Declaration .The analysis enables us to reconsider its significance to the issue of America human rights and foreign policies.  相似文献   

Public speaking, as one kind of speech act, the speaker uses some pragmatic strategies, for example,the use of personal pronoun, in order to achieve effective communication. Speakers use the first personal pro-noun we and the second personal pronoun you conventionally, also there are some deviations in the use of person-al pronouns. However, theses kinds of uses have to be explained and understood in such a specific context.  相似文献   

This essay mainly studies the linguistic features of News English on stylistics.The study is made mainly on three aspects of News English.They are lexical features.sentence features and grammar features of News English.Through the study we find that News English,as a distinctive and new language.has its own lin-guistic features in words, sentences and grammar.  相似文献   

正Nong Luhuan had a wild dream when he was little.He wanted to become a cartoonist and publish books of his own.Now,the 22-year-old art design major at Sichuan Fine Art Institute has achieved his dream.His micro blog cartoon has more than 260,000 followers and he will publish his first book this week.农璐焕小时候有一个疯狂的梦想,他想成  相似文献   

正The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.世界上最难的算术题是如何清点我们的祝福。According to legend,a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water.The water was so sweet,he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his  相似文献   

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