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The nature and value of “professionalism” has long been contested by both producers and consumers of policy. Most recently, governments have rewritten and redefined professionalism as compliance with externally imposed “standards.” This has been achieved by silencing the voices of those who inhabit the professional field of education. This article uses Foucauldian archaeology to excavate the enunciative field of professionalism by digging through the academic and institutional (political) archive, and in doing so identifies two key policy documents for further analysis. The excavation shows that while the voices of (academic) authority speak of competing discourses emerging, with professional standards promulgated as the mechanism to enhance professionalism, an alternative regime of truth identifies the privileged use of (managerial) voices from outside the field of education to create a discourse of compliance. There has long been a mismatch between the voices of authority on discourses around professionalism from the academic archive and those that count in contemporary and emerging Australian educational policy. In this article, we counter this mismatch and argue that reflexive educators’ regimes of truth are worthy of attention and should be heard and amplified.  相似文献   

教育督导是现代教育行政管理的重要组成部分,是一种极为有效的教育行政监督机制。我国经过20多年的努力,教育督导工作得到了较快发展,但在前进的途程中仍存在不利于发挥教育督导效用的因素。只有建立教育督导权威即行政权威、法律权威和学术权威,教育督导功能和作用才能得以充分有效的发挥。  相似文献   


The concept of ‘post-truth’ is here explored within the context of education and educational technology. Contemporary political discourse is often characterised by a polarisation of political belief and scepticism about scientific and expert authority has become commonplace. We explore tensions between democratic and technocratic impulses in describing changes that are taking place in the way that authority typically operates in higher education. We analyse changing notions of academic authority to understand some of the implications for the practice of teaching, learning and administration. We argue that technocratic, administrative authority increasingly supplants cognitive authority and subject expertise. One result of increased emphasis on performative/administrative authority is the nature of authority both within the academy and the wider public sphere is changed. We examine the implications for pedagogy, curriculum and academic practice, suggesting that performative approaches to criticality, openness, truth and transparency offer potential routes to new constellations of cognitive authority.  相似文献   

现代大学从组织形式与内涵上已经成为“学术共同体”与“科层制”复合共生体。学术权力与行政权力以各自不同的逻辑影响着现代大学内的组织决策。虽然中国大学的内部决策机制长期以来被诟病为强党政弱学术,但是对其校内院系与大学层面真实的组织决策互动缺乏细致而贴切的实证研究。由于衣科专业在中国的大学中是知识、学术和教育的实体性分类.是否设置某新专业背后既牵涉学科知识的发展、人才培养的知识基础等学术考虑,也涉及校内具体的经费、空间、人力、设备仪器等实际资源的分配决定.因此校内有关本科新专业的校内决策可以充分体现现代大学逻辑中的学术逻辑与行政逻辑的和谐与;中突的复杂互动关系,本研冤以两所案例大学于2004年至2006年年间的本科新专业设置为例,归纳了六类院系与大学层级间的互动粪型,并以具体的专业设置案例展现了不同类型下所产生的“顺利”与“难产”的专业设置决定。  相似文献   

Educational authority is an issue in contemporary democracies. Surprisingly, little attention has been given to the problem of authority in Jean‐Jacques Rousseau's Emile and his work has not been addressed in the contemporary debate on the issue of authority in democratic education. Olivier Michaud's goals are, first, to address both of these oversights by offering an original reading of the problem of authority in Emile and then to rehabilitate the notion of “educational authority” for democratic educators today. Contrary to progressive readings of Emile, he argues, Rousseau's position on this issue is not reducible to “education against authority.” What appears at first glance to be an education against authority is, in a deeper sense, an education toward and even within authority. Michaud contends that we have to embrace these complexities and contradictions that inform Rousseau's work in order to gain insights into the place and role of authority in democratic education. Michaud sheds light on Rousseau's stance on authority through a close study of specific topics addressed in Emile, including negative education, opinion, one's relation to God, friendship and loving relationships, and, finally, the relation Rousseau established with his reader.  相似文献   

对我国高等院校学术特征和管理的分析及思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等院校内部存在着学术权利和行政权力两种基本形式,它所具有的学术性特性区别于其他社会权利,如何认识和处理好两种权力之间的关系,直接关系到我国高等院校的运作模式及其效果,因此,对高等教育管理权力的学术特征以及如何加强完善高等学校学术管理的问题进行讨论是必要的。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the nature of teacher authority in Finnish schools. Current trends in Finnish teacher education are presented with an emphasis on the high academic status of teachers. The empirical findings examine moral dilemmas in schools as identified by teachers and students. The methods of the study include interviews and essays. The analysis of the data reveals that the most problematic conflicts in schools are related to teacher-given punishment. The teachers have failed in practising their deontic authority. Teachers' behaviour has included manipulative means to control life in the classroom. The results of the study indicate that moral dilemmas in schools and the nature of teacher authority in solving these conflicts should be addressed more in pre-service teacher education.  相似文献   

在高校科研管理中防止学术腐败浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高校科研管理中,健全学术道德规范,正确区分和行使行政权力和学术权力,是 防止学术腐败的重要环节。  相似文献   

对学术规范、学术道德规范以及学术不端行为和学术腐败等概念进行界定,有助于进一步推进学术道德规范构建工作的深入开展。广东省内各高校对学术不端行为的处理存在很大差异,这使得对学术不端行为的处理失去公正性和权威性。因此,应制定《广东省高等学校教师学术道德规范》,并对其中一些制度进行实质性修改;同时,加大学术不端行为的处罚力度,加强学术规范教育,建立健全社会监督机制。  相似文献   

Recent concern with the academic performance of schools has led a number of local education authorities to develop systems for measuring the ‘added value’ that can be attributed to particular institutions in their control. An analysis of data published by one Midlands shire county on the performance of A level candidates in 1992 raised questions about the relative levels of academic achievement of pupils who remained within the Catholic school system compared to those who transferred to local authority institutions for their full‐time education after the age of 16. A small representative sample of students from a Catholic school who had transferred to a non‐Catholic sixth form college to take A level courses was interviewed. The students’ comments suggested they found significant differences in the college ethos compared to that of their previous Catholic school. Those findings together with the analysis or the available data from the local authority, raise issues that merit further detailed research.  相似文献   

The continued gender imbalance in senior positions in higher education is a problem that persists despite decades of feminist research and publications in the area, as well as interventions in many countries to promote the advancement of women. In this article we view the issue of gender inequality through the lens of the prestige economy, which suggests that academics are motivated by prestige factors accrued through advancement in their careers. Prestige, authority and status, we suggest, may be more easily acquired by male academics. We draw on a case study of one institution in the Republic of Ireland, including data from a survey on academic careers (n = 269), to explore how the concept of prestige is gendered. We explore the cumulative effect of four themes: homosociability; non-transparency of criteria; academic workload balance; and self-promotion.  相似文献   

Compared to studies in general education, authority has received little attention in mathematics education, despite an increasing interest in sociological perspectives in mathematics classroom research. The subject of authority is particularly important in mathematics education, on the one hand, because of the immense authority mathematics itself seems to possess and pass on to its practitioners, but also, on the other hand, because of the anti-authoritarianism present, to some degree, in many trends in mathematics education such as cooperative learning approaches and constructivist pedagogies. Such an anti-authoritarian stance appears justified by data from an 8th grade mathematics classroom (supplemented with data from a second 8th grade classroom) which suggest that teachers possess immense authority in the eyes of the students and that this and other authority relations are strongly evident in the students non-reflective ways of interacting not only with their teachers but also among themselves. However, theoretical considerations on authority show that the problem may not be authority per se but the way one conceives the notion of authority, that there exist kinds of authority, such as Bennes anthropogogical authority, which can encourage reflective and also fruitful collaborative work.  相似文献   


This paper examines the sources of authority behind the Bologna and ASEM secretariats’ technocratic appearance and administrative routines, and argues that they are transnational policy actors in their own right. By drawing on principal-agent theory and the concept of ‘authority’, it offers an alternative framework for understanding the various forms of authority. The case studies generate three important insights. First, it shows how the secretariats derive their authority from the tasks delegated by states, the moral values and social purpose they uphold, and the expertise they possess. Second, it compares how the different governance structures of the Bologna and ASEM education processes impact on the secretariats’ authority. Third, it highlights how the secretariats exercise their respective authorities and exert their discernible influence at different stages of higher education policy-making and region-building processes.  相似文献   

教授权威的历史演变   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学术组织和学术研究需要权威的开拓和引领,从中世纪到当代,大学中一直存在以知识占有为前提的教授权威。在中世纪大学中,建基于知识占有基础上的教授权威逐渐形成;这种教授权威在19世纪德国大学讲座制中得到制度化;而在19世纪末、20世纪初期美国大学的学系中,教授的权力被分化,教授的权威弱化。在当代,如果我们继续承认能力和自由这两组价值观念在学术组织中必须受到重视,那么,高等教育系统中的教授权威就会继续存在。  相似文献   

This paper represents the outcomes of an in-depth case study of a secondary school in the south-west of England, identified as inclusive by the local education authority (LEA). The study, which formed the second part of a ‘bricolage’ approach, utilized ethnographic research methods, with the aim of investigating inclusion in a holistic way, at the school level. Data were collected through interviewing of a variety of school constituencies and participant observation. The analysis suggested that: (a) the participants were enculturated into the integration model; (b) although there were strong perceived academic benefits for the included students, the evidence is contradictory regarding the social outcomes of inclusion; (c) successful implementation of inclusion requires restructuring of the physical environment, resources, organizational changes and instructional adaptations; and (d) there was a perceived need for ongoing professional development. The findings reported in this investigation may be used to illuminate current practice in the LEA and to provide directions for formulating policies to support ‘inclusive practice’ in ways which are acceptable to teachers, parents and students.  相似文献   

后现代主义教育观主张平等、对话、去权威、非理性等,倡导以多元视角认识事物,在师生平等协商中进行知识的社会建构.这种教育理念有其积极意义.但后现代主义过于偏激,对平等、多元、对话、去权威等方面的倡导太绝对化,完全颠覆了合理的教师权威存在,这就有些矫枉过正.认清后现代主义教育观的利与弊,对于我们建构合理适度的教师权威有重要意义.  相似文献   

在我国政府持续下放办学自主权的同时,高校内部也急需调整组织结构,提升高校学术自主能力。为此,高校一方面设立各种专业学术治理机构,为校级学术权力的行使提供基本的组织载体;另一方面普遍进行校院两级管理体制改革。实证研究表明,在高校内部学术治理机构建设方面,各种专门化的学术治理机构普及程度非常高,且大多数改革是自发进行的,决策内容涵盖与学术事务相关的所有综合决策、人力资源专项决策和学术事务专项决策,机构职能定位以咨询议事为主,机构人员仍然以高层行政管理角色为主,通过参与以及专业权威影响行使权力;在纵向分权方面,无论是否实行校院两级管理,高校一旦获得更多的办学自主权,在"如何提供"生产决策方面,都基本下放到了院系层面,使其在学术治理方面获得更多的影响力和自主性,而校院两级管理改革更加提升了二级学院整体的决策权力水平,资源配置方面尤为显著。  相似文献   

Emotional and behavioural disorders in early childhood are related to poorer academic attainment and school engagement, and difficulties already evident at the point of starting school can affect a child’s later social and academic development. Successful transfer from pre-school settings to primary education is helped by communication between pre-school staff and primary school teachers. Typically, in Scotland, pre-school establishments prepare individual profiles of children before they start school around the age of five years, highlighting their strengths and development needs, for transfer to primary schools. There is, however, no consistent approach to the identification of potential social, emotional and behavioural problems. In 2010, in one local authority area in Scotland, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was introduced for children about to start school as a routine, structured, component of the transition process to help teachers plan support arrangements for classes and individual children. The SDQ assesses emotional, conduct, hyperactivity/ inattention and peer-relationship problems as well as pro-social behaviour. In order to be an effective means of communicating social and emotional functioning, the use of instruments such as the SDQ needs to be practicable. Finding out the views of pre-school education staff with experience of assessing children using the SDQ was, therefore, essential to establish its future utility.


The purpose of this study was to explore the views of pre-school education staff about assessing social and emotional wellbeing of children at school entry using the SDQ. The objectives were to examine the opinions of pre-school workers about completing the SDQ and to elicit their thoughts on the value of doing this and their perceptions of the usefulness of the information collected.


Pre-school establishments were approached using a purposive sampling strategy in order to achieve a mix of local authority (n=14) and ‘partnership’ establishments (n=8) as well as different socio-economic areas. Semi-structured interviews (n=25) were conducted with pre-school head teachers (n=14) and child development officers (n=11) in order to explore the process of completing the SDQ along with perceptions of its value. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically.


In general, staff in pre-school establishments viewed the use of the SDQ positively. It was seen as a chance to highlight the social and emotional development of children rather than just their academic or educational ability. Most felt that the SDQ had not identified anything they did not already know about a child. A minority, nevertheless, suggested that a previously unrecognised potential difficulty was brought to light, most commonly emotional problems. Completing the SDQ was felt to be relatively straightforward even though the staff felt under pressure from competing priorities. Concerns were, however, raised about the potential of labelling a child at an early stage of formal education.


The findings from this small scale study suggest that, from the point of view of pre-school education staff, it is feasible to assess children systematically for social and behavioural problems as part of the routine transition process at school entry.  相似文献   

从大众到普及过程中高等教育质量话语权的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育质量话语权是指人们对高等教育质量的实际控制力和影响力。不同的评价主体可以对高等教育质量有不同的观点和看法,然而只有拥有高等教育质量话语权才能对高等教育质量产生实质性的影响。在大众到普及过程中,高等教育质量话语权由"三足鼎立"(国家权力、学术权威和市场)变成了"四分天下"(政府、学者、社会和学习者)。  相似文献   

当前高等教育自学考试存在的质量标准问题主要有:以普通高校的学术标准为参照系;用精英教育的学历标准为统一尺度来衡量自考生;以自学考试的权威性作为教育质量的唯一保证。自学考试不能再用精英教育的学术型标准和要求来衡量其质量标准,而要放在构建继续教育、终身教育体系,建立学习型社会的大背景来做长远的战略思考。为此,要构建高等教育自学考试质量标准的保障机制:以社会需求为导向,改进专业设置;增设不同类别、不同层次的自学考试主考学校;不断改革完善自学考试的考试制度;逐步实现自学考试与职业教育的有效衔接;大力发展非学历证书、职业资格证书考试制度。  相似文献   

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