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辛亥革命之后,杨增新接替袁大化主政新疆,其执政之初便面临着政治、经济、军事、外交等诸多方面难题,为了稳定社会局面巩固统治地位,杨增新采取了一系列吏治改革措施,对当时和以后的新疆社会都有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

杨增新统治时期,新疆的石油工业经历了三个发展阶段,第一阶段与辛亥革命前相比没有太大的起色,第二阶段由于第一次世界大战和俄国十月革命爆发,给新疆石油工业发展提供了契机。因此新疆石油工业在此阶段出现了春天。第三阶段则由于苏联国内形势稳定,石油产品又大量输入新疆,所以新疆石油工业迅速衰落。  相似文献   

杨增新是云南蒙自人,中华民国第一任新疆督军。1912-1928年治理新疆期间,他为维护祖国统一和稳定新疆作出了历史性的杰出贡献。杨增新作为一位民族英雄是当之无愧的。此外,他的政绩和工作、生活作风都显示出某些过人之处。  相似文献   

兴起于中东、中亚的“双泛”思潮于20世纪初开始传入中国新疆地区.1912年至1928年主政新疆的杨增新为维护新疆地区的稳定进而巩固自己在新疆的统治,对内加强民族团结、改良政治和加强对宗教活动管理,对外加强防范外国势力利用“双泛”主义思潮煽惑新疆穆斯林群众,这些以防为主、内外兼施的措施在预防、抵制和处理“双泛”思潮在新疆传播方面起到了很好的作用,这也使得新疆在他主政的十七年间保持了当时全国罕见的相对稳定局面,为新疆各族人民创造了一个较为安定的生活环境.  相似文献   

辛亥革命后,杨增新接替袁大化出任新疆首任都督.在主政新疆期间,他实行无为而治的内政政策,新疆发展缓慢.但在外交方面,为维护国家利益他坚持平等对话的原则,解决了一系列与俄(苏)间的外交难题,较好地维护了国家的权益.  相似文献   

杨增新主政新疆期间采取了一系列发展经济的政策和措施,有利于近代中国西部的开发与发展;对这些具体问题进行反思,揭示其给予今天西部大开发的一些启示。  相似文献   

本文收集了在国内刊物上公开发表的有关研究杨增新的代表性论著和论文。认为对杨增新的研究具有以下三个方面的特点:对杨增新的研究缺乏系统性和全面感,有待学者进一步的探讨和研究;对杨增新的研究充分利用了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点;杨增新的研究对当代治理新疆具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

杨增新主政新疆17年期间,制定了闭关自守、愚民、弱兵等一系列“无为而治”的治新政策,一方面使新疆出现了相对安定的局面,另一方面又使新疆人民长期禁锢在一个狭小的天地里,经济文化长时间停滞不前。  相似文献   

杨增新上任新疆总督时,面临着新疆复杂而严峻的政治军事形势,内忧外患:当时新疆政局动荡不安,伊犁革命和农民起义直接威胁着其政权的稳定,军队内部矛盾、民族矛盾和阶级矛盾等社会矛盾交集在一起;经济落后,财政出现严重的危机;沙俄和外蒙叛军接连侵犯新疆.为了稳固其统治,缓和社会矛盾,缓解财政危机,维护国家领土完整和国家主权,促进新疆社会的发展,扬增新实行"安内抗外"的军事策略.  相似文献   

杨增新在甘肃任职十八年,与甘肃教育发展有关的活动主要是其署理河州知州和担任甘肃新式学堂总办期间进行的。杨增新在河州积极兴办教育,重修和新建三所书院,开办义学,一时之间河州文风大盛。担任学堂总办时,筹备并负责甘肃文高等学堂、师范馆和武备学堂,甘肃的新式教育由此逐渐取得发展。正确认识杨氏在甘肃办理旧式教育和新式教育的活动,对进一步认识杨增新在新疆实行的文教政策具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Program effectiveness reviews in education seek to provide educators with scientifically valid and useful summaries of evidence on achievement effects of various interventions. Different reviewers have different policies on measures of content taught in the experimental group but not the control group, called here treatment-inherent measures. These are contrasted with treatment-independent measures of content emphasized equally in experimental and control groups. The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) averages effect sizes from such measures with those from treatment-independent measures, while the Best Evidence Encyclopedia excludes treatment-inherent measures. This article contrasts effect sizes from treatment-inherent and treatment-independent measures in WWC reading and math reviews to explore the degree to which these measures produce different estimates. In all comparisons, treatment-inherent measures produce much larger positive effect sizes than treatment-independent measures. Based on these findings, it is suggested that program effectiveness reviews exclude treatment-inherent measures, or at least report them separately.  相似文献   

技术保护措施是数字网络时代权利人的一种自力救济手段,为技术措施提供法律保护是我国作为WCT与WPPT成员国应尽的义务。对技术措施的保护需要协调好与合理使用制度间的关系,对技术措施进行限制。通过比较,发现我国著作权法关于技术措施的保护力度高于美国、欧盟等发达国家或地区,与作为发展中国国家的基本国情不符,需要进一步限制技术保护措施。通过分析限制技术措施的正当性所在,在比较国外先进立法模式基础之上,提出完善我国技术措施的建议。  相似文献   

通过对各国保安立法的比较研究和保安处分制度的中国化的哲学及实践分析,在保安立法方面提出以下观点:采取二元立法,在区分保安处分与刑罚的前提下,将具有刑事意义的保安处分措施规定在刑法典中,不具有刑事意义的保安处分则应由行政立法加以规定;在单纯宣告保安处分的裁决机构应根据保安处分的性质和不同种类而定,刑事意义上保安处分即规定在刑法典中的保安处分应由人民法院或少年法院裁决;对我国的保安处分制度直呼“保安处分”并以法定、经济、适当、不定期并注重教育改善为原则,在执行上以必要原则为指导兼采代替主义。  相似文献   

The correlation of family management practices and delinquency   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Family-management skills of parents of seventh- and tenth-grade boys were related to each of 2 criterion measures of delinquency: police contacts and self-reported delinquency. The measures of family-management skills were monitoring, discipline, problem solving, and reinforcement. The measures of parent monitoring and discipline were shown to correlate significantly with both criterion measures. The monitoring score accounted for the most variance in both criterion measures of delinquency, and the problem solving and reinforcement measures accounted for the least. The monitoring score also differentiated moderate offenders from persistent offenders.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of measures of student learning computed using end-of-year assessments (distal measures) versus measures of student learning associated with a single lesson (proximal measures) as criterion scores for the validity of observations of teachers' pedagogical skills. The validity coefficients computed using distal measures were significantly lower than the validity coefficient computed using proximal measures. Assumptions underlying the current emphasis on distal measures were challenged. Possible ways to generate more proximal measures were explored.  相似文献   

妨害诉讼的强制措施作为违反诉讼秩序的制裁方式,在三大诉讼法的法律规范中皆有体现。由于立法者对于强制措施的性质始终未能清晰地认识,导致在三大诉讼法中关于强制措施的规范不仅违背法理,而且存在相互抵牾之处。欲科学规范妨害诉讼的强制措施,首先应当廓清妨害诉讼的强制措施的性质。在此基础上,为适应强制措施的秩序罚性质,其设定应当遵循平等原则与比例原则。  相似文献   

分析了川中丘陵地区三台县的农业面源污染状况.结合污染特征,在最佳管理措施(BMPs)基本原理的基础上,从农田种植、畜禽养殖、农村生活、水域综合控制四个方面构建了最佳管理措施体系,将工程型和非工程型BMPS措施相结合,对丘陵地区农业面源污染进行综合性的控制.  相似文献   

Outcome-oriented evaluation of school effectiveness is often based on student test scores in certain critical examinations. This study provides another method of evaluation—value-added—which is based on student achievement progress. This paper introduces the method of estimating the value-added score of schools in multi-level models. Based on longitudinal student achievement data, two measures of school effectiveness in one local education authority in China are compared. It is found that the between-school difference in both test-score and value-added is large comparable with that of Western countries. The results of the two measures of school effectiveness are highly different. The value-added measures lack consistency across different subject areas within schools while the test score measures are highly correlated between subjects. Teachers show their preference for value-added measures over test-score measures of education quality. It is suggested that value-added measures of school effectiveness should be used as a complement to rather than a substitute for test-score measures. The shortcomings of value-added approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

Testing programs are often interested in using a student growth measure. This article presents analytic derivations of the accuracy of common student growth measures on both the raw scale of the test and the percentile rank scale in terms of the proportional reduction in mean squared error and the squared correlation between the estimator and target. The study contrasts the accuracy of the growth measures against that of current status measures—current test scores and their percentile ranks. Key findings include the extent that status measures are more accurate than any of the growth measures and that alternative methods to estimate growth could be more accurate than the currently used methods. Our findings highlight the importance for evaluating the statistical properties of growth measures along with other concerns for states that are debating the reporting of growth. Our results also point out that assessing the accuracy of growth measures requires the specification of quantities of interest in terms of latent achievement rather than observed test scores, which is common practice for developing status measures but essentially never done by testing programs for growth measures.  相似文献   

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