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This article addresses the role of exemplary teachers of students of color in educational reform. Using an ethnographic study of two urban junior high schools in the beginning stages of restructuring, I describe threeculturally relevant teachers who create empowering educational experiences for low-achieving African American students. Despite their exemplary practice and their enthusiasm for educational change, thewisdom of practice of these teachers was largely discounted in the restructuring process. They were marginalized by ideological and political contexts which suppressed racial issues and advocacy for African American students and which supported a deficit model of low-achieving African American students. Restructuring fostered little examination of policies, practices, and beliefs which tended to marginalize African American students. This research suggests that professional dialogue and collaboration are mediated by teachers' ideologies and by relations of power in schools and communities. If exemplary teachers of children of color are to influence educational change, reformers need to legitimize their knowledge and sponsor their leadership. Also, reforms that benefit marginalized children of color may require the mobilization and participation of parents and communities of color as well as their teacher-advocates. Even though I'm not doing the Mentoring and Counseling Program any more, I can't reject them. They know I care about them. They know when you're not pretending. You don't turn off realness. Paulette I find them where they are. I say, “You've told stories. When you say, ‘The way I see it,’ that's point of view.” I just do it like that. When kids believe you think they can learn, they will. Samuel We have to challenge these students. When we don't give them an opportunity, we're taking something away from them. Helen  相似文献   

Conclusion In conclusion, as early childhood teachers prepare to meet the “unknown” —mainstreaming—the early childhood community has an excellent opportunity to benefit from both past experiences and the research literature on mainstreaming and teacher change. This work suggests that teachers' feelings and attitudes about mainstreaming must be addressed in dynamic relation to their needs for information and skills as these change over time. Teachers, directors, and teacher educators need help in understanding that teachers' development and the development of the children they teach are inextricably linked. While these concepts have been explored previously, it is imperative that practitioners at all levels recognize their relevance at this critical juncture in the implementation of P.L. 99–457 and consider new and creative ways to translate them into practice. I feel... not just that I couldn't cope with it... but emotionally I don't think I could... Emotionally I think I would have a hard time, you know, going home and feeling good about myself when I know that there's this child [with disabilities in my classroom].  相似文献   

The education of prospective Elementary and Early Childhood (E&EC) teachers to teach science has been an on-going challenge for science teacher educators. Accordingly, a course in physical science was planned and implemented especially for prospective E&EC teachers. The purpose of this study was to understand the nature of the enacted curriculum and about the forces which constrained its evolution. Miller, the teacher of the course, had no prior experience in teaching prospective E&EC teachers and many of his experiences as a university level teacher were based on his teaching of physics majors. These experiences shaped his approach to teaching the course as did his years as a basketball coach. Miller was an expert in physics and constructed his role as teaching students significant scientific truths. Miller saw the purpose of the course as being to educate the students in science, not to prepare them to teach science. He was unwilling to address the goals of students that were oriented strongly toward becoming better teachers. The beliefs of the teacher constrained the enacted curriculum to an extent that gaps between the needs of students and the enacted curriculum were wider at the end of the course than they were at the beginning. Armstrong College In my opinion I think I failed completely, but I am quite happy with what I am trying to do. I just don't think I executed it well. So I was pretty unhappy with the whole experience in terms of the results, but I was not unhappy with the experience in terms of whether it was worth doing. I think it is important in science to develop free-thinking and being able to come to conclusions. Science is being able to reflect on the human condition, and being able to think about things you don't know about. (Miller)  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
梦是美丽的。来自大洋彼岸的可爱的Demi用笔描绘出了她的梦,你是不是也有过同样的梦呢?从本期开始,本刊推出“越洋专递”栏目,给大洋两岸的中学生提供一个通信交友的舞台。我们已和美国加州John Glenn中学取得联系,美国学生对此也很重视,不仅信中附有照片,有的还寄来可爱的小礼物。有兴趣的同学可填写笔友登记表,我们将针对你的情况,按照你的要求为你推荐笔友,并不定期地登载互通的信件及笔友通讯录。来信可附近照。在适当的时候,本刊将举办中美学生互访和夏令营活动,进一步缩短东西方的距离。本刊将为你搭起一座七彩桥,帮助你了解异域文化,结识异国笔友,和同龄人互相学习,携手共进。  相似文献   

Xiaoge 《海外英语》2009,(5):60-61
We love animals and especially love their babies. These little things are so cute and soft, and even a baby tiger looks as adorable as a small cat. But, I don't think we can just call them babies--they have their own names too. Today, let's look at the "official" names for some of the baby animals.  相似文献   

在广告设计教学过程中 ,不少学生认为广告设计所涉及的面太宽 ,要表现的内容较多 ;因而感觉无从下手 ,甚至走入误区。其实广告设计主要应抓住两个方面 ,即 :广告设计的主题和创意  相似文献   

民事“执行难”问题已经存在很久,但一直都没有得到很好的解决,虽然很多学者和专家都提出了自己的构想,但始终没有形成通说。我认为解决这一问题,首先要使被执行人对于法院的执行不再逃避。  相似文献   

That iguana in your son's bedroom isn't just a reptile.It's also a deadly-germ machine.   So says the American Academy of Pediatrics,which warns parents that many of the"easy"pets-the ones that don't shed,don't need to be walked,and don't throw up on the sofa-pose serious health threats to young children.And here I was so ready to convince my daughter that lizards are almost as cuddly as a Beverly Hills Chihuahua.……  相似文献   

许嘉璐先生在解释“陈灵公通于夏征舒之家”的“家”时说:“指夏征舒之妻”。这样解释是不正确的,和陈灵公、公孙宁仪行父私通的应是夏征舒的母亲夏姬,而不是他的妻子。这可从“家”字的字义、众多的译和原证之。  相似文献   

<正>Do you like going fishing? I think it's boring. But I don't know why so many people like taking it up as a hobby.My brother loves fishing. And I often find him surfing the Internet for fishing information.My brother often fishes for several hours and seldom comes back without fish. So I think it isn't difficult to fish. Maybe I can try it.  相似文献   

当前农村中学体育教师数量不足,素质偏低,影响人才培养的质量,针对这一现状,电大应对体育课进行改革,从非体育专业的学生中培养兼职体育教师,以满足农村中学教学的需要。  相似文献   

My home was now in order and I had made all the things I needed.I had plenty of foods of all kinds.So I had time to think about my home back in England.  相似文献   

湘君、湘夫人各指什么,历来众说纷纭.帝之二女即湘君或湘君、湘夫人以及湘君是舜,湘夫人是帝之女、舜之妃的观点难以成立.据考证,湘君为湘水男神,湘夫人为湘水女神,两者与舜及舜之妃无关之说较为合适,且他们是一对恋爱神.  相似文献   

本研究通过对14名实习生的访谈,了解了他们经历实习后对大学所学理论性知识作用的实际认识。研究将理论性知识分为三类:学科内容知识、教育方法类知识、教育原理类知识。访谈发现:实习生普遍认同学科内容知识的价值;关注教育方法类知识但大多不能从大学的学习中受益;本科生对教育原理类知识的价值认可度低,硕士生的认可度相对较高。可见,教育原理类知识和方法类知识更易和实践脱节,但这种脱节并非不可避免。大学和中小学在教师培养过程的沟通与合作、实习生本人的反思意识与能力以及对不同理论性知识的合理定位,对沟通教育理论和实践具有重要作用。  相似文献   

数学解题要掌握以下几种策略:一是语言转化策略,是理解题意的根基;二是进退并举策略,是学会分析的招式;三是辩证思维策略,是逻辑推理的纽带;四是数形结合策略,是观察推断的工具;五是联想迁移策略,是归纳猜想的桥梁。  相似文献   

<正>As we know,when a person reaches adulthood,marriage should soon follow.However I don't want to get married.My reasons are as follows.Firstly I think that we can live independently by ourselves very well,so why need we get married?I know that many great figures in history never got married both at home and abroad.We are all mortal individuals.We all live a short life.We cannot ensure that we can meet a male or female who is best or most  相似文献   

阐述了广告创意的内涵及广告创意在实现广告战略中的作用、地位和价值;针对目前我国不少企业在制定广告创意战略过程中存在广告定位不明确;只追求短期的经济利益,未能建立长期的品牌资产;媒体的选择未与广告创意相契合;不重视整合营销传播,缺乏科学统筹的营销战略等问题,就如何制定一个能够打动人们的广告创意战略提出具体的建议与对策。  相似文献   

Conclusion Head Start is in a position to evaluate its successes and failures of the last 20 years, to assess the needs of low-income children and their families in the eighties and nineties, and to plan ahead for another 20 years of successful operation. We must take this challenge seriously, because if we don't our program will not meet the needs of our society, and therefore it will die. That would be tragic.Francis Wardle is Director of the Adams County Head Start and President of the Colorado/Wyoming Head Start Directors Association.  相似文献   

汉代的“故吏”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"故吏"一词在汉代有多种含义,以往学界多重视其"旧时属吏"的意义,而忽略其他含义。笔者利用文献和汉简材料,讨论了作为"前为官职者"的"故吏"在汉代的政治表现。认为他们虽已不是官吏,但凭借其行政技能,有时仍能参与行政事务。并指出这种"故吏"在汉代有相当多重新为吏的机会,已成为了一种任吏资格。  相似文献   

Hold me." I whisper to him, we are sitting on the roof, watching the sun as it rises. He gasps, probably thinking why I am asking him this, the truth is…I don't even know why, I'm supposed to hate him, so why am I all of a sudden in love with him? Was I just blinded because our families hate each other, is that it?  相似文献   

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