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罗军  刘芹 《海外英语》2013,(15):204-205
The musicality of poetry is a project that has been in great need of scholars’attentions and studies due to its charming typicality,which has been a rarely-visited for a long time.To get away with this intellectual sterility and poverty,and highlight the aesthetic universality of the musicality in poetic texts,this paper aims to give a preliminary exploration of the metrical musicality in A Red,Red Rose.  相似文献   

Lo ve a nd Wa r爱与战争Red is hot.It’s a strong color that conjures up arange of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionatelove to violence and warfare.Red is Cupid and the Devil.Na ture o f Re d红色本性A stimulant,red is the hottest of the warm colors.Studies show that red can have a physical effect,increasing the rate of respiration and raising bloodpressure.Culture o f Re d红色文化Red is power,hence the red power tie for businesspeople and the red carpet for celebrities and VIPs(v…  相似文献   

The Red Badge of Courage is the masterpiece of Stephen Crane. As a naturalist novel, its success is based on strong visual stimulation and the continuous auditory shock, a three-dimensional war movie which is crackling with sounds and colors was rendered so incisively and vividly. This paper aims to probe the naturalism in The Red Badge of Courage from two angles:visual aspects and auditory aspects.  相似文献   

On Dream of Red Mansions from the Perspective of New Mythology
DU Guichen (Shandong Normal University, Jinan Shandong, 250014)
Abstract: The Chinese classical novel Dream of Red Mansions has two narratives. One is mythological, the other is realistic. However, it is usually treated as a whole and considered as a sequel to a Chinese classical myth about sky goddess (Nvwa), a sort of new myth extending from the heaven to the earth. The new myth is a kind of examination on earthly matters with its focus "love", and the theme can be summarized as that life is a dream and love is a fantasy.  相似文献   

Anyang University is located in Anyang city of Henan Province. Anyang city is regarded as one of the seven great an-cient capitals in China, called Yindu historically, the capital of the Yin Dynasty, and now the place where four provinces (Jin,Ji, Lu, Yu) meet. Since the foundation in 1983 Anyang University has been keeping to the poliey of cultivating talents for thestate, keeps forging rapidly ahead and now has become a famous new-type institution of higher learning in the north of Henanprovince. Anyang Universty covers a ground space of 1500 mu, besides, owns a practical site of 200 mu concerning living thingsand painting etc. The site is over 60 kilometres to the west of Anyang city,near the Linzhou Red Flag Canal called the eighth  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Bangla language is characterized by a rich sys-tem of inflections(VIBHAKTI),derivation,and compound formation(Saha et al.,2004;Dash,1994;Chakroborty,2003),which is why the NLE using Bangla(output generation)is a very challenging task.Natural Language Engineering(NLE)is the process of computer analysis of input provided in a human language(natural language)and conversion of this input into a useful form of representation.The input of an NLP system can be:written text …  相似文献   

董淑新  李丁 《海外英语》2012,(24):147-149
Poems are the products of national culture, and A Dream of Red Mansions (A DRM) is the collection of Chinese culture in the era when the novel was written, so poems in A DRM express a wealth of cultural messages. According to the Limits of Translatability raised by Catford in 1965, cultural untranslatability occurs when a relevant situational feature for the SL text is absent in the TL. So this paper aims to find problems of cultranslation of poems in A DRM, and tries to further restrict cultural untranslatability by applying compensation strategies.  相似文献   

王冬梅 《海外英语》2012,(21):185-186
Jia Baoyu in A Dream of Red Mansions and the 18th crown prince Sado in The Red Queen are both unfilial rebel but there are some differences.Jia Baoyu is a passive escapee while Sado is a brave rebel.Jia Baoyu went against the system of that time consciously through his speech and he was aware of the downfallen system but he took no actions while Prince Sado went against the society and system of royalty subconsciously using his actions.Both of them are the victims of their time and their re belling is doomed to miserable and tragic results.  相似文献   

The Red Badge of Courage is the masterpiece of Stephen Crane. As a naturalist novel, its success is based on strong vi?sual stimulation and the continuous auditory shock, a three-dimensional war movie ...  相似文献   

杨玉洁 《海外英语》2011,(5):221-222
There are many different views among scholars about the motif of Hawthome’s "Red Cross".In my opinion,the most meaningful view is from an American critic.He said that "Red Cross" is a novel describing the divergence between natural man and social man.As my part,this divergence can be understood on two levels.The first is the conflict between thongs of people represent the benefits of natural man and the other throngs of people represent the social man’s benefits;the second is the conflict of natural character and social character in everybody’s soul.The author tried to make those two conflicts to a certain agreement,and ended with a concordant state.Then who win? Who fail?  相似文献   

Two-component genes are kinds of genetic elements involved in regulation of antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor. DNA microarray analysis revealed that ecrA1/A2, which mapped at distant sites from red locus and encode respectively the kinase and regulator, expressed coordinately with genes of Red specific biosynthetic pathway, ecrA1 and ecrA2 gene-disruptive mutants were constructed using homogenotisation by reciprocal double crossover. Fermentation data showed that the undecylprodigiosin (Red) level of production was lower than that of wild-type strain. However, the change of the actinorhodin (Act) production level was not significant compared with wild type. Thus, these experiment results confirmed that the two-component system ecrA 1/A2 was positive regulatory element for red gene cluster.  相似文献   

Two-component genes are kinds of genetic elements involved in regulation of antibiotic production inStreptomyces coelicolor. DNA microarray analysis revealed thatecrA1/A2, which mapped at distant sites fromred lucus and encode respectively the kinase and regulator, expressed coordinately with genes of Red specific biosynthetic pathway.ecrA1 andecrA2 gene-disruptive mutants were constructed using homogenotisation by reciprocal double crossover. Fermentation data showed that the undecylprodigiosin (Red) level of production was lower than that of wild-type strain. However, the change of the actinorhodin (Act) production level was not significant compared with wild type. Thus, these experiment results confirmed that the two-component systemecrA1/A2 was positive regulatory element forred gene cluster. Project (No.20172046) supported by the National Natural Foundation of China  相似文献   

火龙果皮红色素研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
试验的火龙果皮红色素只溶于水,不溶于有机溶剂;在PH=5.6能保持原本的鲜红色,其它PH值均使色素颜色发生变化,k也发生变化;火龙果红色素在PH=6时光热稳定性相对最好,室内日光灯光照12h,红色稍变淡,A530降低8%,80℃加热40min红色变淡,A530降低28.5%;0.01mol/L的Na^ 、K^ 、Ca^2 、Mg^2 对火龙果红色素无影响,0.01mol/L的Al^3 、Cu^2 、Fe^3 使火龙果红色素变色。经化学显色推断火龙果皮色素中有花色苷和原花色素。  相似文献   

红色文化作为一种具有强烈意识形态特征的重要文化形态,是中国革命和建设时期特定历史条件下的产物,也是我国文化建设不可或缺的重要方面。红色文化在新媒体背景下的价值也相应地呈现出了新的趋向性:一是表现在一种新型的红色话语权模式的转变,即由强势话语权到隐性话语权,网络话语平台的凸显,政府话语的拆解与重塑等。二是红色文化的当代价值体现在现代化与时代感的并重。三是文化价值体现在这种碎片化红色记忆的再重组。四是红色文化也是高校文化建设的重要组成部分,其在新媒体时代下实现着对高校育人功能的延展性挖掘。  相似文献   

沂蒙精神的生产与传播:以“红嫂”文本为中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从文艺作品中个体化的红嫂形象到红嫂的群体化再现,"红嫂"已经成为沂蒙老区经典的红色文化符号。通过关注几十年来有关"红嫂"的各类文本生产,从中可解读红嫂文化与红嫂精神的生产机制、传播模式,解读红嫂文化的生产与时代语境之间的内在关联,还原红嫂群体形象的历史本真。红嫂文本的生产塑造了"红嫂"这一传承不朽的红色艺术经典,革命时代红嫂文本的革命化塑造了英雄化的红嫂;后革命时代的红嫂文本则突出平民化、人性化视角,从平民视角、日常生活角度展现战争背后普通沂蒙女性的真爱与唯美。红嫂文本的生产与传播离不开特定时代文化语境的制约,二者之间的张力及其维度决定了文本生产的机制和模式,以及文本的最终价值与意义。  相似文献   

The combined effects of pH and temperature on red pigment production and fungal morphology were evaluated in a submerged culture of Penicillium purpurogenum GH2, using Czapek-Dox media with d-xylose as a carbon source. An experimental design with a factorial fix was used: three pH values (5, 7, and 9) and two temperature levels (24 and 34 °C) were evaluated. The highest production of red pigment (2.46 g/L) was reached with a pH value of 5 and a temperature of 24 °C. Biomass and red pigment production were not directly associated. This study demonstrates that P. purpurogenum GH2 produces a pigment of potential interest to the food industry. It also shows the feasibility of producing and obtaining natural water-soluble pigments for potential use in food industries. A strong combined effect (p<0.05) of pH and temperature was associated with maximal red pigment production (2.46 g/L).  相似文献   

在当前的现实条件下,桂林需要发展红色旅游.这不仅是进行革命传统教育、帮助贫困地区人民脱贫致富的需要,而且是促进桂林旅游产业发展、增强桂林旅游发展后劲的需要.桂林具有丰富而有特色的红色旅游资源,可以和其他类型旅游资源结合开发,形成适合市场需要的红色旅游产品.结合桂林旅游资源的现状,"两轴四线五区三精品"是桂林红色旅游发展的总体框架.  相似文献   

红色体育资源是红色资源的重要组成部分,可以直接利用和开发利用;红色资源蕴含可供挖掘改造为学校体育资源的生产生活和军事活动元素;红色资源与学校体育资源存在育人功能的互补性。因此,红色资源转化为学校体育资源切实可行。红色资源转化为学校体育资源具有以下优势:有利于在学校体育中进行思想政治教育;有利于培养学生勇敢顽强、吃苦耐劳、团结协作等优良品质;简单易行,有利于弥补学校体育资源不足。  相似文献   

红参提取物对红细胞膜磷脂成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以家兔为实验动物,采用薄层色谱扫描法探讨红参提取物对红细胞膜磷脂成分的影响,结果显示:实验组红细胞膜膦脂成分中磷脂酰胆碱显著增多(P<0.01),而鞘磷脂类,磷脂酰乙醇胺都程序不同的减少(P<0.05),特别是磷脂酰丝鞍酸含量,鞘磷脂类/磷脂酰胆碱及磷脂酰丝氨酸/磷脂酰胆碱比值显著减少(P<0.01),表明红参对维持细胞膜的稳态有重要作用。  相似文献   

Objective:To explore the mechanisms of fulminant hepatitis(FH) in the early stages,and to determine the critical pathways in its initiation and progression.Methods:Twelve BALB/c mice were divided into four groups:one group left as negative control and sacrificed immediately after injection of phosphate-buffered saline(PBS),and another three groups with concanavalin A(Con A) administration sacrificed at 1,3,and 6 h after injection.Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse 430 2.0 Array was employed to evaluate the expressi...  相似文献   

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