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随着欧洲经济一体化进程的不断加快,全球化潮流的势不可挡,欧洲各国愈加感到彼此各异、纷繁复杂的高等教育体制已经无法适应欧洲大市场的需要。尽快实现高等教育的互通,实现教师与学生的无障碍流动,成为摆在欧洲各国面前的一项紧迫任务。基于这样的形势,欧洲29个国家于1999年在意大利举行的博洛尼亚会议上,确定了建立“欧洲高等教育区”的发展目标,博洛尼亚进程(Bologna Process)应运而生。2001年3月,一份有关“教育质量改革”的白皮书呈交到挪威议会,从此掀开了挪威博洛尼亚进程的序幕。此后,挪威进行了一系列广泛而深入的高等教育改革,不仅进一步加强了高等教育立法,而且无论是在教育质量保障还是在国际流动方面都取得了较大进展。2003年质量改革在挪威境内所有高等教育机构铺开,这预示着挪威的博洛尼亚进程全面展开,高等教育质量保障体系的进一步完善成为质量改革的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

1999年博洛尼亚进程的启动是欧洲现代教育发展史上最重大事件之一。以后每两年举行一次部长级会议。十年来,博洛尼亚进程在推进欧洲高等教育区建设方面取得了重要进展和成果,学位结构呈现趋同性,欧洲学分转换和累积系统得到普遍推广,逐步建立国家高等教育资格框架和高等教育质量保障体系,促进学生流动。2009年4月,欧洲46个博洛尼亚签署国在比利时鲁汶大学举行部长级会议和"2009博洛尼亚政策论坛"。鲁汶会议提出了体现社会维度,保证学生享有公平的机会和完成学业,推进终身学习,提高学生就业能力等欧洲高等教育区下一个十年发展目标。  相似文献   

已经进展十年的博洛尼亚进程受到了欧洲以外国家的密切关注,也促使其他国家不断对本国的高等教育进行改革,而改革的最主要动力源自于他们意识到博洛尼亚进程会影响非博洛尼亚进程国家在吸引欧洲以及欧洲以外国家留学生的竞争力。借鉴非欧洲国家应对博洛尼亚进程的策略,以期对我国高等教育国际化以及国际合作提出科学设想。  相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"目的在于通过资源整合在欧洲实现高教一体化,这个进程始于由29个国家签署的《博洛尼亚协议》。从经济学的视角来看,"博洛尼亚进程"是顺应经济全球化的一项举措。学位体系变革是"进程"中最为重要的一项改革,尽管对这个进程存有不少质疑,但欧洲各国仍积极推进,因为"博洛尼亚进程"已经不是单纯的教育问题。  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育学制在法国的实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年,以欧盟为主的40个欧洲国家的教育部长在意大利博洛尼亚讨论并发表《博洛尼亚宣言》,要求限期改革高等教育体制,协调欧洲课程及文凭,增加教师和学生的交流。此后欧洲各国纷纷开始实行博洛尼亚进程。在搭建欧洲高等教育共同空间的过程中,法国一直是积极的推动者和参与者。本文试从法规建设、高等教育分布、教学组织等几方面分析欧洲新学制在法国的实施情况,并得出对我国的启示。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程的总目标已成为欧洲各国高等教育改革的参照标准,对以多样化为特点的法国高等教育而言,欧洲高等教育一体化的实现是一个长期的历史进程。法国高等教育系统的改革以整合博洛尼亚进程,建立欧洲高等教育研究区为主旋律。博洛尼亚进程的实施对法国高等教育产生了巨大的影响,增强了法国高等教育体制的开放性和流动性,促进了学生的流动性,密切了高等教育领域与社会经济部门的联系,提高了毕业生的就业率。  相似文献   

一、博洛尼亚进程1999年,欧洲29个国家在意大利博洛尼亚举行的会议上,签署了博洛尼亚宣言,并确定了2010年前建立“欧洲高等教育区”的发展目标,博洛尼亚进程应运而生。这次会议的目标是:消除欧洲内国家之间学生流动的障碍;提高欧洲高等教育在全世界范围内的吸引力;确定欧洲范围内的高等教育系统的共同框架,并在这个框架之内建立本科和研究生两个阶段的高等教育结构。  相似文献   

自1999年开始的博洛尼亚进程是在整个欧洲范围内进行的一场高等教育改革活动.欧洲各国期望采取一种多边合作的方式,通过提高欧洲整体的高等教育水平来提高各国的高等教育质量和国际吸引力,这推动了致力于欧洲整体高等教育改革的博洛尼亚进程的不断发展.博洛尼亚进程通过推动欧洲范围内高等教育人员的流动.并实行学分转换和学位互认等政策推动了欧洲范围内知识的传播和高等教育质量的提高.虽然这一进程仍存在一定的缺陷.但是这一进程对增强欧洲高等教育的竞争力仍起到了十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程被视为一系列欧洲会议以及一些旨在2010年前建立欧洲高教区的政策决定的产物和延续。在促进高校学生流动上,博洛尼亚进程是以教育质量为根本,结合学位制度、质量保障体系、学分转换系统、信贷系统等辅助措施,力图打破阻碍教育因素流动的障碍。从发展进程上看,其是以欧洲政治、经济一体化的深入为前提,追求欧洲高等教育在全球范围内的重新崛起。从挪威、瑞士、奥地利等代表性国家为促进高校学生流动采取的经费支持措施看,虽然有相关贷款制度、奖学金制度、经费补助政策的支持,但在国际金融危机的阴影下,各国财政支持的力度并不能很好地支撑博洛尼亚进程相关目标的实现。  相似文献   

刘承功 《上海教育》2010,(23):41-41
亚运会期间,来自亚洲20多个国家和地区的80余位大学校长聚会广州,参加亚洲大学校长论坛,共同商讨推动亚洲高校的交流合作。亚洲大学校长论坛已举办多次,借亚运会的东风,本次论坛受到了比以往更多的关注,甚至有媒体把它与欧洲高等教育的"博洛尼亚进程"相提并论。我们知道,"博洛尼亚进程"的核心目标是整合欧洲高等教育体制与高等教育资源,推动欧洲内部学生与学者的流动,实现欧洲高教和科技一体化,  相似文献   

A sweeping analysis is provided of the problems and challenges inherent in adapting the higher education systems of South East Europe to the Bologna Process. For the countries in question, not yet members of the European Union, educational reform, particularly the reform of higher education along the lines of the Bologna Process, are viewed as crucial steps to be taken on the way to membership. Such matters as course programmes and credits, faculty and student mobility, brain drain, the employment of graduates, quality and competitiveness, use of the NITs in the region, inter-university co-operation, higher education and society, lifelong learning, and the actions of international organizations are discussed. Some suggestions for further progress are given.  相似文献   

在利益相关者治理理论、"多元价值"教育评价思想以及博洛尼亚进程的影响下,英、法、德、意等欧洲国家纷纷出台了有关学生参与高等教育质量保障的政策。通过对学生参与质量保障的权利给予立法保障,吸纳学生参与高等教育管理机构和各级质量保障机构,以及充分发挥学生组织的作用等政策措施,欧洲国家在质量保障中实现学生的全面、充分参与。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程中的法国高等教育改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博洛尼亚进程对欧洲各国,特别是以法国为代表的高等教育体制高度集权的国家产生了重要的影响.法国在博洛尼亚进程框架内进行的高等教育改革对原有的高等教育体制产生了巨大冲击.法国通过进行高等教育体制结构调整、实行欧洲学分转换系统、建立专门的质量评估机构等措施增强了大学之间的合作,推动了学生的流动性,密切了高等教育领域与社会经济部门的联系.法国这次的高等教育改革增强了高等教育体制的开放性和流动性,提高了高等教育体制对社会发展的反应能力,促进了法国高等教育质量的提高.  相似文献   

The Bologna Process is one of the major developments to have taken place in higher education in recent centuries. It has had an impact beyond European borders and repercussions in other parts of the world. Ibero-America has also sat up and taken note, even though scholars agree that there would be difficulties with its direct implementation in the region. Specialised opinions like these might suggest the initiative could not be implemented elsewhere. There can be no doubt, however, about the influence of the Bologna Process. On the one hand, the European Union has promoted and sponsored projects which involve transferring specific instruments (like Tuning) to the Ibero-American region. On the other, Latin America faces integration and globalisation challenges that are similar to Europe's and these, in turn, call for the development of approaches and instruments that will facilitate academic mobility and increase the transparency of degrees and qualifications. The recent impetus injected by the Ibero-American Summits into the Ibero-American Knowledge Space also seeks to help build common ground in higher education, scientific research and technological development.  相似文献   

学生参与:欧洲高等教育质量保障中的新维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生参与高等教育质量保障是近年来欧洲高等教育政策所强调的一个重要方面.学生能否参与、在多大程度上参与,从根本上说涉及对高等学校教学活动中师生关系的认识.20世纪90年代以来,关于学生参与的理论先后有学生"顾客"论、学术共同体论和利益相关者论等.博洛尼亚进程对于学生参与高等教育质量保障不仅有明确的政策倡导,而且有具体的监测指标.从执行情况看,相关政策还存在有待完善的空间.尽管如此,从博洛尼亚进程对学生参与质量保障的重视程度可以看出,在当前欧洲高等教育的改革与发展过程中,学生这一利益群体越来越受到重视.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamics of the internationalisation of higher education in the Gulf region. Exploring the presence of foreign universities, international curricula, programmes, students and academic staff, it pays particular attention to the learning mobility of students from the region. Consequently, the aim of this piece of research is to explore the current learning mobility among the GCC countries. The study makes use of secondary data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) on the global flow of tertiary-level students and a survey conducted especially for this study among students from the Gulf region. Considering the literature explored and based on data from UIS and the survey conducted, it seems that higher education in the Gulf region has expanded and that the presence of foreign universities, international curricula, programmes, students and academic staff is a positive experience overall. Although learning mobility has been stimulated in the region, much of it is regionally driven. It seems that the growth of inward learning mobility is not proportional to the growth of foreign universities in the region. The growth of outward learning mobility is predominantly driven by scholarships and the potential for growth on inward and outward learning mobility seems likely to increase in the future. The Gulf countries may enhance learning mobility through multilateral learning and research cooperation by means of scholarships and regulated commercial activities. To emerge as an international education hub, the Gulf countries must become an attractive destination for students from outside of the region as well. The region may wish to draw relevant lessons from regions such as the European Union to stimulate learning mobility.  相似文献   

Europe and the Crisis in Scientific Vocations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the 1990s, the number of students enrolling in science subjects at universities was declining each year in Germany, France, Italy, amongst other countries. These decreases are too readily attributed to a general disaffection caused by the image that younger generations have of scientific studies: they are seen as being the most 'difficult'. This explanation is true but not sufficient. Over and above the similarities that can be seen between European countries — which stem from the fact that they are simultaneously experiencing strong growth in and democratisation of their student populations —, profound differences continue to exist, resulting in apparently similar effects, but with very different causes. Not only do higher education structures taken as a whole remain very different despite the Bologna process, but more fundamentally, the very meaning of the higher education system within each national society, its relationship with employment, and its position in individuals' personal career paths all vary. A comparison between Germany, Italy and France shows three ideal types of relationship between training and employment and three ways of explaining symptoms that appear similar.  相似文献   

土耳其2001年成为博洛尼亚进程签署国之后,在高等教育领域进行了一系列改革,诸如深化学位结构改革,实现学位结构的进一步对等;启动伊拉斯莫项目及与其他国家签订高等教育双边合作协议,进一步加强人员流动与相关资格文凭的互认;制定"高等院校学术评估与质量发展"框架,建立全国性的高等教育质量保障机制;改革高校招生机制以及为学生提供更多服务,推进高等教育公平;出台《终身学习战略文件与行动计划》,推进终身教育发展等等。在改革进程中,土耳其一方面继续其等级制的管理传统,采用自上而下的决策路径,同时开始重视通过组织结构的设置以协调各方的利益表达。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse political rationales for promoting student mobility in Europe and discuss these in the light of individual experiences of mobile students. Since the creation of the ERASMUS programme in 1987, student mobility in Europe has been the subject of unusual political promotion. More recently, in the context of the Bologna process, the goal of increasing student mobility has been reaffirmed by various higher education actors. Student mobility is thought to be both a component of the European Higher Education Area and one of its outcomes. Beyond this apparent widespread acceptance, we examine, on the one hand, underlying legitimating ideas and rationales that accompanied the institutionalisation of student mobility by the European Commission and a regional French authority. We also discuss the extent to which drives for mobility and outcomes at the individual student level are in line with the political perceptions and expectations of the above‐mentioned institutional actors.  相似文献   

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