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澳大利亚是一个新兴的高等教育强国,其大学内部的教师教学发展机构通过促进和提高大学教师的教学质量和水平有效地缓解了高等教育规模与质量之间的矛盾,并积累了丰富的经验.这对于我国当下建立和发展高校教师教学发展中心具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值.  相似文献   

大学教师发展是当前我国的重要热点话题,与大学教学质量直接相关。大学教师发展机构是大学教师发展的主要承担者,在我国属于新生事物,而澳大利亚的大学教师发展机构拥有50余年的历史和成熟的模式,对其组织结构进行研究有利于我国此类机构的初期建设。本研究采用网络文本数据分析调查法对澳大利亚不同层面大学教师发展机构进行网络调研,发现:澳大利亚国家层面大学教师发展机构名称凸显战略重点,董事会拥有背景多样化的成员,各部门指向不同战略目标;高校层面大学教师发展机构名称体现理念的变化,组织结构呈现扁平化趋势,员工分组突出工作重心。  相似文献   

大学教师信息化教学能力的高低直接影响着高等教育教学质量。本文试图从信息化教学能力的内涵入手,分析大学教师信息化教学能力的构成要素,并将其归纳为信息技术与课程整合能力、信息化教学设计能力、信息化教学资源设计与开发能力、信息化教学实施能力、信息化教学评价能力以及信息化教学监控能力,同时在此基础上探索出提高教师信息化教学能力发展的途径,旨在帮助大学教师提升自身的信息化教学能力。  相似文献   

高等教育与教学中心是澳大利亚国立大学主要的教师教学发展机构,为大学培养了世界一流的师资队伍,成为澳大利亚大学教师教学发展机构的典型代表。其内部组织机构、职能、运行机制与实施模式呈现出显著的特色,在一定程度上反映了世界一流大学教师教学发展机构的发展水平,对我国高校教师教学发展机构具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

作为高等教育的核心力量,澳大利亚大学教师在促进高等教育发展、培养人才的过程中扮演着重要角色。如何认可教师的成就、激励教师的发展,以及设计合理的教师管理体系与晋升政策一直是澳大利亚大学的一项重要议题。澳大利亚大学的教师职称晋升政策伴随着高等教育改革和政府相关法律政策的实施不断进行变革与调整。进入21世纪,澳大利亚政府采取了一系列改革措施来提升大学的教学质量,随之澳大利亚大学在晋升政策方面也实施了一些重大改革,如设立教学型岗位、在晋升政策方面调整权重、鼓励教学优秀的教师等。澳大利亚大学教师的职称晋升政策改革体现了澳大利亚大学的管理文化,并与其高等教育改革历程密切关联,具有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

为了实现澳大利亚高等教育发展愿景、推进大学教师评价制度改革和解决大学"扩招"带来的教学质量下降问题,2014年澳大利亚学与教办公室(OLT)研制了"澳大利亚大学教学规范与标准框架"(AUTCSF)。AUTCSF秉持"优质教学"的基本理念,立足大学教学的价值理性,对于提升澳大利亚大学人才培养质量、规范和引导大学教师教学行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

“金课”概念的提出对大学教学质量提出了更高要求,预示着中国大学课程教学进入了一个新的发展阶段。从本质上看,教学是一个相互交流的过程,然而大学课程教学中却普遍存在着教学交流阻隔现象,具体表现为:教师与学生、教师与教材、教师与教师、教师与自身、学生与教材、学生与学生及学生与自身之间的阻隔现象。唯有充分发挥制度功能、强化主体交流意识并提升主体反思能力,才能真正消解大学教学中的交流阻隔现象,切实提高大学教学质量。  相似文献   

教师作为高校的主体力量,其教学水平的高低直接影响或决定一所大学的教学质量。建立促进教师能力发展的独立机构是提升教师教学水平和高校教育质量的关键之举。该文结合国内外高校建立教师教学发展中心的实践,提出教师发展中心建设的策略与途径。  相似文献   

自19世纪以来,洪堡大学理想中“教学和科研相统一”的核心原则一直深刻影响着世界范围内现代大学的发展。作为现代大学制度的发源地,德国却面临着洪堡理念和学术职业“德国模式”相悖反的局面,大学教师对于教学和科研的认识偏颇,教学愿景与实践南辕北辙。在博洛尼亚进程的催化下,德国大学加强对教学质量提升和教师教学发展的关注,并试图通过教师教学发展促进教学质量提升以重校失衡天平。德国综合性大学通过树立研究导向的教学理念、实施能力导向的教学法培训、开发集发展和评估功能为一体的教学证书项目、推动共同体建设和完善监督评估网络等策略开展教师教学发展工作,以观念纠偏带动实践纠偏,通过构建大学教学核心理念引领教师教学发展,突出教师教学发展在学校规划愿景和教师个人职业发展中的地位,明确“研究—能力—质量”教师教学发展活动三维导向,形成了重要工具支撑的系统的教师教学发展体系。其策略选择对于我国研究型大学通过教师教学发展促进教学质量提升具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

学校办学层次的提升为新升本科院校的大学英语教师带来了广阔的职业发展空间,但也对教师的职业能力提出了更高的要求。新升本科院校大学英语教师面临着新的机遇与挑战,须尽快转变观念,从专业知识、教学能力和科研能力等方面不断提升自身职业能力,以提高大学英语课程教育教学质量,促进大学英语课程朝专业化、职业化方向发展。  相似文献   

Globalisation has meant an increased demand from students, employers, and academics for indicators of the international academic standing of universities. In this paper we examine the broad methodological issues involved in measuring international academic standing and apply our conclusions to data for 38 Australian universities. Determinants of the international academic standing of universities are grouped into six broad categories: standing of academic staff, quality of undergraduate intake, quality of undergraduate programs, quality of graduate programs, resources, and peer opinion. The relative importance of each of these attributes is ascertained though a worldwide survey of university presidents, rectors and vice-chancellors plus Australian deans, thus reducing the need for subjective weighting by the researchers. The empirical findings are used to weight quantitative performance data for Australian universities and the results compared with two other recent worldwide rankings of universities.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research conducted to understand key factors impacting the recruitment and selection of senior academic leaders in Australian universities. A key finding emerging from this research was an increasing reliance on executive search firms when recruiting senior academic leaders. This reliance is driven by a range of factors including an ageing and contracting pool of potential academic leaders, growing competition domestically and internationally and the declining attractiveness of academia as a sustainable career in the context of increased casualisation of the academic workforce. Concurrently, workforce planning and succession planning have not been a high priority for many universities. As a result, Australian universities are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit senior academic leaders without the use of executive search firms. These findings have significant implications for the higher education sector in Australia and warrant further research.  相似文献   

The internationalisation of higher education in Australia over the past two decades has brought about dramatic changes in Australian universities. Growing numbers of international students have enrolled in Australian universities and the number of students studying offshore has also increased dramatically. While considerable material has been published on the ramifications of the increased numbers of onshore international students studying at Australian universities, there is relatively little published research on the specific challenges facing academics participating in offshore programs. The aim of this project was to examine the current pre-departure cross-cultural training taking place in the business faculties of three Australian universities in order to gain a better understanding of the adequacy of the support given to Australian academics teaching offshore. Twenty staff involved in offshore education were interviewed as part of this project, including academics with considerable offshore teaching experience, senior academic managers and cross-cultural trainers. While these institutions engage in little formal preparation for offshore teaching, a great deal of informal mentoring and briefing is taking place. We consider the implications of the new quality assurance framework for Australian universities, which requires that institutions be able to demonstrate the ways in which they ensure the quality of teaching and learning. Under this new system, universities are bound by the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee's guidelines for the provision of education to international students. It appears that Australian universities will need to establish more formal mechanisms to ensure that offshore staff are adequately prepared for offshore teaching posts.  相似文献   

Management development is a relatively recent concern in Australian higher education. Historically, management of colleges was deemphasized; instead, a gentlemen's approach to academic governance has predominated. Recently, as a result of an emerging administrative crisis, colleges and universities have started experimenting with new approaches to management. This article explores the applicability of a general management development model to the Australian context. The model, which identifies a dynamic relationship between the structural characteristics of an institution and its management needs, was developed from research on American colleges and universities. Based on the analysis of three case studies the model appears applicable to the Australian setting, especially for large and complex institutions which confront simultaneous pressures to develop the planning and management capability in basic units, and to increase coordination and planning at the institutional level.  相似文献   

21世纪以来澳大利亚各大学学生人数急剧增加,来源、资质多样化,而与之并行的作为学术职业的大学教师却存在教师老龄化趋势,大量聘任兼职教师和新教师等问题,这给澳大利亚大学教师发展带来挑战。各大学相继设立教师发展制度促进教师发展,其中高等教育教育教学资格证书项目具有显著的特色和效果,该项目自20世纪80年代在澳大利亚各大学相继设立起来,在实施过程中通过明确发展教学学术的目标以及各大学联合实施项目的方式,对澳大利亚大学教师发展特别是教学学术的发展起到一定的促进作用。澳大利亚高等教育教学资格证书项目对我国建立有效的大学教师发展制度具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Teaching is the major professional activity of academic staff in Australian universities. Much disquiet about the quality of this teaching has been expressed by governments, committees of enquiry, students and by academics. There have been several attempts to improve the quality of university teaching, all of which have been considerable acts of faith. The persistence of disquiet, however, suggests that past efforts to improve the quality of university teaching have not been completely successful. An analysis of universities as organizations, of the characteristics of academic staff, and of the change process in universities leads to a number of conclusions about why past attempts to improve teaching may not have been as successful as hoped. First, the problem of improving teaching is extraordinarily complex. Complexity is inherent in the organizational character of universities and in the characteristics of academic staff and their work. Second, the attempts made to deal with the teaching problem are novel: the major responses to improving teaching did not come until the early-mid 1970s. Third, there was - and still is - a weak theoretical and knowledge base for action and, finally, the focus on developing individuals may not have been the best focus for teaching improvement strategies.  相似文献   

Student feedback-based evaluation performs a significant social role in framing perceptions of the quality of teaching in contemporary Australian higher education. Yet its emergence is a relatively recent phenomenon, having only been in widespread application since the mid-1980s. The early manifestations of student feedback-based evaluation came with newly emerging academic development units with a motive to enhance the quality of local teaching and to afford student retention. However, new motives for assailing student feedback evolved with the rapid growth in student numbers, the introduction of student fees and heightened levels of inter-institutional competition for students. As a result, student feedback-based evaluation progressively became also a powerful proxy measure of teaching and curricula quality assurance at an individual, institutional and sectoral level [Blackmore, J. (2009). Academic pedagogies, quality logics and performative universities: Evaluating teaching and what students want. Studies in Higher Education, 34(8), 857–872. doi:10.1080/03075070902898664]. This generated critical tensions between the seminal motive of student feedback around quality improvement, and the rising quality assurances discourses, academic performance management demands and institutional marketing. In this paper, the complex social origins of these competing motives for student feedback-based evaluation in Australian higher education will be explored and analysed. It is argued this provides an important means of understanding the polarising effects of student feedback-based evaluation in Australian universities.  相似文献   

学术文化是大学的本质所在。由于学报的生存价值与高校发展以学科建设为主的学术文化这个宗旨相吻合,因而学报在反映学科特色、培养学术新人、培育新的学科生长点方面起了不可替代的作用。在促进学科发展上,学报作用体现在两个方面:一是以地域文化为支撑建构特色栏目;二是适当编发高质量的外稿,创造内外学术成果切磋、交流的平台。学报与高校各学科的合作、互动既有益于提高学报质量,又推动高校学术文化建设。  相似文献   

"博洛尼亚进程"是29个欧洲国家的教育部长于1999年在意大利博洛尼亚提出的欧洲高等教育改革计划,旨在保证欧洲高等教育的质量,建立统一的欧洲高等教育体系。为了应对高等教育全球化的挑战以及适应工业社会向知识社会转变的形势,德国大学围绕提高高等教育的质量推行了一系列改革措施,建立了新的质量保证和质量管理体系,调整了新的公共管理策略;重组了整个课程体系,革新教学观念和教学方式,实现了从以教师为中心到以学生为中心的教学方式和学习方式的转变;开展大学教师教学发展项目,提升大学教师的教学能力。  相似文献   

Di Adams 《Higher Education》1998,36(4):421-435
Over the last three decades there have been numerous surveys in Australian universities which have attempted to describe the perceptions of academic staff to various aspects of their roles. Each of these surveys appears to have been inspired by changes resulting from contemporaneous government policies and/or community expectations. Calls for “Efficiency and Effectiveness”, “Accountability”, and “Quality and Diversity”have coincided with massive expansion in the higher education system, the change from a binary system to the Unified National System, and consequent changes to student profiles, funding arrangements, and academic workloads. Academic culture, with its tradition of freedom and autonomy, has been besieged by the alien culture of managerialism with its own vocabulary of “client”, “quality assurance”, and “product”: but has this assault made any difference to how academics perceive their work and their perceptions of quality in university teaching ? This paper reports on an analysis of data (relating to academics' perceptions of their work) from surveys conducted in universities from the late 70s and throughout the 80s and 90s. The paper analyses, compares and contextualises academic perceptions across these decades, and draws some conclusions about the perseverence of academic culture under siege.  相似文献   

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