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文章通过对认知心理学的知识分类学说理论阐述,并结合对中学"信息科技"学科教学的现状进行分析,提出了教师在"信息科技"学科教学实践中,要善于运用知识分类学说来解决学科教学中出现的问题的观点。特别是指出了"信息科技"学科的课堂教学中,教师要激发学生的学习兴趣,有效引导学生的课堂注意和学习预期。教师要努力调动学生各方面因素,促进对新知识的巩固及对知识和技能获得过程的理解。教师要在教学中不断加强变式练习,更好地使学生实现知识的转化。教师要重视学生学习方法指导,帮助学生学会学习。  相似文献   

在同一话题的语篇中,"与其p,不如q"句式在信息传递方面起着"承上启下"的作用。这种"承上启下"的信息传递功能具体体现在"原因1→观点→原因2"模式、"原因→观点"模式、"观点→原因"模式、"原因→观点→行为"模式和"原因→观点→目的"模式中。  相似文献   

在传统的英语课堂上教师是学生学习的传授者、解惑者,课堂的绝大部分时间被教师占为己有,而学生只是被动地接受语言信息。新课程标准倡导"以学生为中心"的教学理念,就是要改变这一状况。新的英语教学观,即以学生为中心的观点的具体体现之一,就是以学生为中心的主题教学模式的建立。  相似文献   

严钢春 《考试周刊》2010,(29):147-148
新课程改革的目标是要全面推进素质教育,促进学生全面发展。高中思想政治课以知识、能力、情感态度价值观为目标,进行马克思主义基本观点教育,为学生终身发展奠定思想政治素质基础。要在思想政治课教学中渗透素质教育思想,全面培养学生的整体素质,就要充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,努力实施"巧教"、"巧学"和"乐教"、"乐学",充分调动学生的积极性、主动性和创造性,使学生真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

徐盛媚 《成才之路》2010,(13):78-79
许多老师谈到教育学生时总说:"对后进生要板起面孔,让学生敬畏你。当学生犯错时,要严厉地批评,甚至责罚。"我不太赞同这种观点。班主任应以真挚的爱心和科学的方法教育、引导、帮助学生成长进步。  相似文献   

朱旭佩 《成才之路》2014,(16):66-68
运用理论信息经济学中信息不对称的观点,审视小学语文"教"与"学"中存在的问题,将教学中存在的信息不对称现象主要分为三大类:①教师与教材信息之间的不对称。②教师与学生信息之间的不对称。③学生与学生信息之间的不对称。就如何改善“教”与“学”之间的信息不对称状态提出一些建议,希望为教师今后更好地开展语文教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

信息技术教学要培养学生对信息技术的兴趣和意识,让学生了解和掌握信息技术基本知识和技能,使学生具有获取信息、传输信息、处理信息和应用信息的能力,增强学生解决问题的能力和创新能力。本文就信息技术教学中教师要联系实际,充分调动学生的主动性,选择灵活的教学方法和策略,落实"以人为本"的教学理念,促进学生全面自主和个性发展。  相似文献   

新课程改革以来,自主、合作、探究已成为历史课堂教学的主旋律。然而,教师一路问来,学生或知之甚少,或知之不解,更不会"经世致用",究其原因是对教材的重难点、衔接点、能力点、切入点、观点的诠释不到位、不全面。因此,教师要从"点"出发,"以教材教",而不是"教教材"。这是教学目标达成的捷径,学生之福祉。一、重难点重点指历史教材的基础史实和由其表达的基本观点,是学生掌握理解的核心部分。教师应以课程标准为依据,明  相似文献   

随着社会信息化的发展,信息素养日益成为信息社会公民素养不可缺少的组成部分,信息社会所需的人才必须具有良好的信息意识和信息能力。新课改强调信息技术这门课所要达到的目的就是要提高学生的信息素养。本文围绕新课标,从"教师的教育教学观念应从精英教育向大众教育转化"、"教师应不断地提高自己的自身素养适应课改的实施"和"面向每一个学生在教学活动中注重民主化、个性化教育"三个方面谈了提高学生信息素养的几点认识及教学过程应注意的问题和解决方法。  相似文献   

何志强 《考试周刊》2011,(18):75-75,50
现代小学语文教育的课堂教学要求教师激发学生的兴趣,发展学生的智力,坚持以学生为主体,使学生从"要我学"变成"我要学",不再成为课堂上唯一的"传道授业解惑者";要改变教师讲学生听的单向信息传递的做法,做到师生、生生之间的多渠道、多方面的互动。  相似文献   

The attempt to understand the relationship between messages intended and messages received has been an enduring issue in teacher education. For the past three decades researchers have made forays into understanding this enduring issue, and in the process have drawn on various explanatory frameworks, one of them being socialisation. In this paper we work with Giddens' structuration theory as well as his concept of knowledgeability as analytical frameworks for understanding the relationship between messages intended (by the teacher educator) and messages received (by the student‐teachers). Our discussion is informed by the findings of a study that investigated student‐teachers' interpretations of the pedagogical process of a physical education teacher education course. Data generated from conversations with, and observations of, the student‐teachers indicated that there was considerable “slippage” between the teacher educator's critical pedagogy inspired intentions and what was understood by the student‐teachers.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the importance of considering lived experiences of adjunct teaching staff during the introduction of automated student messaging services in a UK Business School. With cost-orientated moves to expanding online provision through emergent technologies and the growth of alternative HE strategies, traditional group-orientated student and tutor interactions are developing into a continuum. Automated messages aim to increase retention, and standardise the student experience in terms of academic qualification communications. These messages, however, have necessarily required tutors unlearning previous pedagogical support routines, thus changing academic roles and in consequence impacting academic identity processes. The investigation adds to emerging literature by examining the impact on a group of adjunct faculty staff during change introduction. Study into these changes to academic routines has value, as much existing retention literature privileges the institutional or student experience, and much of learning/unlearning literature is in a non-educational setting.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been focused on the relationship between nonverbal communication behavior and student perceptions of the teacher. One important observation is that teachers frequently emit nonverbal messages that contradict their verbal ones, but the effects of this modal discrepancy are not well understood. In the present study, vocal cues are isolated as the nonverbal behavior for study. The interaction of vocal cues and verbal messages is examined with respect to its impact on teacher credibility. The results indicate that the students’ perceptions of sociability are influenced by perceived discrepancy between words and attitudes. Perception of competence, on the other hand, appears to be dependent on positive vocal cues.  相似文献   

Programming is an essential skill that many computing students are expected to master. However, programming can be difficult to learn. Successfully interpreting compiler error messages (CEMs) is crucial for correcting errors and progressing toward success in programming. Yet these messages are often difficult to understand and pose a barrier to progress for many novices, with struggling students often exhibiting high frequencies of errors, particularly repeated errors. This paper presents a control/intervention study on the effectiveness of enhancing Java CEMs. Results show that the intervention group experienced reductions in the number of overall errors, errors per student, and several repeated error metrics. These results are important as the effectiveness of CEM enhancement has been recently debated. Further, generalizing these results should be possible at least in part, as the control group is shown to be comparable to those in several studies using Java and other languages.  相似文献   

Modelling is a significant aspect of doing physics and it is important how this activity is taught. This paper focuses on the explicit or implicit messages about modelling conveyed to the student in the treatments of phase transitions in statistical mechanics textbooks at beginning graduate level. Five textbooks from the 1930s to the present are analysed with respect to their messages about the following issues: What is a good model? What is the purpose of modelling? What does it mean to understand a natural phenomenon? It is argued that these texts give the student quite different perceptions of these issues and thus what of it means to do physics.  相似文献   

The article reports a study in which 31 volunteered Finnish undergraduate students practiced argumentation by electronic mail (e-mail). Generally argumentation refers to grounding of stated claims. The study seeks to clarify the feasibility of e-mail study environment for practicing argumentation and compares a tutor-led seminar mode and self-directed student discussion mode, using e-mail as the study tool in both modes. The data consisted of the students' 441 e-mail messages. The content analysis of the data focused on the level and development of argumentation and counterargumentation in the messages. The results indicated that the messages' level of argumentation improved during the experiment and was higher in those messages that included counterargumentation targeted against others' standpoints. In addition, the students engaged in the student-led mode of e-mail study presented more and higher-level counterargumentation compared to the students engaged in the tutor-led mode. The results suggested that e-mail is a feasible study tool in practicing academic argumentation and that, given that this is an important aim in higher education, students' self-direction and debating should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Parental involvement is correlated with student performance, though the causal relationship is less well established. This experiment examined an intervention that delivered weekly one-sentence individualized messages from teachers to the parents of high school students in a credit recovery program. Messages decreased the percentage of students who failed to earn course credit from 15.8% to 9.3%—a 41% reduction. This reduction resulted primarily from preventing drop-outs, rather than from reducing failure or dismissal rates. The intervention shaped the content of parent–child conversations with messages emphasizing what students could improve, versus what students were doing well, producing the largest effects. We estimate the cost of this intervention per additional student credit earned to be less than one-tenth the typical cost per credit earned for the district. These findings underscore the value of educational policies that encourage and facilitate teacher-to-parent communication to empower parental involvement in their children's education.  相似文献   


This paper discusses two modifications to the conduct of computer‐conference‐based master's degree courses: a maximum length for conference messages was suggested and, more importantly, conference moderators, or topic leaders, were appointed from among the student cohort. Drawing on previous work on conference moderation, it is argued that the differing power relationships between student and student and between instructor and student result in a context in which instructor and student moderators can perform complementary functions to ensure a more productive conferencing environment.  相似文献   

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