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目的分析青光眼滤过术后浅前房的原因及处理。方法对行青光眼滤过手术的256例青光眼住院患者术后发生浅前房的原因及处理方法进行回顾性分析.结果256眼发生浅前房41眼,发生率为16.02%,浅前房发生时间在术后1到6d,其中房水滤过过强29眼,结膜瓣渗漏6眼,脉络膜脱离4只眼,恶性青光眼2眼,手术治疗4眼,其余37眼保守治疗。结论青光眼小梁切除术后浅前房的常见原因为房水滤过过强、结膜瓣渗漏、脉络膜脱离,大多患者都可以通过保守治疗治愈,必要时采取手术治疗.  相似文献   

报告了237只眼青光眼滤过术后前房延缓形成的39只眼的原因进行了分析、讨论.前房延缓形成的发生率为16.45%,针对其原因介绍了几种处理方法。  相似文献   



To compare postoperative outcomes of full-bed deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) with penetrating keratoplasty (PK) in treating keratoconus.


Seventy-five eyes of 64 patients who received full-bed DALK and 52 eyes of 51 patients who received PK between June 2000 and August 2010 were included in this retrospective study. Full-bed DALK was performed using Yao’s hooking-detaching technique. PK was performed using a standard technique. Intraoperative and postoperative complications, visual acuity, rejection, graft survival, endothelial cell density, corneal sensation recovery, and re-innervation were compared between the two groups.


A best correct visual acuity of 0.5 or better was achieved in 90.7% of eyes after full-bed DALK and in 92.3% of eyes after PK (P=0.75). By the fifth postoperative year, graft endothelial cell loss reached 34.6% in the PK group vs. 13.9% in the full-bed DALK group (P<0.001). There were no statistical differences in corneal sensitivity recovery or corneal re-innervation between the groups (P>0.05). Intraoperative microperforation occurred in seven out of 75 (9.3%) eyes with a temporally postoperative double anterior chamber in two eyes in the full-bed DALK group. Postoperative complications in the PK vs. the full-bed DALK groups respectively were: rejection (7.7% vs. 0%, P=0.015), high intraocular pressure (IOP) (46.2% vs. 1.3%, P<0.001), secondary glaucoma (9.6% vs. 0%, P=0.006), complicated cataract (19.2% vs. 0%, P<0.001), and wound dehiscence (9.6% vs. 0%, P=0.006).


Both full-bed DALK and PK can offer long-term satisfactory visual outcomes for keratoconus. Graft rejection, secondary glaucoma, complicated cataracts, and constant endothelial cell loss were observed in eyes only after PK.  相似文献   

Adenomas of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE) are often clinically indistinguishable from amelanotic malignant melanomas of the ciliary body or metastatic carcinomas. This paper reports a case study of a distinctive variant of adenoma of the NPCE, which clinically appears as epiretinal membrane in the macular region. Histopathologic studies have revealed this is an adenoma of the NPCE. Identification of this clinic feature is important because it will miss the diagnosis of the adenoma of the NPCE. In this case study, B-scan ultrasonography as well as computerized tomography (CT) has been used to provide help in diagnosing the ciliary body tumor. Because of their anterior location in the ciliary body, partial lamellar sclerou-vectomy is an effective method of treatment.  相似文献   

Adenomas of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium (NPCE) are often clinically indistinguishable from amelanotic malignant melanomas of the ciliary body or metastatic carcinomas. This paper reports a case study of a distinctive variant of adenoma of the NPCE, which clinically appears as epiretinal membrane in the macular region. Histopathologic studies have revealed this is an adenoma of the NPCE. Identification of this clinic feature is important because it will miss the diagnosis of the adenoma of the NPCE. In this case study, B-scan ultrasonography as well as computerized tomography (CT) has been used to provide help in diagnosing the ciliary body tumor. Because of their anterior location in the ciliary body, partial lamellar sclerouvectomy is an effective method of treatment.  相似文献   

[目的]评价晶状体囊袋张力环(capsular tension ring,CTR)在外伤性白内障伴晶状体悬韧带断裂手术中的应用.[方法] 7例(7只眼)外伤性白内障伴晶状体悬韧带部分断裂,在白内障手术连续环形撕囊术(CCC)后植入CTR,然后施行超声乳化白内障吸除及后房人工晶状体(PC-IOL)囊袋内植入.[结果]术后7只眼PC-IOL均处于正位,无倾斜或明显偏斜.随访6~12个月,最佳矫正视力2眼0.5,3眼0.6和2眼0.8,未见有何严重手术并发症.[结论]外伤性白内障伴晶状体悬韧带断裂患者,术中应用CTR有利于手操作,防止术后PC-IOL偏位,可加快视力的恢复.CTR对外伤性白内障伴晶状体悬韧带断裂者手术是一有用的辅助工具.  相似文献   

The behavioral CRs elicited by a drug-paired contextual cue in rats were measured in a series of experiments. The first three experiments measured the pattern of CRs elicited by a lithiumand an amphetamine-paired CS chamber. The final experiment measured the pattern of URs elicited by lithium or amphetamine when administered in the same chamber. The suppression of grooming-related activities (body washing, face washing, and/or scratching) appeared as a nonspecific effect of both drug USs that was capable of becoming conditioned to the contextual chamber cue. A number of other behaviors differed among conditions, which provides evidence that contextual cue-drug associations are drug-specific. Of the behaviors that differed between the two US drug conditions, lithium CRs showed evidence of behavioral activation (enhanced rearing and limb flicking), but amphetamine CRs showed evidence of behavioral suppression (line crossing, rearing, and shaking). The UR patterns shared some similar and some dissimilar elements of the CR patterns elicited by the CS chamber for both lithium and amphetamine; in fact, by the activity and rearing measures, the URs and CRs were opposite in direction. The results exclusively supported neither stimulus substitution nor conditioned compensatory response accounts of Pavlovian conditioning; instead, each process appears to have accounted for different components of the overall CR pattern.  相似文献   

Surgical results of pars plana vitrectomy combined with phacoemulsification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Cataract is frequently associated with vitreo-retinal pathology such as vitreous hemorrhage,retinal detachment,proliferative vitreoretinal disease,espe-cially in patients with diabetes mellitus,ocular trauma and elderly population(Vatavuk and Pentz,2004;Vatavuk et al.,2005).The cataract can be removed together with vitrectomy or later on in a separate surgical procedure(Tyagi et al.,1998;Lam et al.,1998).The primary indication for the primary re-moval of cataract and vitrect…  相似文献   

[目的]介绍一种成人上前牙反牙合烤瓷美容修复的方法.[方法]错位轻度的可将金属基低冠唇侧加厚,错位重度的可完善根管治疗后截冠,改变桩核角度,完成烤瓷修复.[结果]21例患者在7~30d内完成烤瓷美容修复,随访1~5年,无1例崩瓷、脱落,取得满意效果.[结论]采用烤瓷美容修复成人个别上前牙反牙合,时间短,效果佳.  相似文献   

提出一种基于长短期神经网络的深度学习预测模型,依托现场数据对土仓压力进行预测。结果表明,在5个可控因素的基础上,增加与土仓压力具有相关关系的不可控因素作为输入,评价指标平均绝对误差、均方误差分别降低了0.901%、0.021%,校正后的决定系数提高了16%,为土仓压力的精准预测和设定提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of supply air rate and temperature on formaldehyde emission characteristics in an environment chamber. A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) chamber model for simulating formaldehyde emission in twelve different cases was developed for obtaining formaldehyde concentration by the area-weighted average method. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an environment chamber to validate the simulation results of twelve different cases and the formaldehyde concentration was measured by continuous sampling. The results show that there was good agreement between the model prediction and the experimental values within 4.3% difference for each case. The CFD simulation results varied in the range from 0.21 mg/m3 to 0.94 mg/m3, and the measuring results in the range from 0.17 mg/m3 to 0.87 mg/m3. The variation trend of formaldehyde concentration with supply air rate and temperature variation for CFD simulation and experiment measuring was consistent. With the existence of steady formaldehyde emission sources, formaldehyde concentration generally increased with the increase of temperature, and it decreased with the increase of air supply rate. We also provided some reasonable suggestions to reduce formaldehyde concentration and to improve indoor air quality for newly decorated rooms.  相似文献   

本文研究了影响凹透镜成像而产生会聚作用的几种因素,如介质折射率、透镜球面曲率半径等;给出了薄凹透镜发散/会来临界角;辅助透镜临界物距与两透镜焦距、两透镜距离的关系,从而澄清了凹透镜不能会聚产生实像的概念及产生实像的实质。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Tornwaldt囊肿的低场MRI表现特征与临床特点。方法:回顾性分析5840例颅脑低场MRI资料,重点分析Tornwaldt囊肿MRI表现特点、出现率、临床表现。结果:5840例中发现108例Tornwaldt囊肿,出现率为1.85%。病变位于鼻咽后壁正中粘膜下,均呈圆形或椭圆形,直径或长径:2mm~23mm,平均9mm。病灶呈T1W低T2WI高信号(类似脑脊液信号)75例,呈T1WI及T2WI高信号33例。82例无明显相关症状,26例有咽部和(或)颈前不适症状。结论:Tornwaldt具有特征性的发病部位及MRI信号特点。  相似文献   

P2P应用层多播协议模型RLP2P的仿真与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据通道质量、鲁棒性和控制开销是表征应用层多播性能质量的三个重要指标.对可扩展基于域的多层结构P2P应用层多播协议模型RLP2P的综合性能进行了仿真分析,通过与Narada应用层多播协议模拟对比分析表明,数据通道的伸展率优于Narada协议,增加5%;在链路和节点上产生的压力比Narada协议减少25%以上,且分布均匀,特别是多播组成员增加时尤其显著;控制开销比Narada协议减少60%以上,在域内节点数为100,其控制开销小于等于1Kbps,且维持在一个很低的水平;节点加入和非正常离开时的最大丢包率小于1%;Query消息平均延迟为8.5×10-2s,减少延迟达30%.  相似文献   

研究目的:创新要点:研究方法:观察采用冰冻保存供体的周边深板层角膜移植治疗Terrien’s角膜变性(TMD)的临床疗效,探讨TMD的最佳手术治疗方式。供体角膜为冰冻保存,其中部分为中央角膜移植术后剩余的角巩膜环,并改进传统的手术方法。采用周边深板层角膜移植,既充分利用和节约供体,避免排斥反应,又简化了手术操作过程,有效地恢复了眼球完整性和提高术后视力。研究对象为1998年6月至2012年12月期间在浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院眼科中心进行周边深板层角膜移植术的27例TMD病人的31只眼。根据病变范围和大小,分别进行环形深板层角膜移植和D形深板层角膜移植。所有植片均于-20℃冰冻保存,冰冻保存的角巩膜环植片用于环形深板层角膜移植,冰冻保存的整个眼球用于D形深板层角膜移植。对所有术眼的病例资料、视频及影像学检查进行回顾性分析,记录并总结患者的一般情况、术中表现、术后角膜结构的变化、屈光及视力的变化及术后并发症等。重要结论:采用冰冻保存供体的周边深板层角膜移植治疗TMD可以有效地恢复角膜结构的完整性且能长期维持(图3和4)。术后随访过程未发现免疫排斥反应,环形深板层角膜移植术后视力较前明显提高,而3例(100%)D形深板层角膜移植术后散光及视力均不提高(表1和2)。术前炎症及术中穿孔并不影响术后最终结果。  相似文献   



We retrospectively reviewed the urethral stricture cases treated in our tertiary center, and assessed the safety and feasibility of the high-pressure balloon dilation (HPBD) technique for anterior urethral stricture.


From January 2009 to December 2012, a total of 31 patients with anterior urethral strictures underwent HPBD at our center, while another 25 cases were treated by direct vision internal urethrotomy (DVIU). Patient demographics, stricture characteristics, surgical techniques, and operative outcomes were assessed and compared between the two groups. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was applied to evaluate the stricture-free rate for the two surgical techniques.


The operation time was much shorter for the HPBD procedure than for the DVIU ((13.19±2.68) min vs. (18.44±3.29) min, P<0.01). For the HPBD group, the major postoperative complications as urethral bleeding and urinary tract infection (UTI) were less frequently encountered than those in DVIU (urethral bleeding: 2/31 vs. 8/25, P=0.017; UTI: 1/31 vs. 6/25 P=0.037). The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that there was no significant difference in stricture-free rate at 36 months between the two groups (P=0.21, hazard ratio (HR)=0.65, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.34 to 1.26). However, there was a significantly higher stricture-free survival in the HPBD group at 12 months (P=0.02, HR=0.35, 95% CI: 0.14 to 0.87), which indicated that the stricture recurrence could be delayed by using the HPBD technique.


HPBD was effective and safe and it could be considered as an alternative treatment modality for anterior urethral stricture disease.

Attempts to establish the generality of the defensive-burying response have proved quite successful with several strains of albino and hooded rats and with mice. However, three previous attempts to demonstrate this behavior in gerbils have been completely unsuccessful. Three additional defensive-burying experiments employing gerbils as subjects are reported. Defensive burying did not occur when testing took place in a rectangular chamber (Experiments 1 and 3), but did occur when a circular chamber was employed (Experiments 2 and 3). Hence, the geometric shape of the test chamber appears to be a crucial factor in determining the elicitation of this behavior in gerbils. Furthermore, the overall topography of the gerbil defensive-burying response was found to be different from that of previously examined species.  相似文献   



To assess the lower tear meniscus height (LTMH), central tear film thickness (CTFT), and central corneal epithelial thickness (CCET) after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK).


This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of 20 patients who had DALK in one eye over a three-month period. LTMH, CTFT, and CCET of the operated eyes and the unoperated fellow eyes were measured using high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT). Correlations between three OCT assessments and age, time following surgery, graft size, bed size, and the number of residual sutures were analyzed.


Compared to patients with keratoconus, patients with other corneal conditions had significantly higher CCET in the fellow eye (P=0.024). For all patients, CCET in the operated eye was significantly negatively correlated with the number of residual sutures (R=?0.579, P=0.008), and was significantly positively correlated with time following surgery (R=0.636, P=0.003). In the fellow eye, a significant positive correlation was found between age and CCET (R=0.551, P=0.012), and a significant negative correlation between age and CTFT (R=?0.491, P=0.028). LTMH was found to be significantly correlated between operated and fellow eyes (R=0.554, P=0.011). There was no significant correlation between LTMH and age, bed/graft size, time following surgery, or residual sutures (all possible correlations, P>0.05).


Patients with keratoconus tend to have a thinner central corneal epithelium. Corneal epithelium keeps regenerating over time after DALK. DALK did not induce a significant change in tear volume compared with the fellow eye. Postoperative tear function might depend on an individual’s general condition, rather than on age, gender, bed/graft size, time following surgery, or residual sutures.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from three types of carpets used in aircrafts were compared by using headspace and dynamic chamber tests. The headspace samples contained many compounds that were not detected in the dynamic chamber test;in addition, the dominant VOCs found by these two methods were different. The findings indicate that for highly sorptive materials such as carpets, headspace analysis may give inaccurate indication of actual VOC emissions, and it is necessary to conduct dynamic chamber tests over a certain period of time in order to identify the true emission characteristics. From the dynamic chamber tests, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol was the main VOC emitted from all three carpets. The study also examined the emission characteristics of aircraft carpets. In all experiments, total VOC (TVOC) concentration peaked within a few hours after the start of the experiment and was followed by rapid decay. The emission parameters of TVOC emitted by all three carpets were calculated and the simulated data matched the measured data well.  相似文献   

Accuracy and fastness of iris localization are very important in automatic iris recognition. A new fast iris localization algorithm based on improved generalized symmetry transform (GST) was proposed by utilizing iris symmetry. GST was improved in three aspects: 1 ) A new distance weight function is defined. The new weight function, which is effective in iris localization, utilized the characteristic of irises that the iris is a circular object and it has one inner boundary and one outer boundary. 2) Each calculation of the symmetry measurement of a pair of symmetry points was performed by taking one point of a pair as the starting point of the transformation. This is the most important reason for fast iris localization, due to which, repetitious computation was largely excluded. 3) A new phase weight function was proposed to adjust GST to locate circle target much better because the inner part of iris is darker than the outer part. The edge map of iris image was acquired and GST was only implemented on the edge point, which decreased computation without loss of accuracy. The modification of distance weight function and phase weight function leads to the accuracy of localization, and other ideass peed up the localization. Experiments show that the average speed of new algorithm is about 7.0-8.5 times as high as traditional ones including integro-differential operator and Hough transform method.  相似文献   

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