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基于信息源视野理论的信息贫富分化研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以"信息源视野"理论为研究视角,从定性和定量两个角度分析信息源与信息贫富分化之间的关系。研究发现:1作为信息贫富状况的表现,信息主体的"信息源视野"宽广程度不仅受制于周边物理信息源的存在,也在很大程度上取决于个体建构的信息空间;2在信息主体的"信息源视野"中,组织化信息源的缺失加剧了信息贫困;3不同性别、年龄、收入水平和教育水平的人群在"信息源视野"上具有一定的相似性,而职业类型与"信息源视野"之间的关系较为复杂。  相似文献   

本文阐述信息源发展的主要阶段及其特征,分析研究信息学应用研究的内容、方法、实践,即“原信息质量”的评价、信息管理行为准则、“信息源质量”的评估、“信息源”的生态平衡、信息用户与应用模式等.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对公众的医疗健康信息源选择行为影响因素进行调查和分析,不仅有助于为国内医疗健康信息资源建设提供针对性依据,也有助于对公众的医疗健康信息获取提供高效服务。[方法/过程]运用扎根理论方法,对38名普通个体的医疗健康信息源选择行为的访谈文本进行分析,包括开放式编码、主轴编码、选择性编码及理论模型构建4个阶段。[结果/结论]研究发现个体的医疗健康信息源选择行为影响因素主要包括个体状态-动机因素、感知质量因素、关系结构因素以及信息源运行水平因素,最终构建了一个综合的个体医疗健康信息源选择行为影响因素的理论模型。  相似文献   

本文引入Howard博士的五大个性因素分析工具(简化的MBTI个性分析体系)描述用户个性特征,通过问卷调查对高校学生选择五类信息源的偏好进行实证研究。利用t检验,发现“目标性”、“敏感度”等个性因素对用户的信息源选择偏好有显著的影响。  相似文献   

随着社会化媒体在世界范围内的广泛流行,越来越多的用户开始使用社会化媒体获取信息。对于传播学研究而言,了解用户如何对社会化媒体上的信息可信度作出判断是一个非常重要的研究问题。本文通过方便抽样的方法对微博用户进行问卷调查,以实证的方式对社会化媒体用户的信息源感知可信度及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,用户对机构微博主(信息源)的感知信任度要显著高于个人微博主(信息源),专业型的"意见领袖"相比之社会名人更容易获得用户的青睐。包括用户的人口统计学特征、微博使用习惯和微博谣言/虚假信息感知在内的一系列影响因素会对用户的信息源可信度感知造成影响。这些实证分析结论为进一步对社会化媒体信息源可信度开展研究提供了一个参考。  相似文献   

信息源的开发至今已经从文本时代跃入到计算机网络时代。在线信息源的开发与服务较之以往文本或电脑单机磁盘与光盘技术而言具有明显的优越性:一是信息的更新更加快捷,二是减少了制作、复制、发行等一系列中间环节,三是更方便用户使用和对所需信息的进一步处理,同时也可以减少用户的开支。信息源一旦上网,便可大大突破时间、地域的限制,以更快的速度、更大的容量、更便捷的方式服务于用户。而多媒体检索技术、数据仓库(data warehousing)、网络数据库(web database)、数据挖掘  相似文献   

不同情境下老年人对健康信息源的选择差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 揭示老年人健康信息源选择因情境不同而存在的差异,为助力图书情报机构更好地开展面向老年人的健康信息服务提供理论依据和对策建议。[方法/过程] 参考信息源视野理论对信息源的分类,采用访谈法,分析老年人在处理健康危险状况、参与医疗决策、改变或预防不良健康行为这3种不同健康情境下获取健康信息的信息源选择差异,并结合人口学特征探究老年人在信息源选择数量上的群体间差异。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明:①3种情境下,组织信息源和人际信息源均是老年人主要使用的信息源;②随着年龄的增长,老年人对人际信息源的依赖性逐渐增加;③3种情境下老年人对网络信息源、印刷信息源的使用程度都不高;④不同文化水平和自评经济状况的老年人群在信息源选择数量上存在明显差异,其中文化水平造成的差异在3种情境中均有体现,自评经济状况造成的差异体现在参与医疗决策和处理健康危险境况两种情境中。  相似文献   

网络参考信息源的划分与评价   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文从网络信息资源的整理利用出发,对现有的网站给予评价和分析,力图制定出一定的评价标准,以便于参考馆员和信息用户高效地查找所需的信息,也为网站的设计投资者提供一定的参考意见.  相似文献   

一、信息素养及定义 信息素养最早是在1974年.由美国信息产业协会主席保罗.车可斯基提出来的。他把信息素养定义为:“利用大量的信息工具即主要信息源使问题得到解答时利用信息的技术与技能”。  相似文献   

跨源健康信息搜寻的动机、信息源选择及行为路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探究用户面临多种健康信息源时的跨源健康信息搜寻行为,揭示这类信息搜寻行为的动机、信息源选择和行为路径。结合日记法和半结构化深度访谈法,收集并分析了26名参加者的健康信息搜寻日记及跟踪访谈数据,使用NVivo11分析数据。研究发现医生-用户交流障碍、信任缺失、用户自我调节和用户安全心理的需要是促使跨源健康信息搜寻行为产生的动机。相似病症用户的自我陈述、用户的路径依赖(习惯)、从众心理、信息源的权威性及可信度是影响用户跨源过程中信息源选择的主要因素。此外,用户跨源搜寻健康信息的过程中,其心理需求大于实际需求、凭“感觉”感知网络健康信息质量等特征较明显。本研究构建了跨源健康信息搜寻行为路径模型,研究的结果有助于提升用户健康信息搜寻行为认知,改善其跨源健康信息获取能力,提升其健康信息素养;同时,也为相关部门制定提升公民健康信息素养策略及支持跨源健康信息搜寻行为的信息系统的开发和设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

用户信息消费的TPB模型及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对国内信息消费论文进行空白点分析之后,提出影响用户信息消费过程三个层次的因素:信息消费目标直接影响因素;个体态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制影响因素和影响用户认知等的因素。基于此影响因素分析,借鉴消费者计划行为理论,构建用户信息消费TPB模型,试图揭示用户信息消费行为模式、相对完整的影响因素及其之间的关系,从而为信息产业营销活动提供理论支持和实践参考。  相似文献   

Background: While the Internet is a popular source of health information, health seekers’ inadequate skills to locate and discern quality information pose a potential threat to their healthcare decision‐making. Objectives: We aimed to examine health information search and appraisal behaviours among young, heavy users of the Internet. Methods: In study 1, we observed and interviewed 11 college students about their search strategies and evaluation of websites. In study 2, three health experts evaluated two websites selected as the best information sources in study 1. Results: Familiarity with health websites and confidence in search strategies were major factors affecting search and evaluation behaviours. Website quality was mostly judged by aesthetics and peripheral cues of source credibility and message credibility. In contrast to users’ favourable website evaluation, the experts judged the websites to be inappropriate and untrustworthy. Conclusion: Our results highlight a critical need to provide young health seekers with resources and training that are specifically geared toward health information search and appraisal. The role of health seekers’ knowledge and involvement with the health issue in search effort and success warrants future research.  相似文献   

Objective: With Web 2.0, the variety of information sources for parents of paediatric psychiatric patients has increased dramatically. Information use theory suggests newer sources supplement rather than supplant traditional sources of health information. This study sought to determine the use and value of traditional and emerging sources of information and whether the subjects had access to highly valued sources of information. Methods: One hundred parents indicated the use and value of six sources of information on the child’s symptoms, diagnoses and treatment. The data were analyzed to determine if significant relationships existed between type of source and the use and value of the information sources. Results: Ninety‐four percent of the subjects had access to the Internet and almost half of those reported using the Social Web. Eighty‐five percent had at least one high‐value information source. The psychiatrist in the clinic, the Internet and the primary care physician were the most highly used and valued sources. Conclusion: Use of digital information sources was greater than found in other studies of similar populations. This use appears to complement rather than supplant more traditional sources. Further studies are needed to see if the negative impact of lack of Internet access is replicated.  相似文献   

Investors believe that corporate annual reports are generally correct and complete but criticize them as being too promotional and biased to be completely obejective. In addition, despite the fact the almost half of American investors hold the bachelor's degree or higher, annual reports are considered by many users to be difficult to understand. As a result, serious investors often seek out and utilize other sources for information. Sources cited as most often utilized are newspapers, trade journals, other financial repots, advisory services and direct contact with cmpant officials. The authors contend that one of the reasons that annual reports are not as informative as investors would like is that the accountants compiling them do not fully understand financial statement analysis. They urge that greater emphasis be placed on this topic in undergraduate programs in American business schools.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to assess poultry farmers' information needs and sources in selected rural communities in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Data were collected from 150 poultry farmers in 13 communities. Information on disease management, egg storage, feeding and nutrition, vaccination, shelter, pesticide application, marketing of poultry products, and debeaking were the major information needs of the poultry farmers in the study area. The major sources of information for the poultry farmers were from family and friends, the Internet, books, the veterinary office, leaflets, television, researchers, and newspapers. Some of the major constraints faced by poultry farmers when accessing information include lack of skills to access information, inadequate information resources on poultry, inadequate veterinary officers, lack of information centers, and inappropriate airing time of agricultural program on radio stations. The study recommended that community libraries and information centers should be established: It is important that such rural libraries and information centers should contain simple agricultural reading materials, such as leaflets, agricultural magazines, books, and research reports that are written in non-technical language. The veterinary service department of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture should identify relevant sources and use them to deliver information to the poultry farmers.  相似文献   

Parents are an important source of advice when adolescents are faced with decisions about postsecondary education and career planning; however, parents often need to seek information to facilitate their child’s career development. This study applies the theory of motivated information management (TMIM) to evaluate the decision-making process parents undergo in this context and tests the boundaries of TMIM by considering how individuals use face-to-face (FtF) and online sources to alleviate uncertainty-related anxieties. A community sample of parents (N?=?937) completed a survey regarding their information seeking behaviors surrounding their adolescent’s career development. Parents reported using both FtF and online sources to seek information about their child’s postsecondary plans, and they engaged in different evaluative processes depending on the source of information. Theoretical implications related to TMIM and practical implications related to parents as sources of information in adolescent career development are discussed.  相似文献   

Much of health research that examines patterns of health utilization for chronic drug users fails to account for the role of media use and health information seeking. This paper suggests that the nature of drug use is associated with a decreased health orientation that is manifested in media selection and consumption. A comparative analysis was conducted to examine: (1) the differential health perceptions as a function of drug use, (2) the sources of information used, and (3) the relationship between sources of information and primary health care access among chronic users of illicit drugs and socio-demographically similar persons who are not chronic drug users. Results point to both common as well as differential patterns of health information sources. Logistic regression analysis found that medically related sources such as doctors and pamphlets are important sources associated with increased primary care. Important implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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