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微信公众号成为科技期刊运用新媒体的一种新尝试.科技期刊开通微信服务号和订阅号较多.科技期刊应用微信公众号具有加快稿件查询进度、缩短出版周期以及增强与作者互动等优势,存在信息单一、后期维护和经营跟不上、网络编辑人才缺乏以及期刊思维需要转变等问题.本文对科技期刊应用微信公众号存在的问题及发展前景进行分析探讨,以期为科技期刊与新媒体融合发展发挥积极意义.  相似文献   

为落实中央《关于推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展的指导意见》,加快推进科技期刊与新媒体的融合发展,提高科技期刊对新媒体的认知能力,并着重解决在移动新媒体尤其是微信公众号的建设与运营过程中面对的问题是非常重要的.因此,我们需要深入了解我国科技期刊在新媒体时代的发展现状,学习科技期刊融合发展尤其在微信公众号建设方面的优秀案例,探讨科技期刊在微信公众号运营中的常见问题及解决路径.目前,科技期刊在传统媒体与新媒体融合方面参差不齐,一些融合发展成功的期刊良好的微信平台建设方法与思路给我们提供了很好的借鉴.当前新媒体时代科技期刊应践行互联网思维,实现与新媒体的互动融合,以实现更好的生存与发展.  相似文献   

针灸学科技期刊内容专业性强,作者群体相对较小、受众面相对狭窄、传播范围有限.如何结合自身特色与新媒体的优势,探索其微信公众号的运营策略,关系着期刊整体的发展前景.文章总结了针灸学科技期刊微信公众号的发展现状,并以数据统计的方法对针灸学科技期刊微信公众号现状进行了比较,提出策略,以期为针灸学科技期刊微信公众号发展提供参考...  相似文献   

科技期刊微信订阅号图片的选择原则及优化技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾艳  赵俊杰  崔金贵 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):587-589
针对科技期刊微信订阅号的运营现状及理论研究概况,认为以微信为代表的新媒体在注重内容建设的同时不应忽视形式包装,媒介融合背景下科技期刊编辑应培养并具备一定的新媒体素养.通过实例分析,探讨科技期刊微信订阅号图片选择的基本原则:不得侵犯图片著作权,比例适当、画质清晰,与消息内容关联度高,与科技期刊风格定位保持一致,并介绍微信消息封面大小调整及图片优化实用技巧.  相似文献   

新媒体与传统媒体融合是必然趋势,事关传统媒体的生存与发展。微信作为新媒体传播平台之一,在资讯的传播方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。在媒体融合发展的工作中,如何加强微信公众号的编辑把关,显得越发重要。文章简要论述了微信公众号在编辑把关时的几点注意事项。  相似文献   

黄雅意  辛亮  黄锋 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):529-531
移动互联网时代智能终端的普及和微信的快速发展,给科技期刊带来了新的机遇和挑战.通过分析目前科技期刊微信公众平台存在的问题,提出利用微信公众平台基于优质内容、精准推送、服务意识、传播分享这4个方面的策略来提升科技期刊影响力.认为随着科技期刊数字化建设的发展,社交新媒体将与科技期刊融合发展.  相似文献   

王迅 《采.写.编》2016,(5):131-132
随着数字技术的不断进步,新媒体进入高速发展期.目前,QQ、微博、微信这些新媒体被人们广泛使用,其中最受人们喜爱的是微信公众号.但是,现在微信公众号也有不少问题,例如,出现了假冒的微信公众号,而公信力较高的传统媒体的微信公众号比较少.有必要对传统媒体微信公众号和有关运营策略进行分析,为此,本文初步总结并分析了目前传统媒体微信公众号的编辑方法和运营方式,为传统媒体微信公众号的深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

微信公众号改变了用户获取信息的方式和途径,目前,大多数传统广电媒体都通过开设一个或多个微信公众号来融合新媒体的发展。传统广电媒体虽有专业的采编团队、新闻渠道,但也要充分认识微信公众号在新闻传播过程中起到的作用,从而探索出适合自身发展的编辑与运营推广策略,增强微信公众号的社会影响力。  相似文献   

王霞  谢龙飞 《青年记者》2016,(36):96-97
随着新媒体的发展,新疆政府部门开始利用新媒体进行社会管理创新,政务微信公众号在新疆社会信息传播中开始扮演重要角色.2014年3月新疆维吾尔自治区党委发起“访民情,惠民生,聚民心”活动,在全疆各级机关抽调20万名干部直接到基层;为了配合这一活动,政务微信公众号“最后一公里”开始运营,以其丰富的本地化信息和灵活的新媒体编辑手段迅速走红全疆.本文选择“最后一公里”微信公众号作为研究对象,分析其内容特点和编辑、运营经验,为新疆乃至全国的政务微信公众号提供借鉴.  相似文献   

互联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链等新技术迅猛发展,微信公众号、视频号、抖音等新媒体平台广泛应用,当下新的媒体环境对编辑观念、知识与技能等提出了更高要求。期刊编辑需全面提高自身职业素养、新媒体编辑技能、法律意识、服务意识等职业素养,以期更好地满足读者需求。  相似文献   

The author describes the Slavic Humanities Index, a bibliographic database of scholarly and cultural articles on subjects including history; literature; language teaching; linguistics; philosophy; ethnology; performing arts; and cultural, borderland, and regional studies. She discusses its development, its current form and functionality, and plans for the future.  相似文献   


This article discusses Jewish book publishing in most of the Soviet Union's successor states after 1990. All publications on Jewish history, culture, traditions, and religion (Judaism) are included under this rubric. In addition to scholarly and educational publications, fiction translated from Yiddish and Hebrew, and “Russian-Jewish literature” are also included. The author provides statistics and discusses basic themes, linguistic issues, and problems encountered in the post-Soviet states. The article lists different publishers and organizations involved in Jewish book publishing.  相似文献   

This article describes a study of the two most popular plagiarism-detection software platforms available on today's market—Turnitin (http://www.turnitin.com/static/index.html) and SafeAssign (http://www.safeassign.com/). After a brief discussion of plagiarism's relevance to librarians, the authors examine plagiarism-detection methodology and conduct a review of the current literature regarding plagiarism-detection efficacy. To evaluate detection efficacy for Turnitin and SafeAssign, the authors constructed a brief study in which twenty sample papers containing portions of plagiarized material were submitted to each platform. The results show that Turnitin had the highest overall success at plagiarism detection with an 82.4 percent detection rate. Additionally, both platforms had a combined false-positive detection rate of 16.8 percent. The authors conclude that close review of material suspected of plagiarism is still essential for proper identification.  相似文献   

本文选择了国内外几个典型的引文数据库,如:美国《艺术与人文科学引文索引》、《社会科学引文索引》、中国的《中文社会科学引文索引》、《中国科技论文引文分析数据库》、中国科学引文数据库等,并对其收录范围、来源文献的学科分布、更新频率等方面进行了比较研究,对今后我国引文数据库的建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   


The article describes the development and use of the database BAZTECH: Polish Technical Journal Contents. The database indexes Polish-language scientific and technical journals, and is available free-of-charge on the Internet.  相似文献   


The Russian government is exerting increasing control over the country's media, although the media are resisting. This government-media conflict is relevant to Western academics and libraries, because the variety and quality of Russian periodicals is at stake. In addition, if the media are constrained, publishers of books are likely to experience restrictions, too. The difficulties the government is having in controlling the media, however, are a measure of how much Russia has changed. At the same time this conflict is occurring, book publishing is thriving. Official statistics show the number of titles published surpassed even the previous record set in 1977. Planning is in progress to restructure the state book industry sector, including publishing, printing and distribution. Book prices have increased more rapidly than inflation, and postage costs have also increased. Russian Press Service is doing its best to keep its prices to Western libraries down.  相似文献   


Describing her experience of establishing an Electronic Document Delivery Service at the library of the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), the author discusses the various issues, which significantly effect the net cost, delivery time and management process of providing such a service by a library in Pakistan. While presenting multiple options leading to an effective solution, the advantages and disadvantages of each option have been highlighted, and their implications, with particular reference to Pakistani libraries, have been discussed. The various points to be considered by Pakistani Librarians, while selecting a commercial Document Provider, have also been discussed. In the end, the author discusses the potential of using the Electronic Document Delivery facility as a time-saving and cost-effective tool for Resource Sharing among libraries in Pakistan.  相似文献   


No one can predict what document delivery will look like in the future, but librarians must guard patron confidentiality even in an electronic environment. This time it isn't an easily solved problem like finding another way of recording circulation than handwriting patron names onto circulation cards, it is instead the tracking of personal information attached to electronic text supplied by publishers that is a potential violator of patron privacy. Unmonitored in their efforts to protect their intellectual property without considering the rights of their customers, publishers could pose a threat to their customers' privacy, thus limiting their legal right of free access to information. Although encryption technology would appear to provide an answer to the confidentiality problem, it is not a panacea and that must be considered as the National Information Infrastructure is developed. Librarians need to stay alert to the developments in electronic publishing to be sure their concerns for patron privacy continue to be heard.  相似文献   

This article uses the metaphor of building to frame discussion about how we prepare for the provision of learning in the years to come. The intention is to catalyze key conversations that will shape how, where, and why we learn. The principal focus is on areas such as blended learning, mobility, gaming, social networking, holographics, analytics, and the human touch. However, the larger theme involves challenging the reader to vision how we bring the best of traditional education forward, combine it with new technologies and techniques, to reach and teach students well.  相似文献   

The Book Industry Study Group and The Idea Logical Company carried out an online survey to capture publishers’ comments on how market conditions were changing and what they are doing differently as a result of the economic pressures in the consumer market. About 250 individuals responded to the online survey. Interviews were carried out of more than a dozen executives at large and small publishers and their accounts to get further insights. The goal was to identify what are the sales conditions for trade book publishers today and what publishers are doing to change sales and marketing and even editorial practices to accommodate changing times. What we have learned from that joint effort is reflected in this article.  相似文献   

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