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伴随着科学技术的进步,电视机的普及也无声无息地给人们生活带来深刻影响,并且推动着乡村村民的现代化进程,这也在一定程度上推动了乡村村民生活方式的变革。孙秋云教授力图做出种种创新的尝试和填补一些学术研究盲区,加之所面临的研究问题和内容的复杂,《电视传播与乡村村民日常生活方式的变革》亦存在一些不足。比如理论的使用略显零碎,问卷调查的量化层次多集中在描述性问题之上等。但瑕不掩瑜,其学术贡献仍值得文化社会学和乡村研究的后来者学习和借鉴,基于此,本文主要围绕此展开了叙述。  相似文献   

电视节目的策划制作与收视实践,是一种仪式的现代性表征。电视仪式就是以电视为媒介中心组织起来的结构性行为。人类学仪式借助电视这一现代传媒技术已经深刻地切入到人们的日常生活之中,发挥着重要的结构性作用。对电视仪式的研究既可以展示古代仪式的现代表征,亦可以揭示电视艺术的人类学意涵。电视仪式具体地表现为三大性征:1.媒介技术特质;2.社会结构特性;3.现代性价值。  相似文献   

学院精神与学理路径──理论视野中的“电视批评”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学院精神与学理路径──理论视野中的“电视批评”胡智锋,罗振宇电视是20世纪人类传播实践创造的奇迹。作为一种社会存在,电视在当代中国人的日常生活中备受荣宠;然而,它在人们认识领域内的对应形态—电视学研究却困顿日久,始终难以卓立于学林。前者被视为当代社会...  相似文献   

为了解农村地区居民收看电视的情况,笔者于2009年7月和2010年1月,两度进入海南省五指山市太平村调查,以该村为样本研究了农村地区电视公共服务体系的建立.该村距离五指山市区虽然只有6公里路程,但位处在崇山峻岭包围之中,从市区前往村寨的道路全是陡峭的弯道山路,2005年底镇里才修通了从五指山市内到村里的水泥路.村里多年来无人订阅过报纸,网络更是不通,村民也不懂网络,电视成为村民接收外界信息的主要渠道.电视对于村民认知地方事务、传承文化和了解农业科技技术等产生了重要影响.  相似文献   

萧岩 《记者摇篮》2014,(9):29-30
由于消防行业和人们日常生活的密切关系以及受众对消防信息的巨大需求,电视消防新闻逐渐形成为一种主要的电视新闻报道门类,研究探索电视消防新闻报道理论是新闻报道专业化、细分化的客观要求,因此对它的研究将有利于丰富新闻学的内容,同时为新闻报道实践提供有参考意义的理论。一、电视消防新闻的概念在人类漫长的社会生活中,火灾是威胁公共安全、危害人们生命财产的常见灾害之一,消防就是伴随着火灾而产生的。在我国首次出现消防一词是1903年,由日  相似文献   

近两年来,互联网对元阳县箐口村民的日常生活产生了非常大的影响。本文使用田野调查及网络民族志的研究方法,对箐口村村民的互联网使用情况做了较为详细的描述,同时对其互联网使用的社会语境进行了深入分析,探讨了互联网对少数民族地区社会发展的作用及影响。  相似文献   

随着现代媒体传播技术的不断进步,移动电视逐渐融入到人们的日常生活之后,成为新闻内容传播的新媒介。如何移动移动电视媒介特定,发挥其在新闻传播上的价值性,是现代研究的新课题。结合移动电视在我国的普及现状,分析移动电视的新闻传播策略。  相似文献   

王小娟 《今传媒》2012,(7):33-35
当下中国电视综艺节目公共领域的研究出现两种对立观点,学理研究和论证综艺节目公共领域建设的可能性具有重要的理论价值。文章从政府规制、受众与电视媒体的关系、受众的日常生活世界、公共领域的理论特征等方面论证了这种可能性,有利于推动当下电视综艺节目的深入研究。  相似文献   

电视民生新闻实践长时间“矛盾性”存在是现实的学术难题.要想合理探究民生新闻的发展走向,需要正确认知民生新闻的本质规定性.本文认为,日常生活批判理论不但可以填补民生新闻实践和民生新闻认知的缺失,而且可以为民生新闻发展提供切实有力的理论支撑.在日常生活批判视阈下重新审思民生新闻这一具有中国特色的人本化新闻传播方式,让其拥有了基于社会转型的、“人之现代化”的实践指向.  相似文献   

本文在民族志整体观视域下从作为物、技术与媒介的电视阐述托台村日常生活中的电视使用。研究发现,托台村维吾尔族的电视使用受到房屋格局、家庭经济状况、政策规定、自身利益诉求、族群文化规范等因素的影响,形成具有特色的电视物理空间位置、家庭成员收视关系和电视使用特点。  相似文献   

The television landscape has expanded to include an ever-increasing crop of culturally themed programs aimed at the Latina/o audience. Assumptions about the audience have shaped this trend, resulting in questions about the effectiveness of niche programming to satisfy viewer taste. This project investigates LatiNation with specific focus on the differences in the reception process based on participants' connection to their ethnic identity. In-depth interviews were conducted with self-identified Latina/o students who were also given a survey with scaled items to measure their connection to their ethnic identity. In general, the findings indicate that audience members produce varied readings of the text showing the participants actively negotiate identity by using LatiNation as an opportunity to both embrace and critique Latinidad.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of subjective and objective determinants of ethnolinguistic identity gratifications among Swedish speakers in Finland (N = 703) and French speakers in Canada (N = 4969). As expected, in both settings, the results demonstrated that ethnolinguistic identity as well as ethnolinguistic vitality significantly predicted the linguistic patterns of TV use; furthermore, a significant interaction between identity and vitality indicated that the effect of identity on TV is greater in areas where objective vitality is higher and the TV access in the given ethnic language is greater. Findings and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A content analysis of 4,507 tweets from 60 local news organizations in the United States was conducted to examine Twitter strategies used by the local news industry. Results indicate that local news organizations in the United States mainly used Twitter as an additional platform for news dissemination. While local TV stations and newspapers differed significantly in their use of tweet structures, content, and strategies, both followed the similar practices of their traditional media portals. In addition, the number of followers and total tweets of a news organization’s Twitter account, use of photos, hashtags, usernames, and tweet content predicted audience engagement with the site. Overall, local news organizations in the United States did not appear to use Twitter to cross-promote and/or supplement their traditional business practices. This research calls for more systematic, multi-dimensional social media management in local newsrooms.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss audience reactions to stand-up clips by Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes, and Margaret Cho. Women’s comedy is arguably at the height of its popularity, but there is a seeming lack of research on audience interpretations of humor produced by women. This research builds on and extends current notions of “referential viewing” in audience research. Utilizing focus group analysis, I elaborate audience decoding practices and the role of identity in layers of referential viewing. Audiences in this research centered their discussions on identification of the comedians, identification of the targets of jokes, and identification of whom they perceive to be the intended audience. Discussed are implications for how audiences understand various power dynamics through humor and distinctions created between comedy that “laughs with” or that “laughs at.”  相似文献   

Ethnic identity (EI) has long been known to supersede race as a predictor for attitudes and behaviors. However, little is known about the constituent parts that comprise and influence ethnic identity. In order to improve communications that target EI, we examine both demographic and communication variables to determine which have a greater pull on people’s attitudes and actions. Race appears to moderate the effects of age on ethnic identity, whereby age was negatively related to ethnic-identity exploration among White participants and positively related to ethnic identity commitment among Black participants (< .05). Having a higher income, print-media use, and information-engagement orientation were also positively correlated with ethnic identity; education and gender were not. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the evolution, diffusion and application of audience research in public television from its origins through the 1970s, the formative period for the system. Shifts in funding structures for public TV and the rise of cable and satellite competition are reflected in the changing practice of such research.  相似文献   

Using media education and cultural studies perspectives, I analyze ethnographic data gathered among diverse twelve and thirteen‐year‐olds who live in New York City. Three case studies show that individual interpretations of favorite TV figures, understood in relation to lived experiences, indicate tacit learning about dialectical issues of identity and social power relations. The dynamics of this learning challenges media educators to account for and address students’ actual cultural experiences of identity and social power in association with their media experiences. In addition, these young people's TV interpretations point to their learning about participation in corporate media culture via the system of image and message construction—a powerful means of success in the United States. Thus media educators must confront their students’ dreams and expectations about succeeding in capitalist terms, while encouraging their criticisms in a democratic spirit.  相似文献   

This article explains and implements a network analytic approach to the study of cross-platform audience behavior. It begins by conceptualizing large-scale patterns of media use in network terms, treating media outlets as nodes and the levels of audience duplication among them as links. Following that, it explains 2 common measures of audience duplication, Absolute Duplication and Primary Duplication, and offers a new measure, Deviation-from-Random Duplication. In doing so, techniques for converting duplication data into network data are discussed. This approach is then applied to analyze patterns of audience fragmentation, media publics, and audience polarization using data from Nielsen's TV/Internet Convergence Panel. The findings show the value of using a network approach, by contributing to an alternative understanding of these patterns. Economic and policy implications are discussed, as well as broader reflections on the use of network analysis in the study of audience behavior.  相似文献   

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