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"5W"理论是由美国学者哈罗德·拉斯韦尔于《传播在社会中的结构与功能》这一论文中提出的,是解释传播现象的经典理论.在新媒体和电子商务发展迅猛的今天,楚楚街等导购类APP应运而生,而其网络传播策略与传统的营销策略有极大不同,从而传播的效果也有所差异.  相似文献   

本文重在通过拉斯韦尔的5W传播模式研究目前高校廉政文化传播的发展现状。研究认为,高校廉政文化传播的传播者定位和职能不清晰,传播内容缺乏针对性且不够丰富,传播受众的参与度和认同感不高,传播手段上新媒体和传统媒体有待进一步融合,传播效果需要加强对反馈环节的重视和监督。  相似文献   

“议程设置”理论在微博城市形象传播中的呈现与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会化媒体的浪潮改变着人们的传播方式和信息接触习惯,微博环境下的传播模式既是传统传播理论传承,也在一些方面对传统传播理论进行了拓展、补充和一定程度的修正。本文研究了在微博城市形象传播中,议程设置理论呈现出的特征和传播方式,并试图从传播理论的呈现与发展的角度,进一步分析微博城市形象的传播模式。在理清微博城市形象传播中"议程设置"理论运行规律的同时,寻求以微博为代表的社交媒体中城市形象传播的共同规律,为城市形象塑造、微博舆论引导力的提升带来启发与思考。  相似文献   

张鸿飞 《新闻界》2012,(9):14-18
孟子传播思想的基础是"性善论",他坚信可以通过教化发扬人自身的善端来传播并实现其"王道"理想。针对统治阶层和士人这两种不同的受众群体,孟子分别采用了游说和讲学两种不同的传播模式。本文运用拉斯韦尔的5W模式分析孟子传播活动的两种模式,考察特定历史情景中的传播效果,并从历史传承的角度分析其传播活动对中国传统社会传播格局的影响。  相似文献   

《黄河晨报》是运城日报社主办的都市类报纸,是承载河东文化的主要平台;《黄河晨报》副刊是刊登河东文化的主要版面,对传播河东文化有重要意义。本文运用传播学者拉斯韦尔的"5W"模式对《黄河晨报》河东文化的传播进行研究,探讨其在河东文化传承中的作用,以期促进河东文化的进一步传播发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国省级卫视公益传播行为进行发展现状扫描,以美国著名学者H.拉斯韦尔关于传播在社会中的结构与功能相关理论为基础,深入分析其存在的误区,并且避一步探讨传播策略转型的基本路径.  相似文献   

互联网环境下,中国科学院结合新媒体的特点,逐步形成了以官方网站为基础,多渠道协同发展的科学传播体系.本文以中国科学院13个院职能机构、12个分院、114个研究单位以及4个公共支撑单位为分析对象,以拉斯韦尔5W经典传播模式为理论基础,采取定性分析和定量统计相结合的方法,研究了2016年5月31日前开通公共账号的84个微信公众平台,为构建合理的传播体系、提升整体的传播效果提供数据支撑和理论依据.  相似文献   

政府网络传播为何要有娱乐功能 关于传播的功能,国内外研究者众多,成果丰富,由于视角相异.分类的方法不同,所以提法也各不相同,但是,究其本质还是大同小异。拉斯韦尔在1948年发表的《传播在社会中的结构与功能》一文中提出了传播的三个基本功能:环境监察、社会协调、社会文化遗产传承。  相似文献   

本文从传播角度,深入分析了文化全球化背景下我国传统体育文化对外传播在传播主体、传播内容、传播媒介、传播受众和传播反馈等现状,研究发现存在如下问题:传播主体缺乏主动传播传统体育文化的意识;项目流失、信息资源的流失、传统体育文化对外传播的内容不断被消解;传播媒介和传播方式单一,传播渠道不通畅;缺乏对受众需求进行针对性的有效传播。据此,本文提出了改善我国体育文化对外传播现状的几点建议:加强自身建设;建立健全完善的传统体育文化体系;建立传统体育文化对外传播平台;建设专业传播队伍;细分受众,进行针对性传播;坚持走奥运之路。  相似文献   

随着时代的变革及全球化进程的推进,世界范围内的文化趋于多元化发展,中国传统民俗文化的传承受到西方文化的冲击,在年轻群体中逐渐被边缘化,面临着传承难、传播难的困境。本文以浙江民俗文化中具有代表性的海洋文化传播活动“中国(象山)开渔节”为例,通过剖析该活动对外传播过程中面临的问题与挑战,利用多维传播理念探索浙江民俗文化对外传播的全新路径。  相似文献   

Editor’s Note: This essay reflects the final in our five-part set of essays on the career of Communication Research Reports founding editor, James C. McCroskey. In these previous essays, Levine and Park (2017) offered the opening essay in our series, with a professional and personal rememberance of a scholar deeply impactful on both of their careers. Hickson (2018) commented on McCroskey’s formal and informal mentorship styles, and how others might understand the critical importance of offering oneself to one’s peers. Park, Oh, and Ryu (2018) explained the unique impact of McCroskey’s research on communication scholarship in South Korea, and Frymier (2018) reminded us of McCroskey’s impact as a core scholar for instructional communication research. In this final essay, we reached out to current West Virginia University Department of Communication chair Matthew M. Martin for his thoughts. As McCroskey spent most of his career at WVU (including a 25-year stretch as the department chair, from 1972 to 1997), inviting the current chair of that department for a closing commentary seemed most fitting. We hope that these five essays serve as a memorial to a scholar whose career and influence extends far beyond his publication record.  相似文献   

Rephrasing the forum question to “How can we ensure communication research has a positive effect on communication practice?” focuses on the present, points to a specific purpose for communication research, emphasizes the scope and type of difference to be made, and places accountability and responsibility on researchers. In general, the public has not found the expertise of communication scholars. The essay addresses ways to overcome this research to practice dilemma: establishing a common framework, complementing the top-down research approach with a practice-driven, bottom-up approach, and adjusting research and practice assumptions.  相似文献   

Qualitative communication research approaches vary from grounded theory and participant-observation to Q-sort, content analysis, and ethnographic inquiry—to name but a few. What often rests outside the qualitative rubric is the hermeneutic tradition of interpretive scholarship. This essay unites interpretive inquiry and qualitative research in summary fashion by outlining a macro understanding of qualitative communication inquiry, an interpretive approach to communication scholarship within a philosophical tradition entitled philosophical hermeneutics, and finally a public roadmap of how to understand and engage interpretive inquiry as a form of qualitative research in communication. This essay advocates interpretive inquiry as an additional contributor to the ongoing tradition of qualitative research in communication.  相似文献   

媒体是否能促进民主、怎样的媒体才能促进民主,这样的问题作为政治传播宏观效果研究的核心问题是当代中国政治传播的研究重点。经典自由主义理论和"公共领域"理论是西方政治传播学在该问题上的两大最重要的理论资源,本文对其进行批判式评析,以期对当代中国的政治传播宏观效果研究有所启示。  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   

Replications are an important part of the research process because they allow for greater confidence in the findings of communication research. However, engaging in replications is often undervalued, replication studies can be difficult to publish, and thus it is difficult for individual scholars to devote their resources toward replication. This essay outlines the importance of replications for communication science and provides a framework for this special issue on replications. The authors also issue a call for communication scholars to consider future projects and structural changes that would incentivize future replication studies.  相似文献   

James C. McCroskey passed away on December 27, 2012. He contributed immensely to the study of human communication. He led the field in in-field publications and citations. Perhaps his most lasting contribution is naming and measuring communication constructs. James C. McCroskey contributed substantially to Communication Research Reports as a past editor, editorial board member, and contributing author. This essay is a personal and professional remembrance of James C. McCroskey.  相似文献   

中国传播学研究的历史与现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在回顾中国传播学研究简史的基础上,梳理了中国传播学研究最近五六年的状况:传播学译著的出版持续数年高涨;经验-功能主义传播学的研究方法在中国新闻学和传播学研究中普及;证实传播学假设的研究形成规模;媒介形态研究开始受到关注;开辟了较为广阔的传播学批判学派的研究空间。当前存在的问题是:研究层次总体仍停留在介绍层面;研究的话题长期分散;课堂教学基本停留在大众传播学领域,而且主要是经验-功能学派的观点体系。文章最后指出了传播学在中国的发展朝向。  相似文献   

As part of the tradition of outgoing Central States Communication Association Presidents and Executive Directors providing a spotlight column in Communication Studies, I focus on the practical value of academic conferences for the development of knowledge, enhancement of teaching and mentoring practices, and as an outlet for learning about and doing service. Communication is a practical discipline where the research has a potential to make profound and positive differences. The interaction that is allowed at conferences presents an opportunity for communication pedagogy, research, and service to transform in meaningful ways. In addition to practical advice for making the most of a conference experience, some of the most recent developments for CSCA are highlighted. The essay then ends with a personal note.  相似文献   

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