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针对我国公众健康信息素养的现状,分析了医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的必要性和可行性,并提出医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的方法与措施。  相似文献   

在推进健康中国建设的大背景下,提升公众健康素养水平,加强公众健康信息素养教育与服务,尤为重要。在目前我国公众健康素养普遍偏低、公众健康信息服务供需不对等的情况下,卫生类高职院校图书馆应主动介入公众健康信息素养教育与服务领域。通过分析国内外公众健康信息服务研究的现状,提出推进我国卫生类高职院校图书馆公众健康信息社会服务供给侧改革的举措,并进一步论述卫生类高职院校图书馆社会健康信息服务模式。  相似文献   

文章在阐述健康素养和健康信息素养内涵的基础上,全面探讨了美国和英国医学图书馆员在为医务人员和公众进行健康信息素养教育和提供健康信息服务所采取的有效措施。他们主要发挥了以下作用。1)可以对医务人员进行健康信息素养培训,一为医务人员提供优质的信息资源以及开发新的医学信息资源。2)可以促进医务人员与公众和患者的交流和沟通;开发新技术促进公众对健康信息资源的利用。5)可帮助政府制定积极的卫生政策,促进公众健康素养的提升。  相似文献   

大力提升我国居民健康素养是推动健康中国战略的重要一步。斯坦福健康图书馆是美国较早面向公众提供科学健康信息资源与服务的专业图书馆。针对当前我国健康信息资源获取不充分、健康服务创新与提供不充足等问题,借鉴其成功经验,对于促进我国健康图书馆事业的繁荣发展具有重要的启示价值。文章采用文献调研法、网络信息资源检索法等多种方法,尝试基于共生理论,分析创新系统内各部分之间的相互关系,并以个案研究视角探析该馆成功的经验。该图书馆运营案例带来的启示包括:深入挖掘有关人体健康的各种资源;真正做到服务以“用户”为中心,实现双向互动;培育健康社区,积聚社区力量“拥抱”社会;发挥医科型和综合型高校的示范作用。  相似文献   

国外图书馆健康素养教育实践及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周宁 《图书馆界》2020,(1):45-48
健康素养是国民素质评价的重要指标,越来越多的国外图书馆以信息获取和终身学习为切入点,秉承公平、公正与包容的服务原则,加强跨机构合作,已初步建立全方位的健康素养教育体系,有效提升了公众的健康素养,极大丰富了图书馆服务内涵。国内图书馆应积极学习和借鉴相关实践经验,结合国情馆情,持续提升我国公民的健康素养,助力健康中国的建设。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]新冠肺炎疫情期间虚假健康信息泛滥,参与虚假健康信息治理是高校图书馆保障公众信息需求、提供健康信息服务的重要手段。[方法/过程]运用网络调研与文献调研的方法,选取国外15所高校图书馆开展调研,从虚假健康信息辨别方法提供、多元信息素养教育开展、可靠健康信息资源建设、疫情相关研究支撑提供、疫情记忆档案库构建实施5个方面归纳国外高校图书馆的治理举措。[结果/结论]国内高校图书馆可以从重视和参与虚假健康信息治理、构建协同治理虚假健康信息体系、创新虚假健康信息治理服务3个方面参与虚假健康信息治理。  相似文献   

选取42所"双一流"建设高校图书馆微信公众号作为研究对象,获取当前在线信息素养教育现状及存在问题,通过构建在线信息素养教育平台解决现有问题,以期为高校图书馆开展在线信息素养教育提供借鉴。利用网络爬虫软件(python)抓取42所"双一流"建设高校图书馆微信公众号推送信息,筛选出微课程(微视频、微图文)、直播讲座(自办讲座、引入讲座)方面的推送信息,对这些推送信息进行分析。高校图书馆应充分利用微信公众号开展在线信息素养教育,在保证在线信息素养教育内容和质量的前提下,加强在线信息素养教育队伍建设、构建在线信息素养教育平台、建设微信公众号推送信息品牌栏目、充分利用微信公众号服务功能提升推送信息利用率等。  相似文献   

阐述信息素养的概念及其在医学领域的发展,分析加强健康信息素养教育的必要性,通过分析国内外健康信息素养理论与实践研究的现状,结合当前我国公众健康素养以及健康信息素养研究存在的问题,指出E时代健康信息素养教育的服务理念和服务对象、内容及措施,提出要学习和借鉴美国等发达国家在健康信息素养教育和公共卫生管理方面的先进理念、经验教训,突破基本健康知识与技能的局限,将健康信息素养注入到公众健康素养干预的研究之中,积极探索提高全民健康素养的新思路和新方法,提高全民健康素养水平。   相似文献   

提升健康信息素养是提高乡村居民健康素养和健康状况的有效途径,而健康信息素养的提升需要图书馆等诸多的健康科普服务来实现。图书馆科普服务有着一定的法理和学理依据,健康服务是新时期图书馆科普服务发展的新领域。面对乡村振兴中所遇到的乡村居民健康信息获取途径多元化发展、健康信息的数字鸿沟愈发明显、健康信息服务的内在需求愈发强烈等特征,图书馆需要多维度推进健康信息普及服务,设立健康信息馆员团队,构建多方合作协作机制,进而提升图书馆面向乡村居民的健康科普服务效能及水平。  相似文献   

提高公众安全信息素养是信息时代的必然要求,文章基于用户视角分析了公共图书馆安全信息服务的内容,剖析了公共图书馆安全信息服务的关键要素,构建了公共图书馆安全信息服务模型,得出公共图书馆安全信息服务应以用户安全信息需求为中心,通过对安全信息资源的分析、提炼和整合为用户提供服务,用户通过对安全信息资源的反思、评价与反馈指导图书馆改善服务。  相似文献   

代妮 《编辑学报》2022,34(2):149-152
“互联网+”时代新媒体越来越多地成为公众和医学专业人士获取健康信息的主要来源,医学期刊在作为学术交流平台的同时也肩负着推动“互联网+精准健康科普”的社会责任。医学期刊投身健康科普,通过微信、微博、今日头条、抖音等新媒体传播平台,充分地实现医学专家和医学研究成果等学术资源的科普价值,更精准地做好健康知识普及工作,弥补大众媒体和自媒体学术性和科学性方面的不足,有助于满足公众对高质量健康知识传播的需求。同时,医学期刊坚持内容为王的理念,通过打磨专业化的原创内容,使用高可读性的表现方式,采取个性化和分众的信息推送方式,增强互动和人性化服务意识等策略,从而更好地满足公众和医务人员对健康信息的精准需求,有助于改善医患关系和医疗环境,在推动健康科普、提高全民健康素养、推进健康中国建设中发挥更积极的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this literature review was exploring how medical librarians are addressing health literacy barriers, with an emphasis on enhancing the patient care experience. This literature review contributes up-to-date information related to health literacy barriers, with a specific focus on medical librarianship and enhancing the patient care experience. Medical librarians can positively impact health literacy barriers. By partnering with other healthcare professionals, medical librarians are in a position to ensure health information can be understood, which will ultimately improve health literacy and enhance the patient care experience. Improving health literacy rates may improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.  相似文献   

Popular for engaging public interest in medical science while promoting health awareness, Mini-Med School (MMS) programs also afford important if largely unrealized opportunities to improve the health information literacy of attendees. With a growing population using the Internet to make health decisions, needed venues for improving Internet Consumer Health Information (CHI) literacy may be found in the MMS platform. Surveyed directors of MMS programs understand the need to include CHI, and successful programs at SUNY Stony Brook and elsewhere demonstrate the potential for collaboration with affiliated health sciences libraries to integrate CHI instruction into MMS curricula.  相似文献   

In Tennessee, several medical library outreach projects have involved collaborative work with health-care professionals, public librarians, consumers, faith-based organizations and community service agencies. The authors are medical librarians who worked as consultants, trainers and project directors to promote health literacy using PubMed medline and other health information resources in the several funding projects described here. We explain the programmes briefly, focusing on lessons learned and suggestions for those who follow us.  相似文献   

An efficient and economical health care system requires that patients and providers understand each other. For Latino patients, the challenges to effective communication include limited Spanish language ability of providers, limited English language ability of patients, lack of knowledge of the health system, and a generally low educational attainment resulting in general low literacy and numeracy abilities. Both literacy and public health research suggests that focusing on family systems and children is a good path to helping the entire Latino community to navigate better healthcare. This poster provides a selection of titles of readily available Spanish and bilingual (Spanish/English) children’s books that focus on health literacy as well as a series that addresses children’s health issues written for low literacy Spanish-speaking parents. The bibliography is organized into the following categories: Exercise, Healthy Habits, The Human Body, Hygiene, Nutrition, Parenting, and Understanding Difference. It is incumbent upon those in public service, including public libraries, the educational system, and literacy experts, as well as those in the medical professions to try and remedy this situation. Ideally, the titles for children should be read with parents or teachers. This bibliography should be useful for public librarians, school librarians, academic librarians collecting for education departments, literacy experts, and medical and health sciences librarians.  相似文献   

This study investigated 18 libraries in two public library systems in Oklahoma to find out how they are addressing health literacy and facilitating access to consumer health information; how library staff members view their roles and responsibilities relative to health information and health literacy; what challenges libraries face; and what strategies are being used. Staff members recognized several challenges to providing health information and to developing programs, including staff and patron difficulties with reference interviews, and patron lack of awareness of library resources. Staff members often had only a partial understanding of health literacy, and were unaware of system strategies to address health literacy or provision of health information.  相似文献   

Health information programming in public libraries: a content analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Health information programs, defined as library programs focusing on health-related topics, are an essential way for public libraries to reach out to their user communities, raising awareness of and interest in healthy lifestyle, promoting access to quality health information, and ultimately enhancing health literacy of the citizenry. This study presents a content analysis of the health information programs provided by a large urban public library system in the past year, seeking to strengthen the professional understanding of how public libraries can contribute to health literacy improvement through effective programming, and help other libraries gain insights on health information program planning and implementation.  相似文献   

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