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通过对陕西农村居民信息需求及农村信息服务现状的调研和关联分析,发现信息机构在服务内容的多样化及服务质量的精细化等方面不能满足农村居民需求;基层信息服务最受农村居民青睐,但发展受限;由于农村居民缺乏阅读习惯,农家书屋普遍遇冷。建议搭建综合信息平台,改变农技信息服务单一模式,完善基层信息服务机构的软硬件建设,以及对农家书屋进行特色化改造。  相似文献   

文章通过对农村居民结构特征与接触信息类型的分析,认为不同群体类型的农村居民对于不同传播媒介的信息所表现出的信息认知能力和信息行为有很大差异,并且阐述了以普通农民和青少年学生为主体的信息受众对大众传媒和农村专项信息服务系统的心理认知、需求状况、接受能力与利用习惯.  相似文献   

了解农村居民的信息需求是有效开展农村信息服务的基础。文章通过随机抽样和发放问卷的方式,辅以个别访谈的形式,在凉山彝族自治州布拖县进行了实地调查。对近两百名农村居民的信息需求进行了调查访问,在此基础上进行统计分析,研究样本对信息的需求状态,最后归纳总结出凉山彝族地区加快农村信息化建设发展的对策。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对安徽省六县农村居民文献信息需求进行调查,探究农村居民阅读行为及文献需求类型,以期为县级图书馆文献信息资源精准服务提供实证参考。[方法/过程]面向安徽省六县,采用问卷调查法,从阅读频率、信息获取途径与内容、本地图书馆(室)需求、文献信息需求类型4个维度,调查与分析安徽省六县农村居民的文献信息需求现状。[结果/结论]从优化实体馆藏、培养精准意识、加强宣传力度、完善数字服务4个方面提出精准服务措施,优化县级图书馆服务。  相似文献   

农村居民文化素质和信息素养的提升关系到我国"三农"问题的解决,高校图书馆作为文化的传播者和社会教育的实践者,理应承担起对农村居民进行教育和服务的责任与义务。通过对重庆市农村居民信息需求现状的调查、分析,提出高校图书馆服务农村居民的具体思路。  相似文献   

随着数字乡村建设的逐步推进,城乡之间信息传播的技术和设施差距在不断缩小,但信息能力的匮乏正成为阻碍农村居民发展的"新数字鸿沟"。基于行动者网络理论,分析农村居民信息能力发展的困境,并探索其能力提升的路径。通过观察与访谈发现,农村居民信息能力总体偏低,政府与农村居民缺少有效的互动策略、农村居民信息意识与信息技术行动路径失谐、通信企业与政府的利益联盟松散,以及乡村非体制精英与普通农村居民的社会网络脱节,是农村居民信息能力的主要发展困境。  相似文献   

选取安徽亳州Y村进行田野调查,通过记录Y村居民生活中所关注的农作物销售渠道、政府补贴、农民培训、农村财政奖补及低保金、农村楼房供需、农村医疗保险等内容,展示他们不同的信息需求和获取情况,折射出农村信息服务中实体信息服务机构功能缺失、农村信息供需不匹配、农村信息服务设施与农村居民间存在距离等问题,综合田野调查及问卷调查结果,对农村居民信息获取的种类、渠道、差异性进行分析。  相似文献   

针对目前陕南农村地区信息供给与农村居民信息需求之间不能实现有效对接的现状,从创新信息服务手段、改变信息资源配置方式、促进新媒体的应用以及细分各类对农信息服务机构的职能等方面提出了改善措施.  相似文献   

设计一套农村信息资源配置满意度测评指标体系,并构建一个农村居民信息资源配置满意度影响因素概念模型,基于调研数据,利用层次分析法(AHP)计算总体满意度,然后通过有序Probit模型分析农村居民信息资源配置满意度影响因素。研究表明,农村居民的文化程度、收入状况、信息利用行为、地区信息资源配置状况对农村信息用户的信息资源配置满意度均有显著影响,在此基础上提出几点提高农村信息资源配置满意度的对策。  相似文献   

数字环境下,农村居民在信息资源占有、信息获取能力等方面处于弱势,高校图书馆在信息、人才等方面具有相当的优势。利用这些优势,结合数字环境下的信息援助特点和农村居民的信息现状,采取信息内容援助、导读、信息技能培训等多种方式对农村居民进行信息援助是高校图书馆的社会责任。  相似文献   

农民社会网络及其对信息交流的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会网络是农民交流和获取信息的主要渠道,也对农民的信息交流和获取有深刻的影响。通过问卷调查660位农民的社会网络及其对不同涉农信息的传播发现,基于讨论关系的农民社会网络表现出强连带、高趋同性、低异质性的特点;这种网络特征使农民与外界的信息交流受到局限;受教育水平和收入水平的差别经由社会网络转化成信息交流的差别与分化。由此看来,农民的社会网络虽然是交流信息的主要渠道,但其改变农民所处的信息格局的能力十分微弱,而且有可能加剧农民与其他人群以及不同教育水平和收入水平的农民之间的信息分化。  相似文献   

This paper provides an analytical overview of related literature published during the past decade on rural population's information needs and acquisition in China, with a view to informing the world research community and policy makers of what has been found about the information needs of the world's largest rural population and to promoting dialogue between interested researchers within and outside China. Results from related studies are summarized; major methodological features of these studies are noted; practical and theoretical implications of major findings are critically analyzed. Although the results from related studies are not directly comparable due to their differences in research methods and contexts, it is nevertheless possible to draw some common conclusions regarding the rural population's information needs and information source preferences. Related research has overwhelmingly showed that rural residents have an extensive range of information needs, with agricultural technological information, market information, income generation information and policy information being the most needed; and that they rely very much on interpersonal relationships for acquiring both general information and information for agriculture production. The primary objectives of most studies are pragmatic rather than theoretical.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analytical overview of related literature published during the past decade on rural population's information needs and acquisition in China, with a view to informing the world research community and policy makers of what has been found about the information needs of the world's largest rural population and to promoting dialogue between interested researchers within and outside China. Results from related studies are summarized; major methodological features of these studies are noted; practical and theoretical implications of major findings are critically analyzed. Although the results from related studies are not directly comparable due to their differences in research methods and contexts, it is nevertheless possible to draw some common conclusions regarding the rural population's information needs and information source preferences. Related research has overwhelmingly showed that rural residents have an extensive range of information needs, with agricultural technological information, market information, income generation information and policy information being the most needed; and that they rely very much on interpersonal relationships for acquiring both general information and information for agriculture production. The primary objectives of most studies are pragmatic rather than theoretical.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探索突发公共卫生事件中农村中老年人向正在接受高等教育的子辈寻求事件相关信息的代际反哺行为及其形成过程,以期为农村地区的风险信息的传播构建新路径,同时亦为政府部门进行乡村治理提供可实践的思路。[方法/过程] 基于动机信息管理理论,重点关注突发公共卫生事件中农村中老年人的不确定性差异、焦虑、结果预期和效能是否会影响他们的信息寻求行为。同时,在获得相关信息后,他们是否会表现出信息采纳和信息传递的行为。在新冠肺炎疫情发生期间,利用问卷调查法收集数据,通过统计分析软件进行研究假设的验证。[结果/结论] 通过分析发现,不确定性差异会引起农村中老年人的焦虑,进而影响其结果预期和效能,最后触发他们的信息寻求行为。他们亦会采纳和传递所获取的信息,以达到共同防疫的目的。  相似文献   


The role information plays in socio-economic development can not be over-emphasized. People need different types of information in their day-to-day life and their information seeking behaviour also differs from person to person. In India, 70 percent of the population lives in rural areas. The access the rural population has to information sources is very limited. Libraries, in addition to other sources, form a major source of information. However, the libraries in rural areas, as observed from earlier studies, are traditional in nature and not well equipped to effectively cater to the information needs of the rural people. Non-existence of library legislation in various states of India is one of the factors which adversely affected the development of a library system. This present study examines the status of rural libraries in four states of India, the information needs of the people in the study area, and their information seeking behaviour. The study also examines the role of the latest IT techniques in improving the present status of rural libraries.

This study concludes that the libraries existing presently in rural areas are in a poor state of affairs. Lack of adequate resources, financial and human, is identified as the major reason for the present status of rural libraries. As far as information needs, a majority of respondents look for information relating to development schemes, employment opportunities, education, health, etc. Mass media including newspaper, TV, and radio are the major sources of information, followed by relatives/friends, and government officials. This study suggests the transformation of existing libraries or establishing a new set up of dynamic information centres with the help of the latest IT to effectively cater to the information needs of the rural people.  相似文献   

This arlicle describes the general situation of information services in rural public libraries in the context of the changing nature of rural America. The limitations and barriers faced by rural libraries and residents in obtaining the information they need and want are examined. Examples are presented of libraries which are taking advantage of new information technology and developing new concepts of networking to provide information services to rural residents. The work of these libraries also illustrates factors leading to successful provision of reference services in rural public libraries.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of using community radio stations to extend information and communication technology (ICT) benefits to poor communities in South Africa. Six community radio stations in six rural South African communities were studied, using face-to-face interviews, community conversations, and observation method. The study found these radio stations have ICT presence, but because of a lack of resources they are only able to allow their stakeholder communities' indirect access to these technologies. It concludes that for these stations to realize their full development potential of extending ICTs to poor rural communities in South Africa, collaborative innovative strategies will have to be instituted.  相似文献   

The North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Library and Information Services (NC AHEC LIS) Network provides library outreach services to rural health care providers in all nine AHEC regions of North Carolina. Over the last twenty-five years, the AHEC and university-based librarians have collaborated to create a model program for support of community-based clinical education and information access for rural health care providers. Through several collaborative projects, they have supported Internet access for rural health clinics. The NC AHEC Digital Library—under development by NC AHEC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, East Carolina University, and Wake Forest University—will further extend access to electronic biomedical information and resources to health professionals in a statewide digital library.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息时代,农民阅读需求的不断提升,对农家书屋的建设和发展也提出挑战。构建农家书屋信息化阅读内容,丰富阅读资源,提升阅读质量,满足阅读需求,保证可持续发展,从而拯救阅读危机,助推全民阅读。[方法/过程]基于对农家书屋建设与发展情况的调研与综合分析,发现目前农家书屋运行中存在设备不达标、管理员大多为兼职、经费投入不足等问题,提出农家书屋信息化建设在信息中心配置、资源购进渠道、内容评估机制和交互平台建设等方面的构建模式。[结果/结论]在农家书屋信息化的升级与建设中,必须建立信息化内容构建的长效发展机制,保障资金投入,坚持资源更新与共享,建立多元合作模式,突显地域特色资源等。为农民提供丰富适用的阅读内容和优质的阅读服务,是推动农家书屋不断前行的关键。  相似文献   

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